The Frogs Have More Fun...


"All the names I know from nurse:
Gardener's garters, Shepherd's purse,
Bachelor's buttons, Lady's smock,
And the Lady Hollyhock.

Fairy places, Fairy things,
Fairy woods where the wild bee wings,
Tiny trees for tiny dames.
- These must all be Fairy names !"

(from Child's Garden of Verses
by R.L. Stevenson)

"Anyone can write a short-story.
A bad one, I mean."

(R.L. Stevenson)

"Science without conscience is the Soul's perdition."
- Francois Rabelais, Pantagruel
- Acc to/above is citated from: Medical Apartheid. The dark history of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present, by Harriet A. Washington (Doubleday ; 2006 ; p. 1.)

"In the high society of the first half of the century, marriage, despite it's bestowal status upon the wife, was the most absurdity. Marriage, conferring instanteous rank or money, ... lost most of its prestige and moment right after the wedding. ...By the end of the century, spurred by Rousseau's moralistic Nouvelle Hèloíse, a contrary cult, that of virtue, arose. After 1770 conjugal and maternal love became not merely admissible, but, for some, moral imperatives. ...

...Rousseau, who sought for himself the crown of morality in ostensibly defending marriage, presents in his Nouvelle Hèloíse the most enticing and extended defense of illicit love ever penned. The root of the problem is that as the century progressed sensibility became confused with morality: passionate feeling, if expressed in a highly civilized mode with grace and nuance, makes us forgive the Rousseau of The Confessions, for example, his pettiness, his jealousies, his betrayals. This moral-amoral byplay, present already in the novels of Richardson, was to be more intense as the century unfolded."
Madelyn Gutwirth : Madame De Staèl, Novelist. The emergence of the Artist as Woman (10,15.)

"...As the social contract seems tame in comparison with war, so fucking and sucking come to seem merely nice, and therefore unexciting. ... To be 'nice', as to be civilized, means being alienated from this savage experience - which is entirely staged. [...] The rituals of domination and enslavement being more and more practiced, the art that is more and more devoted to rendering their themes, are perhaps only a logical extension of an affluent society's tendency to turn every part of people's lives into a taste, a choice; to invite them to regard their very lives as a (life) style." - Susan Sontag , on 'Fascinating Fascism' (-74; p 103;104-5 at Under the sign of Saturn)
; "Anyone who cannot give an account to oneself of the past three thousand years remains in darkness, without experience, living from day to day." (Goethe) - as cited by Sontag (on same compile; p. 137.)

"It is widely accepted that we are now living in the 'Anthropocene', a new geological epoch in which the Earth's ecosystems and climate are being fundamentally altered by the activities of humans. I loathe the term, but I can't deny that it's appropriate."
; (Goulson), Silent Earth : Averting the Insect Apocalypse (2021; p 47.)
"It is sometimes said that humanity is at war with nature, but the word 'war' implies a two-way conflict. Our chemical onslaught on nature is more akin to genocide. It is small wonder that our wildlife is in decline."
; (Goulson, 2021 ; 118.)
"If we believe absurdities, we shall commit atrocities." (Voltaire)
- Citated from; (Joy, Melanie), Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs and Wear Cows : An Introduction to Carnism(2010; p. 95.)

"In the presence of the monster, you have eyes and ears for nothing else."
; (Flora Tristan) : London Journal of Flora Tristan: the Aristocracy and the Working Class of England ; 1842-edit. (tr: 1982. ; p. 71.)

"Every minority invokes justice, and justice is liberty.
A party can be judged of only by the doctrine which
it professes when it is the strongest."
Mdme de Staêl
(on) 'Consideration sur le Révolution de la Francaise' [1818]


...few 'Feline Appeals', and along that 'playable, plausible' scenarios (,and then, a 'pedigree') ; Or: ' a vampire bathed in moonlight,' ; '...ghaulish satisfaction...' ; '...a desert littered w. skulls...'


Beaked whales make up around 25 per cent of known cetaceans, which include all whales, dolphins, and porpoises, yet their lifestyles preclude people from easily studying them. Only 4 to 5 meters (13 to 16 feet) long, beaked whales often forage hundreds to thousands of miles from coastlines, and one species, the cuvier's beaked whale (Ziphius cavirostris), is the world's deepest diver, with a record of 2,992 meters (9,816 feet). Looking for these animals with binoculars from a boat requires a careful strategy and a bit of luck, as the whales spend little time at the sea surface.

Nevertheless, these mysterious cetaceans made headlines in recent months: the Cuvier's beaked whale broke another world record, for the longest dive on a single breath (nearly four hours); several rare species washed ashore in Northern Europe; and scientists may have discovered a new species off the Pacific coast of Mexico. In Dec, the IUCN updated nearly all beaked whale listings , moving some species from 'data deficienct' to 'endangered' or 'least concern'. ... ”  

; on 'Rare beaked whale sighting could be a world first for the species' (at Mongabay; 14.1.2021)


A raft of EU laws to safeguard marine life – including a duty on EU member states to achieve 'good environmental status” in seas by 2020, to achieve healthy ecosystems and to introduce sustainable fisheries management – have not been enforced, says the group [',a coalition of NGOs'], which includes Oceane in Europe, Greenpeace and ClientEarth.


The 10-point action plan calls for a network of fully and highly protected ocean sanctuaries covering at tleast 30 per cent of the oceans by 2030 and a drastic improvement in fisheries protections. It urges the Eu to commit resources to dramatically ramp up, implement and enforce existing legislation to safeguard marine life.


Fewer than 1 per cent of European marine protected areas are fully off-limits to fishing. Last month, the European court of auditors warned the EU had failed to halt marine biodiversity loss in Europe's waters and to restore fishing to sustainable levels. In 2019, the European Environment Agency found 'signs of stress on all scales' and warned the current and historical use of Europe's seas was 'taking its toll' on marine ecosystems.

...planet is facing 'a ghastly future of mass extinctions, declining health and climate-disruption upheavals' that threaten human survival. “ 

; on “NGOs demand action not promises as EU accused of 'failing to protect seas' (Guardian ;18.1.2020) ;

...Today, CRISPR technology is used to engineer thousands of organisms. ...

...Editing Nature, ...I've watched CRISPR technologies expand and transform at dizzying speeds. At times it feels like we are on a roller-coaster ride that no one remembers buying a ticket for. And many societal questions remain unanswered – such as who should have a voice in deciding how CRISPR is used , and who gets to access its benefits.

... : Davies leaves many thorny ethical issues uncharted.

[...] ...

...China, for example, has invested billions of dollars in CRISPR gene-editing technology in the hope of feeding the nation and increasing exports.

Davies makes a complicated technology clear, succinct and engaging. Yet he fails to give equal attention to its ecological, social, political and ethical ramifications. ...

Davies also doesn't fully address inadequencies of regulatory agencies or intergovernmental bodies. ... Not a single member of the World Health Organization's human-gene-editing advisory committee identifies as having a physical disability. Yet one focus of that group is to develop global-governance standards for CRISPR-based therapies that could one day eliminate certain disabilities such as deafness and dwarfism.

Narratives shape perceptions. ... CRISPR's ability to transform the collective human experience demands social context defined by diverse perspectives, such as can be found in Angela Saini's Superior, Francoise Baylis' Altered Inheritance. Kim Tallbear's Native American DNA, Charles Mann's The Wizard and the Prophet and Alondra Nelson's The Social Life of DNA.

...To arrive at a healthy and just future requires an ethical compass, guided by rich chorus of lived experiences. History is being written and everybody deserves to have a voice.”  

; on 'Timely book tells the CRISPR story so far' ; ...a review (N.Kofler) of the recent appeared book (Editing Humanity: The Crispr Revolution and the New Era of Genome Editing, by K.Davies, 2020)


Pic ; ...From Vampi/-72 ; from the story 'The Origin of Vampirella' (,by Gonzales – Cochran). ; (' any other creature...' - Well, yeah, for sure, of course...)


Down the (misty) 'Memory Lane'... ; Happens that Orwell, on some to his memorable lines, written during the end-of-the-war-years (Or was that then written by directly after from it's ending?), anyways, writes from difficulty for deciding 'bout the justified and unjustified punishment(s). – Or, about so I at least by this moment recall for how that was formulated on some from diary-entries. - Or maybe, (it) could've actually caught my eyes at some to his letter's, either the ones for 'public' or for the private correspondence...


; But anyway; He says on one place (about) like w. the words I'm now 'recalling' from, in the following few sentence(s):...At the moment I'm not quite certain whether patience or for merciful but righteous judgment would make best strategy. Or, if the ruthfullness instead would appear the proper attitude to us from maintained. [...and, of the following formulation I'm quite positive, almost assured, that the said from appear near by exact wording on what follows, ie the italicized:] ...But I'm certain from that a revenge should not have any part to our subsequent actions taken.”

; ...Kind of, after having written our latest 'chapters' on about the 2nd World War-issues, (that) evoked me this recollection. Orwell tends appear rather useful by many occasion. Probably, it's due because (his) often (very) compact observations to anything cons the general anxieties, or of those 'tensions' having been felt just around those years, particularly the afterwar years (, and before). ...At least, when reading of smght else about to those periods time his these sort remarks, or 'conclusive' opinions, may often be returning for the mind.

; ...But I leave out of this to anyone to imagining (,by oneself) – and to think - from the more profound to anything about it. From how, or whether, that would find it's meaningfullness still by this day. (Obviously does.) What would that mean, by the very meaning from. To my own any finding, or for a personal opinion given it brought merely in mind the similarities in any “purer” paths, whenever such were taken - Smght that'd also set to it's place in the early century some sort, or so I'd choose if to formulate that 'aspect', the very anthropocentric fascism – w. all the consequent horrors and fields of slaughter. ; ...Although, I rather flinch from a sole discovery from that. Not to mention 'bout the occasional resurfacing 'public' overtones – Those that one tends heard, 'here and there'. 

And no, this didn't refer to the so called 'extremists', or for the right-wing movements. It meant merely concerned on the as many 'afterlifes' of the 'anthropocentric fascism' (Such I chose to define that 'memory lane', as often from it only sparingly remembered.)


...Yet, of course – or let us say instead, 'by the way'; The above noted not w. any manner relates with what for at these few (briefer) following 'sections' is from the offered.

(As usual), that (was said) merely, 'just for the record'.


; And...the 'First lady' ...? ; ...I've then also from learned of treat w. some healthy caution all from (,what has to do) w. the archeological “story-plot” - In cases when it seems aim from interpreting to some 'evidence' to the behaviours or 'traits' by our ancient (distant) hominid-'cousins' (possibly held) w. the observations by our 'near species' in the hominid-'pedigree' – and from that, the Chimps and Bonobo's to the most common often discussed examples, or used as from some 'compare with'. ; As I've (also, fx) come to notice how, oftenmost, somewhat much dispute and disagreement about, fx, in the continuos 'evolving' conceptions and debate concerning the Neanderthal-pasts from. Obviously, still very little remains of that what we might think for the 'evidentual' – Soforth, any (that) sort “analogies” probably contain the amounts misleading assumption, and, simply 'uncomparables' – Smthgs that I'd most nicely be apt to estimate, more or less, just what does reflect/contain an amount the 'anthropocentric thinking'. -----

; However, nevertheless, the following(/linked) essay – quite aptly, simply named to the 'Sheanderthal' – I think it indeed seem succeed offer some 'clues' and 'little visited' bits of...ideas from. On what comes for the little understood, or so far studied. (Acc to the story's perhaps quite credible telling: That Neanderthal female.) From little understood, untill by these recent...'decades', say. Why it so, might've, not the least from, trace the 'history' to the emergence from an archaeology's 'faculties', the science and study from had it's early growth as the (,rather self-evidently, unquestioned) male-dominated profession. Ever since from it's begin, say for the sake of some time-line's drawn, from about the mid-/late 19th century.

; ...But to being fair, not for state that one would have to think about (that) from quite so critically. (Not for too underline the aspect quite that much the above sentence might've lead one from...assuming.) Anyone by some familiarity w. the archeology's 'schemes', much what seems got most stressed in the recent – many – 'steps forward', the lately seen consequent ever newer discoveries, and 're-modellings' from that human evolutionary past – new species relations recognized, their hybridization – One then can't much avoid the impression that much to what the new techniques and methods having brought to a wider recognition now – It still wouldn't perhaps haven't shown to revolutionary 'new' and remarkable, without the stagnation and in lacking adaptivity' at the older theories, beliefs. (Or, for some comparable aspect, to the another view-point...without the several 'random' discoveries that seems also emerged during the lateliest decades.)

Don't know whether or not we'd then ever to know to too sure of the prehistoric relations between these most 'compared' species, .sapiens and .neanderthalensis – It's for always noted to remained an enigma – an 'open question' by itself. Perhaps might be a good guess that, likeliest, not a too 'complete' explanation never would really emerge.

Also, a good possibility indeed is (/at least seems to me now) that simply because of that there is the vast time-gaps the Neanderthal culture(s) seems having had for covered, that 'old-fashioned' scenario from the Neanderthals to the ice-age period 'European-evolved' – contra the .sapiens for 'Africas-evolved' (and thenafter, 'our' sunssequent spread then for 'every other' continent.) - the evermore the newer finds there likely (might?) for emerge – Likeliest it wouldn't quite hold.

Also good point-of-view, as well indeed, I think that if there is even any sense to observe the assumed (similarities between a (Neanderthalian) '... Altai woman who lived in western Siberia around 90,000 years ago' and another, 'who died...much closer to the final few millenia of the Neanderthals'. (According to the 'current' knowledge, that might've been around the 40,000 y. in the past. Assuming that timing ain't from now again, the more lately, been 'challenged'.) ; And, perhaps them weren't after all just the cold-adapted 'archaics', living in an Eurasian-corner. Perhaps(?), there were 'lineages' and the 'adventurers' who'd journeyed to the still undiscovered 'realms', and from flourished there. In the very different environments, in the very different ecologics, and in general differing temperatures – Or, in places that were becoming influenced by the very different kind 'inter-cultural' exchanges.

Who's to say about...I'm now only thinkin' basis that idea. At least, that much considered and theoretized Neanderthal 'enigma' starts right away from somewhat decline the more we find ourselves willin' to see some similarities in between – btw us, and them. Not very long ago the discovery was about something like 99.5 per cent for shared part, “in the genome-level” (, by the .sapiens and .neanderthalensis.) As I think for having read from before. Not that I'd think that as the only p-o-w to be recognized...


Whatever for the 'realitet', from the above expressed likehoods, 'possibilities'...It seems that also the increase – and perhaps, the increased congenial opinion to it's 'findings' - from an available molecular 'evidence' may have led the archaeologist now more often for speculate 'bout the commonity between species. And also 'effects' that might become discovered relevatn from noted co-breeding btw species. ; What the levels that might've happened. And what were it's actual 'impacts' – effects becoming only by 'scarcely recognizable', or, if them should've be interpeted to appeared from the more 'notes-worth'. ; Such as on that essay read for basis to these thoughts, contains (ao) a mention about that; 'Just 10 years ago, the first nuclear genome was meticulously reconstructed from three genetically identified females at Vindija, it revealed that, rather than ousting Neanderthals from Eurasia, we had in fact interbred with them.' ; ...the 'follow-up' then also seems add for that (that) '...recognized periods of contact now number at least four and perhaps seven or more, going back beyond 200,000 years ago.'

(Of course,) if one is willin' to suppose that this by now present 'adapted' view on any to that would then represent smght for a more permanent, or even lasting view. Possibly it may be just some beginning – Or so one would conclude by the constant 're-inventings' from the human family-tree. ; And not just of the 'humans', hominids part – such as at below referred from, they seem now also incresingly lot discuss to what role' hybridisation must've play in the evolution by other species.

; Our common 'origin' seems fromafter the newer finding(s), increasin' changed, to be seen, more like the common origins. Doesn't sound any too unimaginable a view if I think about it (as a 'possibility') ;  Or at least it sounds like the more sensible as an idea from the ecologics and the...of the 'evidence' by 'varia' other species from considered. For a 'theory'.

...And whatever is then any exact 'likehood' from the made guesses about those relations: Whatever we might find even from easily 'imaginable', if we accept the biology's long-term developed and cultivated theories – and the observations made fx from basis of our 'close relatives' behaviour. Such as the social and emotional theory w. the 'thematics' sort like the sex as 'weapon', or the similar about some emotional 'trades' – the sorts of traits and cultures that from the Bonobo's are often observed. ; Or, perhaps, the aspect to more sort like the 'trick or treat'. Or however about...

The actual 'cultural contacts' at the prehistorics must've contained the quite as many alternatives and scenarios from their specifics. Yet, at least one doesn't feel like there too much some/any(?) likehoods that there ever would emergence much too 'undisputable evidence' of that, to tell us about the aspect. Or aspect(s).

Yet after all, also noting (that), sex is a very important part also from concerning any species social cohesion. From any society's 'cohesion' and constant varying integration. Is very much present in much a part from the every-day life - even without permitting some influence, or estimating, anything from the DNA and from the 'exchangeable' traits it often so much used to make some 'proofs' about. (Fromafter the increased 'evidence' and then also the emerged 'new questions', basis the fine 'calibration' evermore specified at the development from those molecularistic studies. Not that I'd to completely deny from the biology's importance, nor from the 'hydridisations' now assumed role at the 'evolvement'. But perhaps it indeed is also as important to ask from where anything from that might've situated, than to when in particular it might be 'traceable' for. If one, fx, assumes that any 'origin' from smght one benefited of to discover about...)

...But the neat ending for this, then – suppose – shall be reached, neatly,if we from here, by this closing, cite only from what to the 'rest' is said about those still little understood (prehistoric) 'contacts'. Or, what now seems for increasing seen found, or believed for, as the 'raw evidence' about anything. From due because, on the referred essay then is said (/continued...): “Most intriguingly, something of the dynamics is visible. In some earlier instances, Neanderthal women had the children of H.sapiens men, but the later interbreeding after 60,000 years ago tells a different story. Nobody today has mitochondrial DNA like that in Neanderthals and, since it's passed only maternally, this implies that interbreeding was more often between their men and our women.” ('Sheanderthal', by Rebecca Wagg Sykes)

Yet, what do we know for...”certainly” – Obviously it would, does have to remain more to the rough guesses (Than any certainties about.) ; But somewhat even makes me regret I've by the recent not too specifically devoted my any precious time so much on these...'prehistorics'. Sure it must've make an interesting story, if we're ever to discover about. But indeed the where might've appear the more relevant. – And what then, maybe, the implications by that too, then. Obviously rather difficult to know, ..."for sure". But suppose it would relieve the issue for much rest from what there, possibly, is the still remaining for from it's former prevailed euro-centrism. (-isms, to be more precise. While not perhaps very explicit clear at this...'definition'.)


Or so I'd at least quite willin' from to guess about, by now. 

Basis these reads and 'glances' for from back the years - Maybe not to the most complete but at least not anyhow one-sided, nor too limited.

That 'misty dawn' of humankind is...a misty dawn. But perhaps there's even now again emerged some bits more clarity on many an aspect. ...Even though I slightly suspect that; Even in the 'Grand Natures' the sex less often favors the open daylight. More often takes place 'in the bushes', or remains from hidden from any 'unwelcomed' viewers and 'passersby'.  

(Although, it quite as much a truth that not all species in that neither quite like our own – On their 'sex-life', or similarly from what comes to any other 'traits'.)

It seems that quite much a new 'evidence' seems still more often emergin'. Not just from about genes, and the DNAs considering – but 'cultural' evidence. 


Possibly, there might someday appear a 'combining' theory from both. Smght that one might think for from...faultless ? - Well...

Not a big deal if then doesn't – It's even as much intressant for to think how much 'new' still might see a light about these 'enigmas', in during the soon years.

Like anything 'bout that little studied She-Neanderthal...


; And...Oh Yes – Not for to forget from 'bout our Big Wimmeeen-series. 

Photo, [below] ; ...from a short-film by Federico Fellini (...1970s?),  'Le Tentazioni Dotto Antonioni' – I have a vague impression that this 'super-fluent' piece of the cinemascopic art and a "macabre" humor was been said base on a Boccaccio's story. Or smthg like...Matter a fact it was on a compile by material, short-flicks by several italian 1970s directors. All from made 'from basis' - that at the apostrophes - to the Boccacian plots. Acc. my recollection...


Here's then for the sequel here, for this particular posting. (maybe, oh, well rather proper it for presented to this place...)

In all of the 'Feline graces' allowed for on that dominating. – Or at least on this 'scenery' depicted, that shows Anita Ekberg to the main subject, playin a 'game' from that sort.


That cat'n'mouse play...supposedly, that from the expression I by formerly used of this (pic, scene.)

Though that must've been in slight different a very different (context), suppose. ; ...I'm also quite by now for remembering. (That not for a big deal, either.)  -------


; ...Perhaps then for more from, of the Felines? (No, I don't mean those canned cat-foods – but was thinkin' about the(ir) pedigrees.) ; From cons the subject, we can at least also make the mention to this particular article (and of the pics, 'charts' that encontaining. (On Quanta-mag.)

Thought that from quite informative...Hence from, added the adjacent evolut. pedigree here as well. But, by now it's from after several weeks, Months since when I last did view that article through.

(Pic) ; on beside right. - The 'pedigree', and...possible genomic  'loans' (,that the word?) via occurred hybridisation between. (For the specifics - view of that article...)


And so the above said then does make, here, somewhat sufficient informative offerings we could only point out at this. (...always felt some perplexing interest on the Big Cats evolution - and these 'findings' make the intressant addition, even if I wouldn't.)  

Unless, then for the more. Or, in case you'd (not) to think can allow any several minutes of to read and 'digest' all about what there said on felines and 'bout the 'interspecies hybrids' role in evolution. (Now assumed.) 


Not a very lenghtysome read either, anyway...  ------  

(Photo ; on beside left....Doris Lessing, as a young writer, acc the pic-txt at source photograph taken 'at Warwick road, 1956.'  The biography's 2nd part: years 1949-1962, 'Walking in the Shade' (published by y. -98).

(...Despite of the 'graces' by, or w. the kitten in picture, the 'homely' atmosphere on photo feels like having quite, somewhat, the intentioned 'public impressions'. Well, who am to say - By anycase, the cat sure looks...from gracious. Purrr...)

Here, it placed...mainly of the recollecting, that I by the earliest in my renewed interest(s) for the post-World War years, happened in the past years to pay some notion on Lessing from writing – On a first part to her biography, 'Under my skin' – About her upsetting recognition of how the Allied leaders, consciently, 'lied to their people' - right around by (those) timings. By the war's end-years. ; ...Whatever then any worth of this kind 'late time' discoveries or estimations of the sort. - But I thought she says that such clear (,and 'openly') that it still, around that early 2000s, felt like...some news? (At least did by my finding at that time, when reading that...)


...More on – but perhaps not from a more 'known of, about'... ; After the precedent seems it, us having reached the point where I had originally planned from this particular post to end: (Thenafter,) 'however', came for to choose differently and deciding from adding the some bits presented below as 'some sort' continuence to the last post's topic(s). It's main offerings, though, are on the few citated paragraphs at below.

; Took these articles (/the book) for the reads, 'suppose, mostly because from that our latest written 'sequel', there was for it's contents quite much 'bout the World War Two-historics. And after. However...Nothing, practically, 'bout the war-years anymore is at these subsequent notings discussed. Not by any particulars, at least.


(Photo, beside ; ...Is from from the Moma's exhibit-publ. book (2010, 'The Weimar cinema, 1919-33'.) Originally it of the (Pabst's) film Pandora's Box (or, by orig. name 'Die Buchse der Pandora', 1929) - A silent-era b/w film, starred by Louise Brooks

; ...on that MoMa-book seems it said on Pabst [George Wilhelm, 1885-1967], that he during later years directed in 'France and England; 1933-34' , then film 'A modern Hero' for WB in Hollywood and '...planned various projects that were never released.' ...after the return (first for France), and 'numerous films', [he] in Austria '[, at the time annexed by Germany] ...decided to work for the National Socialist film industry.' ...(that) then, of the complete story?, not quite sure from...

; One thing, well a lot mentioned and discussed in the post-nazism years/post-war era 'estimations', but not so much ever perhaps having broken the surface for a general (popular) history - (is) the aspect 'bout how effectually the rise from the brutal 'reign' also divided within an innovative and 'avantgardist' movements. The nowadays praised Weimar-cinema practically dissolved into the more conformist and more 'standard' productions - or it's gifted directors, ao, were forced to flee for the foreign lands. (Unless willin, chosen from to 'co-operate') ; Pandora's Box...along w. it's very renown as the late silent-era minor master-piece is also a quite revealing 'look' of it's times. But let us not explain (to that) from too much...   

The article quoted (little below) discusses the video-games. In particularly some to those that 'replicate' playable scenarios from the war-years histories – and 'beyond'. ; Or, for it's typical aspects, what to said characteristic to the 'phantasied' story-plots from, are that them being based a lot on the nazi-'mystique', and (that) accompanying postwar cultism. (Or, say that in plurals, the occultist 'cults' seen from fuelled the popular imaginations about, 'ever since'.) That kind 'evaluations', in the popular culture are from quite common actually, at least. ; Or, say about that still from one other 'angle': Much at these games makes uses and bases the 'story-plots' on a paradoxic view for any interpretions from the post-war memory. That (manner) them also are said for supporting, and keeping (/enstrenghtening) the distorted versions on much about that history concerning.

; Ie, what it discusses – such as also some other articles on that collection – is being the treatment and 'post-lifes' by many afterwar years societal, cultural, parapsychologizing, and of course, mystifying features – And how that can be seen 're-shaping' the conceptions about the nazi-period at German history (ie, the years btw 1933-45). The 'popularistic' elements that (often) are in the main of the (games') post-war 'plots' also transform and modify the historical view about the Hitler's Reich. In short; it said by such 'phantasising' manner, from to treat selectively the said historical basis, those war and post war events. - And then also to excluding as much. Perhaps not of so surprising find, when it is said that the excluded part on those games 'universes' typically consisting from, fx, the genocidal nazi-operations and even the historical fact from the concentration(/extermination) camps.

...Having to admit, then, that not perhaps in my own any lately regained interests on these topics; The nazi-period and several ways from how that seems having it's 'connections', and afterlifes in the realm of a such 'post-horror'. – That too, my any interest, might've at least partly emerged, just via from those popularising elements in the war, and from post-war eras. Interests araised on that popular 'appeal for', or some for the 'nostalgic' and peculiar, at it. Indeed, so visible on much of the popular cultures, comics, games...etc.

But, it's probably not for any uses if we'd to too much 'circumfixing' around (that) issue – the articles' content becoming more understandable, explains easily by itself, if we finally go for the few examples prior promised. On what follows:


... While the stories remain fantastic, these games nevertheless trade in historical actualities to authorize game play. “

; “With the fantastic replacing the historic evil of genocide, the supernatural substitutes to 'explain' Nazism. In the era of classic horror and science fiction cinema, the 'science gone awry' plot traced its heritage back into the nineteenth century but was given contemporary significance with the detonation of the atomic bomb in 1945. Similarly, in video games featuring nazis, genetic engineering plays a dominant role in these storylines with doctors using the supernatural or the occult to transform humanity into monsters. These games duly reference the historic 'scientific' experimentaion that the Nazis conducted, most infamously with concentration camp inmates at Auschwitz by Dr. Josef Mengele. In fact, a number of games have a 'Mengele' stand in: (foll.w. examples given...) ... ”


Nor is the the perverted body the sole sign of wickedness, as deviant sexuality is equally an indicator of nazi evil. In video games featuring Nazis, women are continually fetishized as objects of both sexual desire and danger. ...

The sexualization of the Nazis that plays up the sadomasochism dimension has a long history in popular culture. Susan Sontag famously condemned such sexualized representations of Nazism in her influential essay 'Fascinating Fascism,' which argued that Nazi ideology had been folded into erotic aesthetics. By calling attention to modified bodies and deviant sexuality, video games featuring Nazis rearticulate the conventions of exploitatioin cinema, especially the Nazisploitation genre. Playing up some of the more salacious rumors about the Third Reich, Nazisploitation was an Italian-American film genre that flourished briefly in the 1960s and 1970s before laws governing pornography were used to restrict its distribution. ...

... One means video games distinguish between perversion and decency is through the morif of resistance. As Manichean contests between good and evil, players are aided against the Nazis by variety of nonplayer characters (NPCs) who help protagonists defeat the enemy. In almost every game, there is an opposition' working against the Nazis: ... [These] games mobilize the historical legitimacy of actual resistance groups in order to authenticate their storylines: ... ['Thus'] ... an 'extensive resistance network of paramilitary fighters and informants,' as the game manual informs players – in no way resemblens the rather small number of aristocratic German nationalists in resistance groups. [...such as we may have learned on our recent added passages (the previous post), that sentence actually, merely repeats the standard 'Allied'-postwar history(-ian)'s conformism, their understatements and often purposefull aim to 'deny' the worth from the German war-time resistency's any importance – Matter a fact; it's almost like the 'other side of the very same coin' than were all the noted 'elevations' for some famed German (Wehrmacht) generals (Guderian, Rommel...) by the some postwar ('Allied'-)historians - And, in fact, in essence the resistency's 'entity', the issue proves to appear also the lot more many-sided than just some individuals for the 'aristocratic few'. ; ...But I don't feel the need from explain that, here, from the more precise – just referring for those several books mentioned in the prev. posting, here.] The use of resistance to the Nazis is problematic even though it helps to legitimate the Nazi-supernatural connection. These opposition groups are painted as 'good Germans' in contrast to 'evil Nazis,' a binary whose existence underwrites the moral order of gameplay. ...”


; ...And, of course, not to be omitted: (Probably) to the most note-worth on these 'findings' (, at least I think so), is the:

...the most troubling observation about the digital representations of Nazism is the almost complete absence of the Holocaust, even if, as we have seen, the crime of genocide nonetheless justifies the mechanics of game play. While it is unproductive to catalogue how video games have inaccurately portrayed the past, what is significant are the questions that follow from such distortions. What does it mean to construct narratives and explanatory models about Nazism in which the Holocaust remains absent? How are the Nazis to be understood without genocide? Does the inability of video games to depict the Holocaust point to perhaps a more serious issue with digital media, within gaming culture – or perhaps even with popular culture itself – in representing genocide? These questions point to perhaps the most concerning consequence of the shifting of Nazi evil from genocide to the supernatural: the abandonment of the Holocaust to the neo-Nazi subculture.” ; (from) 'Beyond Good and Evil: Nazis and the Supernatural in Video Games' (Jeff Hayton) – on Revisiting the “Nazi Occult”: Histories, Realities, Legacies (eds. Black, Kurlander) ; (2015 - p. 255,256 ; 257-8 ; 260.)  

(Pic) ; ...from the 'Lady Killer' (comics, by the 2000s). ...On an earlier some posting(s), already. (ie, the details appear prior this, from been explained...) 


'...Ready, ...'to grill' ; ...Retrospectively, having then for say...that I quite recall of having had played, quite somewhat, the Castle Wolfenstein PC-version. Around, ca, the late of 1990s. From 'retrospektively', since that 'gaming'-world had probably driven past my already advanced years when coming for that 2000s. (By the latest.) Never thenafter having devoted much a time on any that, maybe, from postafter the 2005.

...Those 'realms' – or mainly meaning that Wolfenstein, never much played anything else acc my recall - never either much thought whether that playing would've made me, anyhow, more acquiescent to some denial on the war-time nazi crimes. Or, from even that (that) could've by some manner affected me more amenable to the (described sort) distorted kind views cons that history. – And, neither am I willin' from thinkin' that the playing it would led me from accept, or better say, develop any anti-jewish feelings. 

Yet, obviously, the above said actually being the questions one needed to ask for.

(From oneself. If you cared, dared for to think 'bout the aspect, from that 'angle'...)



[Pic; on beside, above] 
; ...from the 'Crepaxian' Valentina-comics. Of a story by -73,  'Fallen Angels'. (Situated at the Venice, not surprisingly...)

; ...Matter a fact, nowadays thinkin' it (Wolfenstein) maybe was one among the very best from those early (PC-era) arcade-adventurist games. A 'mystery chase', sort from, that really could capture one's attentions for hours. Suppose' I'd sometimes played that for several hour by any one time, on any one 'session'. ; For the positive sides those early game-'versions' were also a relative easy to master – Ultimately, sooner or later, you always tended from reach the very last level.

But, one may have a point-a-view also in recognizing the aspect that by then the games weren't from near so graphically 'advanced' as those are today. – It was merely in the some 'birds-eye' setting, as I kind of recall those early games.

; And indeed, in a typical 'setting' for this sort arcade-adventures (or, say to the several later ones copying and developing of that original 'Wolfenstein'-theme) the task always was about from freeing the world of nazi-soldiers, by killing as many as possible. ; In the most from those several variants later developed, the gaming-interference seems said as well to create the similar 'realm' populated by the sexed-up nazi vixens (among the players opponents); consist (mostly) for scenarios where the supernatural and occult-thematics are in same role for the main 'essentials' to any interests (To some most important parts in that gaming-experience. Or on these sort like games from. But in essence, also to some 'simile' there, indeed must been/is for somewhat 'tactical' silencin about anything concerning the war-time mass genocide of the Jews. At those video-games.) ; All from what does make that – more or less – an artificialized historical view. Without much exaggerating one could also describe that to a sort of some 'calculated denial'.

No doubt, that question would've had become the more important along a continued advances at graphics from the games. As that necessarily must've had it's emotional and social influences. On an individualistic and social level. Some those for the recognized and some for the “hidden” impacts.

More generally, I think it is also more of an issue from what kind of values people tend learn to view as the main 'essence' from it. – In the games, and, from gaming (as on about anything else.) The shootin' – of humans – or say...fx, perhaps, for solving the riddles? ; In short, it notable too how the quite resemblant 'values', or the emphasizes of that kind typically standardised violence, both are much in a mains of 'plot' on several other games too. – It brings on mind, fx, those for sorts like the late Transformers-series. (Though never played those games, recalling that by the movies mainly...) And prob., of course, there's others by multitude numbers. ; Despite the said, never neither thought that a playing for the Command et Conquer would've made me more receptive to any militarism. Or for wars. But, maybe it could've made me more careless about, of not to pay similarly the attention on what counts at such aspects. To not so much for think for how the wars tend have their begins. In fact, that counts... --------

...Yet also guessin', still, that it then makes sense when on the begins of the article (, above quoted) there is the referefence to that famous Nietzchean-anecdote. The one originating for from Beyond Good and Evil (1886) - ie read as: 'Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster.'  

Perhaps that advice shouldn't pass 'out the mind' from a too easy manner. For surely, there are Monsters and there is an 'Abyss'. Often they also wear the uniform. Or, by occasion a tie and the briefcase.

Whether you'd then for a gamer or not. Whether you'd for to believe in an innate goodness in the man – Or not. 


It ('prob.') not quite possible - to us - of providing the more...'comprihensive coverage' on the holocaust and cons the several traceable 'backgrounds' it usually is for researched and traced for. (At the Germany before and during the war, meaning btw the years 1933-45.) ; For, the issue remains still as much studied and, no doubt, also of debated as it ever was. Confino seemed fx on some place to mentioning that a more wider publicity from the nazi-concentration camps, or 'bout that intended meant holocaust of the European Jews - It only did emerge by during the 1950s (and after). Despite from it's now more wider 'acknowledging' since that decade. Or, despite that the issue was much newssed already during the years direct after the war, at the early post-war news-coverages. -----------


[Photo, beside right] ; ...from a Fritz Lang-film, 'Das Testament des Dr. Mabuse' (publ. 1932 – It said of got directly 'banned of domestic distribution in 1933'.) ; ...These ghastly figures, rather successfully, reflect the psychologics, an 'impact' – on an individual and social levels - that the Gestapo's murderous methods would've effected on a 'human condition' and existence in German society at that decade. Perhaps - it can be said - also from making 'visible' those many victims undisputable presence, and also gives 'hint' for their expectable post-mortem “returns”. (The 'ghosts' walk directly toward the watchers, then disappear.) ; ...The still-image is from films DVD-copy.


; Like (also, perhaps) was said by priorly: the World War II might've represent some from the most profound researched topics in a modern history. The (Jewish) Holocaust not a small part of all that vast study.

But, then for some more points-of-views;

I don't from so much see there some radical (historical) 'difference' between the early begins from the Jewish persecution in pre-war Germany – on 1930s - and the simultaneous began killing from the mental and the 'disabled' patients in the asylums, during that same decade. It's of course quite recognizable that there is some difference – most apparently in the racial origin from those purges, from cons the first mentioned. ; If one wished to think about that (those issues) separately, then thr apparent racism at a genocide against Jews is of course the most notable difference. And the religious 'background' from it makes another major 'divergence' in between. But thinkin' that, in both cases, the aims still were largely consequential. (To get rid of the parts populace not judged 'fit' for life.) Also thinkin', that the origins for both had keenly their roots in the 1800ian background, those racial- and eugenistic 'beliefs' – or call those then for the prejudices, suspicion, 'racial theories'... - And that them do reflect, many ways, the very much same 'set' of aspects. Maybe even more so than what from it has been studied from. Even that, that too a much researched part.

While I, fx, think that Confino seems provide much on a historical and cultural 'background' of the pre-war years happenings in Germany – I'm also (quite) to think that for the more historical understandings to emerge, prob., it does necessitate also from the more wider a coverage about the economic historical 'roots' by that 1930s. Or, likewise, from about the some cultural “beyonds” - that meaning, perhaps, some more particular looks on the international background for those years. The more of a coverage about it's development. And on from (smght, about) that what I'd think for a cultural 'conservatism' in that era. And of the anxieties by the said decade. Both being the very characteristics in the period.

...Actually, often thought that considering the world's changin 'after-effects' from the 1940s, and then all past the rest of the century, particularly of the 1930 tends remain for surprising little covered in a 'many history book'. Or, the much about those details even not get their similar recognizations from. Including anything cons the Jewish percecution during a pre-war era.

; On the basis of this reading, one then fx seems learn much from aspects that not generally aren't near so well known than the war-time horrors. (Fx, the book does concern much part on a study from that disfamous pre-war 'Kristallnacht', ao.) ; Some issues that mostly tend appear only, one could say, 'belittled' under the horrifications by extermination camps, and from the genocidal war(s) carried by the nazi, in during followed war-years.

In short; Also thinkin', fromafter the wide range topics this post has already presented...Then what picked in following is mostly concerning the topic about 'state'-religion(s). – Or, for mostly contemplates around that very apparent intolerance which the state-religion(s), often, does seem having reflected. On an often asided a viewpoint about how it (was) possible that the official Christendom and nazism as a stately political 'means' could for painlessly to co-exist in the pre-1945 Germany. (At least of seeming rather unproblematically – Indeed, no major resistency to the purges 'midst' the German churches ever emerged.)

; By anyhow, here's the quoted then;

Nazism did not and could not reject Christianity. Religious sensibilities in German society during the Third Reich were profound. By the count in 1939, over 95 per cent of Germans were registered, baptized, taxpaying members of the Protestant and Catholic churches. Hitler himself never left the Catholic Church. Many Germans did not regularly observe the religious practices, but more important was that they shared a sense of Christian tradition that was connected to their national identity. The Nazis were part of this tradition. The broad popular support enjoyed by the Third Reich owed much to the regime's preservation of religion, along with private property and mass consumption. The Nazi revolutionary attempt to construct a new racial society acknowledged that event the most radical transformation was maintained by links to the past. ... Being Bolshevik and practicing Christianity was, ideologically at least, a contradiction. But in the Third Reich many Nazis were openly and proudly Christian, and the Nazis never seriously considered adopting Bolshevik-style religious policies. Their aim was not to eradicate Christianity but to eradicate Christianity's Jewish roots; not to replace Christianity with racism but to blend the two.

Traditional Christian anti-Jewish motifs found their way into Nazi racism. ...”


...Nazi anti-Jewish imagination mixed racial 'science,' which gave it the legitimacy of modern rationality , with Christian elements, which gave it the familiarity of tradition.

In their aim to eradicate Christianity' Jewish roots the Nazis found support in the German churches. ... the Catholic Church had the most complex relations with Nazism over political and religious power. Since national unification in 1871, German protestants identified Protestantism with national identity. ...Bismarck, the Protestant chancellor who unified Germany, launched a vicious campaigns against political Catholicism in the 1870s, which had a lasting impact on the relations between the state and Catholicism. ...But most important for our topic is that during the Third Reich the three churches were overall united in the idea of the Jews as a degenerate moral and spiritual influence on German Christians that should be removed, in one way or another. None of the churches defended the Jews after 1933. ” ; from (Confino), A World Without Jews: The Nazi Imagination from Persecution to Genocide (2014; p. 126-7 ; 128-9.)

; On elsewhere, at the 'followed pages'...It was explained how during the nazi-years a some 'messianic' idea (...I guess, we could 'interpret' the idea w. this expression,) from the Christ gradually then became 'modified' in the popular imagination w. emphasizing the role from Christ to a 'warring saviour'. And how that (idea) then got of distanced from it's actual origin in the Bible. (From it's Christian origins.) ; Even the book itself, ie the Bible, seems said during nazi-years went through the several re-editions – for to fit to the described purposes by the nazi. (And an Old testament was actually completely excluded from. Due because of it's obvious shared origin w. the Jewish religion.) So, Confino's one discovery seems be that to the nazi's one – their main – consequential means were to eradicate any authentic memory 'bout the Jews in the German/European history. No wonder that much of a holocaust-history, therefore, underlines the importance for remembering that history. – Meaning the war-years genocidal operations, the gas chambers, the ovens to dispose of any evidence, and also the remembering from the pre-war/war-time purges.

And indeed, that mention brings for mind also the many propagandistic films made during the war-period. As perhaps the most unscrupulous users from the cinema and strong emotional 'appeal' from then newly invented moving pictures, on during it's early decades, the nazi-propaganda (perhaps) still remains a somewhat obscure issue for most peoples. – Yet, much like from the other films by that timing - For any it's present recognition - One can't much avoid the blood-stopping thought that people must've at the time, more or less, believed it for contained the amounts 'authentism' (/or from 'realism'. ; ...Which for smght's that I actually meant w. that remark it would needed the more concerned look on 'cultural-economics', or of such things at their more general level, by that 1930s.)

; Despite that, the people must've by some degree been able also 'see through' from the most striking 'episodes' of it – From all it's open distortment from truth and the perversities at all war-time propaganda. (During the ever increasingly more exhaustive latter war-years that must've declined to a less of concern to the most. Simply, because they'd increasingly found themselves to had less time to devoted for thoughts what was being propagated to 'em.) Interestingly, such films, perhaps, are the most direct 'evidence' from the methods in that war-time manipulation as it was maintained by nazi-government. Which also tells smght lot from what kind of ambiguent emotional anxieties people must've been encountering, 'from daily'.

(Thenagain; It can be also recognized, appears more than obvious, that – some – very similarity, similar emphasizes are of course to be found at much other propagandist films. At many that were made also elsewhere, during war-years. Obviously, all war-propaganda by it's purposes does operate with and tries from to affect and influence to enstrenghten the nationalistic-historic emotions. The nazi-era 'cinema' may have represented a bit more pointed an example to anything of the sort – In particular w. the intentioned 'fuelling' from any hate against the Jews. But the melodrama and resemblant 'sacrificial patriotism' weren't then any unknowns in the contemporary films that were made of encourage an 'Allied' war efforts, either.

; Or, not needed go so much back the years – and some resembling elements aren't very difficult for from discovered. Fx, (some) similarities are for noticeable in (some) for the most disgusting war-films, by recent decades - and prob. by not accidentally many those were been filmed by the late 1990s. Obviously, there must've also appeared several other that I'm likeliest not ever watched from – But one of the 'same sort' which also appeared widely advertised at the time, at least was that 'Saving Private Soldier Ryan' (,-98?). And others – as yet, it doesn't bring on mind any else but that ridiculous space-invaders film, the 'Independence day' (from the y. 2000?). ; I mean...(both) said films fx seem rather easily fill for a criteria by typical war-propagandising filmatisations – there's amounts patriotism emphasized, well over any 'excesses' from; there's dehumanizing from the enemy/-ies (, perhaps bit less at that “Invaders”, since their obviously not humans... From even more ridiculous is the recognition that in the popular fashion of 're-cashing' in lack of any better ideas, that film too got from refilmed, a few years back...) But; besides that, other such elements are then also, fx, the watchers emotional alienation for which (often) is aimed via the certain (cinematic-) 'shocks' use. ; In other words: the wars all-consuming brutality is presented, somewhat paradoxically, 'coupled' w. the certain plainly filmatic effects that order the narrative (Or, there's that paradox in that at any such filmatisations any “authentity”, the ultimate truth from “revealed”, can't avoid a necessity in any films, it is being 'compressed' to serve the said filmatic effects...Which one can call also say from to had set the 'ideological ultimates' in such films. Soforth, fx the patriotically presented 'sublimate' tombstone-rows in the ends are actually presented as an unavoidable scenes for a point of 'separation' of all precedent presented war-brutality, the “happy ending” being from filmed, while it merely serves for to conceal of watchers eyes all for theother victims in those past wars. Or, all that would've died at any present fought wars. I mean...that's for a one apparent reason from why the Hollywood tends repeated found it's nazies to so 'valuable' for a 'recollection', how it steady seems to returned at the World War II-themes – Despite, that the 'plot' already long after from having declined mainly to the worn-out and out-consumed as any 'past' subjects, filmatized "history", similarly as are the westerns. Etc...)

Not a very pleasant discovery, by some recognition. (B-t-w; My regular unflattering expression fromafter watching any /most of the war-films tends from read like: 'They were heroes...')

; And, well...from the closer observation, to only difference between the war-period propagandistic films and those 'Hollywoodian-' ones, at presently being that, after – the continuous – manufacturing, publishing, selling, of the films (and from other medias), past several decades, people are actually lot more often 'forewarned'; Them, no doubt having learnt from interpret better any these sort purposes (propagandistic) war-films maintain. (And aim for 'circulate'.)  Kids also are nowadays taught some skills from the media-reading at school, in the best circumstances (Also that aspect appears always to represent, remains from a constant discussed topic. Due because; 'you reap what you sow.')


...Rather than demonstrating the anticipatory parallels between Mabuse and Adolf Hitler, Dr. Mabuse, der Spieler is a cautionary tale, perhaps addressed to the director himself, about the filmaker's ambiguous role as the master of the machinery of political power fantasies, predicting the political role the cinema would play in the totalitarian regimes of the 1930s and '40s.”; of the MoMa's exhibit catalog-book, that Weimar cinema, 1919-1933 (p. 33; at Elsaesser's 'Inside the Mind, a soul of dynamite! Fantasy, vision, madness and homeless souls in Weimar cinema') ; ...Mentioning the Lang's 1922-film, the first featuring that Dr.Mabuse, a 'Master criminal'.

; Furthermore, I also thought it proper mention that, apparently, these 1990s distasteful creations tend enjoy somewhat a similar 'gap-in-memory', at the public memory, than most from said propaganda-films of World War-years. It seems resemblant – sort like – than would be the remembering the Auschwitz without it's ovens. (Not a parable for my own inventing...) Or, like at those video-games the 'phantasified' historical frames for that nazi-period without the mention, or w. only the most referential passing note presented from about the concentration camps, and other simultaneous atrocities, by the same timing.

...Films – those made by the 1930s - of course also bring on mind that the usual melodramatism and 'novelty' of the medium still during those days must've much affected for what by this day is from them recollected – and what (much part) isn't. (Mentioned just because the aspect, prob., has the p-o-w that anything most remembered from the nazi-reign in Germany, 1933-45, is most often seen through somewhat similar 'selective lenses.' – Or, anything for what in the films is for remembered is then largely presented, mainly, because of it's appeal in the historical imagination that has formed and was afterwards influenced by, largely, w. the filmatic images. And the propaganda. So, in the typical 'memory' 'bout that 1930s, for examples, seems still lot often reproduced w. aspects, sort like, that underline an 'archaism' from the decade (the poverty, the old technologies, ao...), black and white (or lack from color, therefore the sepia-'effects', shades...). And indeed, the most typical aspects of the cinematic 'interest' from the nazi-reign most often, most eagerly have reproduced it's monumentalistic and 'grandiose' - not so much brought to light any references from during those years already existed wider knowledge 'bout the nazi-horror. Or that in the contemporary cinema (Weimar-films like Fritz Lang-classics - and others, while most were soon banned in Germany), it was been treated w. the emphasize on psychologics; The insanity, the social disintegration, the 'hysteria', crimes...

; So, in the more (usual) recognition the most standard references been to that Riefenstahl-film of the German Olympics by the 1936 (simply 'Olympia' by name, from 1938) - and perhaps from little else. The same, possibly, concerns largely the great 'appeal' for the nazi-architecture which was/is mostly connected for the Albert Speer. Both, fx, used to appear as the constant material in documentaries.

; But certainly there's more for this aspect too...And if one studies little beyond 'surface', there's of course numerous studies on the other films made during that time. Ever since from Kracauer, by earliest perhaps. (And as well reminds us from the filmographies by Lotte Eisner.) ----------


; ...Also I don't quite so much share the (Confino's) expressed view (at the quoted paragraphs), or the claim for that the Nazis were (from) 'part...this Christian tradition'. ; One thinks the expression does generalize issue by too much. It from fx renown how much an 'occultistic' and obscure, mystifying elements (like the astrology) played a role in the 'spiritual imaginations' by some from the leaders. (Such as from Himmler or Hess.) ; But basis all this above noted, also thinkin' the quoted has a point from noting that the 'nazi-cult' – in comprising, and trying to 'melt' in itself the past religious tradition, it needed '...shared a sense of Christian tradition'. Or perhaps, that would've been resultant solely due because it had, like at any other state-system has had, the unavoidable needs from reliance for the religious tradition. (In needs of a shared 'state-religion', that meaning. Not as some byrocratic or spiritualistic necessity. But due the need by the ideological purposes, uniformity.)

But I leave it for anyone think about oneself to more particular. 


; For one issue, (indeed) without the 'religious tradition' for taken in the considerations, it remains quite difficult to explain - any manner - how the Fuhrer-cult could've without remained to so strong and led for the all-wasting total war as it's final consequent 'phases'. All-through and past the long war-years. (Orwell wonders on some his post-war years essay for 'how that little clown could fool us all to so long'. Perhaps the preceded noted aspects may also have developed, while somewhat partial - from limited - answers for that question.) ------------

Historians (the modern, and of the 'old' times) seem also nowadays lot more discuss from the survival by historical 'memory' at many other 'levels' too. That due because the historical 'realities', increasingly, have been found got under the constant threats from their intended modification(s) in during this networked age. Also pays the worth then of saying that the holocaust certainly not a sole topic whose historical memory maybe has suffered under that described sort digital 'blending'. (Probably declined in any memory in anything cons the actual existed reality as resultant of the certain 'digital gap' having got for emerged. Making the   historical incidents having happened to start seem bit more distant, even less 'authentic', in the finding from the younger generations. Perhaps.)

; Finally – to mention – brings to (my) mind also that around the turn from century, that for the 2000s, it was by somewhat as well discussed from how all that horrific in the memoir from holocaust was, by somewhat, hiding under itself the other horrors from 1900s. In short; meaning how the Jewish genocide, along it's oftenmost made 'identification' w. the Auschwitz, had become the symbol to the most 'ultimate evil' in human history, sort of.

By the recent reads from, brings that automatically in mind then also fx: the Soviet Gulags; The S.Africa (the century's long apartheidist 'system'); The comparable British 'gulags' prior the independence, on the 'post-colonial' years at Kenya (by the turn of 1950-60s, such as it described on Elkins' book [p. 2005.]). ; Mao's China (his starvation 'reforms', in that 1930s and later. In the rural countrysides.). And the various other dictatorships of the world that remained lasting or emerged at the after-war periods. As well, Ruanda in the 1990s. To some examples. ; The mass-extermination from the Jewish populace by the 1941- on following Hitler's 'Operation Barbarossa', in the Ukrainia and on other regions of the Sovjet Union's (then) Eastern European part. (Also seems actually nowadays often recognized for it long having remained  largely, various places, to the similar 'quieted' 1900ian histories.)

The comparison for, just any of the above mentioned, actually isn't without certain relevance to this – whether we from liked the idea or not. Whether or not we thought of the Jewish genocide to as historically 'unique' moment as the invention from the atomic bomb - Which by no coincidence, prob., times for the same decade(s), the 1940s. ; Also, despite from noted various 'distortments' in it's historical remembering, the concentration camps and holocaust remain actually to more widely acknowledged 'periods' in 1900ian history than others from the above list. (Stalin's slave camps for the ethnic 'minorities' and political prisoners in the prewar/postwar Russia perhaps as some exception.)

But at this point – Game Over.

(This part, 'section' concerning.)

...Or maybe for not quite yet. In one other book from the recent reading we find the additional Nietzschean-anecdote. In spite of all the pessimism that expressing, seems it almost from too correct, a 'just' estimate for it's postward/retrospektive finding – At least for what comes to the 1900s, as an epoch, a century's 'passage' in the world history;  

“Madness in individuals is something rare; but in groups, parties, nations, and epochs, it is the rule.”



[Photo, above] ; ...(also) of that book on Weimar-cinema; The image from a film by the name 'Ein Toller Einfall' (1932, eng. name 'A Crazy Idea'), which was directed by Kurt Gerron (/Gerson). 

; ...Of the distant recollection I think to remember that the film was a pretty boring (uninteresting) a piece – But this one image, selected actually also to the cover from referred Moma-catalog', appears rather 'catchy'.

; ...On Gerson it seems said (at that MoMa-catalog) that [he] 'from August 16 through September 11, 1944' ...was at Theresienstadt forced by the SS to direct (anti-jewish) proganda film that were '...meant to demonstrate to representatives of International Red Cross and the Vatican, as well as the public in the neutral states such as Switzerland and Sweden, that the Jews in Theresienstadt were treated well.' : ...As Gerson had been captured by 1943 he was sent to a concentration camp, and then by 'February 1944, interned at Theresienstadt, (Terezin, Czechoslovakia ...)...' - Of where [with most of his crew] '...were deported to Auschwitz and gassed.'


...'ultimately, the problem may come back to haunt us' ; Or, from the long arm of the Chemial Toxins... ; 


; Of a 'Newsreel' we happen to find, w. the usual uncertainties expressed on about how much anything, right now, is to it's 'current interest'. Or, whether these already were passed by of their most recent newssings. (That) would appear to be, quite expectable, perhaps  unfortunate; if we think from knowing (smght) 'bout that 'human-kind'... 

; But even if it so, then also rather more important that we have the reminders from these fewsome. At least.

'Sum total' - on anycases, among others, there on headlines then were, fx: Alexei Navalnyi (returning for Russia, imprisoned, and thenafter the seen demonstrations at streets for behalf his release, and, the suppression from those in televisioned. Various European nations expressing their resentful comments on.) ; the cumulative ice loss at poles is said having been calculated reached '28 trillion tonnes, in less than 25 years' ; the Burma (Myanmar)-crisis (,and the uncertainty for cons the real consequences and ending from that military-coup. Such as fx were, on here.) ; From following the Biden inauguration (for the presidency), there's indigenous people's ( open letter to, from calling at the 'series of support Indigenous Peoples' rights in the U.S. and abroad'.

; And other articles from.

(...We're also fx now finding this, of likely to araising some noticeable concerns.)

; ...To the rather alarming sounding proofs from - Or at least to the newer findings 'bout the possible harm(s) the microplastics are assumed 'plausible' to cause. (More prec., that does mean 'micro-particles', much of which are broken down of plastic materials.)  (After the discovery from particles transmitting in the human placenta.) ; On concerning the human life too; in particular from/to their potentiality of affecting the newborn, and as well, we learn from it, possible are the affects on cons the ones not born - as yet.

Considered for a few lines more on about this, or of the studies and researches on it. (Which must've emerged from within the relative recent years, I suppose). ; But it actually feels perhaps better if we now from offer the above for the reads through first - And not of assumin' anything 'beyond' what it seems have for the said.

; Thinkin therefore, it only yet another, very serious reason that'd from to speak of the good haste in getting rid from any plastics in their still many, vast uses in the human produced products. (Such as well known by some time been, as we also have from before repeated said, there is unnecessary manufacture and circulations from plastic materials in the widest of uses; that packaging and on the plasticizers – numerous products, many'a'stuff – and nowadays even at the textiles, the it sometime often is for noticed. ; A point-of-view, of the textiles concerning, is quite well learned of the many 'cons' there are, makin' the relevant reasonable findings against the uses from  - most all - synthetic material in textiles. See from those, 'short-listed' at the Wikip.-page)

Yet, I decline from the more comprihensive commentary. As the real 'emergency' and consequent issues to do w. the future generations are probably still found bit under some...'question marks'. But, as usual, there seems a lot importance in the findings – And, as usual, that of course brings for mind the lenghty list by very comparable histories in the healths-hazarding manufactures and the 'lethal-industries', whose commercial 'benefits' (ie, the profits from) in the past were been 'ferociously' – by common, often also were backed w. the misleading falsified research, reports, and claims – from defended by major industries in responsible. 


(Such as: the DDT (,and the PCBs), the smoking (the 'tobac et tabac'-industries, 'merchants'to  from - resultant rather little from it's health-concerns broke the 'public facade' 'till from 1980s), the lead in the gasolines (- from encontained that, a major poisonic 'till also as long as for the -80s. Prior to that, remained the releases of every car parts on aerial pollution, cumulatively), the long-held denials about health's compromising causes by even smaller exposures on the radioactive releases (/and particles), GHS-emissions, the CFCs ('ozone problem')...and the list won't even end w. those, only were for the most renown from.)

; By no exaggerating – at least not much - one could add in the same list, as well, numbers for used antibiotics at the human medicinery. (obviously there's number counter-reasons why their used still, and proved from efficient in the medical 'sector'...). And, fx, also the even more widely overuse, and manufactures, from some other contents in the 'medicine cabinet'. (That so called 'Prozac-sector'. Along that the numbers marketed, unnecessary vitamin-addits. And the many so called, 'wonder-drugs'. For a few examples...) 


So here it just from the briefly remark on...And why not then to read that through? (By now.)


; Of the 'twin-faces' of those antibiotics - Or, let us use the words of that article following, the 'dark side of' - It also reminded us, about this.  (at Nature. 'When antibiotics turn toxic'.) On fluoroquinolones, and of the potential side-effects from antibiotics in more generally... ; Here's for a short quots from - just a couple sentences, as for some about the present 'findings':  "Fluoroquinolone toxicity, they say, provides a compelling example of an emerging understanding that antibiotics don't just harm microbes - they can severely damage human cells, too. ...

[...] ...From the 1980s to the end of 2015, the FDA received reports from more than 60,000 patients detailing hundreds of thousands of 'serious adverse events' associated with... fluoroquinolones still on the market... , including 6,575[...??] reports of deaths. ..."  


(And, on the other topics, continung;)

Obviously, then not so much unrelated appear the various aspects found still as the modern concerns on about the worsened air quality.


Thought, then, the aspect 'bout how in that 'back record' goes in parallel w. the possible further increasing finds for the harm by plastic-industries, and the fossil emissions. ; ...Such as we also find that (that) chemial pollution on some for the most industrialised places having had, basically, almost as long a history from singular juridicial cases and also lenghty trials after the claims been araised by the larger communities – In fact it now goes almost as far back as the begins from a manufacture for plastic 'materials' itself. (; Although, back in that disreputedly careless 1950s the laws concerning any caused environmental pollution, and, any 'protective measures' that should've been put on effect by the governments seem been from almost non-existent.) ; Some say them still are – and hence the reference of that Guardian's serie of the american 'cancer towns' maybe makes the proper further read at this 'combine'. While it for just one article, among those several on the issue.


Without too many further explains, here's a (brief) quots from: “Beyond greenhouse gases, the 157 oil and gas projects planned around America could emit thousands of tons of pollution that contribute to smog and the particle pollution that contributes to asthma and heart attacks. They will also emit sulfur dioxide – which damages the lungs, and nitrogen oxides – which feed fish-killin 'dead zones' in waterways.”


; ...On from about the DDT, seas, the 'dumping' of those toxics at near Ocean-coastals in the 'back years', I now also recollected one particular informative article - that had inventive practical graphical examples too - guess' it was at the New York Times' pages. But couldn't now seem from relocate the said very shortward, easily. 

So, here's instead of that just the link from the Wikip.'s list of, so called, 'Super-fund'-sites (on U.S. ; Does relate quite direct for the above noted.; ...the pollution, toxics - and about that how the long-lasting costs tend fall on any society if there only too defective environmental regulations, or laws from. Or, occasionally can  have been noted from the direct illegal neglecting of such laws - Of what that article on from seas and DDT-barrels from 1980s, the origin of the problem, would've had for described.)

Indeed...diseases ? Pandemias ? - All the combined might, very well, bear some lot to do, w. such things too. ; ...But in all likehood that issue 'bout an aerial pollution isn't a small 'factor' in much on what comes to the responsibility by the said unhealthy industries. 

; Or, such as that being nowadays from often gotten to it's more recent of the 'refashioned' from. (...Let us use the following  expression then...) The issue from the human health(s) surprising much now does adjoin w. that other big question, by presently – that from about the Climate.

; However, the issues from the 'healths', or from how these 'modern' 21st century-questions about are entangled w. that, are having to do w. that Climate (and, emissions), of course it's by now the most apparent. Seems it as such. - But: (I think) there's more to all that has to do, too. How we treat the other species ? What are the likehoods them can, anymore, to sustain the heavy losses we're of constant inflicting, on many? (Even for, most of...) 

; Photo; Gibbon, in Borneo. (Hylobates muelleri - an Endangered species, in the IUCN-list. Just one among the many.) ; ...Of course, it quite apparent how much the - esp. in during and from at 1990s accelerated - forest's loss(es), how them relate for an exact same issue. All from it comes back too - In form of (global) Heat.(The enlenghtened heat-'periods, the 'heatwaves'.) ; ...forgot the name by a book from which this pic was of..


...So, now (this week) we're also finding from the learnings 'bout that a 'Wildlife trade imperils species, even in protected areas' (article/the newssing on Science.) ; ...One may have the before knowledges from that many mammalians species populations suffered and still do much due the poaching (illegal, for the pet trade markets, ao...), but, there's then also the discoveries about that:  "The analysis also highlights a gaping hole in wildlife research. Most of the 31 studies focused on mammals, and there were none about invertebrates, amphibians, or plants like  orchids and cacti - all organism traded by the millions. In addition, there were only four  studies in Asia, 'a big hot spot for wildlife trade,' ..." ; Or, think for  a minute from - in the long-run, the 'effect' by - these followed few examples, on the losses in constant occurring;  "...where animals were traded for food (bushmeat), there was almost a 60 per cent decline... in places where animals such as songbirds were being trapped for sale as pets, population declines could reach 73 per cent. In general, '... the closer to human settlements the study sites were, the greater the decline...' "

...And if  I should make some 'extravagant' a comment - at least fromafter the recognization 'bout that acc the current  finding, observances this present 'pandemium' wasn't noted from infecting the very young. (But mostly from the older, and adults in short.) - I 'd then from to offering for you the understanding that (probably) the peoples themselves aroused, 'evoked' the lots of it, most from it. ; And, I don't mean those 'Asian pet markets', solely. Or even from as the 'foremost'. I mean the 'bigger picture', all from what all else apparent on this, from about these '...heavy losses inflicted...' (If you allow me at this to little citing, also for my own wording on above. ; On all the 'reports' I've noted, as what from is from those newssed about, seems it remarked from a continued decline in wild animals species populations - still during the first decades by this 21st century's.) 


; All from that comes back, only unavoidably (...I'd from think about it, on these basis, at this brief a comment on it...)

Lastly, finally (but from not as anything neglected), I mention as well of this, even that it bit formerly been from newsed about. ; ...As for some to the 'lately' discusses on the genetic advances and from the always consequent accomp. ethical concern. For it about the human embryos. ; on the 'Synthetic embryos'  - (and...) Humans...? Humanity's 'tomorrows'... - ...Indeed, that - as any "prospects" - sounds like smght rather alarming. (But read about that too.)


The 'Ecom-Recoms'...  ; Seq. I / 21 (Feb.)    


"Publicity: the absense of criticism; the system that only allows us to know all the best that the rich choose to say about themselves; the public price of a secret process; the enlargement of trade marks, but not the diminishment of trade secrets." ; (Chesterton) - acc. Ahlqvist, originating from Sept 17, 1927 and Dec. 29, 1928 (on the G.K.'s Weekly, and, on the Illustrated London News)


; It doesn't make a very good argument to say that the small deeds make the way for the bigger, meaningfull changes. Or that the gradual change of attitudes would necessary, ultimately, lead for the better decisions from being achieved. In the social level. On attitudes and 'habits'.


But...consider then this final section on post as some 'take off' away from the more 'gloomy' and rather more troubling story-'plots' what all the preceded presented mostly consisted from. There is the important 'bigger steps' and progresses happening - them fx seem to say, that now acc the ultimate limit set, the burning from coal should become for illegalized as any energy 'alternative', post after the y. 2030(Ie, already decided by few years back that it would end by 2029. Not as a first country 'at the world', for, I fx discover that in Belgium the last coal-phased plants should've already become, of 'phased out'. Also, Sweden and France are said to planned closing their last coal-plants by as soon as 2022. In general, during this decade or at least for very 'soon', in years, the several North-/West-European countries planning - have promised - to end it.)  

; Soforth, hope one can trust on that ultimatum. 


; As for my choices to these I slightly cautioned from whether I'd should to represent, here, in the years first section, mainly some '2nd class' (,or to the 2nd 'most important' ) ecologic products and recommendables - But there's really not any good 'criteria' for that sort - and therefore, from what comes to  these selections: They're not in any pre-thought order from. (Mainly, more so, as some bunch of the good choices.)  

...So, while waiting from that the 'bad publicity' would come to it's unavoidable ends (For, that'll have to come, sooner or later) - Chose for these as some for my personal selections, this time:

Toothpicks ; ...Since one occasional often needs some it's good to buy them in a package w. no extra plastic garbages. Didn't quite check from whether the packing is completely 'paperine', without any..."polythene's" - Or, any other plastic 'compounds' added on to. But one can, fx, use that pack after the toothpicks as some practical container - to the USB-stick, or of memory-cards, for instance. 

Also, I at first estimated that the contents wouldn't last for very long - But no, the pack was surprisinly more large than what the first expectation assumes. (In addit, the sticks are sharpened of both ends.)



; 'Ropes' ; ... This year, did bind all the X-mas gifts w. the adjacent pictured Jute-rope. Since from the scarcity in few years past, that seems now become more usual available, even in the local market halls. (Super-markets.) The idea is quite obvious: Why on earth should one use the un-natural, worst cases plasticized, stuffs when that by anycases ends up to the trashbin, from afterwards ? (Although, I tend also reuse my jute-ropes, somewhat.)

; Fully decompostable, simply the more ecologic alternative. Cheap. Also, there's of course nowadays ropes from some other natural materials; hemp, flax, ...etc.


  'Honey'ed w. the Buck'(-wheat)  ; ...In a nice glass jar

; Like said, honey-products not for my greatest favorities. - But in during the mid-winter it doesn't feel to bad an idea from sometimes add a bit in the tea or coffey. (As long as the production remains small-scale and of w. 'natural methods' I've not found it a too big ecologic burden. ; From not so small and not natural - well, guess the much about that has been said to do w. the world wide bee-declines. The aspect that most having had from heard, of smght. Honey bees, or honey-'cultures' itself, not for the foremost reasons in that - But the 'Big-Scale' Agri is. And guesll' we're to return on those subjects, some post soon...) 

; But, on this selection, product, I've only the pros to say (And no 'cons' at all.) : Glass is the much more ecologic and recyclable a container material - much better than what at usual packages on markets. (Bought this from local eco-shop. Not seen these products for sold  at other places.) Besides, in the glass jar the contents, prob., remain better the longer. ; The honey is of the bit darker quality than what the usual standard - Guessin' it prob. also the more healthysome by energy and 'vitalizers' encontained. ; And from the Buckwheat, I've only come to appreciate that from it's - indeed - healthy benefits. Of course, there's other varieties of source/tastes too. (But I like this best.) Recognize the difference - in quality.

'Hazy shade...' - ie, it's for beers

; Not for just any sorts of beers, though. In the good tradition of our depicts from the 'beer can and the flowers'-still lifes, I couldn't in the middle of winter find any flowers - has to do without, then, this time. 

; The best benefits are, from briefly listed: Rye is still, somewhat, undervalued a grain in cultivation. Taste is actually quite more 'fuller' in flavours than from those made of the regular other 'crops'. (It's also quite 'rich' - you don't feel like want to drink too many any one time.) Low-alcoholic. (Likeliest it not available at so many places, Finnish specialty. Don't know if there is even beers made of the rye, at the other regions. Prob.)

Soforth, like they seem wrote in the can: 'Hazy things from Iisalmi.'   


Soforth, as this wrote in the midst from winter weeks, we're not in any much of a haste for anywhere at this time from the year. The next post shall therefore (, prob.), arrive to as soon as after from couple-a-weeks.

...'Till then. (; G.U.J.)

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