The Frogs Have More Fun...


"All the names I know from nurse:
Gardener's garters, Shepherd's purse,
Bachelor's buttons, Lady's smock,
And the Lady Hollyhock.

Fairy places, Fairy things,
Fairy woods where the wild bee wings,
Tiny trees for tiny dames.
- These must all be Fairy names !"

(from Child's Garden of Verses
by R.L. Stevenson)

"Anyone can write a short-story.
A bad one, I mean."

(R.L. Stevenson)

"Science without conscience is the Soul's perdition."
- Francois Rabelais, Pantagruel
- Acc to/above is citated from: Medical Apartheid. The dark history of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present, by Harriet A. Washington (Doubleday ; 2006 ; p. 1.)

"In the high society of the first half of the century, marriage, despite it's bestowal status upon the wife, was the most absurdity. Marriage, conferring instanteous rank or money, ... lost most of its prestige and moment right after the wedding. ...By the end of the century, spurred by Rousseau's moralistic Nouvelle Hèloíse, a contrary cult, that of virtue, arose. After 1770 conjugal and maternal love became not merely admissible, but, for some, moral imperatives. ...

...Rousseau, who sought for himself the crown of morality in ostensibly defending marriage, presents in his Nouvelle Hèloíse the most enticing and extended defense of illicit love ever penned. The root of the problem is that as the century progressed sensibility became confused with morality: passionate feeling, if expressed in a highly civilized mode with grace and nuance, makes us forgive the Rousseau of The Confessions, for example, his pettiness, his jealousies, his betrayals. This moral-amoral byplay, present already in the novels of Richardson, was to be more intense as the century unfolded."
Madelyn Gutwirth : Madame De Staèl, Novelist. The emergence of the Artist as Woman (10,15.)

"...As the social contract seems tame in comparison with war, so fucking and sucking come to seem merely nice, and therefore unexciting. ... To be 'nice', as to be civilized, means being alienated from this savage experience - which is entirely staged. [...] The rituals of domination and enslavement being more and more practiced, the art that is more and more devoted to rendering their themes, are perhaps only a logical extension of an affluent society's tendency to turn every part of people's lives into a taste, a choice; to invite them to regard their very lives as a (life) style." - Susan Sontag , on 'Fascinating Fascism' (-74; p 103;104-5 at Under the sign of Saturn)
; "Anyone who cannot give an account to oneself of the past three thousand years remains in darkness, without experience, living from day to day." (Goethe) - as cited by Sontag (on same compile; p. 137.)

"It is widely accepted that we are now living in the 'Anthropocene', a new geological epoch in which the Earth's ecosystems and climate are being fundamentally altered by the activities of humans. I loathe the term, but I can't deny that it's appropriate."
; (Goulson), Silent Earth : Averting the Insect Apocalypse (2021; p 47.)
"It is sometimes said that humanity is at war with nature, but the word 'war' implies a two-way conflict. Our chemical onslaught on nature is more akin to genocide. It is small wonder that our wildlife is in decline."
; (Goulson, 2021 ; 118.)
"If we believe absurdities, we shall commit atrocities." (Voltaire)
- Citated from; (Joy, Melanie), Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs and Wear Cows : An Introduction to Carnism(2010; p. 95.)

"In the presence of the monster, you have eyes and ears for nothing else."
; (Flora Tristan) : London Journal of Flora Tristan: the Aristocracy and the Working Class of England ; 1842-edit. (tr: 1982. ; p. 71.)

"Every minority invokes justice, and justice is liberty.
A party can be judged of only by the doctrine which
it professes when it is the strongest."
Mdme de Staêl
(on) 'Consideration sur le Révolution de la Francaise' [1818]


Abbreviative terminology on sustainable production and environmental concerns

As we are of knowledge, along with other things, a need for a list of terms on climate change and sustainable consumption/production topics - and now (since 23.05.09 ->) also includes some terms relating to animal species in need of protection), we have decided to start such. The Abbreviations are collected from various sources, much of result from criss-crossing on our paths in search for the...truth on these things. Mostly them are from the web-articles, reviews on environmental products, product packages, Wikipedia, etc. The list is aimed to serve as supplementary companion and easy dictionary for shortened terms (Like UN= United Nations). It will be fulfilled from time to time, not in any ordered manner, mostly occasionally when feeling like some term might be suitable.

Need for such terminology is actual as there´s continuosly increasing creation of all kinds of systems for fx (environmental) production and environment protection organization/committees. Sometimes these terms are explained on fx. Product reports and in reviews, sometimes not.

There may be and propably is similar lists available elsewhere on web, but that doesn´t matter, instead this list can be used in companion or as alternative for some other(s). Ultimately all such could possibly be most useful if combined under certain headliner like Wikipedia companion and/or some bookmarking entry. For our purposes, the list is created within this blog, although, we understand that an external web-page would perhaps best serve its uses. So far, this will do.

[Notice: Some terms are included with larger alphabets, being (in our opinion) of uttermost important these days, common on discussions or, if we think so, propably becoming increasingly common in time. Thats just for the informative reasons. Any proposed additions or corrections for the terms are warmly welcomed, though I must add that we are not aiming to make most definitive descriptions from any of them here. The terms are included with as brief explanatory sentences as possible. Differing terms with similar abbreviative shortened form are propably separated with coloring. Overally, list should be of use for a quick glance on abbreviation in question.]

Abbreviations and Descriptions:

ACD= Adaptive Collaboravite Management. Participatory approach that links forest stakeholders, empowers local communities and their subgroups, and strenghtens adaptive capacities.

AFP= African Parks Foundation. Transnational conservation organization. A 'Public-Private hybrid', based in Netherlands. (Other acronyms?)

AIAI= See -> EIA

APO= Asian Productivity Organization

AWF= African Wildlife Foundation. Conservation organization focused on mentioned continent. US-based/funded. Established on 1961.

BSCI= Business Social Compliance Initiative. An European common social management system to improve working conditions in supply chains worldwide. BSCI has the Code of Conduct based on fx ILO(International Labour Organization) regulations for protecting workers rights and (ao) prohibition of child labour. ..."The members are requested to adopt and disseminate the BSCI Code of Conduct both internally and in their supply chain to inform employees and suppliers about the company’s dedication to social compliance and the BSCI development approach." Principally, BSCIs standards aren't as strickt as in some labelling systems created for sustainable production, but are developed intended to suit for circumstances and needs of the companies(especially clothing industry) in the developing world.

BEV=Battery Electric Vehicle(s)

BFR= Brominated flame retardants. Major type of chemical flame retardants, often used (ao) to prevent electronics, clothes and furniture from catching fire. One of the main targets of ROHS directive (though these don't strickly said belong among its prohibited containments, (I suppose) is the production of BFR-free products, as these BFR-chemicals are (ao pollutant containts) found to be enviromental hazardous and also possibly could have harmful effects on animals and humans.

CBD= Convention on Biological Diversity. An international agreement (of that).

CCS=Carbon Capture and Sequestriation. A method for reducing and capturing emissions from coal-burning for energy (The problem is (ao) the safe storaging place for the segregated polluting gases.)

CDM= Clean Development Mechanism. (In brief, simplified: An arrangement under Kyoto protocol to improve invests on projects that reduce GHS-emissions.)

CEP= "A report that includes the analysis of the country's environmental situation, current policies, institutional capacities and environmental co-operation experience with clear recommendations for the integration of the environment during CSP preparation." (As defined in EC Development Cooperation". See also: -> REP

CFB= Community Forestry Bill. Created to increase the community participation in sustainable management and utilization of natural resources in Thailand (finally in use after years of negotiations on it, and soon after critizised from certain aspects). The CF Bill makes clear that a legal community forest is one that is located outside of a protected area and that any CF (Community Forestry) organizations must be properly registered with the Royal Forest Department.

CFC=Chlorofluorocarbons. Earlier used fx in refrigerators, etc, more commonly known as freon(s). These were prohibited in use, because having been noticed to cause significant ozone depletion, resulting for and increasing the commonly known Arctic's (more significant) and Antarctic continents ozone holes. So CFCs have been replaced mostly with HFCs.

CIFOR= Center for International Forestry Research.

CITES= Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. Cites is based on an international agreement, with the aim to ensure that international trade in specimens of wild animals and plants does not threaten their survival. To ensure that, species included in Cites are kept in three Appendices, according to the degree of protection they need.

CMS= Convention on Migratory Species (/The Convention on Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals). An intergovernmental treaty (supervised?) by (See ->) UNEP

CSP= Concentrated Solar Power. A system of concentrating sunlight with lenses or mirrors to focus on concentrated small beam. The energy generated is then used as heat source, fx.

CSR=Corporate Social Responsibility, the guideline criteria the companies are to set for themselves to fulfill environmental standers, however all these are voluntarily.

EDGE=Evolutionary Distinct and Globally Endangered. An animal protection and conservation program developed by Zoological Society of London(ZSL), EDGE like the name says focuses especially on threatened species that are unique from the evolutionary basis. Goals intended include raising awareness from these (sometimes unprotected) species, identifying sometimes less known ones and developing strategies for their conservation.

EFTA= European Fair Trade Association. Organization of European Fair Trade importers (see also WFTO).

(EFTA= European Free Trade Association, established 1960.)

EIA=Environmental Impact Assessment. Means briefly an assessment of the possible impact (negative or positive) a project may have on environment considering natural, social and economic aspects. In addition to International Association for Impact Assesments (AIAI) definition, several countries have defined their own criteria for the term, often based on laws/concervation acts.

EPEAT= Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool. Ranking of the green attributes of computer equipment. Based on criteria such as the device's power management capabilities, the amount of hazardous material it contains, the amount of recyclable materials used and how easily it can be disassembled when reaches end of life. Bronze, Silver and Gold ratings for certain percentage of optional criteria. Criteria was mainly in use on U.S markets, as on other areas there may similar systems with differing names.

ESI= Endangered Species International

(P)EV= (Pure) Electric Vehicle. (Automobile) using electricity engine as main force.

FCCC= (United Nations) Framework Convention on Climate Change. UN international treaty produced in 1992 UN conference on Environment and Development (UNCD); (convention itself set no regulations on greenhouse gases, limits on those were later signed and are better known as Kyoto Protocol); also means the UN secretariat supporting the operation of convention. Also known as/used naming UNFCCC.

FCPF=Forest Carbon Partnership Facility.

FER= Foundation for Environmental Research. FER is a (US?) non-profit organization dedicated to understanding and improving the Earth’s environment. To support this it has various activities, fx (environmental) research funding.

FERN= Forests and the European Union Resource Network. International NGO (Non-government organization) that keeps track on forest activities at the European level. The scope of this also includes decisions and (climatic) issues that can have direct impact on forests and forests peoples' rights. Established 1991.

FLEGT= Forest Law, Enforcement, Governance and Trade

FIP= Forest Investment Program.

FSC= Forest Stewardship Council is an international non-profit, multi-stakeholder organization established in 1993 to promote responsible management of the world’s forests. Its main tools for achieving this are standard setting, independent certification and labeling of forest products.

FLO=Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International. A well-known non-profit Fair Trade organization. It's tasks include standard setting and operating as certification organization for labeled fair trade products. It unites some 20 labeling initiatives from 21 countries to a combined producer networks. Products carry the renown Fairtrade Certification Mark to guarantee the consumer that original producers in developing countries get better share of the market.

FOEI= Friends of the Earth International. One of the largest grassroot environmental networks in the world. Established 1969 in US, primary pursues focused are on environmental (and human rights) questions. Consists of groups representing each country that coordinate their own efforts and campaigns by themselves.

GFC= Global Forest Coalition, a coalition created by 19 groups in 2000. Consists from NGO's and indigenous peoples' organizations engaged in global policy debate related to forests. Main targets fx to advocate forests dependant-peoples rights.

GHS= Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals. Producers are requested to stipulate the hazard level of a chemical substance clearly using the GHS-specified label. Still a developing system (at most).

GHS= Greenhouse Gas Emissions

GMO= Genetically Modified Organics. Simply food produced or elevated by genetic engineering (GE).

GP= Green Productivity. Strategy for enhancing productivity and protecting the environment. Concept definition by Asian Productivity Organization(APO) for enabling sustainable development on Asia-Pacific region.

GPN= Green Purchasing Network

GSE= General Specification for the Environment, mainly a HP-brands own test conditioned from third party manufacturers produced parts.

HFC=Hydrofluorocarbons, gases used in substitutes for CFCs nowadays (recently, at least?) because these don't cause ozone depletion. However, these do result greenhouse effect, causing global warming even more than carbon dioxides. Therefore, the use of HFCs is also being reduced.

HFCV=Hydro-Electric Vehicle(s)

ICI= International Cocoa Initiative. Regulation and supervision system created for chocolate production (by trading companies internationally), based on protocol created in 2001. Basic aim (as stated in website); “to oversee and sustain efforts to eliminate the worst forms of child labour and forced labour in the growing and processing of cocoa beans and their derivative products.”. The system was still slow to take place in use currently (in 2009), but website states that several (24) pilot projects in communities at Ghana were launched couple years ago. The main intention being to offer best-practise approach, that in time can be adopted by communities in cocoa-producing countries.

ICRI= International Coral Reef Initiative. Co-operative organization founded by UN, various environmental organizations and countries (at least Australia, Philippines, France, Japan, Jamaica, Sweden, USA) for the protection and environmental education about coral reefs.

IDP= Internally Displaced Persons. Practically means refugees that remain within country's geological borders. (IDPs often a result from armed conflicts and generalized violence UN's definition emphasizes on displaced people being forced to flee from their homes/habitual residence. But, since there's not a strickt definition, more generally the term is perhaps used also for internal refugee's from natural disasters as well.)

IEA= International Energy Agency


IFPRI= International Food Policy Institute. Funded by CGIAR (Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research) , on basis of support from foundations, international organisations, etc.

IMO= Institute for Marketecology. One of the most from renowned agencies for certification of eco-friendly products. Has fx. the GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard)-labeling for organically produced textiles.

IPCC= Intergovernmental panel on Climate Change

IUCN= International Union for the Conservation of Nature

LMMA= Locally Managed Marine Area

MAC= Marginal Abatement Cost. ...So called 'McKinsey Curve', which has 'risen to prominence on REDD+ spheres' and appears influential 'in setting the debate for International carbon reduction regines'; (Term viewed from definition acc. the Greenpeace-report Bad Influence; How McKinsey inspired plans lead to rainforest destruction)

MEA= Multinational Environmental Agreement

MIPS= Material Input per Service Unit. A unit for quantifying devices / human / etc eco-efficiency. Lower the number of MIPS, the better for environment. Can be applied for fx metering the sustainability of production.

MPA= Marine Protected Area(s).

MSC= Marine Stewardship Council. Has created a global environmental standard for sustainable and well-managed fisheries. MSC was founded by World Wide Fund for Nature and Unilever (but has been independent since 1999). The blue MSC eco label given to products should guarantee that a company in question operates environmentally responsible way.

NEAP= National Environment Protection Plan

NEWS!= Network of European World Shops. Has about 2700 world shops around the continent, which sell Fair Trade products.

NGO= Non-governmental organisation.

NSSD= National Strategy for Sustainable Development -> Also: NSESD (National Strategy for Ecologically Sustainable Development)

NTFP= Non Timber Forest Products

PHEV= Plug-in Hybrid Vehicle. Fx combination of electric and other form of engine, most apparently. Also see -> (P)EV

PRTR= Pollutant Release and Transfer Register

PV= (Solar) Photovoltaics. Converting sunlight directly to electricity.

RAN= Rainforest Action Network. An organization based 1985 in San Francisco.

REDD= Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation. UN-REDD program aims to promote kind of 'carbon credits'-system to support sustainable forestry practices, where (developing) countries can gain actual financial benefit from protecting and preserving their remaining (rain)forests. The "...aim is to generate the requisite transfer flow of resources to significantly reduce global emissions from deforestation and forest degradation.", and: "...challenge was to establish a functioning international REDD finance mechanism that can be included in an agreed post-2012 global climate change framework." At least in some developing countries this was in effency/development recently. Criticised in some instances as well, fx from the REDD(money) being limited to certain groups/projects in benefiting countries. Also, a statement for UN climate talks at Bonn signed by large number of activist groups raises concern on that "...Any form of carbon offsetting, including CDM afforestation/reforestation and REDD offset projects will only increase the ecological footprint and carbon debt of developed countries and must thus be avoided." ; And also, they notice: "...Climate change mitigation and sustainable forest management must be based on different mindsets with full respect for Nature, and not on carbon offset mechanisms." and soforth(acc. to them), "...developed countries should provide sufficient financial and technological support to enable developing countries to halt the destruction of forests and other ecosystems."

REP= Regional Environmental Profile. "...focuses on environmental issues common to a group of neighbouring countries (including transboundary issues) such as sharing the management of ecosystems, which can be more effectively addressed at the regional level.". See also -> CEP

RoHS= Removal of Hazardous Substances, removal of the chemicals that companies should get rid of and have substituted for the safer alternatives (if this has taken into practise and how universally propably varies a little more, but the EU legislation fx is from 2006.) Anyway, products that fill the criteria therefore should use this marking on sales packets. ROHS-directive prohibits the use of six specific substances; lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (as these are "extremely hazardous" for environment and therefore "not to be used as they are difficult to handle" - by environment I interpret that...)

RRI= The Rights and Resources Initiative is a coalition of international, regional and community organizations engaged in conservation, research and development.

RSPO=Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil

SCF= Strategic Climate Fund

SEA= Strategic Environmental Assessment

SFM= Sustainable forest management

SIA= Strategic Impact Assessment. (Not to be confused for Social Impact Assessment)

TEK= Traditional Ecological Knowledge

TOQ= Toxic Equivalent

VOC= Volatile Organic Compounds. There´s not generally uniform policy on definitions for this term, for more information see Wikipedia entry on VOC.

UNFCCC= United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

UNEP= United Nations Environment Programme

WAZA= World Association of Zoos and Aquariums. An association/organisation to join worlds zoo and aquarium communities. Principal aim to support the individual zoos, aquariums and similar in animal care and welfare, as well as in the conservation and other sustainable/environmental efforts.

WCS= Wildlife Conservation Society. Among the oldest conservation societies in the U.S. Originally New York Zoological Society (name was changed 1993)

WDCS= Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society. A charity organization dedicated for whales, dolphins (Cetacean overall) protection. Established 1987.

WEEE= Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment. Any waste consisting of broken electronics or unwanted electronic/electrical device. EU directive on WEEE holds manufacturers responsible for e-waste disposal at products end-of-life. According to WEEE directive (2002/96/EC) responsibility for the disposal of waste electrical and electronic equipment should be on the manufacturer of such equipment. There's similar directives on Asia and also on US the bill on such was recently on preparation (or even yet fulfilled).

WFTO= World Fair Trade Organization. International co-operative Fair Trade organization (earlier known as IFAT)



Train train, all though the night...candidates ready ´an willing on freight rails on their way to white house? We were supposed not to give any further comments...and can resist the temptation and decline from any comments. If wish to take the burden and watch the race, see Paris Hilton campaign videos...A quick (beeping) sound effect polls-counter (Bojoing!) tells us that the candidates are (now) even. Exiting times...

If we took one tenth of the state of New Mexico and converted it into algae production we could meet all the energy demands for the entire United States. - Thats pretty statement, but does it have any possibilities to be realized in close future? If one is to reason on grounds of opinion by our news-source, yes most hopefully (consider also, if the New Mexicans would like that scenario to happen) By the way, same source mentions (elsewhere) that "European trains are the real deal." We cannot but agree, happy trains to all travelers...this day could be re-christened the train day...all the same...lets forward...If one trusts on researchers opinions (from algae labs) we find something as shaking as: "...oil companies are in fact afraid that our labs would soon enough put them out of business". Yes...looks like its a 2nd generation biofuel and Algae could possibly be more applicable compared to some other alternatives as that particular vegetation is actually the primary origin of what was to turn into oil pockets while cooking under surface during the hundreds of thousands of years ...and so I see the brighter, greener future, floating on the algae fields from Sierra Madre to the Mongolian deserts in the shiny, shimmering sunlight. Algae can also be used to eat carbon dioxide right out from power plant. The pro(ject) is being piloted by a utility in Arizona and is expected to be able producing "one billion gallons, 10% of current US capacity, by 2012". So good luck...we (hope to) stay in tune.

While waiting the positive cleaner future, one can meanwhile take a look at 1st generation, that is, however, not making as much headlines in the first place. Actually the british governmental as well as citizens knowledge on biofuel production seems to rest on obscure impressions. According to british RFA(Renewable Fuels Agency) study (only) 2.14 percent of UK fuel is biofuel and "Biodiesels are thought by some to have much greater potential for being sustainably sourced - that is, they could perhaps be produced without taking away land and food from hungry people". Also informative is that "For more than 40 per cent of the UK supply, even the country of origin was unknown." But: where the actual source field was known it was mostly cropland, so therefore is found that "RFA felt that it only knew about half what it should." In spite of that conclusive remarks given are "the emerging popular picture of the linkage between current biofuel supplies and rainforest destruction and high food prices seems to be borne out." Is it actually so? Borne out of what? Borne outlandish, foreign origin or borne in outer space, say Alfa Centauri? Again, lack of proof isn´t a proof of no impact. So, on our humble quest for true biofuel economics we now turn on to OECD-FAO Report to find some comparable info, though concerning price hikes on global (world economy) level: "Biofuel demand is the largest source of new demand in decades and strong factor underpinning the upward shift in agricultural commodity prices."1. Remarkable shortage of knowledge or controversial information not considered worth noting? Decide yourself, but all things considered nothing diminishes the fact that biofuels affect, and continues to affect on global food prices.

On the technological frontend... we find a list of relatively new-born consumer aimed inventions, but nothing actually seems to exite us. Yes, the Samsung hybrid camera/MP3 player seems to be of quality but we agree that photographers propably have merely uses for camera. The modified Xvid MPEG-4 file format and a converter software that can convert to other video file formats sounds most useful, though. Why these weren´t available few years ago when I started considering on invest to a new (precious, dear) pocket digiwonder?
Then there´s minilaps with some frustrating 10" screen and 1.6 Ghz proc. As many of competitors on the market also have an insufficient 4 Gb flashmems instead of larger alternatives already possible (16 and 24, hopefully I recalled that correctly...) we find the whole concept of minilaps just.. marketing. Other products mentioned on Wired compability (my grandmother would possibly have favored Emmanuelle to Mad Max, but still couldn´t connect eSATA)...on Soul; no GPS, no Wifi...Sidekick considered; no Wifi and 512 microSD included is(prices considered) Nokias "Blackberry Killer" is more promising including GPS, 3G, Wifi, Bluetooth, but comparing the high price and a promise of battery to live up total of three days we find it But perhaps its all just MuleSkinner World dragging behind the shiny future in these technological frontends...
More of interest are the videos on planned next-gen Mozilla project (to replace Ffox in some close? future) Aurora. We find the "navigational environment" indeed functional and useful for incesting the data and social connections(see the videos yourself, theres also one from mobile Firefox). Yet, I cannot help but think (yes, its still on planning stage, we know...) that the actual view of of floating web-page-icons looks unaesthetical and boring. Besides, yankees seem to frustratingly favor the touch-screen environments on every imaginable device (latest hit, yes...), which I must notice to be also just...boring. I think such UIs feels like being designed for idiots, but maybe thats the prospective future, so also we shall write more from the Idiot (sooner the better, hopefully).

While the consumers are supposed to be under feeling of guilt from torrenting the entertainment market we are given some statistical wisdom from Radiohead "In Rainbows" pay-what-you-wish-dl-experiment (using Big Champagne data, dl the summary Pdf from MCPS-PRS website). The pure nu3bers tell us that album was loaded in three weeks time some 2.3 Million times, though most of the customers favored torrent-sites instead of official one. No remarkable losses, as the CD also sold to something like number one on billboard afterwards(as we noted in earlier posts). Meanwhile, in most active P2P-month december (Rainbows, I guess, was publized at the end of October) french downloaded movies a wealthy number of 16.6 M times, and since then the most favored has been Transformers with 3.7 M dls after the publication. Basic learning from these figures: No more messing with the missionary man, there´s some obscure snowball-effect apparently on the loose...

Wish(?) to check the news(feed), motherlode of all the important information.

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1. OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2008-2017. , 2008, p. 11-12. (UN Report on global food markets for next ten years). For certain interest on oncoming biofuel markets and, also at least partly on linkage between biofuels and food price hikes, are also (ao) the following lines from p. 22-23. "Production of fuel ethanol tripled between 2000 and 2007, with the US and Brazil accounting for the majority of this growth. However, a large number of other countries either commenced renewable energy programmes or increased fuel ethanol production in this period as well. Biodiesel output witnessed an even more pronounced expansion over the same period, having grown from less than one billion litres to almost 11 billion litres. Initially the EU accounted for more than 90 percent of global diesel production, but with increased biodiesel output in many other countries, in particular in the US, its share has declined to less than 60 percent in 2007.", and (on biodiesel production); "...World trade is, however, projected to remain largely unchanged in following years due to technical constraints in the use of palm-oil based biodiesel in the colder climates and as production in the main consuming countries increases. Most of the trade should originate in Malaysia and Indonesia with the EU as the main destination." (a report pdf should be available at website of FAO)


MuleSkinner Book Recommendations No 3

The Eco-Products Directory 2008
; For sustainable production and consumption (2008)

The Directory published by Asian Productivity Organization comes with paper version and Pdf. According to their website the pdf version (available anywhere, but most originally from their site of course, check under Resources ; e-books on green productivity) is said to contain a selection of more than 700 products and services, so the list seems but overwhelming and respectable.
We are not in knownledge if other such a directories exist, but a quick look on this one shows that it well deserves a place here on our recommendations. Of course, our reviews are based on pdf version.

The directory is propably most valuable for small scale entrepreneurs, though vast list of eco-products (fx from materials and spare parts onto the refrigetors and air-cooling systems) makes it useful for any corporative buyer. Nevertheless, the directory is wellworth getting to know for common consumer also. As the Directory is of Asian origin, so are most of the products listed. So one naturally first notices that certain ecologically renowned producers like Hitachi and Toshiba also participating in editioning the catalogue are well represented in the list of products. Also, if one keeps in mind the area included (everything ”eco-saving”) the vastness of directory becomes merely a matter of taste. In fact considering that there are multitudes of uses and varieties of human generated products the catalogue seems actually quite modest.

The Pdf-version contains 393 page including prewords on climate change and the background of catalogue + the database & indexes(few pages for advertisements not included). As an funny example we can mention that theres as many (three pieces) of eco-friendly rice-boilers as vacuum cleaners. On products on sale at European market we can at least mention the Megaman lamps, advertised (by the company) as worlds first completely ROHS-free energy-saving lamps. Recommendable for everyone (see picture below:)

From practically limitless list of products we also like to give some attention for the auto-insurance system where each contract made benefits the nature by plantation of two trees (thats a good start, why not make it four...).

In catalogue foreword, first of all, theres some pretext on climate change and necessary actions taken by producers on the Asian area. The catalogue itself comprises of Datasheets for each product in it. Each is given continuous ID-number, along within the product in question is linked (by colours)to the category it fits: (eco-) materials, components, products, services. ID-numbers are further divided into subentries, so: ES-4-032 would be: Eco-services -- Management -- related services -- (spesific) single product ; (as usual, a picture here would be more telling than words can come up to...but see for yourself its quite easy to use.) Although, as an electronic catalogue theres limitless amount of space available but books index is managed according to different manufacturers. Therefore, searching products of certain kind is not quite as easy as it could. Better products-index would be of use for both private and company reader, especially if (when) the catalogue in time goes on enlargening.

Continuing, each datasheet contains an icon showing the category of ecologiness and/or certain topics its econess is connected (by which, how, when/where as described in catalogue). On each sheet theres also circular line, showing points in its "life-cycle" (only two points marked on each product considered) concerning when/where products econess fits (scale used: resources - materials - design - production - use/repair - end-of-life). The rest of the of the fields included in each datasheet are textual fields containing information from products econess in details, manufacturers contact information, sales territory (availability: worldwide/ certain areas). Extra details comprise of product-photo and the brief specific description of it (fx. the product model special number) or the short explanation of the precentages/comparisons/charts presented in pictorial tablatures from the products uses.

Conclusively, most apparent interest for consumer reader is naturally the eco-products section. The criteria for selections is based on choices for products that ”help clean and conserve the environment” and ”products with high performance, yet creating a low enviromental effect”. Socalled ”eco-design” is noted in products and the main points taken in consideration are: effective and efficient use of materials, energy saving and toxics. Because the characteristics of eco-products are mostly decided during design stage, more concern is given to that. Increasing in knownledge of environmental labels is hoped to develop an low environmental impact-society (so that manufacturers in response to consumer demand make further efforts in environmental development). Noteworthy goals, and important to notice the range of products included is quite wide: there´s all kinds of stuff from food to hybrid toilets, from natural gas fuelled busses to clothing and furniture. Not everything is available, however, but in time...:)...As last few (additional) remarks we can also just note that perhaps an additional catalogue with a selected list for consumer customers would be useful.