(Veggie) Pot on, Gas on low
As for an inspiring alternate receipts and also for some brief pause in-between our otherways pretty 'heavy' matter-of-fact writings, we now present some cooking advices. These receipts are mainly veggie foods; easy to prepare as soups and salads. Not solely for vegetarians and they can serve as main dishes (for lunch especially) but since its December we suggest these also as some additionals servings in the main (X-mas) menu.
Also, knowing that fx Livestock, Environment and Development Initiative (LEAD) has identified the livestock sector (= rancheries devoted to meat production, cattles maintenance and other such participants in the meat-chain, mostly) responsible for 18 per cent of global GHS-emissions (percentuages acc. to IFPRI-report Impact of Climate Change and Bioenergy on Nutrition(2007), measured in CO2-equivalent. The actual numbers may vary in reports and statistics but also other reports usually show meat markets responsible for something like 10-20 per cent from combined GHS-total.). So it would be not at all a bad idea to consider these (hopefully less common) veggie-pot cookings and mixed meals as compared to much beef-oriented diet. Besides, these are lot healthier.
Receipts are here presented in pics (along with other pics), they're not containing very many ingredients, but one can always use some imagination in preparation...
Beetroot Soup
(for 2 personnel)
This one's sometimes dismissed in synonymity of bortsch, but it's really based on Polish soup (I guess they call it barszcz...), though the original version may differ greatly from our own home-made soup...One can also use other vegetables in it, but the actual taste is best when made purely from beetroot, I think. Parsley as additional spicey goes fine with it.
Peel and slice the beetroot, then grate them (to thin slices), next slightly few minutes fry slices in pan with butter (add sugar).
Use spices in amount according to taste. The suitable amount of black pepper is important for taste. Then pour along broth and let cook for 10 to 15 Minutes.
(Green) Lense-Pot
(This is best perhaps as served with an accompanying food - as an additional extra for fish or chicken. But can be offered as main meal, too.)
First let the (dry) lenses lay in cold water (in fridge fx) for couple hours.
Then add in the pot a little olive oil. Cook pepper and/or onion in it. Next strain the water away from lenses and pour them to the pot.
Shortly after pour broth in the pot (+ add garlics in) and let cook in slow heat for about 20 minutes. Lastly add spices for few minutes to mix within and then just in before serving slice tomatoes in small pieces along with the lenses. Ready to serve as hot/or let cool first.
Green Beans Salad
First cook the green beans and maize (or use ready-made and defrost them). Leave them aside after draining the water off.
Slice onion and (if prefer to use) eggs for suitable pieces. Then take a bowl and add all these ingredients(+ olives) to it.
With a small bottle fx, shake (crushed) spices mixing them with olive oil. Then pour over salad and serve the resulting straight or keep some half an hour to coollen in refrigerator first.
200-400 g green beans
200 g maize grains
1/2 dl olive oil
4-8 olives (halved)
1/2 red onion
(1-2 eggs; if wish)
green and black pepper
(1-2 cherry tomato)
Since we don't here offer any whole table sitting, the cook (of the house) is free to mix these experimental servings with other foods, if prefered. Also, these can be prepared in no time, with minimal effort to be served with (well, perhaps not bean-salad...) the most typical Christmas foods.
Also, because these don't contain any meat, chicken (excluding the eggs one can use in salad) or fish they can be easily added in part of the 'purely veggie' meal. For starters is preferable, but I suppose, solely vegetarian diet should also contain little larger portions in total. Anyone in favor of vegetarian diet can also of course select used ingredients according to tastes (we don't recommend stricktly veggie diet, but don't see that as any problem either). Some researches have noticed certain amounts of protein-rich meat in diet necessary for human evolution in needs of increasements in brain-capacity. Since it appears obvious that considering the planets current state, any further 'evolution' and such increasages would be of harmful kind, not beneficial ...besides, considering this from any reasonable point-of-view, no adult necessary needs to eat meat. However, for the children and growing ups we think certain amount of meat loaf recommendable (And it also has to be mentioned: your kids propably won't appreciate these meals very much...)
Happy X-Mas !