Mulskinner Hi-Tec Review XIII ; Wool
Heap from unwoven yarns...
While every once in while there's invented new kind of fabrics which might prove the best clothing against cold weather, none of them (according my findings) actually can much compare with the wool clothings. At least what comes to resistance for the coldness. Wool is - considering both the natural materials and synthetic fibres - the best choice to keep warm at most circumstances. On very windy weather and at temperatures below zero the best clothing is some suitable underwear, wool in the middle and ast layer from an 'air-tight' material. Wool even keeps some warm while it's wet (a fact that one doesn't perhaps so often notice for wearing any wet clothes on cold is of course most unpleasant...)
Although it was in passing by us mentioned some disapproval of the sheep (at our earlier writings), I guess we must admit that without sheep there wouldn't be any wool. From that view-point it goes back to the old culture and times past, wool has been weaved from the hair of domesticated sheep (Ovife aries) since long time in history. Almost as long as the humans have kept the domesticated sheep. Quite probably our (grand) forefathers also had even better reasons to invent the wool clothes and weaving of those than we nowadays often tend to devote a thought for.
There would probably be much more interesting to learn about the wool and the wool products. Fx, one may wonder why the much of the wool on modern market is produced at New Zealand, a country which natively was scarce/lacked any mammalian animal species. Or, likewise it is at least worth mention (on this) that while wool can sometimes be found irritating at skin (particularly if your skin is sensitive for that/materials), there's nowadays good alternatives from products manufactured (Fx, myself I've found the fabrics combined of the silk and wool most useful and never felt it having caused any irritation at skin). However, anything further from this is left for readers own interest to find out and about...
Probably a good praise on behalf the wool clothings is also that once you got the skills (for weaving) you can easily start making them by yourself. (Relative easy, a weaver only needs few bands of wool and some other equipment). And that's probably also reason for weaving having become so nostalgic a practice on this 'ready-made' world of our times. (Goes without mention that wool products usually tend cause far less ecological harm than most fabrics production. But it's of course also matter from what purpose we/( /you/the consumers), have the need for clothes. Or, precisely what the need buy them for...)
Probably a good praise on behalf the wool clothings is also that once you got the skills (for weaving) you can easily start making them by yourself. (Relative easy, a weaver only needs few bands of wool and some other equipment). And that's probably also reason for weaving having become so nostalgic a practice on this 'ready-made' world of our times. (Goes without mention that wool products usually tend cause far less ecological harm than most fabrics production. But it's of course also matter from what purpose we/( /you/the consumers), have the need for clothes. Or, precisely what the need buy them for...)
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