The Frogs Have More Fun...


"All the names I know from nurse:
Gardener's garters, Shepherd's purse,
Bachelor's buttons, Lady's smock,
And the Lady Hollyhock.

Fairy places, Fairy things,
Fairy woods where the wild bee wings,
Tiny trees for tiny dames.
- These must all be Fairy names !"

(from Child's Garden of Verses
by R.L. Stevenson)

"Anyone can write a short-story.
A bad one, I mean."

(R.L. Stevenson)

"Science without conscience is the Soul's perdition."
- Francois Rabelais, Pantagruel
- Acc to/above is citated from: Medical Apartheid. The dark history of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present, by Harriet A. Washington (Doubleday ; 2006 ; p. 1.)

"In the high society of the first half of the century, marriage, despite it's bestowal status upon the wife, was the most absurdity. Marriage, conferring instanteous rank or money, ... lost most of its prestige and moment right after the wedding. ...By the end of the century, spurred by Rousseau's moralistic Nouvelle Hèloíse, a contrary cult, that of virtue, arose. After 1770 conjugal and maternal love became not merely admissible, but, for some, moral imperatives. ...

...Rousseau, who sought for himself the crown of morality in ostensibly defending marriage, presents in his Nouvelle Hèloíse the most enticing and extended defense of illicit love ever penned. The root of the problem is that as the century progressed sensibility became confused with morality: passionate feeling, if expressed in a highly civilized mode with grace and nuance, makes us forgive the Rousseau of The Confessions, for example, his pettiness, his jealousies, his betrayals. This moral-amoral byplay, present already in the novels of Richardson, was to be more intense as the century unfolded."
Madelyn Gutwirth : Madame De Staèl, Novelist. The emergence of the Artist as Woman (10,15.)

"...As the social contract seems tame in comparison with war, so fucking and sucking come to seem merely nice, and therefore unexciting. ... To be 'nice', as to be civilized, means being alienated from this savage experience - which is entirely staged. [...] The rituals of domination and enslavement being more and more practiced, the art that is more and more devoted to rendering their themes, are perhaps only a logical extension of an affluent society's tendency to turn every part of people's lives into a taste, a choice; to invite them to regard their very lives as a (life) style." - Susan Sontag , on 'Fascinating Fascism' (-74; p 103;104-5 at Under the sign of Saturn)
; "Anyone who cannot give an account to oneself of the past three thousand years remains in darkness, without experience, living from day to day." (Goethe) - as cited by Sontag (on same compile; p. 137.)

"It is widely accepted that we are now living in the 'Anthropocene', a new geological epoch in which the Earth's ecosystems and climate are being fundamentally altered by the activities of humans. I loathe the term, but I can't deny that it's appropriate."
; (Goulson), Silent Earth : Averting the Insect Apocalypse (2021; p 47.)
"It is sometimes said that humanity is at war with nature, but the word 'war' implies a two-way conflict. Our chemical onslaught on nature is more akin to genocide. It is small wonder that our wildlife is in decline."
; (Goulson, 2021 ; 118.)
"If we believe absurdities, we shall commit atrocities." (Voltaire)
- Citated from; (Joy, Melanie), Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs and Wear Cows : An Introduction to Carnism(2010; p. 95.)

"In the presence of the monster, you have eyes and ears for nothing else."
; (Flora Tristan) : London Journal of Flora Tristan: the Aristocracy and the Working Class of England ; 1842-edit. (tr: 1982. ; p. 71.)

"Every minority invokes justice, and justice is liberty.
A party can be judged of only by the doctrine which
it professes when it is the strongest."
Mdme de Staêl
(on) 'Consideration sur le Révolution de la Francaise' [1818]


On...the winter 'hobbies'; current climatic 'forecasts'; the 'smoky ruins'; and, not 'all from', but smght on any (potentials) to, about that 'End from All our Times'...


"There's a killer on the road. His brain is quirming like a toad. ; Take a long holiday Let your children play. ..." ; FOR once, I had from seriously thought from beforehand, that...This post should not for anything to it's contents fall into the repettance in so many quotations and citates.

Which, from the common often now had become to our, 'sorts from', the 'trademarks', on here – at least for in the several posts, by the latest.

Not for it to be the anything very...serious. Just that it often maybe little confusing to represent much the said that manner. (But that also is often more fast than say the same in any 'paraphrases'. After all, you also then avoid trap from misinterpreting from those cited words.)

Anyway, as usual it is, I then couldn't completely aside my any 'reading lists' – And of that reason here a short addits to the few recent chapter's addressed subjects (,'topics'), and, the histories. Not of, very/any manner surprising, that this particular post then again takes the benefit – from providing the said, mostly, in the citated. Actually for some...'a plenty'.

But it just how the lately writings by us got from for their making... ; It would evade the truth if I'd say of thought all these to somehow necessary. It would be quite as erraneous said, if I'd to deny that the principal motive to these having been that I wanted for read all these addressed particulars.

(Also now noticing, that I actually wrote some parts of this posting already prior our very precedent post. – Hence, there maybe the occasional remarks from weathers and those prospectables on about the skiing by this Winter. Now we're already well past the mid-Winters...But, don't let the aspect bother.) 

; Hoping that this 'sum total' is piled up of the more enlightening by this manner. If not – I won't let it to too much disturb. There maybe some swines – But maybe here a fewsome pearls within, too. At least the number  those quots may appear well informative. Even if them only might make somewhat 'thinned out' impressions cons these several sources themselves. ; So, therefore mark my words 'bout that aspect...  ------


"Dying is nothing. You have to know how to disappear." - Jean Baudrillard, by 1990.

(...The quot. here, above, from via Kaes's  Shell Shock Cinema. Weimar Culture and the Wounds of War, p. 2009)

(; ... So, as the former posts featured a number for Big Women - Why not the Big Man now (...'for change') ? 

(Photo, beside) - Of a Charell's (only') Weimar-film, from 1931. ('Der Kongress tanzt' ; 'The Congress dances') - Whose plot said built around a relationship between a 'shop girl' and the (great) Tsarevits, Alexander the 2nd. - Matter a fact, seems it, in numerical 'order', the 1st (1777-1825) at the Russian Tzars - not in the global collection from the 'namesakes' - whom...contain 'a plenty'. ; (By times of the famous Congress at Vienna, 1814. At the Napoleonic wars ending times.) ; Indeed, (historical) Alexander is noted represented quite an 'exceptional' character and, ao, the various stories having circulated from about his death. ; More relevant to these notes, that Alexander's Wikip. entry mentions him fx had an affair w. 'finnish noblewoman, Ulla Möllersvärd', (Even from had a child w. her. Although, that 'not confirmed'.) ; Albeit, that is said assumed from timing to the y. 1809, and her (Möllersvärd) by then appeared a 'courtier in service of the Russian imperial court'. Not a shop girl, exactly, then...but there perhaps still a connection - cons the movie - as the story also is said covered on it's contemporary fiction. (or, whatever then to it's possible 'source'...) 

 - The beside/above image has a good cinematic effect, it being to quite ingenient created - though, I think to recall the movie not a very exceptional itself, not from some real 'classic'. - Besides, that pic succeeds give well to give an idea 'bout how the King, his any presence or 'appearance', was 'felt' in the minds of 'most' peoples. In during those very old-fashioned, the aristocratic past days...


"If ya give this man a ride Sweet memory will die ...Killer on the road, yeah ..." ; ...And here is, at the very subsequent section, in the following, just the fewsome web-links.

Or, these are just as fewsome from the "lateliest" - As some advances that we're finding from happened. (Some to the 'scientific' or by 'otherways'...) Or, whatever then comes to their actual 'worths', even remembering, fromafter any few more years. 

Here in not in any pre-arranged manner. Not much estimating on any given either. 


The followed(s) not completely without some quotates, also. can of course as well skip this whole lot. (If finding those not from too current, presently of interests. ...Not from anymore?)

; Acc the 'China Today', (we find it said, by the 'recent') that country's conservations laws, regulations finally having advanced – as the first time – in a lenght from a period of 32 years – and a major numbers new species were added to the ones found to be endangered. (Therefore, also in needs from some protective 'measures' taken to guarantee their any continued survival.) ; Esp, the small birds are said got more widely added in that 'new list' – and as well, also, also are then the wolves too;

"Similar to many countries where wolves and people coexist in close proximity, wolves in China have faced turbulent history of human wildlife conflict. [...]

China's Wolf extermination campaign started in the 1950s [indeed, not much at all indiffering to what we've learned 'bout these histories, by elsewhere, around same timings...] alongside Mao's economic and socially ambitious but ultimately disastrous Great Leap Forward. For the sake of development, killin wolves was popularized and even encouraged until the 1990s."


; And...Not the less noteworth, despite the positive protections, number other species listed, we can also have the notice of (, for it): 

"...pointed out that the final list removed several viper and rat snake species originally on the draft list released 2020."

CONS our occasional Science-'picks', we at least then lateliest also had for the recognizing – bout this one (on the Nature.

; As for what maybe reminded 'bout from some to the 'main juices' on that, fx, we're finding these followed paragraph(s):

 "The chances of finding million-year-old remains of ancient human relatives in the permafrost are very low, researches say. But ['Dalén'] thinks that the right environment, such as a deep cave, could yield samples that old. Early neanderthal remains from a Spanish cave dated to 430,000 years ago represent the oldest DNA from an ancient human relative discovered so far. 'Finding a hominin in the sort of ideal context for preservation as permafrost would be a dream,' ['says Slon'] " - Perhaps it would...not too sure for the likehood, possibility. (They fx seem to the lately established that 'bout that Denisovan(-humans', ) were having once the much wider presence over the eastern Eurasian continent – But so far the few discoveries of bones consist of scarce fragments, finger-bone, parts skull – Almost all found of a one same place.)


Anyway - also seemed there said; "...for the likely limit of ancient DNA, ...that's easy to determine: '2.6 million years. That's the limit of the permafrost. Before that, it was too warm.'"


  (Pic, beside) ; ...from (Mignola's) Hellboy -comics. ('Beyond the fences' - Mignola-Robertson)

THEN, also from the Nature's science-picks', we might also think relevant this following.

(After all, our lastest posting featured some estimates and 'considerats' about the Neanderthals...and from the other 'species' – Whom of usual thought as some 'predecessors' for the modern human.) ; If the 'Neanderthal-like mini-brains...' are for to be studied (- And then their 'replicas' "created" for that intention, by purpose from learning about, smghts, from those long ago lost 'structures' of those... - No doubt for the complex brains those distant 'cousins' might've possessed...) - if that also might sound – a lot - like 'much ado from about nuttin' – think I'm not from goin on to anything for it's details. 

Let the whole of it be mentioned just for smght to anyone's own estimatin' from.


(...But basically, just an idea bout how the dead pig brains were - not so long ago - said experimented from been 'reawakened' for the temporary "conscience", even for a short moment; That does give some idea on how imaginous horrifying these now – increasingly – studied fields in the realm by some the 'artificial consciences' created,  may appear be. (Or - better words?, if said, how terrible them may become, perhaps in some soon years to come...)  How strictly terrific ethical fields there may be in hiding beyond all from it's plain 'technological' surface.) ; The linked article not specifically discusses of that/those aspect, the 'experiment', though...  

; 'Cause indeed, them now seem from a lot debated of that issue – In theory, said become the ever more...Possible?. But not for my 'bets' expressed to any chances from 'behalf', nor from against. (How high prospects to the artificial conscience somehow created, 'some day' now? How unlike that must be? From alternatively saying the...same.) ; Even less on cons those 'organelles' or 'organoids', and to their any likehood being made for to achieve the real conscient 'level'. (An 'organoid' seems the more correct as the terming...)  The former 'successes' at least aren't never been quite as much anything but...evidence of about how much such research(es) are from constantly adverted. By this 'era', repeatedly and 'endlessly' - as the main impression about it. 

- Yet, fx, on one another article, there seemed given quite a dull statement on about what fx at the nets lot fashioned 'robo-AIs' actually can by present do. (On cons what comes to their recent 'remarkable' language skills, it seems to say, them (now) already could from '...write like humans – but with no understanding what it's saying.')


Well, that should then sound like quite encouraging what comes to the futures by these 'organelles'-research concerning. Put it in box, in some liquids or within some electrostatic 'interference' – to permit communicating with - and start from growing an already braindamaged "child", from after it's imagined 'birth', or if reminded of the now notorius famous 'pig-example' – from onwards the rebirth. ; However, whatever then...cons from what should be seen as the essentials to these contemplations of the ethics 'bout the...'unauthentic' lifes. The non-organic and, perhaps could(?) we use the words, that before was, had the organic existence: After all - The dead, them "usually" – Very 'prob.' rather do wish to having their privileges from to remain – in the dead. Or, at least from to choosin' their own timings of the any possible 'awakening'. - Literally, or 'metaphorically'. Whether one then would think the sort aspect(s) via from anything to the religious and social 'condition'. 

(As an issue, if thought for 'purely biological' by nature, it soon looses all the relevance from to appear as any 'humane' a question – Even if the issue itself, what on the 'operational table' was the pig brains – Or, for anything else from...come to think of that part.)


In truth, once crossing the said ethical limits; Indeed, one thinks there's only the same questions met that from drove a such 'diverse' array past historical "masterminds" in fx at the mystified and 'quasi'-scientific pasts - ao  from those 'raciologic skullmetric' scientists – It seems fx bring for mind a fictitions dr Faustus , perhaps along w. the actual historical personnels sort like dr Mengele, dr Samuel(?) Morton... 

We don't so much remember any of the mentioned 'doktors' (notice also also the 'shared title') due because from their any Scientific curiosity. But instead from due of their unified very rejections from toward the limits at the humane ethical rules. (From w. 'by an by', afterwards, along that - perhaps few scruples must be assumed from had persisted in annoying and in the negative at their thoughts, in the latter life to had from 'troubled'.)


That much, one at least thinks, it can be learnt from any of the cheap movies made on around this same topic, within the years...Frankenstein, indeed, even without any of the 'Monsters' brides on accompanying, is the  first thought brought in the mind. ; And at least it resembles, indeed, exactly the same sort curiosity that drove those natural scientific super-geniuses in an 1800ian biology. (On their many misdeed.) Same sort thinkin' that often tends raise hopes from a wished outcome (at here cases; "the immortality") to later justify the 'over-workings' from the 'method'. ; An afterthought: As I see that, there often, lies on behind the ethically rather problematic fields on these biology's 'latests' (,on it's current advances.) In the officielt, the 'announced' motive, for it's goals, those are of course, more typically in line for how 'sublimely' fx that apparently advancin organoid-research seems usual advocated about how that, ao, '... can help address and create better models of neurodegenerative disorders.' - Almost to a word what could read, very prob., at some Bio-tech company's 'researches and products' leaflet. Yet, also, as usual these 'adverted' high-minded goals tend simultanously reveal as some 'base line', the argument where... 

A manner of though that raises the biologics of 'life' to over that eternal mystery from an - 'Afterlife'. -----


(Addit, 21.3.) ; - To...make the 'point-of-view' from/underline/ highlight an aspect that I'm not  here a critic to the scientific findings itself (of course) - But only when those seem to found to benefit/advance/"embetter" the human 'condition', by the 'exclusively', about neglecting from 'all else'. - We may further remark that by the present there new discoveries 'bout most anything w. the rate it indeed becomes always a difficulty of what to choose, for even a mention at this. At these unavoidably few, sort like, 'briefings' from. ; 

So, on the Oceanic life and on the (human) caused havoc, burdenings for it - there seemed be some newer remarkably intressant studies from. On about the...

'Seabed-trawling' - and of it's a '...gigatonne of carbon emissions per year', at here


On...the fisheries 'industries', by the past and present, more overall ; Or what the global costs and typical consequences to the (equally typical, human) "Full speed ahead"(...?) - Plus, in particulars on... 

...The whales intelligence, 'signalling' effectivity, communication, social cohesion, etc - here, on another study.

(Both topics seem also covered, by 'compact', in the Guardian's...articles: 'Sperm whales in 19th century shared ship attack information' ; 'Bottom trawling releases  as much carbon as air travel, landmark study finds'.) ; Learn about (those)...and weep. --------

; And that would've have to make all cons our any 'selects', by this time. – Unless we'd then finding still more to notices, and some further place to remarks for anything lately read headlines. Anything what would go 'about and around'.

Such as the ones, plenty devoted on that Navalnyi. Since that also seems from 're-evoked', brought for from 'resurfacin', the recognitions 'bout the several former political prisoners at that Russia. In during the recent years. Or by the latest decade, about.

; For examples, it seemed brought aforth (,on us at least) also the 'annnounced' from the anti-Stalinist historian, Juri Dimitrijev's trial. ; ...Actually I've by the recent tried from find some Dimitrijev's book in translated – But in vain, not any my seek did return me one on English, nor on else languages than russia. 

(On the Russia presently and it's limits on free speech, the search soon seemed of turn out also this newssing...) 

I'm then only having at this place – without the too much other reads on anything elsemuch, from nothing as the sort 'more specifically' - having  make this brief mention only basis on a one biography about the Stalin's daughter, Svetlana Allilujeva. (Book by Sullivan, apparently. Stalin's daughter,...the naming, or to it's 'sub-title' ; Publ. by the early of century...Possibly. By the 2000s, about.) ; Also assuming(?), that there no other books on the subject – Or, if then is, maybe those might appeared be the more voluminous examples, in from the pages-lenght. 


; Anyway, by my any recollects, one fx learns from that the old murderer was cursing his close 'comrades' (when he finally died). By then, probable assuming, was haunted by the memory from his countless victims. (Ie, not too much in any difference for compared w. how Hitler ended his days, in fact. Though, in difference Stalin didn't commit a suicide. Though, his crimes were soon thenafter brought 'into the daylight' during the Hrutzev-years – While that may have only represented 'partial' 'postafter' judgement, etc... And, well, most to this actually being by this day the widely acknowledged parts of any general 'history course'.

; Could've from said the more on Hrutzev – As most often the 'western' histories tend from appear/have been, 'in standard', on him to slightly partial. Most part. (Often are mainly centered at those years from the 'Berlin'-crises, and of course, for that Cuba by the 1962.) But let that be, us not having the most 'compressive coverage' on to anything 'bout it. ; Yet, I make a mention, that I lately also read – w. some plenty for interests – the Hazareesingh's book on Charles de Gaulle. (In the Shadow of the General. Of 2007 – I think. No - from 2012.) Along w. that 'larger than life' legend from the de Gaulle, also describes his discussions w. the Hrutscev. Though, there relative briefly anything on Hrutschev. 

(But anyways that book too proved as the quite practical historical enlearnings – In several otherways too, as well...)


; a Great source of...Health

"Girl, ya gotta love your man Take him by the hand Make him understand ..." ; ...In during the last year, and burdened by it's 'climatic depressions', I was then also finding from some solace - via this particular hobby, known by it's general name: the 'Runnin'.

However, I do not mean the 'jogging'. (Not for the most correct word used on this at least, as I'd think by today.) 

For, as any afterthoughts on that term – since from it's, prob., the 1980s inventing – the 'jogging' bears all too lot a connotation for the 'built' environments. (On my any minding.) Runnin on pavements, concrete and asphalt, parks or at the back alleys, byside the wide lanes and streets...All that is an urban landscape, in the general sense. But I've for some time found most of my enjoyment of runnin the old roads (non-asphalted, 'at the countryside'). Where-ever the air felt still better, where-ever there was less of any traffics. Not the least of reasons for to choices from 'route' was the purposeful avoiding from what also is the usual accompaniment to that city-traffic: noise-pollution.


; Also, as an 'inspire' for (recently) this much runnin, I'm then only to mentioning that among my recent reads was the Murakami's What I talk about when I talk about running (, 2005) – And I found the lots in common w. it's described 'philosophy' about the runnin. ; Murakami writes about preparing for a marathon-run in his book... Naturally I didn't set myself any such far-reachin' targets (Having assumed that my best years considering anythin to that exhaustive already were passed-by, a some time ago.)

But I've decided from devote some effort to start run the better distances – also I was rather enchanted by the discovery that steadily enlenghtening my regular routes would increase also my some 'conversate' with and observances of the natural landscape. Not meaning the forests, necessarily – I actually don't think there from any real enjoyment runnin' on just any forest path. On 'random' at any woodlots . Seems for me like, a bit, to the same as goin' for a sauna w. the swimsuit on. (Unsensible.) ; What I mean was the old ('quiet') roads, best defined, by exactly.

Not always from that quiet, of course. Fx, you by occasionally can hear the sound from the birds there, that what I meant... ; Imagining that on the Murakami's Japan there not necessary of so easy find much just this sort 'countryside' for runnin, of some real distances. (Or what I'd to know about - maybe one just needs for to go, of 'more far'. Wouldn't know from how far.) ; ...The book also has very convenient description to the exhaustings of a modern city-scape - in a chapter from run of an "original" marathon-route in the reverse direction – away from the Athens 'center'.


But, this now might've gone beside my original p-o-w. 

Which was, simply; I did find a lot in common w. that "philosophy" 'bout runnin', how that treated in the book described. Runnin as some concentrated, practical task. Not for the show, but for the personal 'need', for the purposes of health – mental and physical. So even w. from this 'cropped' praises – Book well worth the read. (If you like runnin'...distances. Or from ever considered to.)

The writer seems later gotten for the wider popularity by his novels too, seems it. Maybe I should try from one among those as well. (Or for a fewsome)


(Photo, 'still') ; On beside - Of a Mittler's (?) Weimar -film, 'Jenfeits der Strasse' (Harbor Drift), from 1929. ; ...Don't know if it had any merits - the 'setting' seems bear some similarity to some contemporary Hollywood-creations. (But not seen it.) ; (The picture via that MoMa-catalogue.)


"This book is not about the Great War but rather it's tragic aftermath. The term 'shell shock,' which doctors used to diagnose frontline soldiers suffering nervous breakdowns, provides a metaphor for the invisible though lasting psychological wounds of World War I. ... films, reenacting the trauma in their very narratives and images.

Robert Wiene's The Cabinet of Doctor Caligari, Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau's Nosferatu, a Symphony of Horror, and Fritz Lang's Die Nibelungen and Metropolis, all of which are hallmarks of Weimar film culture, represent the most prominent examples of this shell shock cinema. Articulating an indirect, but more poignant understanding of trauma than many traditional war movies, these films translate military aggressions and defeat into domestic tableaux of crime and horror. They transform vague feelings of betrayal, sacrifice, and wounded pride into melodrama, myth, or science fiction. They evoke fear of invasion and injury, and exude a sense of paranoia and panic. These films feature pathological serial killers, mad scientists, and naive young men traumatized by encounters with violence and death. They show protagonists recovering from unspeakable events both real and imagined, and they document disstressed communities in a state of shock.",

"[...] In the early 1920s, the war was a reality so profoundly immediate and pervasive that it did not need to be mentioned by name. The war would remain invisible, but it was present all the same." ; (; Kaes, 2009: p. 3,4.)


"...Even before the world economic crisis hit in the autumn of 1929, the lack of job security permeated all levels of white-collar work in Germany, and rationalization was one of the main causes of this insecurity. Fordism, for example, broke down the production process into a series of functionsor tasks, replacing skilled with unskilled labor. ..." ; "The harsch social realities that confined the working women and men at the time of Grand Hotel's publication in 1929 had become even more dire by the time Irmgard Keun's novel Das Kunstseidene Mädchen (The Artificial Silk Girl) appeared in 1932. The German unemployment soared after the onset of the world economic crisis in the autumn of 1929, and by the end of 1932, five million Germans were out of work. The political arena became incresingly polarized, as voters turned to either the Communist party of the reactionary Nazis in hopes of solving their woes. Street battles between the Communists and Nazis became ever more common, especially in the working-class districts of the German capital. Even in the midst of socioeconomic and political turmoil – or perhaps especially then – glitzy advertisements for films, entertaining establishments, and consumer goods continued to adorn Berlin's landscape, and young men and women continued to dream of upward mobility.

Keun's protagonist Doris is one such dreamer. ..." (Smith, Jill Suzanne) ; Berlin Coquette Prostitution and the New German Woman, 1890-1933 (2013; p. 167; 170.)

"... Riders on the storm Into this house wer'e born Into this world we're thrown ..." ; EVEN if only as some 'side-mention'...Here bit more, briefly related on the issues, sort for smtgh's to 'in addit' to those prev. posts discussed world war the 2nd topics. 


(Pic) - From Vampi. At the begins for the story named 'Runnin Red'. (; A little modifed the 'scenery' for this...)


; Spefically this should discuss – or, can only of 'speculate', mostly - the backgrounds for that post-war era. The same years we (now) most part are used from to know as a begins of the world where a nuclear 'deterrence' became the integrated part from the peoples 'reality'. (Smght them unavoidably were from forced to face, as the realistic possibility. Conspiciously, or in the unconscient level.) As a unpleasant, unhoped circumstance, but yet still, some unescapable part to their world. As smght that also has thenafter had the unestimable social, or even of biologic followings to all ways of live. For any socio-political entities. That potential 'reality' in the nuclear end for all life's (at Earth) – If the same said by plainest, few words.

Also, this brief 'comprise' in the most for it's content (is) concerned on the war-years development at methods from 'tactical' and 'strategic' bombing. Ie, it treats that above discussed reality from via the few examples at first, in the following, presented.

Accomp. w. these views, we have the adjacent (/following) fewsome pics and 'stills' from the (As usual, also some other sources for pics.) By the way; I didn't quite recognize, or from remember, when I earlier did refer on that Grand Hotel-movie (1932) – That it seemed for said been based to the Weimar-era 'best seller'. Was that one even said by a same name...No, not precisely, but Menschen im Hotel (1929.)


ACC the following cited book by Daniel Ellsberg (The Doomsday Machine – Also view, if for some more, the few quots on an adjacent 'margin'. On the left-side from this text.) 

; ...Ie, acc it's some 'claim', appears it (so) that; "...Hitler did not want to start 'strategic' bombartment of cities outside the battle area. He understood the British were preparing for it. He understood that his cities were vulnerable, and he didn't want German civilian morale and support to be tested by that kind of bombardment. ...he actually signed an order in the battle for France – and later, prior to the Blitz, in the preparations for attacking Britain – that no attacks on cities should be made unless his express permission.

Indeed for the first eight Months of the war, both sides felt it was worthwhile to avoid starting a process of reprisals on cities" (; 238)

; Likewise, also from the Ellsberg's finding, both sides in the conflict (Allied and the nazi-Germany), during an earliest part war mostly wished avoid any terror-bombing tactics. - Why, seems logical it said just from the prior noted reasonings; In fear of that the unavoidable retaliatory attacks would've from followed. That any attacks to civilian 'targets' (/against cities) would've only from 'pushed' the enemy for launch similar war bombing attacks. Against their industrial production centers – And the populated cities. (In other words the possibility for to cause major human casualties didn't at first appeal for either side as any very favorable form of a tactic.)

The pre-war Guernica (Spain, 1938), and on a (relative) early period war situating London attacks (, generally known also to that 'Blitz' by years 1940-41) are, of course, the usual noted 'exceptions' – Smght that one would notice if thinkin' some contradictions that'd not so much favoring the above said 'claim'. ; But whatever importance one then thinks for those 'exeptions', and from some others – in numbers any civilian casualties at those weren't near that massive – than what was for to take places during some last years by World War.

...On the pages prior a former quoted part, Elssberg as well seemed noting (that); '... In 1940-41 it was particularly important to the British to show their potential American allies that that they were fully in the fight, that they were an ally worth supporting; likewise, after mid-1941, to show Soviets that the British were taking and inflicting losses in fighting Germans, even if not comparable to those on the eastern front. ..' ; And 'soforth', following the said 'logic', it found that; 'Bomber Command offered itself as the only force that could deliver either message.' (; 236)

That then is (also) followed fx by the remarking for that; "...the agreement that Britain made on September 2, 1939, the day after Roosevelt's appeal, that they would not bomb civilian populations, was potentially quite a restriction on what Bomber Command was really preparing itself to do in terms of producing heavy bombers, such as the four-engine Lancaster that came into operation in early 1942."

...(Which might make a rather noteworthy point-of-view. Even if one would not completely agree on w. that. - As for the 'only' view-point to that. Or, as some weighty argument on cons what said on it.)

In addition (Elssberg) as well seemed from to remark: "Hitler had not bought into ['this', the one 'tactic' that allied air force command later unified did from 'adopt'] doctrine of strategic bombing, nor had he ever prepared for it. Indeed, he had no four-engine bombers; the heavy bombers of the type that Britain and America had been designing since the 1930s. In Germany, France, Russia, and Italy, the predominant army officers and political leadership looked at these doctrines and said, 'Nonsense, civilians won't collapse that easily. ...way to use airplanes is in close support of troops and tanks.' " (; 237)

; ...Although, it can – probably is only fair – if we note w. that Hitler (also) seems as well often noted during any latter parts the war - From had often yearned to having had the more effective major bombing forces at his uses. (Some side-point - a point-of-view often  'fashioned' advocated  - also is, that tere were a few designs of the long-range bombers developed. Projects that seem even been dubbed w. a terming for an  'Amerikanbomber' - w. the said aim, that those would've been meant capable of attack as far as 'New York city' ...from 'bases in the France or the Azores'. As the described on Wikip.-entry, of about one such model, the Me 264. - Nevertheless, here presented reasons apply, cons how/why the several preplanned projects not entered on the mass-production as 'strategic bombers'.) ; After from any 'lucks' in the war had for turned against the nazies world-conquering campaigns. (After there, in the 1943 had been the renown defeats from the El Alamein, Stalingrad - And on a submarine war any Germany's hopes had for failed. Failed from to be able for any serious level to disturb, or from stop completely the passing by those Atlantic convoys. ; Which to the most usual mentioned episodes, some most often said 'mark' the certain 'turn of the tide' in that World War-history.)

So, I don't quite take for all so undisputable the Ellsberg's notings on Hitler's 'varyness' cons the uses by said sort 'bombing tactics'. – At least not as from his 'only' reason, from behind that.


(; Also, by during the latter war years, and overriding his former opinions Hitler seems as well to having had advocated the plans for building by then the novelties, the jet-engined airplanes – Of which that Me 262, maybe remains for the most renown. And also for demanded his air command those for been equipped functionable in uses as bombers. ; ...Though, it seems that in any demand from those jet planes as any 'bombers' from, the major intention at Hitler's any plans would've (prob.) been to their uses against any military targets. As the Luftwaffe's capacity left by then to support those, and, the German war-production of the fighter-planes had already proved to quite inadequate in compared to a combined Allied war-efforts. Especially in cons from the air-planes, et similar production, and esp after from the US had for joined the European war. ; So that question does remain only very trivial. And by any cases the declining German industrial production in latter war years appeared capable out-turn only few fleets from those jet-planes in uses. But, here the mention as it could've, in theory at least, from had led for the very last years of war to had some different consequent followings World War. Or at least – in theory again – to had enlenghtened that war's lasting.) 

(Photo) ; A war-time picture from German Me 163,  of a pet-name, 'Komet' - The 'rocket fighter', plane that got in the production only 'too late in the war.' (...from to have any real importance, to change anything of it's course. Only fewsome planes were ever manufactured, so let's skip the rest from details, from about that...) ; Photo from that Hyland-Gill. - ...Matter fact, that (me 163) became the 'worlds first rocket-engine (fighter) plane in production'. Due because number reasons not too necessary here specified, the development project actually was then 'renewed' in the Me 263. (Which reached the level by test models built, prior to the end of war.)   



But, let us then go for a few more 'mindings' 'bout these aspects – At least...because from much to it seems only having to a rather speculative. (While one doesn't so much think there's reasn go too far in the argument - Or any reason go much further from what from the history's part the most apparent.) 

; ...It indeed appears also very renown that during said late years of the war those terror-bombings of the cities/population centers emerged as the major favored 'tactic' in Allied 'air-operations'. Also, as fx Ellsberg remarkin' the losses felt were very often heavy, due from having to fly far long over enemy-territory, the cities more fierce defended – Yet the air command kept from targeting on the heavy civilian casualties among w. those bombing raids at cities as one of the principal 'aims'. Along w. the industrial and military targets destroyed from.

As some of the most renown, foremost notorious cases from the cities bombed on to their 'ruins' would tell. ; Most often mentioned examples among are the Dresden, Hamburg, and Tokyo. In all from mentioned, the attacks by the several 'waves' of the heavy bombers, caused for the civilian casualties to araise to many thousand(s).

However (such as also is by usual mentioned,) even despite their major destructiviness, mostly any from raids are said to have had minor effect on a war-morale on each from the cases. ; Pretty much in comparables for what said been the quite limited impact by nazies engineered V1- and V2-rockets. Some whose launches also had mainly a more random and rather 'scattered' hits on any civilian targets. ; Matter a fact, those seem said from at least as common been used also against the military targets. Although, by then the nature of the 'conflict' had by somewhat lot changed as the Allies had already landed on a West-European part. -----------

...As for some further looks I then also did found worth some noting what I had by recent read on a book by Hyland-Gill (Last Talons of the Eagle, -98).


; Namely, there it presented the more 'standard' explanation on why Hitler (/nazies) never went onwards from to build the similar 'major bomber forces' as Allies. (But instead only those less massive, two-engined planes.) As it's said, seemed wrote on, that the effort was by the late 1930s considered all too costly. By that time the Luftwaffe also had become in most it's tactical means (and by 'purposes) built for to serve as an effective 'co-attack force' of the sort. As for the supporting 'unit' in operational means that aimed to achieve rapid advances and breakthroughs – And where air units were meant 'seamlessly' function w. the ground attacking forces. The modern mechanized warfare-tactics where some 'major bombers' would've not been found so well serviceable cons anything to the practical targets. And so such were not for built.

As for those reasons it then is explained fx (, of the 1930s), by followingly: "...Germany had been crippled by reparations payments, the cost of importing essential raw materials, hyper-inflation, world recession and huge unemployment during the interwar years. In the early 1930s unemployment in Britain stood at three million, but in Germany the figure was double that. ...

As far as the Luftwaffe's funding was concerned, the medium bomber represented a production-cost saving. After all, it was reasoned, a large heavy bomber could consume quite as much material as two medium bombers, so why not build the smaller and more agile machines, and leave the enemy to build it's heavy, lumbering machines – which could be preyed on easily by the faster, cheaper and more numerous Luftwaffe aircraft? " ; Also:

" 1934, the Air Ministry called for development time to be reduced from between five and six years to only two. Limited for so many years to producing low-powered engines for staid civil machines, the task of suddenly manufacturing powerful and reliable aeroplane motors for the military seemed beyond most companies. ..., the industry was forced to continue to build older designs, which rapidly became obsolete, alongside the new ones, for reason of economic convenience." (; of p. 26, 27.)

...And which then would've been the principal reason, to the development from only smaller bombers. Two-engined planes, or even some w. only one engine. - Such as the early example in the infamous Stuka (The Junkers 87). ; Also, that cost-saviness in it's necessities then seemed said alongside lead for tsome remarkable inventions and developments. From the planes perhaps to a most renown being in the described historie the improvement and embettering of the jet-engine plane(s). At above already briefly remarked from. While not of too detailed, not much specifically about.

...Despite that, I also found on to these references it's tellings (By that book, of Hyland-Gill), from bit problematic. ; For, on a first look the book leaves for slightly 'unconvincing' an impression. To it's greatest weakness, one finds it completely avoids make any notes for the sources. (There isn't the footnotes, and not even a list of the sources.)

(; As well – guess it also worthwhile from add – book's rather provocative popularising sub-titling ('Secret nazi technology which could have changed the course of world war two') doesn't too much diminish the said impression. ; any 'closer look' - I happened find it at least to quite suspectable as there's only a briefer mention 'bout the slave labor uses in as support for nazi war-effort. ; ...As it seemed almost solely said on that (that): "...During January 1943 the SS-Totenkopf Brigades decided to coopt large numbers of concentrationcamp inmates as extra labour for the aircraft factories - ... The pattern was repeated across the country from then on. Slave labour was not ideal because it was neither committed nor trustworthy, but it was a means of filling the benches of workers who had been sent off to die for the Fatherland on the increasingly hopeless Eastern Front. For the prisoners themselves, factory work represented a better chance of survival than they had in the camps. Life expectancy in Auschwitz-Birkenau, for example, was three weeks." (Hyland-Gill ; 311-2.)


Perhaps correct. - While certainly not the all about. Not from the 'whole truth', about.

For, noticing on basis what comprised to our preceding few posting (and reads I had prior for writing them) ; At that Hyland-Gill, cons the Nordhausen (concentration camp), fx, there seemed appear only a few brief references on. (Also, what said was w. a certain some similarity to the general 'non-existence' of that slave labor-history, as it still appeared to many a "war book", in the late 90s. I also happen now notice, the fact that book seemed present only a singular one mention 'bout that von Braun – on some elsew places of it's pages. Although, I didn't read the all of it from any too meticulously...) ; As such that, perhaps, seems then represented the quite commonplaces in much writing still around that time. (But let us not from to stick on that particular aspect, not at this at least...)

; ...And by the way, in a one other place there is the some remarks cons those late war-time mass-bombing from the cities – The description seems also to provide the following sort expression '... But there are strategic reasons for attacking civilians.'; p. 313.)

...In the light by any our some former learnings (onto those recent posts)...One can't (/shouldn't !) then avoid of a little questioning 'bout how much that from expressed would, perhaps, been put serve for statement hiding under itself also the fact that similar intentioned tactics on bombs dropped at civilian targets woul've had continued in the numbers more recent wars; At the Vietnam, the Iraq-war(s), the Afghanistan...and, ao? (; It has to remain, of course, purely speculative as this brief a remark about – But given from how much we find, nowadays, that similar is seen continued, yet through long years it's begun 'hidden under' a some standard WW II-'story plot' – I don't bother to go for all about that in any details from - Probably it not much 'out the place', here, if we're pointing out just that singular one sentence.

; If only due because I've also, oftenmost, learned to treat w. some suspectances any non-fiction books that do not list their sources used.

; Besides the elseways it proved not at all from too unrewarding a reading at my any finding. - At least, as we've not w. much anything else 'bout, w. not so much prior knowledges from. Ie not too in knowing for the specifics of the airplanes rapid development in during those times. --------- 


(Photo, above) ; From the Fritz Lang's relative little remembered (early) Weimar-'trilogy' on Niebelungen-saga. ; First part, 'Siegfried' (1924), said feat these scenes - well, actually these are said feat at the 2nd seq., 'Kriemhilds Revenge', also by 1924... - that create parallel between the story's mythical anciety, 'the legends', and just near before it's filming ended World War (,the Ist world war). So, fx, those runners are situated at the trenches.- A reminder on the recent 'war-zones' - and from about that those already were becoming mythically treated 'realitets'. (acc. that Kaes, 2009 -  via/where from this still is...)  

['Addit'] ; ...Further  (cons) from how Lang's (original) filmatisation of that Nibelungen appears revelant on these aspects – mainly, as the 'elsemuch'/ backgrounds from as far as of that 1920s (etc.,) for the later followed Word War 2-period. - In following is then a few more passages from, 'picked' of that Kaes:

"When Siegfried, the first part in Lang's long-anticipated Nibelungen, opened on February 14, 1924, it was more than a cultural event. It was brazenly political. German society was still traumatized by its military defeat, the failed revolution, numerous political assassinations, widely reported serial killings, and (most recently) by the humiliation of the Ruhr crisis.

In January 1923, the reaction to Germany's failure to pay reparations, one hundred thousand French and Belgian troops occupied the Ruhr area, thus further demoralizing Germany and arousing nationalist sentiments. There were work stoppages, sabotage, and even street battles in which hundreds of people died. ... After the dollar reached the equivalent of over several million marks and postage stamps cost fifty million, a new currency was introduced on November 15, 1923. ... Hitler's Beer Hall Putsch in Munich was staged on November 8, 1923. The French did not withdraw their troops until August 1925.

The Nibelungen film's production paralleled the Ruhr crisis, so that by the time of Siegfried's premiere, French troops were still stationed in Germany's most vital industrial area. ... " ; p. 133.

(Photo, beside) ; ...Could've be 'dubbed'/described as 'the face of revenge' - How that's presented in Lang's filmatised versioning of Nibelungen. (This still too, of 2nd sequel.) a few more accomp. paragraphs, from that Kaes (; p. 148-9, 151) :

"In the early 1920s, when members of the right-extremist, openly anti-semitic German-National Student Association at the University of Vienna wanted to honor their fallen comrades [...those whom'd died at the preceded war, ie] , they rememberd this award-winning sculpture of Siegfired's head and placed it in the entrance hall of the university. ...

...Both the sculpture and the film transform death into a monumental and sacred event , something akin in the passion of Christ. Siegfried appears as a martyr bearing the promise of redemption. The laid-out body is the site of mourning, contemplation, and memory. ... "

"Lang's film contributed to the National Socialists' store of collective imagery. Part 1 of the Nibelungen was re-released in 1933 with a new title: Siegfried's Tod (Siegfried's Death) Now a sound film accompanied by excerpts from Richard Wagner, this film was shortened to focus exclusively on the theme of national identity. While Lang was on his way to exile, Reichsminister Goebbels declared in a letter..."This immortal heroic song was born of the German spirit, ... Today more than ever, in this time of national rebirth, this film belongs to the people, Siegfried's Death is the German experience." ------ 


Soforth, for the... 'Conclusions' ; 


SEEMS, of course, quite unlike if we'd for to be assuming that a man mainly responsible from the 40 plus million dead at the World War (plus, incl. the some 6 million jewish civilian victims) would to much hesitated of to strike the enemy, had he from had the any possible means to. In other words, had the Hitler (/nazies) had enough resources to large bombers been built for the pre-war German air forces. From permitting the similarly devasting bombing raids carried out. ; Probably, as theoretical possibility to be thought, likeliest at least a London – and maybe some other towns – could've then as well ended in during latter part war to a comparable ruin as the said cities. ; Hamburg, Berlin, Dresden, Tokio. (From between the 1943-5.)

That still doesn't - on the other hand – completely refutate a claim that Ellsberg seems advocatin'. (On the above cited parts.) At least it seems for quite proven that Hitler's main 'direction' in any of his totalitaristic war campaigns was towards the East. And that the air attacks into London were mostly targeted as a preparation for launching an invasion across the Sea. (The Operation 'Sea-lion'. Which ultimately wasn't ever from to realize. Partly of the same reasons as there was not any large bombers – In lack of the transports and enough usable carriages. And of the reason that what there were would've, w. a 'high chance', ended on the way to the bottom from the channel.)

; Also, Hitler's 'reluctance' by later take any first steps in an all-destructive air war seems gain support at least by two additional aspects. First: his famous racial hates indeed not ever specifically were announced against the 'western' (or an 'anglo-saxon') populaces. Or even of those at a 'west European' continental 'zone'. Instead, such as his racial prejudices do show, the more genocidal war only was begun in the East, by the earliest. In any such massive scale as that has become well-known. In all from what of it the later told, and maybe from the many untold horrifics that did for contain. (While such then also not necessary is for imagined from represent a some strict 'rule', by obviously.) ; But then, from secondly: Any likehoods from the Axis-states to success in said sort devastating air war, must've seemed small already on prior to that 1943. --------

(Besides – cons anything for the 'cold war'-years constant possibility from a more global war again to emerge.; W. even some "limited" uses of the nuclear weapons then in part that enthreatening 'scenario' – that indeed did develop much as the consequent followings for the 'tactic' in the described Allied terror-bombings on German cities. At least the nature of a nuclear 'threat' does reflect the exactly similar means in war – the mass annihilation of civilians as an accepted policy for achieving some "tactical" advantage.) ; To the chief 'architects' of that, one only justified finds that number Allied commanders whom, fx, seem then at postward years having had for 'advocated' a uses of the nuclear bombs in some different periods by post World War conflicts. Such as that Le May (at Japan), McArthur (in a Korean war), ao. And indeed, quite as much one finds Eisenhower practically guilty of the same, at least when having 'sanctioned' a similar thinkin via his activity (Cons anything of the nuclear weapons).

; Obviously at this postward 'finding' any from the mentioned don't seem had reflected even much less any racisms. – Hitler, at any common estimates also seems of usual 'credited' to had possessed, in significant levels, some plain insanity. But at the present finding one can't much deny that there must've appeared a level very comparable war-insanity in the minds of those mentioned army commanders. On any comparison with. 


That aspect becomes even more incomprisensible after a thought 'bout what sort innermost motives it would've had needed them to possessed, as to support of such 'methods'. By means to 'justify' to themselves the civilian mass-killing, in part a 'war-plan'. – In the light of that recognition (their) any, easily assumable, racistic burdens feel even like to appear for the 'alleviating circumstance'. (What a...blockheads.) -----

The more fast technologic advances, taken places during those two world war years can be said to had played some part in how those circumstances having got on their begin. How the world w. a threat from nuclear annihilation got for created.

; Yet, as any of the more renown several occasions at the postwar years 'developments' would tell, that only serves from the very limited explanation on anything. ; Indeed, any cases from the several mentioned conflicts by Ellsberg, most from the 1950-60s could've opened a path for the unplanned and by priorly unestimable circumstances. That by the 'lucky chance' the more total war, or any other time from use of the nuclear bombs didn't take place, doesn't make the realisation 'bout it to any more relieving. Humankind shouldn't indeed push their luck, from any further in that.

...There's in many occasion the good reasons given why so at that Ellsberg. ; One would think of the many 'sections' there that everyone would find good for being in knowing. Yet, perhaps the most striking the parts on that Cuban Missile Crisis. (Between the p. 210-222 in the book.)

 ; As it indeed smght all from, or many maybe, think to having had heard about. – And yet, still most not for very completely still do have actual knowledges from about. 


(Photo) ; ...From the Pabst's 1929-film ('Weimar cinema', B/W) 'Das Tagebuch einer Verloren', ie Diary of the Lost Girl, on English. ; Acc. that Smith (2013; p. 106.) - via which the scan, here, abovee still-photo feats "... Emmy Wada, Edith Meinhardt (as Erika), Louise Brooks, and Speedy Slichter."  (Also - this film too was made based on a popular Weimer-novel, sold at stalls.)


However, thought that a following few excerpts do make as good a briefing as some ends from this. ; ...For, them relate to the particular aspects merely of briefly referred on the preceded (paragraphs.)

"In 1943 the RAF successfully tested a theory thart had been conceived some time before: that the best way to destroy large parts of cities was to harness the forces of nature by appropriately designed technology and tactics. Specifically, it was hoped that a 'firestorm' could be created, ... This would be helped by first dropping high-explosive bombs, which would break up the structures and make for better kindling, and also block fire trucks from the streets. ... A large parts of the city would burn uncontrollably.

As this happened, super-heated air would rise rapidly in a strong updraft, this creating a low-pressure area, sucking in winds from the surrounding area. In effect, the fire would create it's own draft , changing wind patterns. And the new oxygen coming in would feed this fire like bellows on a hearth, turning the entire city into a furnace. ... After many attempts, success finally came in Hamburg on the night of July 27, 1943, in Operation Gomorrah. It was proven that with this effect, temperatures would rise up to 1500 degrees Fahrenheit. Everyone died in the area within the circle of fire, fed by the winds coming from all directions, at up to 150 miles per hour.

Those in shelters died from asphyxiation, if not from heat. ... People fleeing the flames were in asphalts and became flaming torches. ... About forty-thousand civilians died in Hamburg." ; (Ellsberg) - of p. 246-7.


"...moral threshold had been crossed long before. There was, in reality, no debate or even discussion whatever in official circles as to whether the bomb would or should be used, if it were ready in time before the war ended for other reasons.

One such foreseeable reason for Japanese surrender before the bomb was dropped would be the announcement at Potsdam in July of the scheduled Soviet entry into the war against Japan on August 8. The Soviets wished but were not permitted to sign the Potsdam declaration, ...

Seventy years of public controversy about 'the decision to drop the bomb' have been almost entirely misdirected. It has proceeded on the false supposition that there was or had to be any such decision. There was no new decision to be made in the spring of 1945 about burning a city's worth of humans

The atom bomb did not start a new era of targeting or strategy or war making in the world. Annihilation of an urban civilian population by fire had already become the American way of war from the air, as it had been the British way since late 1940." ; p. 261-2.(italics,Ellsberg's - well, as the 'liner' changed the whole passage on italics, I then decided point out the said words w. the font...)


; ...ALONG w. the on prior presented plentiest – ie, what meant comprised said via those few above 'sections' - we may then still cite bit more from a former presented Marie Vassiltchikov's War-diary. (It already was been quoted to our preceded posts from.) Just for representing the more complete 'coverage' cons those bomb raids, and to their direct effect. ; Indeed, her diary makes the very readable intelligent observances for about most things during those war years – Covering, or at least from addressing for the day-to-day experiences in the begins from that nazi-'Reich' until to it's ultimate time of collapse. Of which this would represent only a small selection. Only from a couple entries at the diary. 

(pic) ; From the Manara's 1980s Comics-album, 'Gulliveriana'. ; (Mentioned already on some earlier post.) 


This 'selection' is about (her) one description for having got subjected – on a visit to an orthodoxic church – for the one from those mass-bomb raids in a war-years Berlin. In her diaries here for significant present religious 'tension' isn't elsew./anywhere places to near similar from emphasized. ; But, of those raids it offers good example to her 'witnessing', ao, in the now followed:

"The fifteen-year old..., Herbert, is about to be mobilised in the flak. He has bautiful eyes. If he survives the war, he will be a lady-killer. It is astonishing how precious he is and how violent his feelings about the present regime. Last year his mother read my hand and predicted that I would leave Germany, never to return. I now asked her to read my hand again. She did and confirmed the prediction." , ...

"Sunday, 7 May [1944] Got up early to go to a small Russian Orthodox church, not far from the Zoo. It has no cellar. Was waiting for my turn to confess, when the sirens sounded. There were not many people and most of them were Ostarbeiter [Russian workers] some of them praying aloud with set faces. Nobody moved and the choir continued to sing. How much nicer it was to be there, rather than to cower in some anonymous shelter! All the candles around the icons were alight and the singing sounded truly inspired. ... , all at once, they were right over our heads. Masses of them, wave after wave. The weather being very cloudy, the flak could not shoot and they flew very low. The droning of their engines was as loud as the crashing of the bombs, the one indistinguishable from the other. It was as if one was standing under a railway bridge with an express train thundering overhead. Suddenly the choir stopped dead. ... Near me stood a nun with a lovely face and it comforted me somewhat to be near her. She bent down and whispered: 'One must not be frightened, for God and all the saints are with us!' and when I looked dubious, she added: 'Nothing can ever happen during Holy Mass.' ... By the time the service was over, I felt fifty years older and completely drained.

Later I heard that there had been fifteen hundred planes over Berlin that morning. In the early days of the war thirty seemed to us dangerous enough. It is so strange that although I feel, theoretically, perfectly resigned to the idea of dying under these bombs, when the droning of the planes and the crash of the explosions start, I get physically paralysed with fright and with every raid this fear seems to increase.

... Trapped in a cellar in Wilmersdorf, Gottfried had tried to read Schopenhauer, but could not keep a straight face, as he found himself surrounded by old ladies with towels tucked round their chins and wet sponges stuck protruding from them like beards, this supposedly affords protection against phosphorus bombs.

Later we walked about the center of the town. ...much smoke and many new craters, but American bombs - the American come during the day, the British at night – seem to cause less damage than English ones. These explode horizontally, whereas the former go deeper, so that the neighbouring buildings collapse less easily.


... Another colleague chose this moment to tell us the gory details of how his house had got a direct hit again last night and was totally destroyed. This raid seemed to be a heavy one, but soon the all-clear sounded.

[...] ...In the middle of the street there was a huge crater where a bomb had landed near the exit of the cellar. As all the water pipes had burst, people trapped in the cellar were now swimming their way across the crater. So many bombs have fallen in Berlin again that the streets are half-submerged. ...

We went on to the Hotel am Steinplatz, lunched there and walked back to the office through the rain. ...

[... Tuesday, 9 May] ...after Adam had brought me back to Potsdam, the sirens wailed. This was another Stûrflug [nuisance raid], when many planes circle around, dropping bombs haphazardly. I packed and did not go to sleep until they had flown away." : Vassiltchikov: Berlin Diaries, 1940-1945 (; p. 171, 171-2, 173, 174. -Italics, Vassiltschikov's.)

(The subsequent entry on diary then mentions how on following day 'life continues' - And as them then are deciding from go to a lunch on the restaurant...) -------- 


" Like a dog without a bone An actor out alone Riders on the storm Riders on the Storm ..." (by the Doors/Morrison: Riders on the Storm, a song.)  


; ...ALONG w. runnin', which just to have in during the Summers also some regular 'sportsteering', a field of the exercise - or just as a 'hobby' from – I've then at this season, Winter Months (,'suppose you could've guessed that) – been buzy of skiing.

From regularly and often, as the usual to me been some time, now. On this time of the year.


(Actually, any delay from this writing to materialize, mostly was due because I've spent so large part my precious time on the tracks. Lately having learned, it nowadays better enjoyed when one can – For as long as this season still is around, is for to last. ; So, some of the following paragraphs happen describin' any impressions wrote down at a time priorly, over a Month before returning for these writes...)


(Pic, beside) ; (Pabst's) 1930 Weimar-film. (Apparently depicts a some contemporary advert for. Can't remember from where I'd found that one - Maybe it was at the films IMDB-entry.) ; Also - what to the more interesting, I am now reminded about that this film, 'Westfront 1918' directed by Pabst, was said from anti-war sort. Haven't seen that,...but on that Kaes (2009) there is the following explained on the film, and from it's 'premiere':

"...the word Ende concludes G.W.Pabst's 1930 film Westfront 1918, Germany's first motion picture explicitly about World War I. 'The End' is followed by large question mark and an even larger exclamation point - conflicting signals that make us uncertain about where things stand. The film is over, but what about the war? ... Although, exclamation point urgently calls for an end to the violence, the sound of explosions and gunfire that accompanies The End suggests that the war is far from over.

 Westfront 1918 opened on May 23,1930 as one of the first sound films made in Germany. ... The addition of sound of course allowed a much more authentic representation of the front experience than any silent film could deliver. ... Sound also expanded the visible frame; for instance, the piercing whistle of a grenade falling offscreen could not have been rendered in a silent film. ...

... In contrast to silent film heroes, characters in sound film seem less abstract and enigmatic because the voice humanizes them and creates melodramatic empathy. Combat action films rarely depict shell shock's silent suffering and unspeakable pain; they are not interested in the psychological consequences of war that are invisible." (; p. 211-2.) 

The cross-country(-skiing) from considered, our latest weathers did turn out for the more favorable some. One could've, almost, even had an impression that we were now from enjoying the complete opposite climatic conditions – if compared for with the last year's most horrific fails, the total lack at any snow-covers. In fail of that to form, practically, from at all. ; By now – the 'late' by Dec./early from the Jan. - seems it, likeliest, the snows might this season arrive in times fo their more regular 'scheduel'. At least already some did rain. (The first 'real pours' were observed maybe around the 2nd day, and little after.) So at the moment seems it expectable if those rained snows also are from remain past the coldest Months. As it now seems to snow ever continuous a few more layers, slow but steadily – And, on begins for the next week, thermometer predicted to fall below/around the 10 degrees minus.

However - if thinkin those previous years, when a more complete (,some might feel liking to say the 'devastating') more snowy conditions having earlier tend for arrived – we seem 'late in snows', still. Or, about how that now feels like, after us from had the several such a a bad years, 'by the latest'. What comes to some of the snowiest years, I remember it by early 2000s , still, used had begun rains/and coldening already by mid-weeks of Dec.

...If there is to be more (the snows), by anycase, I'm exitedly awaiting those skiing-conditions. Already, 'till this timing I've actually skied more than, prob., during most recent (previous) years. By my any counting had distanced near the some 200 km's during on only first weeks to this season. So, actually quite optimistic and expecting exceed my 'enthusiastical' target from achieving some 1000 km's at skis already well prior the Spring-season arrivin. ; So - wish me luck, as far as we can say by now, weather having's so far appeared just...from encouraging.

(LaTeR...] We did have the most enjoyable Winter season – At least if you compare that w. any average in during most recent 5-6 years. (...I'm returning to this writing, now, by around the late on Feb.) 

; At the moment it seems I'd easily pass that said marker – As I've already 'til this day, almost or nearly, passed that number km's I spent on tracks in all of the last year – ; Supposin' that I've actually never been on the skis to this much, than at this winter. As we're also to have, acc most 'prospects', still a few more cold weeks left, past the most from March - Seems then likeliest around, about a 1200 km's wouldn't become not less well achievable by me on this particular year.


(Pic) ; ...of the (some) DVD-cover for Riefenstahl's famous film of the Berlin-Olympics. As some addition for themes in the before section - And from how it seems said of enjoyed the 'renewal' in the popularity by the old films digitalized versioning. ; I-O-W's - What about the period was seen 'fit' for being represented, in the commercial re-editions - on 1990s/early 2000s. (Of where source that was at...I don't have the details, anymore.)


BY ANYCASE; also saying, those weathers weren't found (exactly) quite that 'ideal' at this year. (As one would perhaps got an impression, be assumed from the previous said.)

; For...we now also had the several colder weeks, or days from, when a thermometer was around low as -15 to -20. In other words: By some weeks got all too cold for a good skiing. At least during the several from days. (More on that, from a bit onwards...)

; Yet despite w. our very colds – It not necessary was to so much in degrees, but also often the less good by circumstances, quite many days appeared a bit windy, sometimes even 'stormy', etc... - There still also were some periods of quite sudden occasional melting of the snows. (...Already observed smght of the sort during an early days of that Jan. 'Though it generally not lasted but some days.) Yet, that feels like only become from the relative recent a phenomena – here - If I compare it in any longer continuum. (Well, I've not a very far back precise 'memoir' here – only of the few preceded decades before.) Not lasted for too long - But it certainly gave an impression that from 'all the way' the Winter didn't appear near so 'stable' as it formerly was to be found.

Now again, it being - on here latitutes at least - promised the more meltings, well over plus-degrees, to some days. (In fact, it then quite soon, by turn from the Feb.-March went through some very warm days – Whose effect we noticed on quite deteriorating to those tracks...) ; But, in overall, this 'early Spring' season seems to now turn from the most enjoyble. Fx, it is now only starting to shine from little more often. – By each every day from a bit more. - Actually it promises still good conditions past from several weeks. However, not are perhaps anymore, necessary, to those most ideal ones.

Mostly that, of course, appears mainly recognisable how any said meltings are found now takin' places the more rapidly. (And often by the resultant, when does, when it is followed by the returned cold, then has emerged the more 'icy' conditions. Makin' those tracks from the more 'fast', but also somewhat less reliable at their condition. Even prone of to cause accidents, in cases you'd not take some extra care...)

- So maybe, indeed, one can now notice also basis these local (fewsome) observances, changes that the climatic 'extremes' appear increasing take places. Even noticeable at such a 'good winter' as being this one. Of how serious that happening, you think, may depend on how rapid is the noted accelerating climatic deterioration... ; Also, I then fx remember a one winter, only few years back, when we did have the most unpleasant skiing conditions to a most part the from Feb – Which is usually the Month w. the most from snows. As those described noted random 'emerged' severe meltings, too warm days, over any 'normality' in that Month, had made the tracks during most of those mornings to the (very) icy – and during many days it was all too thaw. (Ie, temperatures for remaining several degrees over the zero.)

Such as we've prob. have had already the mentioned, priorly: The skiing being rather more weather-dependable sport than most. -------

...(some) 'Cold cuts' ; ...WITH that recognition, I perhaps can't complete avoid of a mention from this 'recent' study (Newssed also on that environmetally 'awarned' – perhaps also awarded – newsmag, the Guardian. 'Atlantic Ocean circulation at weakest in a millenium, say scientists'

; I don't know how recent are these said findings. ...But, there's been somewhat a lot talk about it, that of the future Gulf Stream-decline (or, such they say, possibility from it to 'halt'. ...To the common often used a term seemed as well it's 'shut-down', although, the total close-up is not thought from to appear on any likehood.) - In resultant, from as 'co-effects' of the further continued global warming. (Although by formerly, as apparently now still, that seemed projected, perhaps, only  to happen/'realizable' in by the years nearer the ends of this century's.)


Thought then us to have a few passages on concepted about (this) aspect – But, I think I must remain cautionary. At least for this early...and late. (After all it seems an issue that has been discussed somewhat lot on before.)

There indeed might still appear exist a some number 'uncertainties' - cons to that. Let us therefore, instead, on this section cite a few lines of my one other recent read. - It was on (a book) about the period known, or often described from now as the most recent 'Little Ice Age' (Time-gap, about, from mid-1400s until a turn for the 1800s). ; In these brief selections the discussed is for the many aspects that said to have their own importance in an 'Oceanic'-/Continental Climatic conditions from the North Europes. The continental 'variables' on weatheric condition and how those affect the Atlantic climatic 'shifts', from to put it in brief. ...Just for a few some aspects that not so usually gain near same 'credence' at some newssings of the climatic futures.

; All of it prob. would also have some meaning cons anything to this present rate-of-change, and how that climatic shift - at the moment – are being felt when happening. (Although I admit not to have, at the moment, very detailed idea to most part the specifics.) ; However, here's what that had for reads:

"...Even today, many people remain confused about why western Europe has such mild seasons, even at the latitudes of Edinburgh or Stockholm, when compared to most of the United States and Canada. Some assume incorrectly that it is all about the Gulf Stream. Basically the difference is that between maritime and continental climates.

... the prevailing winds in the temperate latitudes are westerly and so mid-latitude air masses generally move west to east. In Europe, this mean the prevailing winds bring maritime air from over the Atlantic. In the eastern United States and Canada, the prevailing westerlies bring continental air from the interior. That difference is crucial, because land heats and cools more quickly than large bodies of water. Consequently, the regions that lie in the eastern side of an ocean typically enjoy a milder climate, and those that lie in the interior or on the eastern side of continent have climates with greater contrasts from day to day and season to season. Average lows on the west coast of France stay above freezing even in January. At the same latitude in New Brunswick, Canada, they average around -10C (about 13 F) and can drop far below that." (,on) White (2017; p. 18-19)

(Pic) ; from 'Vampi'-mag., no 31/1974. On a story 'The bethroned of the Sun-God!'

What comes on any to it's presented likehood, 'estimates' any 'long-term' Gulf Stream-decline – I'm then not at all so assured 'bout that scenario from as it often presented. (Ie, can't but think that an issue, prob., still would remain a source for quite some dispute.)

; But, even without, one doesn't need too much evidencin' for those recognized extremes in the weathers, indeed, seem from to had increased. (Within by latest decades, if not even from earlier. In here regions, I mean. With somewhat a more observable levels, now.) ; - That noticed, it still gives me the impression 'bout the climatic 'tomorrows' perhaps also still all but too decided. And who (by now, anymore) actually can claim to being any too sure 'bout much to that?  (The future 'rate' by, of how the said tomorrows would turn for be...)


 (Addit; 27.3) : And, to us give here  the 'both sides from this coin', sort of - not to omit anything most to 'evidences'; On about this view,  of it's negative 'climatic premonition' - Here's then as well how David Wallace-Wells (in a book elsewhere this post also cited) described the issue: 

"...Already, climate change has depressed the velocity of Gulf Stream by as much as 15 percent, a development that scientists call 'an unprecedented event in the past millennium,' believed to  the reason the sea-level rise along the East Coast of the United States is dramatically higher than elsewhere in the world. And...two major papers triggered a new wave of concern over the conveyor belt, technically called the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, which was found to be moving at its slowest rate in at least 1,500 years. This had happened about a hundred years before of the schedule of even alarmed scientists and marked what the climate scientists Michael Mann called, ominuously, a 'tipping point'. Further change, of course, is to come: the transformation of the ocean by warming making these unknown waters doubly unknowable, remodeling the planet's seas..." (; p. 98-9.)

 ...So, if we take the (climatic) sciences as for the advanced 'enough', by this day - and even if we wouldn't - that 'transformation', from the ecolog(ies) and of the seas, would seem like the foremost learnings on about this. (And all this only to - so far. '...further change' to come.)


(And, fx, there are all those concerns that having to do, much, w. the nearest climatic decades, and what that future shall show cons the agricultural sector. The 'sector' most usual noted easily affected by the said more divergent, even extreme changes in weather.)

If excepting our previous Winter, the one before this last one, here latitudes – still so far at least - hasn't been seen the too observable 'major shifts' at our local weathers. (At this northern locality.) ; But certainly - there indeed has been from more increased felt heated spells, and the more of some number other apparent changes. More in amount of the rains – often being also more rapid, more 'plentyful' in for any 'one a time'. And also been seen that at the apparent lack in that snows by winters. (Its decline, and more sooner melting.) They also fx seem for say that the major 'shift' is(/has been) here occurring mostly at the winter climates. ...All for that also perhaps does now take place in a more 'gradual' changes – While sometimes any singular weatheric condition gives it easily impression to there 'regular randoms' in the weather.

As we are indeed often accustomed to treat some seasonal conditions (, the 'bad weather') much in the light by our in the moment (prevailing,) current expectations from. As such it then also has the tendency from leave, in the after-memoirs, perhaps of the impressions from separate singular weatheric conditions. (And only at some 'exceptional years' of the particularly noted certain sort 'seasonal' conditions. Quite 'humanely' that for so, of course.) --------

; Yet, of personally I'd from now to think there not in very shortward expectations, to any nearer time, of any new 'Ice Ages' arrived. – If I'd from having to guess; then not by during some nearest centuries. (If one, fx, thinks about those climatic changes basis on anything seen now, anything 'as yet' – Those emissions already been generated seem almost too assuring for take some care of that, I'd say. As a foremost near prediction.)

; If you're to assume this present observed climate deterioration as still to the...some continuing entity.

But there's not the more pleasant finding in the thought/a good possibility that our somewhat more dire recent Spring-heats (or, those on by an 'early Summer'), may have become to a more of regularity as result of the seen climatic changes. ; In essense, if that is now for the more typical 'by standard' on our seasonal conditions. As to some permanent presense, by the recent experiences, as it having often felt like so. ..from become. During the some very recent years.


"Myth is catastrophe in permanence."

"...high art cinema tended to draw on ethnic folktales, literary works, and historical legends. National epics such as Griffith's The Birth of a Nation (1913) and Gance's Napoleon (1928) illustrate that the nexus of artistic aspiration and national founding myth was not confined to Germany." , "It is remarkable how consistently World War I propaganda pictured the fighting as a crusade in which armored knights swing mythical swords to cut down their enemies. A  poster for the seventh war bond in 1917, for instance, shows a crusader holding up a shield that has been pierced by half a dozen arrows. .... The medieval subtext of a holy war ennobled, in the spirit of the time, both the warrior and the war."

; "...Metropolis argues that the reification and abstraction characteristic of modern mass production result in apocalyptic destruction. ...Lang reconfigures the trauma of the lost war as a desperate revolt of German idealism against the onslaught of the industrial age. ...Modernity's basic conditions have not changed since Metropolis, which may explain the film's enduring appeal and popularity." 

- Kaes; of pages: 131 (quots. Theodor Adorno, on a  'Wagner's relevance for Today'  by 1963) ; 134, 157 ; 168.

(Pic, beside) ; from Blueberry (by Giraud-Charlier. (; What the sequel/story, in some earlier posts was mentioned...)


BY NOWADAYS I also often wonder that sort things. How exhaustive the period of Spring-heat might turn. How on water's lasting – Cons my sowings and garden plants, that meaning. ; For, by the recent, the March-April tends actually for represented in some previous years the most enjoyable seasonal conditions. And – while formerly a best season was around by some Month later – Now on those days it's actually often turned for the less encouraging, typically often is more exhaustive in any warmths. While that season, of course, turns anycases the most elevative otherways: As all the Spring-flowering are then from emergin', etc, ao.... But, if you go outside some lot during that period now, can't also have often the notice 'bout that increase in more heated days. (Though, at this urban locality such days also often do feel the level more 'scorching' than it does in some other surroundings, as I've as come to notice...)

Some of the most stressed excesses in a present consumerist spendings, as from what the people are for typical, usual for reminded (not very forcefully about that, though) - Those seem from consist, ao, of the following 'commodities'; the meats, the fossil fuels (like a gasoline, air-flight fuels too). And, some 'others' too. ; But, I think, as much that all then would've be found - 'in reality' – for it a  noteworth aspect - also traces in it's total effect to a number other ecologic 'disturbances'; Like, say, for the constant advances by the urban sprawl, and – of course - the forests loss (Which being the more often recognized – and pointed out to it's several underlaying dangers – of the ecologic part, and, to it's obvious climatic consequence.) ...Much the things that actually by this day, seem all for 'pile up' on to this (unhoped) negative at the weathers – the nowadays so usual tiresome and bothersome climatic 'forecast'. Globally and locally.

; To not omit the mention, that, a largest part must be held due the failure from 'care about' anything to that, by the 'rich and wealthy' – In other words that burdensome under 'one per cent', such as more than not, by nowadays, also to the common folks may have been avknowledged on, about. As for their some 'relievance'. In their own climatic...'burden' ?)

(Said for the sort, as to not omit the mention...from 'bout that in this materialized way-of-life anything for the 'excesses' tend represent the rather flexible terms, by itself. ; Everybody, almost, tends have some one's own conception on that. What is and what not...)


(Pic/'chart') ; From/via some article at Mongabay. ...That fateful connection between the World's future climates and the original forests still continued 'net loss' becomes more understandable if one notices there  a 'ratio' also by remaining primary rainforests and the ecologic 'present' of the continents. (Where those forests situate.) While the continents ain't from any level 'directly' (too) comparable, if from their ecology observed, the idea of an Amazon-rainforest turned for the 'Savannah-lands', gives as it's long-term prediction a good likehood in amounts created new Saharas (desert) as well. (The negative consequences that would fall to the global climates, adding up for the global warming, appears prob. what we tend be more often reminded from. Plus the now noticed significant increase in threat from, vulnerability to forest fires at Amazon.) 

[Addit]  ;

...A look at yet one other book by my (recent) paging, seem give us the some  further informatives onto this aspect - Or, call that for the alarming  'premonitions', if so said would sound as the more...cautious words? For, on Wallace-Wells (The Uninhabitable Earth. A story of the Future), from 'bout the 'costs' by the similar 'ecological transformation' - but, for more longer time 'in the making', at the North American West and unfolding 'right now' - is told followingly:

"... In 1879, the naturalist John Wesley Powell, who spent his downtime as a soldier during the Battle of Vicksburg studying rocks that filled the Union trenches, divined a natural boundary running due north along the 100th meridian. It separated the humid - and therefore cultivable - natural farmland of what became the Midwest from the arid, spectacular, but less farmable land of the true West. The divide ran through Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, and the Dakotas, and streches south into Mexico and north into Manitoba, Canada, separating more densely populated communities full of large farms from sparser, open land that was never truly made valuable by agriculture. Since just 1980, that boundary has moved fully 140 miles east, almost to the 98th parallel, drying up hundreds of thousands of square miles of farmland in the process. The planet's only other similar boundary is the one separating the Sahara desert from the rest of Africa.That desert has expanded by 10 percent, too; in the winter, the figure is 18 percent." (; p. 51-2.)  


Let us also suppose that whatever hopes we'd then have on about (any) new technologies, and the better share from the – say wealths(?), in from advancin', at this world -for the 'globally and locally', from the more ecological responsible governances... Probable seems also that there's an every likehood that this ecological 'decline' to still continue – in the negative - just as long people will find the said excesses in any for mentioned so inherent parts at any valuing from their present life. Our present way-of-life. ; That sense, I've also come to think it being only so often mainly 'bout the dependencies. Principally and essentially. (On any personal level, from what are your own commitments. At this life.)

...Whatever the outcomes, whatever the 'ultimate' prospects realised from nowafter - and what the scope and 'relevance' by all these clues we now think of seen - the weathers generally not having lately shown to very harmonious. At the few years priorly.

Anything in the aspects before mentioned, of the some ecological 'limits' for had 'neared'; Fx, then hasn't made me from think from the nuclear energies to any favorable alternatives in any ways the energies produced. (It actually, seems on basis the lateliest decades only to quite characteristic how for the valuing that same material reliance seems driven merely as means to keep situation in some 'status quo' – Just because the 'excesses' continue remain for so valued.) 

; Call that for the culture of dependencies as well. Which, in the long run, remain on the people to just as costly as a former reliance to what now more urgent is meant 'dissolve' away of the existing reliance on fossile energies.


... Having made that remark, guess we should find it relevant make mention on a couple 'newssings' - by ('recent') of the nuclear (enery)'s part - On the Nature; here, and then; On here.

(And perhaps I'll myself find a some time, think can to afford myself 'a moment' for also to read those through, by now...)  

(Addits; on 29.3) : 'Ancestral Contradictions...'  ; ...If you not - or, if felt, maybe, some similar (slight) boredness and tiredness to it all, as I did at the moment  - here are a few selected  findings, on from at above first linked web-page:

"... According to the World Nuclear Industry Status Report (WNISR), as the end of February 2021, 414 nuclear-power reactors were running in 32 countries, contributing 10.3 per cent of the world's energy supply." ;

"Nearly three-quarters of all uranium production globally [italics added...], for instance, comes from mines that are in or near Indigenous communities, for example in the United States and Australia. These mines, left unremediated after use, have poisoned lands and peoples..." ;

"...push to install nuclear programmes in countries with frail governance – including Nigeria, Vietnam and Saudi Arabia – should be treated with caution..." 


...And, by-the-way: Here's (on a same 'source',) from yet another briefer article on 'bout the nuclear energy's 'yester-years', and cons from it's (already) equally fore-doomed 'finances' and prospects for to any tomorrows - from...'shrinking' ; But we can only pick up these followed, of to this 'briefing' :  

"Today, his [Eisenhower's, by 1950s...] speech is a reminder that nuclear power shares a common ancestor with weapons of mass destruction." ;

"Japan Center for Economic Research estimates the costs of decontaminating the Fukushima site to be between $470 billion and $660 billion . In the wake of the disaster; 12 of Japan's reactors have been permanetly shut; a further 24 remain closed pending ongoing safety reviews, which are adding to the costs." ;

"...set against the falling costs of energy produced from renewable sources such as solar and wind power, it is possible that the demand for nuclear energy will not rebound."


In short: It's costs seem still only 'pile-up' - Like the radioactive wastes, 'left-afters' ( them by formerly did? ...still do?) to outside those uranium-mines, nearby peoples livinghoods. 

; ...on that Wallace-Wells's recent often cited book (....2019...) I did not notice if it had, from mentioned, the present percentage from all energy production by the nuclear plants - probably usual estimated about same as acc the above figure ( 10 per cent, 'down from 13 in 2010'). And while the book doesn't seem to too much 'in knowing' (informative or helpful) on what comes to the complete 'victims count' in all from nuclear energy's histories - as also as much possible, or even more potential in the any 'climate-compromised' futures to be seen - such as on any 'accidents, disasters'; the "collateral damage" by any 'carelessness' - the subsequent paragraph on it feels at least proper ending our these notings at :

"It has been at least a generation since Americans might have casually read 'mankinds God-given capacity to build' as a reference to nuclear power -  a generation since the world stopped believing nuclear power was, in an environmental sense, 'free' and started thinking of it in terms of nuclear war, meltdown, mutation, and cancer. That we remember the names of power-plant disasters is a sign of just how scarred we feel by them: Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, Fukushima." (; p. 182-3.)   -------

; I also fx then lately did learned that to the more North here, the latest few decade(s) didn't still quite show for had the five warmest years in a whole of climate history for recorded – For from earlier the y. 1974 remained from appear still as some exception in the 'that rule'. Cons the North of our Scandinavian area. But, at here on a more southern Fennoscandias the local 'trend' was said already just at the same as that globally: All for the warmest years in list are now said found from during a two most recent decades.

I only mention – cause so much of any 'Climate talk' seems circle around the usual noted major problems; emissions, temperatures, CO2-level. - And not so much the environments. While them also a most meaningful issue, an aspect you should principally interest yourselves to. 

; In short, even without any major 'climatic shifts' as yet to 'so much' from observable, those imbalances of weather seem indeed increased. On here latitudes as at elsewhere. ----------- 

'Out in the cold...' ; ALSO might find place say that any too cold temperatures, for conditions ain't too good to skiing, either. ...As the one main issue on that, actually, also becomes that the cold also more fast starts consume your any energy reserves. The body resultant also needs from use a bit more of the energy to keep one steadily 'goin on'. (Doesn't, though, matter to very much in any regular speeds, or on a smaller distances from. – As long as you don't exceed some limits. (Or as long as the coldness doesn't.)

; As I've noted, it's actually often for me the more easy get on some good 'travel-mood' at skis than when on runnin'. I mean, if you aim to go some distances, 10 km, 20 kms, or even up from that. ; I've of course not really gotten for similarly used at the runnin' any longer routes as I've for years (and from decades by now) been on skiing for some distances. Or, to the more  particulars from. ; If that then only by the personal 'experiences' - but I've noted it usually takes me about/roughly a same lenght – about 5 km's – to get my body workin on' any properly. (Whether I'm runnin' or skiing, it's actually quite the same time, or w. a similar distances needed first traveled.)

But, when skiing then following 'energized' period, however, from invariably tends become to the much longer momentum. ; 'Though, on that then also naturally depends lot from a weatheric condition. As on skis somewhat more matters for how good condition are the tracks, how well does those skis there a some other such things.

It would, possibly, probably I suppose, return also to an aspect that a body naturally consumes from less of waters in 'colds' than on any warm temperatures. (And skiing more common often is done in the more cold.) Then also that/those periods from 'refresh' tend from appear to last for longer. (Quite significantly, if you spend some more time to the exercisin.) But if you're runnin' on a very warm, the sunny weathers, from passing some wider opens it very soon easily becomes the more exhausting. Or, even when not so constant 'shiny' – But if you're, perhaps, runnin inside some very 'protected' environment(s) – On any places where fx a wind can not to so much from cool your body.

All that being maybe from quite obvious, of course. But in general, as the physical exercise, skiing is (I think) to a some significant amount less exhaustive in the long – While you maybe still spending to as much energy – for some/any comparison in between.

When it shinier – or even at the more 'regular' weathers - most important at any longer exercise to remember drink water in adequate amounts. And of somewhat steadily.

The body not very long fromafter the start begins to warm up – and to sweat off an available 'extra drops'. ('Suppose, it does become actually very unhealthy from to run at any temperatures above, say, ca over from 26 degrees Celsius. ; Although that also, considerable much, must depend of environments - or more precise between any shades and of the opens – To as much as from the current 'averages' to the temperatures. And of course by which speed you run from, faster or slower.) ----------

"...even more of the cold..." ; I've actually been on skis in the very cold. That meaning, at degrees below the minus 20 (ie, below the zero, on Celsius-thermometer.)

First thing to notice, from about that, is: It ain't actually very healthysome, not even too sensical from to ski in such conditions. (From how I'd then for 'experimented' that, of some amount explained at this below...)

In the sport-competitions they seem of previously used keep it about the minus 15 degrees to certain limit on when the races being cancelled. (Not from competited, due it too cold.) ; The physical stress(es) by any excess from that (below -15), of course, depends somewhat a lot also to what the distances it being from raced...But in overall, to the more colder temperatures are, it does increase the risking to the frostbites. Plus, for the other possibile 'vulnerabilities' that then becoming more potential, in the very cold. (For what can happen, there was one example in the newssing here - that on a finnish-language only, 'though.)

During by our latest skiing-'season', year, actually the coldest day I did ski was on at – about – in a temperature for (ca) minus 16-degrees. And even then, I recall it quite felt already from bit too col. However, that day by this year I also carefully checked it wasn't from any winds – And I only did ski during the middle of the day hours. For the daily temperature isn't during our shorter mid-winter days also aren't likely remain so 'steady' and constant - Weather often can change, so lot, f you go for to ski any longer period. Say, from ca over an hour or so. ; So, for examples, the thermoter temperature may show at the begins from an 'evening-route' as smght like -5 Celsius (Or, even to the more warm from...) ...And then, after couple of hours - It can have dropped for as low as -15. (In during a normal bit colder day.)

; As I now recall about that past 'experience' of ski in the (very) colds...It may also be good reminded that I of course had prepared very carefully for my tracks then. Think I remember I was – for examples – wearing the double-layered wools from over unders. I also then had some wind-protective well-warm overcoat on top of all that. Had some double-'layer' from mittens in the hands too, and, obviously the woollen socks from over the sporting socks (And still my feet by some time started feel little freezed.) Head and faces were also mostly covered w. the woollen clothings...and then also had a well warm scarf.

(Not the less important to mention, that it's mostly best have the sort clothes that leave some space between the unders and over-clothing. That way body remains warm best. Ie; any clothing shouldn't be from any too tight neither. Usually, ie when it not too excessive freezin of weathers, something like relative thin but warm enough underclothing w. the woollen shirt below the over-coat I've actually found for the best combination. Depends, likewise, of course, from how fast you mean to ski.) ; One then also fx needs to drink often enough - while not necessary wouldn't feel of so much any need.

Obviously, when having a much of clothing one can't go from w. any too great speeds. Or, that also is so due because from the temperatures being so low. Like said, everything soon becomes then to surprisingly more exhaustive.

As I learned by then. (From years ago by nowadays.)

In fact, as I also recall of that time, I had set to my target then – quite ambitiously – from as high as the 30 kms distanced. After the 20 km I noticed it actually from too much, I simply couldn't go any further. Or, basically I could've, but my strenghts had quite enough exhausted in that cold and every meter started for feel the more troublesome. Soforth, I quitted it on that moment for the good. (Still had thenafter from make some shorter distances back home for the warms and rests. - A 'home-coming' either then wasn't, all in all, like anythign very enjoyable at first: 'Cause despite the good protectives clothes, the fingers and toes do get to suffer first from any longer stay in cold, outdoors. Body works that way - it's less important parts start first from to lose their bodyheat. From the means of need being able to support the most important parts for a longer time. Soforth, in during a subsequent ten to 15 minutes my fingers, and for bit briefer moment the toes too; Them actually did ache for quite painfully.)

In fact, I've not any clear memoir for why I'd even made that 'experiment'. ; 'Suppose one gets such mad ideas when noticin' that every limit becomes only interesting as long you haven't of 'achieved' it. Of course, my this experiment wasn't to go for any actual 'extreme limits'. (Not of the sort that I'd aimed for smght like.) – But it, indeed, did prove to appear itself to the tiresome enough. ; In a smght like, say, minus 20 it feels still about barely tolerable, but not very enjoyable to ski. When nearing for the -30 it can/does tend get for rather more 'paralyzing' – But if you have a good fit, and, if being well prepared, one can still go to some lenghts. (Such as explained, on prior.) ; However, it was also rather reasonable from me avoiding any opens at that track. Esp., if from any winds it soon becomes the much more harsh there. Actually I was then mostly skiing on forest-sides just because there it usually tends to remain for some degrees more warm.) Over the said, or anything below that minus –30, I wouldn't even had tried. (Today wouldn't even on under about that -20, not even for much shorter distances.)

They also say, fx, that in the temperatures as low as -40 it becomes riskier from the more serious frostbites very soon - Even from without any extra exhaustment. ; The coldest people may tolerate to a some limited time seems usual estimated, maybe, around from the minus 50. In such temperatures it practically means from a quite direct opposite to the Sahara, about – which, neither ain't from described to any healthy place from it's climates. Both for the too heated, or of the too cold tend also weaken the blood circulation, suppose. If you stay on over some safe limits.

Finally, the recollections 'bout brought for mind that I (of course) also had from prepared to myself a very good and plentysome meal before the said 'experiment'. Quite an important aspect too – As at the cold body consumes then also lot more energy in any physical exercise than at more 'normal' weathers from. (Like was said.)

But I wouldn't actually try that from the second time. There wasn't so much any 'real' enjoyment at the exercise – or even any benefit in skiin at such 'extreme' cold – I mean, it didn't probably do from any good physically, either. ; By then I was probably in the little better fit than bynowadays. Which not the main point-of-view at this. Main p-o-w that it was even from the bit foolish. Luckily, I had considered most things quite well over and before it to well enough. - Esp. about that number clothing I needed to have on. And did not forget of follow how the weather was advancin', if it was for any changes - allthrough past for the time I was skiing in the cold. (The temperatures actually did slight rise towards the eve by that day, I think I now also recall.) ; Acc by my recalling to that. From this much after... ----------

BY THE RECENT ( already the March) – We seem now of having some more heaps for snows, again. Thermometer also did to some week decline (,by temporarily or at least from during a few nights...) - To as low as -15 (Celsius) ; As for what acc the forecast is then to be expected, seems now that the Winter can still last minimum by the few more weeks

So, it would seem that this late Winter-period perhaps remained largely in the limits by some former 'normality'. (During the last year, even, it wasn't to quite so bad around this particular timing, at late by season. Despite that the conditions prior it only had been - so awful. Worse than on any before seen Winter...) ; It still doesn't look to near that good as before used to be – Some former years I often used to be on skis until some earliest week by the April.

Despite we had the (much) better from snows at this winter – It actually wasn't near for anything like in the former 'regular'. How that was – Still only to a fewsome decades past. Much is due for, foremost so because much of the snows rained now also seems melting away the more soon - by parts in during the Winter weeks. And of the more random, when the temperatures occasionally having gone over the zero. The poured heaps not near to so often seem then for make it for to remain. The more it sometimes seems havin' had poured from the skies – the less of it often as well seems remain for any 'keeps'.

; Thenagain, any years also aren't too alike. Not for any brothers' – as that old saying here goes. Maybe it then would still make a best advice one can think on to these prospects.

As I'm also from considering...Would it then also be the case that any this "good" Winter from - Does it then also promise us, 'automatically', there to be the more drier Spring-season now(?). (Does matter somewhat cons my oncoming preparations and effort at the garden...) Hope it would not be so...But if I think the few earlier years as any guidance, now, there is maybe some signs of that, too. We'll see. --------


'In cold blood' ; All that said, then guess we now better from end this post at short. ; Before the writing of this would've from to take us 'till the times at when we usually really start see the Spring being on it's arrival...

Luckily the post also didn't this time become any lenghtier a story. Leaves us now some moment for the 'well-earned' Holiday, even...

; Or for a Holy-day, that brought on minds. There's some apparent difference: You couldn't keep the shops open on anything like the Ho-ly-day. Some important difference, come to think of it, to a more 'profound' from.. 

 (pic, beside) ; (Billie Holiday) -  From a same-named Long Play-record cover. (A detail.)


; ...Unhappily the dishes also seem be awaitin' us now - 'piling up', like they say. Nevertheless, never having crossed my mind to invest on anything like the dish-washing machine. That would appear all too boring a thing. Too 'middle-classy' a machine from my any liking. So, ...Don't believe on a more usual said  - that from some 'false news' only...:) – but instead take my word – the hand-washing both ecologically, and mentally, the better alternative.

Soforth; Have fun, enjoy some skis still...At least from until' for the next dishes. ; G.U.J.


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