Re-chargeable Batteries
[Gp 2500 & Moixa USBCell 1300 Ni-MH]
It's probably true that every new invention brings along both benefits and (some) negative consequences, even if for the latter usually is given less thought. (Always is also not too clear how those two balance). Of course, any new invention tends at begins be loaded with positive expectations, assumed soon to replace any former technology, etc.
According my memoirs, 'break-through' of the rechargeable batteries - them been adopted in common use - took place about some 10 years ago, mostly within the new 'computech era' and the increase on amounts of hi-tech electronic bought for homes by people. (At least here on MSW; Perhaps the re-chargeables, like inventions sometime do, were taken at someplaces more commonly used even prior the early 2000s.)
The advantages from rechargeable batteries are very obvious: You can reload them innumerable times (producers seem promise about 1000 cycles, but in practice the figure is perhaps more often counted in hundreds... either way, for consumer that anycase appears lot cheaper in the long-run than buying new case of batteries each time). Also, the environmental aspect is indeed significant, the extra waste from batteries is minimized considerably.
So ...inspired by the emerging new hi-tech world and the countless adverts from big savings (for me and the Natures) I bought those rechargeables and charger for them around that time. Later, having noticed that there also was batteries reloadable via USB-port (or, if wish to use the charger that goes too, USB-charging is little slower, but permits leaving charger at home when on the move). So I bought some those too. And - I cannot avoid mentioning - that the decision was by no means based on coincidence that the earlier bought some (those reloadable only by charger) happened to resign their contract a lot before than the assumed (about) 100s rechargings. (...After all, that felt so usual in this MSW-world - where nothing ever was been allowed as unproblematic as it in the normal circumstances would - And so I was merely surprised that them weren't been completely forbidden from us because of his Ungracefullness unmercyfull demand...)
...However, it's of course quite as well recognizable that not before the emerging appearance of power-consuming products and devices, Ie before the early 2000s (about), this kind of batteries weren't very popularly at any wider uses. But then there started to appear devices like digicams, game-consoles controllers, etc., name a few. There had been some re-chargeable batteries on market already prior that, although probably lot less commonly, (and them also were still less durable and less practical earlier.) As often the case, new inventions gain wider acceptance only when they meet the actual need from majority of consumers. Or something like that, main point at this is that anyone from this can clearly notice a certain similarity on the typical manner on human made inventions and their relation for the environmental questions. (Often) new inventions - no matter if there's any technical burdens needed solved prior their breakthrough or not - only gain acceptance on markets (and of the consumers) when their shown beneficial for the people, or when the people notice having some use of them by themselves. That's of course quite obvious - would be rather contradictional sell people new devices and advertise them consuming less energies and at the same time to advice people not to use them because of general increases on energy consumption. However, the fact is, that the rechargeable batteries (an environmentally recommendable alternative) probably wouldn't yet still be so commonly acquired and found of uses by peoples unless there weren't nowadays increased amount of techs and devices having use for those.
Whether that's just a part of the truth on this is naturally question open for argumentation; ...But quite much the human energy uses follow similar problematics, and in any case them are tied to a question from how it is hoped most effectively reducing the actual energy-consumption. If one just seeks to find some compensations to the projected increases on energies used (and, to the uses of Natural resources) that not showing any actual answer(s) for the original problem.
(Or, so I see that, the comparison in this case maybe is little 'far fetched', or it's not too relevant a case example on this; Re-chargeable batteries are of course more recommendable alternative to non-rechargeable some, simply from reason of reduced waste generated from used batteries.) (W-G.)
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