...The Autumn season is foremost a time of the harvest (And then, of course the Harvest-celebrations, like the Halloween, near this time of the year...) ; However, the Summer period left us not too much vacancy to devote any thoughs on those promised eco-sustained and fool-proofed recommendations.
...So as an obvious substitute to those (...'replacement' this case, say...) I thought to this place a pics of my late garden flourishments and enjoyments.
; The season (weather's) weren't too favorable on Tomatoes this year, but I nevertheless gathered some plenty harvest of those. (The garden greenhouse considerable improves chances of the tomato sowing and harvests here.) ; ...A couple years now, I've actually sowed my growths from the seeds collected by myself. (Both in case from the smaller Cherry tomatos, and the those large Garden tomatos in the pic.) It's very easy and practical since the tomato seeds are actually the easiest preserving of plants, and after dried a bit, them only need be kept in some sealed packet (such as a minigrip-bag), until sowing time. ...However, in purpose from avoid them loosin' the resistance towards any plant diseases, and perhaps of some other qualities, it's also recommended buy some new breed every other year...Or so I've at least considered reasonable.
Tomatos, pic below.
Then, I also provided to this Autumn-post a pic about my last year sowed Purple Coneflowers (Echinaecea purpurea - on beside left.) ; Like fx Capek says on his garden-book, the October is still the period of bloom and enchantment, since many garden plants still flower to this season - Although the pic from about late of Summer, August maybe. (...I guess the book by name smght like the Gardeners seasons, p. 1930s maybe) But the reason to this small garden decoresecense actually from that in the book remarked from importance to 'return' for the soil necessary fertilizers at Autumn. ...Capek recommends well-decayed (to a few years time, about) manure and practically it's the best fertilization to any flower-beds, garden plants. Chemial inventions/powder make weak alternative, (but usually I've actually fed my plants w. the 'bone-meal' ('mixture of ground animal bones and slaughter-house waste products'. Organic, available on markets.) ; ...However, this case, I didn't actually need from fertilize this garden flower bed w. anything (much, added the biobact a few times), since there was so much fertilizer left of the previous years tomato-cultivations. Coneflowers need quite amount extra fertilization, to grow here well (seems it) - But this case, I also had made the flower-bed to those well-prepared from preceding year. (I actually built it via method by organic system, adding a few layers grasses, and in between them a layers of some newsmag-paper, then grasses again and also some other organic plant-material, few layers each after the other. Recommended for try...) : And the flowerescense was very luxurious, I counted about 14 to 16 flowers at each of the Echinaeas I had planted. Best from all, the whole joy didn't cost me practically anything (As I had collected and grown the seeds myself, also prepared the soil from materials collected by myself.)

[...Above pic, of the Charlier-Giraud Blueberry-story
; 'The Last Card']
Until that... (; G.U.J.) ( The latest posts! - @ Mulskinner Blog @ )
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