...For we promised this cooking companion part around harvest, recipes are now a bit late (on scheduel). From that reason, and due the number of available recipes, I also now considered this as some double-shot of a post...But, now it seems we'll have to leave rest of the food servings presented at a post closer X-mas. And since the baking isn't best part from my kitchen repertoire, this brief post represents only some easy-made pies that aren't too difficult to prepare...
(Russian) Cabbage pie
...The main ingredient on this, like the name says, is the cabbage. On the traditional cookbook seems it mentioned that (in the old times) preparing of this used serve as a cause for a lively conversation about pies that've been earlier prepared; Which might have been the most delicate, how well was the dough prepared this time, etc.... My own baking probably only is experimental, not quite similar to the original recipe. Doesn't matter, as there's several ways it can be prepared (can also be stuffed with other ingredients than just the cabbage). Most of traditional recipes contain vodka instead of the water (can use both, maybe). Likely it also gives some extra flavour for dough. However, since I generally dislike the drink I had that not around and so I tend use water (or mineral water).
Most important is that the cabbage needs be well fried, no question about that. (Certainly main important part on this recipe...)
Most important is that the cabbage needs be well fried, no question about that. (Certainly main important part on this recipe...)
Ingredients; 1 kg (wheat) flour; 4 dl milk/water ("50/50"); 30 g yeast; 2 eggs (+1 one for overs); 1 tbs sugar; 1 tbs salt; ½ – 1 dl of butter (/or the same amount vegetable-oil...) ; And about...half a medium cabbage, sliced for parts and well-fried.
Preparation: Cabbage is first fried (slow heat) until it gains some color (add spices acc. the taste). Actual baking is begun with warming of milk(/water), then mixing the sugar and yeast within, and finally break the eggs for that. Next add flour, butter/oil, and prepare that for agile dough for about 10-20 min. It's placed on the oven-plate, cabbage is added and the pie fold up (see the pic...) . I suppose around 200 C' heat and one hour in the oven would be adequate. There's actually quite much to eat, so you can make smaller pie if servings for just a few people...
Beetroot-onion pie
...For some tasty alternative, here's another great veggie-pie. Has to say, it being a recipe of my own experimenting. (Well, not completely, picked this from a local magazines, but the recipes a lot modified from that...because I hadn't most from the ingredients available at the kitchen.) For example, it's also possible grate some cabbage instead of beetroots if wish rather use that on filling.
Ingredients: [Dough:] ½ dl (wheat-) bran; 1 1/2 dl (wheat) flour; ¼ tsp salt; ½ tsp baking powder; (½ dl 'creme'...or the vegetable oil); 3 tbs cold water (or little more...)[Filling:] ...1 Apple; 1 Carrot; 3 Beetroot;(All grated) ...except; 2 red Onions (Sliced), (few tbs of honey)[Sauce:] 2 Eggs; 1 ½ dl cream; 150 g (mozzarella-) cheese (grated;) Spices (salt, black pepper, curry, fx)
Preparation: Dough is made simply from mixing all the dry ingredients, then add a cold water and finally the oil. I used veggie-oil in the baking, but probably cream (or the 'creme'?) goes as well... Prepare it to (shallow) ovenplate, and raise the baking from edges a little. Filling is poured over it and finally the sauce (mix it first together separately). Over that the slices of onion, mozzarella and the (wished) spices.
I suppose...it should be baked about little over half an hour on 200 C.
[Afterwards testing this recipe - on an alternative experiment - I used the Creme fraiche for filling and the dough (50/50 each)...not bad either. But there's not actual need to use eggs at it. Also, honey (or syrup) is most important part on the recipe, pour some for the filling before adding a sauce...]
[Afterwards testing this recipe - on an alternative experiment - I used the Creme fraiche for filling and the dough (50/50 each)...not bad either. But there's not actual need to use eggs at it. Also, honey (or syrup) is most important part on the recipe, pour some for the filling before adding a sauce...]
Onion-Beetroot Pie. More tasty than it may seem on this... |
(And, from sweets...)
Blueberry pie
Ingredients: [for Dough:] 3 dl (wheat) flour; 2 tbs (-1 dl) sugar; 150 g margarin (/oil); 1-2 tbs (ice-cold) water; 1 (or two) eggs
[Over:] Berries for about 300 g / 2 dl (can use other berries as well, fx Raspberries, Lingonberries...) + Spices (if wish, acc the taste, fx vanilla, cinnamon...).
Recipe: Baked like the usual cake recipes. (Actually, I think it's even better baked without eggs...but this way the pie appears well-eatable on the next day still). Also, berries have plenty of sugar on themselves...so, recipes sweetened just mildly (and maker can use one's own prefered amount). Tasty.
(Grandma's) 'Berries smash'
Ingredients: 300-400 g Berries (Preferably 100-200 g each from Raspberry, Blueberry and Strawberry); (Maize-) flour; 200 g Sugar (about); Some (cold) water
...Recipe is simple: All berries in the kettle. Shortly after add the sugar and let it cook some time. Next mix flour to a little of water. After berries have melt for a while, pour that in the kettle. Cook on maximum heat (shortly, until it thickens). Away from the heat and place on a bowl for serving (add little sugar over). Best enjoyed when coollen a bit (I prefer).
...Beats all those (useless) lot advertised ready-made energizer 'Snacks' or 'Quick-meals' from the contained flavonoid, oxidants (if that's the word for...?), vitamins, etc. However, I cannot guarantee it having any actual effect unless accompanied with the otherways healthy diet and enough exercising. If you have the chance of picking berries by yourself, all the better.
...Beats all those (useless) lot advertised ready-made energizer 'Snacks' or 'Quick-meals' from the contained flavonoid, oxidants (if that's the word for...?), vitamins, etc. However, I cannot guarantee it having any actual effect unless accompanied with the otherways healthy diet and enough exercising. If you have the chance of picking berries by yourself, all the better.
...Simple and easy as usually on this recipes section; Maybe we'll even inspire to prepare a whole cake for a Christmas recipe offerings...
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