..Having now arrived on this part, seems that we'll at first forced little wonder why all those latest tricks(?), was it merely just from the purpose of nullifying this little commentary post of ours...or maybe that shows just some pure wickedness toward our effort. Anyhow, obviously, these MSW-world related stories/sequel wouldn't much change for the direction or other from that, very clearly...
So, I guess we formerly said to focus solely on these MSW-questions at this 'Undesigned chapter', or at least it was the original plan. However also feels that actually (most) was already expressed before on our earlier (resembling) chapters of this; Among the mentioned falsehoods and all of those tricks and bits of a kind, we already did also refer for that the adjusting of thermometer and of the arranging of that freezing hell for the youngsters (...even without furnitures or anything)... What kind of admirable ways (it shows) from favored tactics and manners; ...And yet, somehow, I also have the feeling that the whole of this actually (a little) makes also joke from that bunch of the puppeteers too (with all those 'ready an willin shows' and presentations, what we neither too much cared of or never bothered to watch despite it probably been assumed so...but obviously some also were expected to do so and wished to...well how enjoyable instructions and task to follow...!?) Of course, also makes us only wonder what kind manner of thinking and self-satisfied minds would allow themselves of arranging all that former said...Although I also quite have the feeling it probably much arise from complete lack of having to bear any similar circumstances , etc., or even some such...
...But it then feels that listing all from those mentioned nasty tricks probably would only make our stories (at this chapter) far too negative and uninspiring in the long-term. ...So, while waiting some further inspirations and maybe something better telling to say from the MSW, we'll in the future have a few additionals to our animal serie(s) - most likely them would be of the some species commonly known as useful and beneficial - kind (an opposite sequels for our 'Pests series', formerly presented on blogs intro...).
...And in the meantime we'll briefly represent this spectacular butterfly, namely the Camberwell Beauty (Nymphalis antiopa), also known as Mourning Cloak. Species seems being (from some reason) omitted of the Preston-Mafham's otherways exceptional pictorial from Lepidoptera of the world (ie the book '500 butterflies', Grange books)...We therefore have even a better reason for devote few words to this impressive and amazing (insect) species.
Camberwell beauty appears relative large butterfly (wingspan ca 5 – 7.5 cm) and relative common (also fx, has range over the most of North Europes and to Eastern Euraasia's all the way across temperate climate zone). It flies from the earliest Spring for late Autumn. Most usually is seen only by singular individuals (and only appears 'time to time', I've not much noticed it from very regular sighting on most places...) ...According my findings it also flies occasionally on very high, on the level of tops of the trees, so it maybe it is more scarcely found than actually appears be - but that might also differ depending on the environments it flies at. Also, said a typical forest species, but we find it seldom (if ever) dropping on the flowers and mostly can be seen on rest fx at the birch trunk, like on this pic beside - ...But how surprising (!) ,that won't seem be presented on post ...well, perhaps we'll add the pics on sometime...Here them are now...:W-G.). However, the caterpillars are said quite versatile from diets and also said eat fx willow leaves (can use some other from the deciduous tree as well, apparently). Additionally, on the Northern ranges we also find it overwintering as adults, what the butterflies (-species) more rarely seem to favor...So, a very spectacular some, and I cannot avoid also mentioning that I have very special relations at this species...but from this part it quite seems adequately said, and I guess we'll probably return to this 'Undesigned chapter' every once in while, when the time and circumstances allow... (W-G.)
Camberwell beauty appears relative large butterfly (wingspan ca 5 – 7.5 cm) and relative common (also fx, has range over the most of North Europes and to Eastern Euraasia's all the way across temperate climate zone). It flies from the earliest Spring for late Autumn. Most usually is seen only by singular individuals (and only appears 'time to time', I've not much noticed it from very regular sighting on most places...) ...According my findings it also flies occasionally on very high, on the level of tops of the trees, so it maybe it is more scarcely found than actually appears be - but that might also differ depending on the environments it flies at. Also, said a typical forest species, but we find it seldom (if ever) dropping on the flowers and mostly can be seen on rest fx at the birch trunk, like on this pic beside - ...But how surprising (!) ,that won't seem be presented on post ...well, perhaps we'll add the pics on sometime...Here them are now...:W-G.). However, the caterpillars are said quite versatile from diets and also said eat fx willow leaves (can use some other from the deciduous tree as well, apparently). Additionally, on the Northern ranges we also find it overwintering as adults, what the butterflies (-species) more rarely seem to favor...So, a very spectacular some, and I cannot avoid also mentioning that I have very special relations at this species...but from this part it quite seems adequately said, and I guess we'll probably return to this 'Undesigned chapter' every once in while, when the time and circumstances allow... (W-G.)
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Here, wings spread an' resting (pics little dim...) |
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And...stopped for a while enjoying the sunrays at birch trunk. |
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