; Mulski Eco-product Recom(s), pt XVII;
;The inspired, enthusiasted serie of our Eco-Recoms having been silent all too long... – So, we now have here a total of two (2) examples for eco-recoms at this post. (That meaning, ie, the ecological products, solutions or maybe just some ideas for to think about...Considering your any concerns on the environment. Or my own concerns from these aspect.) Otherways, at this moment, not too much else for critizisement or from to describe. Guess'll we're obliged now of naming this in the series to 'Love of Plants'. (...Say, it must represent pt I [1.], or maybe two in the series, or whatever counting number, any calculations worth been abandoned here ever since the Earth did diverge of it's natural orbit...)
; Springtimes
the right season for planting, sowing, and of course, growing the
(numerous) sown plants. For your garden-decoration, or alternatively
as harvestable cultivations, or alternatively: Just for the fun of
it. (Also can be usable offered as gifts fx.) ; For that purpose one among my
most practical and usable solutions lately obtained has been the
(heatable) germination base (For plants, obviously,
pic below. ...If you know the proper term about it's correct name,
lean on that instead. As usual, I've not bothered searchin' of too
much anyplace...)
; The benefits on it's
uses I noted soon after: Seeds from most various plants germinate
(usually) lot more faster when sowings are continuos heated below. For
example, some easy sowable plants – like Tomato or Eggplants
– typically take (about) week to germinate. But, w. this method did
develop small shoots in just a few days after the pots put over this
warmed base. Of course both are also such easy plants for germinate,
it not necessary from use this method... ; But, some plants I've
lately sown w. this method wouldn't (probably) so easily take growth
of the seed, at least from the early Months from Spring.
...Such as, fx, the Bergamots (M. Didyma), or the
(Mexican) Morning
Glory's (Iponomea
tricolor, var.) (...Of
both there seems exist also multiple
cultivars). In short, most practical and easy aid and
you only need some place w. an electricity plug, plus the
suitable shade/light conditions. Reduces considerably time needed at
gemination on most cases.
; ...Yet, although,
don't expect any miracles of every plant sown. ...Or, until so
far I've also experienced some setbacks. ; At least...though I don't
know if my efforts failed due from some particular reasons
whatsoever...having tried sowing fx the seeds from Neanthe
bella palm (Chamadorea elegans), I had not any
success. (With this method and neither from any other manner. Seems,
perhaps, them would need rather high overall temperature, and
apparently, relative consistent moisture too are some necessities.
(Not to mention that on the germination of Palms, Palmaceae, may take quite long time, it's said minimum of several weeks/Months required...). ; Likewise, I then also had not success with the Angel Trumpets
(Brugmansia suaveolens spec.). In that case seems it –
likely – having had from do w. the incorrect season, likely said
from best germinated only around the warmest summer season. (...Also
need plentysome light and warm, so often the results when sown indoors and
before a more sunshiny season arrived aren't that guaranteed...), And another failed effort I also had also experienced from Cucurbita moschana
(pumpkins). Further then (...yet, to mention) I've also noticed some
seeds actually might prefer a little cooler temperatures on germination. (...'Cause, when I did sow some Arnica
[A. montana] on pots placed on this heating base nothing
happened. – Until after some 4 to 6 days, I took them off
the base and moved the pots for a bit cooler room [, temp.
about 15-18 C.], under relative good light. There the
gemination seemedhappen almost instantly. Like the name says, it's a
mountaneous species, so gues'll hence the proper conditions...) ;
Anyway, on most cases the product seems provide a good help for
diligent sower, and esp. so when sowing the perennials.
: … Selections at above decorations of the Vittorio de Sica's (1952) directed film, Umberto D, some neorealistic classic. (Actually it's often said for a masterpiece from it's genre ...'though I may be not too familiar of the concept itself, neorealism (From having mainly watched a few of these De Sica movies, filmed around the post-war years, when this said 'genre' seems most flourished...)
; But this also reminded me about how
I'm constantly been asked from my any favorites for actresses.
(Obviously, the question itself is very paradoxical, most films that
we remember from some certain actor/actresses also maybe some
classics on their own – vice versa, the most memorable performances
or roles, usually aren't devoid from the films itself which may have
made them so unforgettable.) So, if I'd have to make list about most impressive some,
since anyone most neatly can combine some lists of one's favorites,
or sim..., I think I'd mention (at least), Juliette Colbert,
Brooks, Bette Davis, Marlene Dietrich (...mainly of that 'das
Blaue Angel', but I also kind from recall her having somewhat
aged, in films, quite succesfully), Sophia Loren, Claudia
Cardinale... ; But it's of course just a list, and, you may
notice that my favorites of films have well some time been on the
older, black/white-movies. That also too brought for mind Sylvia
Sidney, Anna Mae Wong, ao... (But films by the latter
mentioned also relative little known...As I recall from seen,
maybe, only some singular film where she's featured. Or at least where she's mentioned having acted at.)
; ...But that said,
brings close our main offerings on this Eco-recommend. More eco-Recs's on the way too, of course, (Maybe sometime at the
summer Months.) Until that; good warm-ups / fire-starts. Or,
whatsoever, hows'o'ever. (;G.U.J.)
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