Eco USB/FlashDrive , 16 Gb
; Mulskinner [Hi-]Tech Review VI [ II/2010 ]
Products with the reduced environmental hazards and (eco-)consciousness particularly given thought for, we now picked for review this Maxell Eco-Drive. It's a USB-drive with 16 Gb capacity which (even that I'm not quite sure if that's still adequate amounts in our days and fast-rate developments) seems quite benign for most everyday uses/tasks I can think of.
Main noticeable benefits of the product advertised are that it is made by 100 per cent from biodegradable plastics.(Whatever that means exactly, the leaflet also doesn't forget mentioning the metal parts
of the drive not being biodegradable). Also with reduced environmental stresses in mind it's said that card-boards in packaging are from recycled papers, and plastics used on the cover package as well reduced for the minimum used. So, generally fulfills environmental standards by many levels.

Overally, without having any particular knowledge of the environmental profile by manufacturing company, or, if there's similar competitive eco-drives on markets by many, it also makes us add few noticed things; 1) Shouldn't be too magnificent a task if most such USB-sticks could be manufactured with the similar eco-criteria maintained. As these are products often bought along with other stuffs, so wouldn't probably appear a much difficult for cut out the extra waste in materials similarly. 2) And, if not considered too much asked for, as well the other hi-techs and products (TVs, comps, etc.) would be preferred manufactured with similar things kept watch for (ie minimizing use of new materials, improving the recyclabilities when products life-time is fulfilled, ao.). Actually, that would probably in the long run make more lasting and beneficial solutions for these companies by saved reputation and gained eco-points, say...
Perhaps these practices are somewhat better maintained nowadays (even if some materials are more difficult to replace with less harmful alternatives than appears the case in plastics, apparently), only us having missed the adverts...however, only drawback in this product possibly was at the price - could have been somewhat cheaper, and closer that of the 'less eco-friendly' alternatives. But I gladly paid that little of extra, even though I wouldn't necessary have bothered to do the same it been some generally more valuable product (Since I think it should be manufacturers task to take care of these responsibilities in the first place and bring such stuff on markets by wider variety of stuffs, also with competitive prices, and generally available).
(From other features of the stick; it has a retractable tip for connecting to devices and some integrated softwares I didn't bother to have glance on yet...). Excluding the price it seems very convenient and recommendable choice for most uses, both from the materials and reduced packaging. (G.U.J.)
...But must notice that after using it for several Months time I'm not that much convinced of this product anymore...the tractile tip isn't too practical actually and once I dropped the stick accidentally, cover broke away from it -the part was easily fixed for it's place and that didn't prevent it's usability, but still... (Ecological point-of-views remain, though.)
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