The Frogs Have More Fun...


"All the names I know from nurse:
Gardener's garters, Shepherd's purse,
Bachelor's buttons, Lady's smock,
And the Lady Hollyhock.

Fairy places, Fairy things,
Fairy woods where the wild bee wings,
Tiny trees for tiny dames.
- These must all be Fairy names !"

(from Child's Garden of Verses
by R.L. Stevenson)

"Anyone can write a short-story.
A bad one, I mean."

(R.L. Stevenson)

"Science without conscience is the Soul's perdition."
- Francois Rabelais, Pantagruel
- Acc to/above is citated from: Medical Apartheid. The dark history of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present, by Harriet A. Washington (Doubleday ; 2006 ; p. 1.)

"In the high society of the first half of the century, marriage, despite it's bestowal status upon the wife, was the most absurdity. Marriage, conferring instanteous rank or money, ... lost most of its prestige and moment right after the wedding. ...By the end of the century, spurred by Rousseau's moralistic Nouvelle Hèloíse, a contrary cult, that of virtue, arose. After 1770 conjugal and maternal love became not merely admissible, but, for some, moral imperatives. ...

...Rousseau, who sought for himself the crown of morality in ostensibly defending marriage, presents in his Nouvelle Hèloíse the most enticing and extended defense of illicit love ever penned. The root of the problem is that as the century progressed sensibility became confused with morality: passionate feeling, if expressed in a highly civilized mode with grace and nuance, makes us forgive the Rousseau of The Confessions, for example, his pettiness, his jealousies, his betrayals. This moral-amoral byplay, present already in the novels of Richardson, was to be more intense as the century unfolded."
Madelyn Gutwirth : Madame De Staèl, Novelist. The emergence of the Artist as Woman (10,15.)

"...As the social contract seems tame in comparison with war, so fucking and sucking come to seem merely nice, and therefore unexciting. ... To be 'nice', as to be civilized, means being alienated from this savage experience - which is entirely staged. [...] The rituals of domination and enslavement being more and more practiced, the art that is more and more devoted to rendering their themes, are perhaps only a logical extension of an affluent society's tendency to turn every part of people's lives into a taste, a choice; to invite them to regard their very lives as a (life) style." - Susan Sontag , on 'Fascinating Fascism' (-74; p 103;104-5 at Under the sign of Saturn)
; "Anyone who cannot give an account to oneself of the past three thousand years remains in darkness, without experience, living from day to day." (Goethe) - as cited by Sontag (on same compile; p. 137.)

"It is widely accepted that we are now living in the 'Anthropocene', a new geological epoch in which the Earth's ecosystems and climate are being fundamentally altered by the activities of humans. I loathe the term, but I can't deny that it's appropriate."
; (Goulson), Silent Earth : Averting the Insect Apocalypse (2021; p 47.)
"It is sometimes said that humanity is at war with nature, but the word 'war' implies a two-way conflict. Our chemical onslaught on nature is more akin to genocide. It is small wonder that our wildlife is in decline."
; (Goulson, 2021 ; 118.)
"If we believe absurdities, we shall commit atrocities." (Voltaire)
- Citated from; (Joy, Melanie), Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs and Wear Cows : An Introduction to Carnism(2010; p. 95.)

"In the presence of the monster, you have eyes and ears for nothing else."
; (Flora Tristan) : London Journal of Flora Tristan: the Aristocracy and the Working Class of England ; 1842-edit. (tr: 1982. ; p. 71.)

"Every minority invokes justice, and justice is liberty.
A party can be judged of only by the doctrine which
it professes when it is the strongest."
Mdme de Staêl
(on) 'Consideration sur le Révolution de la Francaise' [1818]



While our forthcoming articles on on variety of fields including (but not limited to) cybersociety futuristics and prehistorics are still under preparation we have a variety of topics to deal with. Green being the topic of the day, oil and biofuels is not pushed aside either and taking a brief snapshot of the recent on-line privacy/public-has-the-right-to-know battles, we notice that here and there seems to be even more skeletal remains in the closet...This weeks newspost exceptionally on Saturday as we are much buzy in other articles to be posted here.

Its getting better all the time...Taking to aim again our favorite ´stylish´ product of the recent newsposts, the iPhone (yes, seems like we´ve learned to write that correctly), we notice that green(squash) is the rising brand of the times: Now you can get the new improved iPhone with ecologically greenish packaging (with 90% recuded carbon footprint). Also Celebrities noticeably greening again...but theres warning signs everywhere on the U.S. economy. What really rocks the boat is the oil prices some 100 % increase since 2005. The most notable competitor, the so environmental safe biofuels are getting some dirt on front-facade as we are informed that: "Without the increase in biofuels, global wheat and maize stocks would not have declined appreciably and price increases due to other factors would have been moderate." Opinions of the matter differ, however undoubtful that there´s much false greenwashing-opera to be seen on coming increase of the biofuel-markets...Whether there´s signs of real meaningful changes (or just spell of words) as fx the new oil refinery in Mozambique , supposedly being built according environmentally sustainable standards or the ´green revolution´ changing the british energy economy, we don´t yet know. One thing though is quite sure; we predict a relatively short market-span for the variety of products, resulting from new greenery trend, some of the big producers quickly adopting the next trend. To keep an eye on more catching things, Greenpeace is keeping TV-broadcasting panels showing the destruction of rainforests in real time at the head centre of European Union, Brussels.

iPhone also on the focus on negative level as its blamed ´protective sandbox´ of closed code, is hoped to open a bit with for Web 2.0-suited applications. New standard (or something like that...) called Bondi aims to do that. Pentagons (phone business) is making no better: U.S. militaryphone LandWarrior that uses similar node(?)-technology, designed to help soldiers keeping contact with others much like smartphones (the military phone has GPS satnav, voice and data radios, camera and even ARM processor) has ”cost Pentagon half a billion bucks.” For reason, as we are told that development for a lighter version of LandWarrior (in request for needs of actual users - the soldiers), the most of the extra equipment was removed and the only most useful ones (in actual combat situations) were saved. And what was voted for useful? Text/voice messages.

Questioning the journalistic practices...there´s a leak on frontline. Obvious, as much as unavoidable, we are informed that recent actions to censor Wikileaks(Wikileaks, a website intended to be a publishing area for secrecy kept official governmental documents, there available for netizens to see and comment) were only to bring ”...more attention to the documents than if they had just ignored it.” and finally the site lasted the efforts to shut it down by keeping it services alive with other servers situated abroad (situation also helped with active supportation from sites users). The process resembles much the way Pirate Bay was able easily survive closing attempts by authoritatives.
While we are not necessary in favor of publishing peoples social security numbers along with their tax papers either, we agree that in the spirit of peoples right-to-know its makes much use for the readers to be able to get to see themselves fx documents concerning Guantanamo Bay, as well as possible money laundring etc. The practice at least favors no authoritatives of any kind as leaking Amnesty´s abortion politics somewhat reveals. Also we (in MSW) have to say concerning this case, that typical journalistic customaries based on ´professional´ selectiviness of sources, are much in related to logic don´t-bite-the-hand-that-feeds (Let´s say, self-censuring, often unavoidable if to to earn a place from gatekeepers; that meaning publishing´judges´ of written word). A typical ritual in some journalistic circles, unfortunate for the freedom of word and the reason which makes a good informative article to appear in public papers as rare gem as within within blogsphere. Quality or truthfulness not necessary related to professionalism, in reality its much often other way around. So we are not clapping hands for the introduction of army of professionals to get accustomed with the pre-release wikileaked-papers. But at least its still in favor to lessen peoples ignorance of the things their companies and governments aim to hide...

Buff...we seem to be not short of words, but promise to use more brief sentences on next post.

Wish(?) to check the news(feed), motherlode of all the important information.



The Time being, a rare moment in this period of warmth pre the oncoming Ice-Age...our newspost seems to be compiled of good advices for any trip planner; Which car to choose for economic driving, what to see at London, and finally couple of articles about coming sun eclipse...

Thousands of people are planning to travel to witness a total eclipse, notably happening at city of Nadyn, Siberia on 1.8.2008 at 3.27.07 p.m. (local time), the real happening only lasts a couple of minutes, which doesn´t prevent people from travelling to watch the suns slowly disappearance from several places at Greenland, Arctic, Russia, Mongolia, China...along the Northern latitudes. The incident is said to open visible viewing panel straight to universum. The temperature lessens ten degrees for a time, insects and small animals go nuts, etc, etc...But if one had been around (Well, some alive yet were) to wittness the huge asteroid (comet would supposedly had been too fragile) falling to Tunguska at 7:17 on 30 June 1908, there would really have been something to tell about: "...generated a shock wave that knocked people ground 60 km from epicentre"; "The sky split in two and fire appeared high and wide over the forest"; "The effects...were not limited to London it was possible to read newspaps and play cricket outside at midnight...due to sunlight scattered by dust from fireballs plume". Had it dropped to Paris, Moscow, Beijing the results would have been disastrous. But such a spectacle! Wouldn´t it be worth preparing to travel for? Perhaps not, as possibility of such an impact is according to scientist relatively high and preparations for that case should be started. Remember movie Armageddon? In this case we are warned that yesterdays movies may be tomorrows...hodge podge?

Skeletons in the closet? A lot more of them under the streets on London, go and see what google-maps extension can tell us about each single one of them! Apple also is giving some skeletal habits a go, as it is giving positive look to developing exceptional performance and rich user experience for Iphone with a Sprout Core, platform independent JavaScript-framework. Thats good news, as years of experience with Apples way of business tells that we are propably admitted a multitude of games at Companys shop and multitudes of needed little apps developed by other, individual helpers(meaning unlockers/hackers)[sentences removed not my own text]

And good news for parents (s)caring from childrens daycare benefit/non-benefits...Kids at daycare are healthier when entering Kindergarten than the ones that do not. How reliefing: all that common flu + worse infections are given for the best of kid as they develop a better resistance until entering elementary school. The result - no actual benefit, as by the time they are teenagers, no differences between groups, as immune systems are more developed at that age. Parents have a right to ask for blessing...the research has again proven it.

Wish(?) to check the news(feed), motherlode of all the important information.

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Muleskinner Blogging Advices

Like anybody we also have a lot to recommend as the reader of this blog might have noticed; now here´s a few blogging advices we´d like to give. Not necessary to follow (any) of them, but doesn´t do bad either...

  1. You need a camera. Digital as possible, cellphone goes as well. It´s always entertaining to have pictures along with the text. Using your own pictures in the blog frees you best to find suitable pics in any time.

  2. Do not add unnecessary links to every web-sites/persons/whatever mentioned in your text(s). There´s Wikipedia for linking to things like that. If a reader is interested what might have happened fx 1995 or who was Princess Diane, he can find out that by himself. Too many links make text but frustrating to read, not necessary add any extra value to your blog. Only use linking for the purposes of the writing of your text (mostly to give some background to things said and/or connecting it to others texts).

  3. Its good to have a clear, focused main theme for your blog. Not necessary very easy, as many of us like write from variety of topics. Can be even more troublesome, if there´s several writers on blog texts, like the case concerning this blogs topics.

  4. Avoid too hasty publishing schedule. Its better to have something worth reading than an endless list of this-and-that stories (matter of taste naturally...). Overally, its still better not spit written words like talking, the quality of your language unavoidably suffers from that. Still a problem, even if you´re fluent in your language (which I´m not...), because then your propably easily playing (too) much with the words just for an amusement of it.

  5. On most cases, better to avoid writing much about techno-computerized topics; meaning new web inventions, programs, platforms, browsers, also hardware review kind-of-stuff. Internet is full all that, written by some computer-professionals, keeping their own posts dedicated to that. Of course, blog with a certain specified readers propably benefits (readers find them useful) from that kind of reviews and they possibly get people involved in using something they find worth checking. However, no need for too much of that, propably your local net help/management person is doing them enough already.

  6. Last but not least: have fun.

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This week we´re asking a lot of questions or so it seems...No answers needed, of course (like my old teacher used to say: asking by myself, I get the preferable answers...

There´s no business like gaming business...While the much praised and recently re-vamped PS3-console keeps still failing on to capitalize and Sony´s game-sells also (much) non-profiting, we are reliefed with news that the company is now opening a video distributing service for its console; you can even stream wirelessly to your other Sony products incl. TVs, walkmans, phones; On the other hand Ericsson also making bad numbers...Let there a console? Our external informants(not linked on newsfeed) here and here and here tell there´s a respectable row of extra functionalities users and developers have made to help the company uphill...

When the going gets tough...Did they tell you anything about this in national TV(or was it just me having missed the channel?) about the cleanest, cheapest and greenhouse safest energy source in our times (meaning the newest generation of nuclear reactors, soon making every household a technical paradise?-?). And the election days coming closer on the greatest nation on Earth, we are also given reliefing clue that before or after the votes are given we might just hear the distant echos of the Riders of Apocalypse on route again? Perhaps we should we be at our tiptoes?

...And while the Californian forests were burning generating as much CO2 than 9-days traffic normally at the area, Julia went for shopping and bought a couple of re-usable bags, Brad and Angie donated for kids, Lindsay dared to go for a fleamarket and Britney and Spices were blamed for making typical pre-teens skinny vamped ´wish-to-adult-soon-as-possible´. But isn´t it really the not yet publized (here not, if elsewhere it has?) Hellboy 2nd movie we are to blame next for all that unhealthy for kids going around? Not meaning to advice anybody for nourishing twiggy-diets and/or blood-stopping tights...

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Movie Recommedations pt 1

As we are still waiting for our enthusiastic clairvoyant visions to be published here, I think its a pleasure to write a few lines from our appreciated movies.

1st one on the list, Steal This Film 2 is (for those who are not familar with this...) an interview collection / documentary about the ongoing file-sharing scene (film a couple years old now, though). Its on movie release nowadays too and said to have made a quite good sale. Freely available to download on bit-torrent. An essential piece of documentary, don´t miss that one. Get the picture, before the picture gets you. Here´s more background in Wikipedia.

Then we have the 3rd sequel of Resident Evil-series; Extinction. It´s horror-action, beware that its perhaps not recommendable for under...what age, I don´t know. Check that at IMDB. The movie itself is not the best in its series, but the Doomsday visions in this one, they are the reason it was chosen here. (Watching this)One could imagine the Climate Change come true at its worse (Not to mention the zombies...). Its the landscape views, the dust, the colors, everything fits just in the place. Plot is not so bad either, at least if you compare it to the typicalities in the genre. Like Mad Max in theme and the slaughterhouse-action games combined (the RE-movies all are based on games by the same name).

Third, but not for quality is Akira Kurosawas Dreams. Again, we have some Doomsday visions from post-nuclear world, but theres also other kind of dreams in this theatrical flick from 80´s. Its comprised of separate stories and the colors... they are most amazing, beautiful and deep, not seen elsewhere kind like them as in Kurosawas later movies. IMDB reviews here.

Taking the habit of recommending, heres an essential (forgotten) piece of pop history also at our favorites. We could have chosen Iggy´s Raw Power as its propably more well-known. However, chose to recommend Captain Beefheart and the Magic Band: Clear Spot. Let´s see...No 21st Century Quaker on this one, but Big Eyed Beans from Moon...and many other classics. Its most likely bands best one, not as ambitous and raw as Trout Mask, not as r´n´b as the early days, still every bit a masterpiece. If you don´t believe me, check out Captains whole discography Last Fm. We recommend to listen it from LP disc, if you are somehow able to obtain a copy these days.

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