It's about some 365 days this blogs been posted / maintained, and it therefore makes this one a full year celebratory post.
Celebrations then left aside (no candles this time and the birthday actually was on the 21st of this Month), as we mentioned before our schedule in these posts has been quite tight so far. So, it makes sense to say that at least during the summer there'll will be a maximum of 3 posts a Month (probably, about so...). Most in the recently started series about endangered species - Related to that there's this recent news information (in MSW if not elsewhere) telling from the plans that may affect the survival of many species (re-)introduced for the lowland forests in Indonesian part of Sumatra. Other news/information we notice, is from the oil and gas projects mentioned to threaten western parts of Amazon rain forests.
And yet another thing, we mention in this intermission (also noticed recently in our weekly chalkboard), that: The statistics always lie ie they don't tell but a half the truth. Fx, we are reminded that there's nowadays still an ever-increasing need for filtering and rating the loads of that data that gets pushed to digital form. An amount of about 500 Exabytes (487 Mrd Gigabytes...) was reached at the end 2008, the total of it doubling in about every 1.5 year (although, the largest part consists from medical records and similar database 'cards' transferred online), and in the future there only is expected a similar increase - If we would follow the same trend, it would mean for us to publish some 200-300 posts until the end of 2010...
Lastly, as part of our usual practise in these intermissionary posts, here's a music recommendation. This time Captain Beefhearts (and The Magic Band) 1974 recording Unconditionally Guaranteed. Noticeable tracks include Upon the My-o-My, New Electric Ride and Full Moon, Hot Sun. It is also remembered from having been only moderate commercial success, but album was later distributed as bonus with it's subsequent follow-up Bluejeans and Moonbeams. (Pic below a detail from records also impressive Virgin Records label-drawing in the circular inner).
