As much as we have the most current knownledge, the green renewable revolution for energy production in China (we last week mentioned it among the renewable programs in developing countries) has most urgent need to be carried on, too. Looking at the video-clip from Linfen, presumably the most polluted city in the world(as a result from charcoal production, consumption) is like to dive into the baddest imaginable smog day in some other big city center, only this is the normal state, each day...As of happier (kind of) news we now find that with QR codes you can insert articles (as pdf, fx) within Google-maps for further informative notions from certain geolocative place. You can even view them with mobile phone. But what should these texts contain? Fx;? ...The place is ...most amazing, relaxing beach where bikinis dressed charming ladys offer you Pina Coladas...or...most polluted, lungs endangering area, beware of smokestack inhaling...wide variety of several wild animal spices like small mouses and several of more persistent insects...
As for how much this is a matter of human actions or not is not as easily defined, but for that human activities can have alarming effects (on nature) we find the surprising explanation for the loss of bees...yes, where are the bees? A question often repeated recently, we don't know most repeated answer. Well, according to german lawsuit its the Baeyr CropScience (producing imidacloprid and clothianidin containing pesticides, whose risks have actually been known for ten years). Human created toxins exterminated bees? Yes they did, according to Julius Kuhn institute (aka German Federal ministry of food, agriculture and consumer protection) clothianidin caused the deaths of some 11 000 bee colonies. But ...killed a whole populations of insects and besides could be the cause for reduced honey production for some 60 percentage in US alone? Yes indeed, and if one is to believe that, we can as well suppose that quite likely they didn't much consider if the toxins possibly could have any other long-term effects, like for the bee-products eating humans, (possibly)you and me... But how come not any earlier toxins didn't have the same effect as most kind of poisons has been tried as insect-killers? Answer (again)propably is that nobody knows for sure, but... the reports state that the company's pesticides concided with large scale bee deaths. So, either way, even if there would be little exaggeration or not, the result remains alarming...90 billion bee deaths. As a direct cause for mass-annihilation proven to be true, no human actions as the main reason cannot be necessary excluded...But still, where are the bees? Whats happened to them? (Bayer paid about $3 million in damages)
In the Soviet Union, noticeably the most ambitious society/communal idealistic project of the past century, was also carried out obscure geology projects like digging deep into Earths core, including the deepest human created drilling hole to date. Project was continued some 15 years (beginning in 1960/2) to reach a record that has never been broken. All was done allmost just in the name of science, since the economic uses of the information gained was limited. But thats just as Sovjetal as one could imagine, keeping in mind that Sovjet Union was a nation whose birth originated alongside with a creation a numerous places for enprisonment camps (Archipelago Gulag as Solzhenitsyns famous book named them. Gulags (again, for more on that, see Wikipedia article), were prison camps in North-east Siberia where uncounted numbers (millions) of people were to die as enslaved for workforce and malnourishment. Often also, erraneously or correct, Sovjets are mentioned to have invented, not concentration camps, but the use of subordinated (imprison camps) prisoners as free labour. But on the global level, thats just as misleading as these days it is popular to point that at the time these camps didn't actually much exist in the public eye. not even in the western newspapers. Considering things on world history perspective, we find that not remarkably different was happening in the creation of some earlier (born) imperiums, namely within the British Imperialism and the beginnings of United States. Both imperiums had slavery in use as one of the main developing tools for profits, trade markets and sources of free labour. Had Sovjet system carried it on to the several centuries forward it all would have been buried under the dust of times...
Wish(?) to check the news(feed), motherlode of all the important information.
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