The Frogs Have More Fun...


"All the names I know from nurse:
Gardener's garters, Shepherd's purse,
Bachelor's buttons, Lady's smock,
And the Lady Hollyhock.

Fairy places, Fairy things,
Fairy woods where the wild bee wings,
Tiny trees for tiny dames.
- These must all be Fairy names !"

(from Child's Garden of Verses
by R.L. Stevenson)

"Anyone can write a short-story.
A bad one, I mean."

(R.L. Stevenson)

"Science without conscience is the Soul's perdition."
- Francois Rabelais, Pantagruel
- Acc to/above is citated from: Medical Apartheid. The dark history of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present, by Harriet A. Washington (Doubleday ; 2006 ; p. 1.)

"In the high society of the first half of the century, marriage, despite it's bestowal status upon the wife, was the most absurdity. Marriage, conferring instanteous rank or money, ... lost most of its prestige and moment right after the wedding. ...By the end of the century, spurred by Rousseau's moralistic Nouvelle Hèloíse, a contrary cult, that of virtue, arose. After 1770 conjugal and maternal love became not merely admissible, but, for some, moral imperatives. ...

...Rousseau, who sought for himself the crown of morality in ostensibly defending marriage, presents in his Nouvelle Hèloíse the most enticing and extended defense of illicit love ever penned. The root of the problem is that as the century progressed sensibility became confused with morality: passionate feeling, if expressed in a highly civilized mode with grace and nuance, makes us forgive the Rousseau of The Confessions, for example, his pettiness, his jealousies, his betrayals. This moral-amoral byplay, present already in the novels of Richardson, was to be more intense as the century unfolded."
Madelyn Gutwirth : Madame De Staèl, Novelist. The emergence of the Artist as Woman (10,15.)

"...As the social contract seems tame in comparison with war, so fucking and sucking come to seem merely nice, and therefore unexciting. ... To be 'nice', as to be civilized, means being alienated from this savage experience - which is entirely staged. [...] The rituals of domination and enslavement being more and more practiced, the art that is more and more devoted to rendering their themes, are perhaps only a logical extension of an affluent society's tendency to turn every part of people's lives into a taste, a choice; to invite them to regard their very lives as a (life) style." - Susan Sontag , on 'Fascinating Fascism' (-74; p 103;104-5 at Under the sign of Saturn)
; "Anyone who cannot give an account to oneself of the past three thousand years remains in darkness, without experience, living from day to day." (Goethe) - as cited by Sontag (on same compile; p. 137.)

"It is widely accepted that we are now living in the 'Anthropocene', a new geological epoch in which the Earth's ecosystems and climate are being fundamentally altered by the activities of humans. I loathe the term, but I can't deny that it's appropriate."
; (Goulson), Silent Earth : Averting the Insect Apocalypse (2021; p 47.)
"It is sometimes said that humanity is at war with nature, but the word 'war' implies a two-way conflict. Our chemical onslaught on nature is more akin to genocide. It is small wonder that our wildlife is in decline."
; (Goulson, 2021 ; 118.)
"If we believe absurdities, we shall commit atrocities." (Voltaire)
- Citated from; (Joy, Melanie), Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs and Wear Cows : An Introduction to Carnism(2010; p. 95.)

"In the presence of the monster, you have eyes and ears for nothing else."
; (Flora Tristan) : London Journal of Flora Tristan: the Aristocracy and the Working Class of England ; 1842-edit. (tr: 1982. ; p. 71.)

"Every minority invokes justice, and justice is liberty.
A party can be judged of only by the doctrine which
it professes when it is the strongest."
Mdme de Staêl
(on) 'Consideration sur le Révolution de la Francaise' [1818]


Intermission (V.) / The 'prehistoric' remnant of the latest icy periods

...So, this time for little step-aside stories, we can devote few words for an animal belonging to 'less charismatic of prehistorical faunas' (not meaning to underrate it purposefully, only that such species more easily seem to fall off from most usual of focus). It's generally relatively common animal, apparently, but, also interesting from belonging to so called 'glacial relics'. Therefore, in addition to our earlier prehistoric example, Mammuthus, we now have on this actual remnant from the ice-age periods. That definition used, a glacial relic, apparently means it (if not been too much misinformed of this, Sicista betulina, also known as the Northern Birch Mouse) being a species that is known being adapted for colder environment and believed spread on it's current ranges at western Europes only after/following the withdrawal of ice sheets at the Northern Eurasian continent.

On the same basis, as it seems appearing still relatively common, seems the logical to assume not any mass cull took place on this species in the distant pasts, with the most certainty. Whether it may some earlier time have appeared more abundant feels little more difficult to estimate (by us). That so, fx because species small size makes the exact counts from its current populations level seem only known approximately. Even with more difficult basis is to assume (without any particular knowledge), which may have been the supposed timing of Birch Mouse habitat shifting for its current ranges. Apparently it now has wide, if little patched populations over the Northern- and partly of Middle Europes, and more continuous range throughout the Northern Asia (Siberia). On the European Atlantic's (coastal) side it seems scarcer of appearance, or, more with limited range (Probably years of excavations may have brought something of this past range for the surface; Whether that range generally is merely resulted from the later occasional climatic shifts, or from some other unmentioned later changes can be speculated by anyone...). This species is mentioned tolerating wide variety of habitats, including fx meadows, but also appears along some other watery areas, on riversides and marsh-lands. It also hibernates over winter period.

But, being such a 'relic' it seems also mentioned as a good indicator from the general ecological health of some of the above mentioned environments. And a real survivor of past days of course, apparently it used to roam there along with the Cave-bears, Woolly Rhinos and Saber-tooths (...Almost; Let's say, that at least some ancestral like it was there around same periods of time.) Actually, on this basis, would also make a good example at our series from the endangered, even that it's not probably listed among particularly vulnerable.


From the Land of the Few...It now (also) seems rather well confirmed that our numerous efforts haven't much turned his highness mind, neither affected for those tactics of boredom, depression and grotesque. Even that if I would have ever have supposed so... But from the same reason, the following aspects discussed at this chapter will then probably focus merely on the ethical questions and other things of humane importance, that, inevitably raise aforth from these MSW-problematics. Well aware that mentioned topics addressed appear only slightly as much inspiring than most other stuff discussed on precedent writings (From the basis of pure curiosity for various aspects and general interest...) But, nevertheless, on the same basis we're not excluding love, truth and honesty in the future either – only that lies, intrigue and alternated 'truths' probably appear more expectable to surface from any of that... (W-G.)


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