The Frogs Have More Fun...


"All the names I know from nurse:
Gardener's garters, Shepherd's purse,
Bachelor's buttons, Lady's smock,
And the Lady Hollyhock.

Fairy places, Fairy things,
Fairy woods where the wild bee wings,
Tiny trees for tiny dames.
- These must all be Fairy names !"

(from Child's Garden of Verses
by R.L. Stevenson)

"Anyone can write a short-story.
A bad one, I mean."

(R.L. Stevenson)

"Science without conscience is the Soul's perdition."
- Francois Rabelais, Pantagruel
- Acc to/above is citated from: Medical Apartheid. The dark history of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present, by Harriet A. Washington (Doubleday ; 2006 ; p. 1.)

"In the high society of the first half of the century, marriage, despite it's bestowal status upon the wife, was the most absurdity. Marriage, conferring instanteous rank or money, ... lost most of its prestige and moment right after the wedding. ...By the end of the century, spurred by Rousseau's moralistic Nouvelle Hèloíse, a contrary cult, that of virtue, arose. After 1770 conjugal and maternal love became not merely admissible, but, for some, moral imperatives. ...

...Rousseau, who sought for himself the crown of morality in ostensibly defending marriage, presents in his Nouvelle Hèloíse the most enticing and extended defense of illicit love ever penned. The root of the problem is that as the century progressed sensibility became confused with morality: passionate feeling, if expressed in a highly civilized mode with grace and nuance, makes us forgive the Rousseau of The Confessions, for example, his pettiness, his jealousies, his betrayals. This moral-amoral byplay, present already in the novels of Richardson, was to be more intense as the century unfolded."
Madelyn Gutwirth : Madame De Staèl, Novelist. The emergence of the Artist as Woman (10,15.)

"...As the social contract seems tame in comparison with war, so fucking and sucking come to seem merely nice, and therefore unexciting. ... To be 'nice', as to be civilized, means being alienated from this savage experience - which is entirely staged. [...] The rituals of domination and enslavement being more and more practiced, the art that is more and more devoted to rendering their themes, are perhaps only a logical extension of an affluent society's tendency to turn every part of people's lives into a taste, a choice; to invite them to regard their very lives as a (life) style." - Susan Sontag , on 'Fascinating Fascism' (-74; p 103;104-5 at Under the sign of Saturn)
; "Anyone who cannot give an account to oneself of the past three thousand years remains in darkness, without experience, living from day to day." (Goethe) - as cited by Sontag (on same compile; p. 137.)

"It is widely accepted that we are now living in the 'Anthropocene', a new geological epoch in which the Earth's ecosystems and climate are being fundamentally altered by the activities of humans. I loathe the term, but I can't deny that it's appropriate."
; (Goulson), Silent Earth : Averting the Insect Apocalypse (2021; p 47.)
"It is sometimes said that humanity is at war with nature, but the word 'war' implies a two-way conflict. Our chemical onslaught on nature is more akin to genocide. It is small wonder that our wildlife is in decline."
; (Goulson, 2021 ; 118.)
"If we believe absurdities, we shall commit atrocities." (Voltaire)
- Citated from; (Joy, Melanie), Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs and Wear Cows : An Introduction to Carnism(2010; p. 95.)

"In the presence of the monster, you have eyes and ears for nothing else."
; (Flora Tristan) : London Journal of Flora Tristan: the Aristocracy and the Working Class of England ; 1842-edit. (tr: 1982. ; p. 71.)

"Every minority invokes justice, and justice is liberty.
A party can be judged of only by the doctrine which
it professes when it is the strongest."
Mdme de Staêl
(on) 'Consideration sur le Révolution de la Francaise' [1818]


The Muleskinner Clairvoyant Part I

(1.1:) A brief look at the close future Web Development

(By WhAcKo-GeCkO)

”...Now, everybody´s so isolated, a good-looking bunch of ghosts....Now the girls can´t spell, and the boys can´t read”
(Bob Walkenhorst; Rainmaker)


In this article (and the following parts, we are to divide this at least in three parts due variety of topics under lens) we are to practise a most exiting task: we (hope to) make propable predictions concerning the future. With the future we mean simply the next 10 to 50 years. The time-scale of our futuristics may sound controversial, but its actually just a developmental formulation. According to our experience from the past 20 years it should not be too complicated to take the role of clairvoyant and give some forethoughts of the next ten (from cybersociety perspectives). Predictions for the longer time are without doubt more or less just guessing. If we knew where the whole planet is at 2058 I wouldn´t be writing this.

Choosing the time-scales just mentioned we are simply using a hypothesis based on increasing fastness of techno-cultural change: One can easily suppose, that during the next 50 years there will be at least as much changes as compared to past 100. Taking a shorter time-scale as a background for the first part of article, say from late 1980´s until 2018 serves as quick snapshot, a brief look at the most apparent aspects. This because the continuing speed of changes is a dominant factor in our common culture, simply defined as ”Cyberculture”.

To give some background to our overall futuristic soothsayings we mention few remarkable inventions from technological area during last 50/100 years. In 1950´s consumer society 'the common people already had the '”luxurious” inventions like fx automobiles, electricity, nuclear powers, television. However, things like computers/internet, genetic engineering(as possibility in uses like cloning) or lets say more unusual luxury like space-crafts were at best on planning level. So, they were not generally imaginable for a typical consumer society member. Widening our time-scale, 100 years past (1908) electricity was invented but not very much common in everyday use, not hints from the use of nuclear power in any close sight (except at, lets say, in Einsteins mind and similar scientists, for the 1st commercially productive reactor started at 1956, automobiles were invented and well on their way, but television, computers, genetics just barely imaginable, at foremost, So, at 2058 most likely there will be at least as many (as aforementioned 3-5) inventions that we are be now able at best sensing in science-fiction stories, but not yet able to see any real uses of them.

The chances are, that the fastness of change will be even more demanding and we are propably not able to predict the future as easily for it will be too much unfamiliar to our common knownledge. Frankly: the changes actually taking place will most likely come from the areas which are not yet much familiar enough (for us) to possibly imagine them properly. In spite of that, like any good soothsayer, we of course wish, in these brief clairvoyances just to make supposable predictions and if actually happened can look back and notice: ”I knew it...” (; First, of course, we have to live that far to see them come true...)

As an area of extreme falsifications and dubious liars, telling the future is of course much appreciated and seems to be the hobby of every other whealer-dealer. There was augurists at the times of Roman empire, not to mention the foreseers of the end-of-the-world through world history (most generally known examples are from 999, 1999 A.D.)1 Most notably, as we have seen, examples of doomsday soothsayers in the last turn of century were as numerous as bank accounts at Cayman islands (as anyone could have foreseen...). However, there´s been also notable number of predictions, based on more factual level; sometimes suitable to us because they give socially interesting views in the future of cybersociety. We take as an examples a couple predictions from decades not so distant past; namely 80/90s.

The Miraculous Machine? PC as (human) transformative device

On foreseers in the recent past, first to notice, would be the over-enthusiastic transhumanistic thoughts on biotechnologies, liberal politics, etc. of Francis Fukuyama from 1980/90s (during their publication times widely used in Neoconcervatism in needs of arguments to raise funds for some ”Brave New World-projects”) as typical example. Though perhaps decorated with falsefully positive futuristic presuppositions, Fukuyamas predictions are much in sync with the actual change taking place in human society and affecting our personnel. The role of human being in relation to developments in certain techno-genetic areas has become to the state where it is in constant interplay with the transhumanitative processes, we believe.

Predictions concerning the close future of computerized humankind have not always been as optimistic; another good example, we might notice, is a book published in the 1980s but very much ahead of its times ; The Cult of Information2 by Theodore Roszak. In spite of that, nowadays reader propably more likely finds out which pessimistic visions actually never happened at least in the manner predicted (or if the Big Brother implications connected to computerization by Roszak were to take place, it has already happened.)

Nevertheless, Roszak´s most crucial theorema is briefly(simplified but here necessary) that because computers doesn´t equate to human thinking, they don´t generate new ideas (like humans). Instead, the ´knownledge´ produced by computerization is merely just information, which in statistical analyses (by government et similar institutional powers uses) finds purposes in limiting and controlling peoples freedom of thought and opinion-making. Nowadays, when internet has created possibilities for people to find ways past the governmental information channels and also to connect (via net) almost anywhere in the world, the PC (personal computer) actually makes every household a possible starting point for a radical questioning of these numb bureaucratic statistical tactics. So Roszaks ´scaring´ point – creation of one dimensional computerized human being who is most concerned to techniques for classifying and cataloging information instead of real concerns of knownledge3 – has proven wrong. The Internet instead more likely has created a lot new ways for people to compare the thruthfulness of information and share that knownledge with others. That said, by no means underestimates the significanse of the most apparent (negative) result of computers in the age of world wide global networks: Information overload (Roszak seems to have predicted that correctly though only first remarks from it were appearent at the time of Cult of Information.)

Funny thing, also that the (most) important single factor in computers march to everybodys homes has been its capability to entertain, which at 1980´s was one its feared characteristics. Computers were feared to lessen peoples capability to think. Another funny thing, the most driving ”Fear Factor” nowadays is not the machines uses as creating statistical nonsense for politics or the machine itself turning against its users like in typical science-fiction written pre 1980. No, more recently the most feared thing has been that the great computer (meaning THE WEB) might some day collapse. Internet has been supposed to fall apart because intentional hacks or the information overload couple of times (not happened so far). However, the coming ending of IP´s seems to be one such a possibily next in the foresight(we predict relatively fast moving to IPV6-world, but how knows...and theres always possibility of the A.I. Somehow, mystically being born from the ever-enlargening parts and differenting areas of imaginative ´websphere´). That mentioned, just to notice that relatively little scifi written about Internets futuristics so far.

Well, all that aforementioned, it seems quite reasonable also mention David Brins 1998 book The Transparent Society. Brins visions first appeared as an article4, which gives us some remarks from the books main themes: the ever-increasing superintendence and unavoidable transparency of human interactions in the social field of society. Taking this as an example most important concerning our predictions on fututistics, we notice a techniques of watching being developed along within the internet and other areas of computer networks.

As the society has become more and more relying on connectivity and Internet, people (as social beings) have found the line between private and public web-persona more significantly blurred (aka borders between private and non-private are continuosly questioned), which pretty much fits in Brins theoremas. As Brin argues, people have choice between one that offers the illusion of privacy by restricting the power of surveillance to authorities, or one that destroys that illusion. According to him it would be beneficial to society if people had the same access to commonly privacy kept areas as the those in power have; the attempts ro limit that for limited groups can be seen as negative development. Also interesting hypothesis for us, credited to origin from Brins book, is a sentence: ”There will be more change in the coming 10 years than has been since 1998”5. In the MuleSkinner perspective that seems perfectly rational. It is also reasonable to note that all the changes will not be for good. As everything affects everything many areas better to be left in peace will be forced to groundbreaking changes.

Nevertheless changes are everywhere apparent as cybersociety has more or less already taken place. Our aim is to try to find some uses for typical uses of scifi-writing (like Brins predictions serve as example) combined with the simple remarks from the actual changes happening. Most wishful result from our methods would be the imaginative, supposable and by no means impossible (if not exactly correct) clairvoyances. A successful marriage from free-form visionaristic prophecies and inspriring remarks based on the factual sources, to express the same in an other words.

From personal experience I can say that most of the technological developments of the recent 10 years have been quite unpredictable (perhaps I´ve just aged or perhaps its the number of computer-related inventions that hides the most supposable new inventions from foresight). In the late 90´ies I had hardly got to notice the music revolution started with the new much obscure packing format named MP3. I did have a slight idea about the file-sharing networks taking a permanent place in home-PC´s in close future, but didn´t have any presupposed idea about speed of coming development or the manner the concept ´digitalization´ would start to affect to the social and economical bases of entertainment media. I had no glimpse of the soon actual fast technological advances of digital cameras, had some idea about cd-roms and hard-disk spesifics but couldn´t have guessed the capasity later available and needed as Blu-Ray/HD-DVD or capasity available nowdays on Harddisks, USB, Memcards. Also, a most telling example has been the increase in wireless networks. The most advertised predictions I remember from those times were possibly the supposed closer inter-connectivity of TV and PC (happened partly, but never as intense as publicly advertised to happen) and the ever so scifi applications mentioning virtuality and ”virtual”-life (actually developed all the time and much hobbyed, but still has yet to become a mainstream habit). And a whole lot more that never happened, or/just recently happening in somehow different levels/manners.

In spite of that I suppose, to predict at least overall trends of next ten years I try in next chapter give a satisfactory explanation from some most actual changes at the moment. In the next chapter, one might suppose we´re favoring some ´key players in the market´ (but we´re not, choices of subjects are mainly just for the current visibility of certain developments in on-going praised web 2.0-revolution) . The main point I´m resting on, is:

G = Web 2.0 [compare to E=mc2]

First of all, one needs to take some notice on defining web 2.0. Is it actually a new area of services and developments as Tim O´Reilly and co. would like us to believe? According to PARTECO-research report Web 2.0 is typically a social media, though there´s been social media in web ever since the beginning of the Internet, yet web 2.0 is claimed to have appeared just after year 20006. Typical examples of web 2.0 developed web-sites are speficially using ”Web as Platform”-thinking where the developer offers users services instead of programs (bittorrent is mentioned as example of the other typical part of service; decentralization). Also, characteristical for web 2.0 can be seen ao. Uses of collective intelligence (tagging, taking benefit from uses customers searches/reviews/favours...), database as a 'primary engine' in web shops, continous (beta-)development of programs/services offered instead of selling new program versions, lighweight programming models (like RSS-feeds, Google-Maps), the services superiority over several devices used (Itunes as an example of program designed to be used in many different computer platforms), and finally, rich user experience (usability/scalability of the service almost anywhere online)7.

Such an list of definitions, one can not but ask if web 2.0 is just a normal continuation in development of historically quite recently born internet, a change that has became obvious more within the capacity of machines raised and also more flexible hardware, phones, comps., available (and in the same time people getting used to web as normal part of their daily life)? I´d be more in favor of that definition; most such slogans as web 2.0 are stuck on the phenomenoms actually taking place in more continous process and as such are to born/die according to marketing logics. Nevertheless, as an overall definition web 2.0 is quite useful and can be seen as ongoing trend, which quite well enlightens us the developments apparent on todays (web)society and as such worth closer study.

According to Tirronen Internet nowadays is ”...webfeeds, blogs, mashups, collective intelligence, sharing, producing, commoness and creating social nets”8 All of the above (and a whole lot more!) can be seen defined as example of the more technologically flexible, more socially oriented user interfaces, and even more typifying as shift towards more decentralized structure in the net. Interestingly, Tirronen also mentions Bittorrent-focused piratism as an example of webs newly created ways as blurring the hierarchical boundaries of media with the (im)material uses of files and/or objects shared. Among the most apparent qualities of the media available at the net (pirated or not) is soforth freedom from physical and spatial bonds. Also, is mentioned the copying/sharing (of files) having been typical in the use of home-PCs ever since the times of Commodore at 1980´s. On more general level is then described the copyright-concerned raidings of the Pirate Bay website9. Concerning the questions most interesting for the uses of this article we can conclude: As an example from typical web 2.0 application Bit-torrent fulfills most characteristics asked, and, as an example from the the uses of (old forms) of media in these web 2.0 platforms, even more apparent is taking into use users increased capabilities (as means of increased computer power) for sharing, connectivity and searching of media.

But to forward in our article we must next ask why mention Google in headline of chapter so important? Simply because the on-linenes has already become so important and as developing ever better, more flexible services are taken in use. From the typical examples of Web 2.0-software relatively recently born many are G-developed (G-mail, Calender, G-Earth... as an examples of typical web 2.0 platform generating interwoven net of user-created extensions). One can notice that concerning the searching, online-databasing as well, Google is in better position to produce something in needed. Flexibility (available everywhere) is one main point, user-friendlines and fastness the other.

Not to mention the ads-system ever so important in the net ever since the early (ideal) days (when there was at least less information overlord...).

The Rainmaker came to town...people got what they wanted?

Cellphones market is the typical example of the everraising importance of searching services, main area of Google. According to relatively recent article, after the publishing of Apples Iphone, significant adding to searches was counted (Iphone resp. For 50% of the total), Google being credited as to have captured 61% of the mobile search market, Yahoo! And MS having a lot lesser searches made10. However, its unlikely that Google will ever gain total market-share in same manner as Microsoft which still had some 91,13 percentage slice of the OS currently11. It will propably govern the information searching and services built around that, but at the times when more ever-available services are affordable to more and more people, there will most likely be more specification on every sector. Nowadays there´s hardware manufacturers (like Nokia) developing products in combination with software developed, in the same time producers like Apple/Google moving to hardware areas (though the strategies may vary, as we learn from Wired-article12).

All that aforementioned is (according) to our opinion not just web 2.0 characteristics, but more a natural consequences of technological spreading of ”WebSphere”. Internets most potential power lies in the power to overcome limits; geographical, cultural, technical, the boundaries type doesn´t really matter. Similarly rapid spreading of the 3G-network possiblities quickly creates needs for the phones softwares to be even more richer and capable of taking use of social networking possibilities (as has a lot already been happening).

Concerning on mobile phones we can mention at least two (relatively) recent developments; the new linuxpowered phone market, mainly the Googles Android as platform in its flag-carrier (Verizons Limo-platform mentioned also even more adjustable to third-party developers). Linux is expected to grab 23% from the smart-phone market until 201313. Second hindsight concerns Nokias decisions to free up Symbian code and re-establish its base as Open-Source during couple coming years14, marking a similar move to more flexible uses of software developed for phones. In the future we can expect more of the similar happening and also more specialized phone builds for certain services/combinations. There will (in fact is...) phones for sports use, music, gaming, etc. This stylishing specializing has good backgrounds so we see no reason why this would not keep on increasing to an even more luxurious market. In the long run, the process means the cellphone transformating to personal usability carrier including for all kinds of specialized needs, including at least larger memory databases, futuristic solutions for LCDs (solving the problem of unusefull small screen), connectability improved in the wireless nets as well as USB/Bluetooth compabilities for external devices and more improvided security features. Just to name a few from the loads and loads of technical/software aspects.

In similar manner as on cellphones one can predict development toward even more flexible products concerning the browsers. From nowadays succes stories Firefox is propably most typical example of the user-flexible platform with its thousands of extensions developed by users (manner copied in later builds of IE ao). In the future (soon, couple more years), one can suppose that there will be possibilities arrange particles and spices according to ones own taste and download a browser built for ones spesified tastes (like cars from factory are nowadays compiled from suitable extra parts chosen by customer), unless that possible development is still halted by security reasons. Whether that is to happen is a possible directional way, at least arguing on the basis of demands for fastness, user-friendliness and scalability. If not on most well-known browsers, perhaps on some more experimental builds. As an early example of similar developmental creations already at the use, one can mention Flock-browser, developed from Firefox-base and added with some extra toolbars for typical new social web 2.0 web-sites like Youtube, Flickr, Facebook15. Even more important to notice, many of the extra usage and/or social webbing apps built are based on efficient usage of most helpful, free work-force, namely the actual customers. Android, as a model for the trend in development of smart-phones serves as an example, where the development of any extra´s (added to actual OS platform) is already at the planning stage left to users and their innovations16.

Again, continuing on the coming generation of smartphones...all the applications originating from linux-platform solutions praised one should not forget that phones basic use is still phones basic use: speaking. So linux-revolution not necessarily overtakes take prevailing market of smartphones(as it did not happen completely on computers OSs either). But as the process is yet started, theres a good reason to suppose that in the long run, it will succeed as fruitful development for phones platforms. In ten years(sooner actually) we are at least supposed to see a real creation of personal carriable identitity card; that is an 3G(or the successors for that standard)-based device, offering efficient uses for onlinenes, access to media and large databases with fast speed as well as geo-locationess. As well as use of multitude of new social sites/apps. According to capitalist logics, in relatively short time, devices are to be available in reasonable prices. Who dares to resist the temptation?

In combination: Information society happened, we can except in the coming 10 years the Cybersociety stepping to the complete wirelessness as with the datanets gaining more potential and also, people ever increasing their uses of that potential. In the next part of this article (1.2) we take a look at some other areas that are most likely to show us some predictable lines in (the close) futuristics of the netfocused parts of society. As an example of the questions most apparent, we might here take a quick look at picture showing the development in storage medias in recent ten years(the picture below).

As can be seen, the (newest) smallest device has the largest capacity of storage space. This is by no means to deny that the objects shown (hard disk, USB-music player/memory + the newer memcards) were developed for somewhat different uses. And the devices are not actually quite comparable, mem cards being more kind of new breed of the (now archaic) high density discs (just for fun, compare the storage capacity of them [1.44 Mb] from some 15 years past) than hard disks. We can also notice that theres an ongoing trend at the beginning: that of flash memory devices coming to markets and strating to replace the tradtional hard disks from now on. Nevertheless, all these devices were relatively efficient at the years of being bought(by me), if not perhaps the most pioneering frontline technology. In spite of that, the mem cards usability being most for just storaging(hd and music player were developed for other purposes as well), the cards yet have most advanced uses in nowadays multi-compability needs(phones, cameras, etc), as well as carryability (small size), as well as being fastest(old USB-standard 1.1 player being perhaps the slowest device, hd most limited in the case of connectivity). At the time of writing, 2 Gb capasity for micro-SD card was somewhat becoming a standard in use as replacing the prevailing 1 Gb cards (reasons propably being the increased demand of music/video files). As has been concluded, theres every reason to suppose that following development will demand even more fastness and capacity. Not to mention compability, carryability and shareability. But...thats of course just slice from the whole cake and our overall predictions should also be enlarged to other areas of development than just internet. (END OF PART 1.1)


(Wikipedia and similar sources are mostly linked directly from the text)

1. Not to mention Nostradame, most well-known foreseer of all times. We hope we can take a closer look at Nostradame on some article later on. In the meantime one can fx. (if not familiar with the person in question) see Roger Christian movie Nostradamus(1994), or if you like music better, theres a Judas Priest album on Nostradamus prophecies.

2. Roszak, Theodore, 1987, Cult of Information. Pantheon Books. My remarks are based on finnish transl. Konetiedon kritiikki. (1992, Art House) from books 1st edition. Concerning Roszaks thinking and its actual correctness one might also like to take a look at books 2nd edition from 1994, reviewed by R.W. Schuler at ”Critical Book Review of The Cult of Information.”; viewed 16.6.2008

3. Roszak, 1987, most notably: p. 99-104; 124-131; Also, more successful conclusive remarks on computers uses on politics and mass-media field see 173-202. Overally, it can be noted that Roszaks visions seem out-dated merely because the fast development of personal computers has changed their overall usability and capabilities in a way that propably wasn´t in anybodys foresight at the 1980´s.

4. Brin, David, 1996, ”The Transparent Society”, ,[article contains several web-pages, Wired Magazine, issue 4.12] viewed 21.07.2008

5. Grossman, Wendy M., 2008, ”The Transparent Society Revisited. Watching the watchers ten years on”, viewed 16.6.2008

6. Melakoski-Sirkesalo-Tirronen, 2007, s 9. ”Himottaa, mutta pelottaa? Suomalaisen sisältötuotantoalan näkemyksiä osallistumistaloudesta ja sosiaalisesta mediasta" / ”Got an itch but are afraid to scratch?”. PARTECO Research Report 29.3.2007. TAMK. Serie B. Reports 19. Tampere Polytechnic University of Applied Sciences Research and Development (R&D). ISSN 1456-0002X. PDF available at [Fin, incl. Eng. Abstract]: viewed 16.6.2008.

7. Melakoski-Sirkesalo-Tirronen, 2007, s 10-12. Also, a brief addition on our definitions for web 2.0: Actually the term seems already out of fashion, nowadays it has (under)evalued into a phrase, mostly stamped on applications and sites taking benefit of the uses of social webbing and the improved user-interfaces. Much of a result from the fast techno-social development of the WWW.

8. Tirronen, Mikko, 2008, s. 105, Web 2.0. Verkon Numerologia. Vaajakoski. (BTJ). Sitation translation by myself. The book itself is not translated in english, I suppose(?)

9. Tirronen, 2008, s. 131-135.

10. Cheng, Jacqui, 2008, ”Google easily extending dominance to mobile search market”, viewed 22.6.2008

11. According to information available at Market Share, the on-line usage statistics report for operating systems when viewed 30.06.08 [Report generated on Monday, June 30, 2008 1:46:05 AM]. We suppose there are some falses on this kind of metering, but overally it should still be quite close to actual market-share of OS´s.

12. Roth, Daniel, 2008, ”Google´s Open Source Android OS Will Free the Wireless Web ”, [article contains several web-pages, Wired Magazine ], viewed 27.6.2008

13. Ryan, Paul, 2008, ”23% of Smartphone market to be Linux-powered by 2013”, , viewed 16.6.2008

14. Ryan, Paul, 2008, ”Fighting the Android: Nokia buys and open sources Symbian”, viewed 25.06.2008

15. Chartier, David, 2008, ”Hands on: Flock 2 steps up the social browsing game”, viewed 22.6.2008

16. Roth, 2008. Android actually is an OS developed for Linux-based Mobile Phone-platform which can be used on several new phones, whose manufacturers have chosen it for their smart-phones as well as its naturally usable in Googles own phones. Nonetheless, the concept is marketed to take benefit from actual user-base a lot in the same manner (leaving beside Googles 10 million prize for Android-extensions developers) as Firefox has been built for years now. That is, according to logic that users most propably create the suitable extra add-ons needed by other users, and so the development itself is at least partly left for them.


When the going gets tough...don´t forget to take a look at the opponents most obvious weaknesses. Well, naturally we are as good as anybody in predicting that before the votes are counted, democratic process sealed and cries for peace finally given some notice(?) there is a wealthy list of insults available for use of slamming the other candidate (in addition to latest celebrity-comparisons). Viewing the recent campaigns, we suppose the most used will be(we don´t take sides, not mentioning who´s targeted): Opponents (un)heroic deeds at the foregone famous colonialistic disaster, the Vietnam war or opinions given on that; the alleged (possible) doubtful connections to foreign political/religious supporters; the dangerous opinions given on minority sexual/racial groups...not to forget the accusability of views on foreign military politics and current economical downfall. Meanwhile...a reader can take a look at more important matters like recent Green Products Directory publized by Asian Productivity Organization.

...Also, of no lesser importance is Shiretoko, a forerunner version of forthcoming Firefox 3.1 browser version. As some new improvements to be included are (ao) the visual thumbnails of the tabs opened and also improvements of the miraculous awesome browsing-bar(the html-address bar), where you can use wildcards and 'intelligent searches' combining in word '+' word - manner. Also, there´s advanced effects for html-writing, but what we are most exited is...Ogg Theora support, expected to be supported in next Gecko. Yippee! It means (according to information given) that "Anyone using Firefox will be able stream Ogg Theora video without downloading or installing any extra software" Videos and similar content can be included straight to html and anyone will be able to watch them, no monopolic codecs/players needed as Ogg Theora is "patent and royalty free". Yippee!

On environmental level we learn that Congo-basin, the area containing worlds second largest tropical forests in yet under logging threat also unfair for the local people...Danzer group is best boycotted, though the pressure should be on EU legislators on timber; Also, avoiding plastic one can, so is told, save a lot by not using "take-away coffees, bottles of water or pre-packed sandwiches" and thats just for starters, as not buying the regular 603 plastic items a month could in the long run save the planet from (ao things) "46,000 pieces of plastic litter floating in every square mile of ocean on Earth." Yep, me neither, I didn´t quite realize that such amounts of rubbish get into food chain (read more on that from actual article). Conclusively: 5 M tons of plastic in 1950ies has become 100 M tons these days. Thats an awful lot of rubbish...

Finally, some afterthoughts on popular music field...torrent users preferred to dl the new Radiohead album (given for free) from P2P-channels rather than from bands own site. Reason for that...nobody quite sure why, but "even with legal P2P, we're invited to infer, users will continue to use the unlicensed sites". So the band also informs fans that the experiment, followed by some 2 million sold CDs, is not to be repeated...and theres nothing wrong with that, of course charity is not any qualification for credibility, even in the dawning age of pop industry. For the dawn it is, if one compares the inflation of most self-evident rock cliches´(the originality, the rebellion, the spontaneous). We only like to remind that, originally(yes originally) the pop(ular) music was music made by the people, performed by the people, for the people as meaning the jazz´n´blues decades preceding the rock decades. Afterwards, rock for arts sake, multiple stylish periods, monopoly companies, licensing for extra musical areas and most significant stardom-cults recycled, the resultive state could (possibly) be just the same: back to the roots, music for the people. Nobody really believes that to happen, as the everlasting capability for renewing the (commercial) markets for each generation is the rocks most influential force, proven to be of successive kind. Yet, why not start giving away copies of the back-catalogue for free along with (priced) MP3s as they are around there anyway?

Wish(?) to check the news(feed), the motherlode of all the important information.