The Frogs Have More Fun...


"All the names I know from nurse:
Gardener's garters, Shepherd's purse,
Bachelor's buttons, Lady's smock,
And the Lady Hollyhock.

Fairy places, Fairy things,
Fairy woods where the wild bee wings,
Tiny trees for tiny dames.
- These must all be Fairy names !"

(from Child's Garden of Verses
by R.L. Stevenson)

"Anyone can write a short-story.
A bad one, I mean."

(R.L. Stevenson)

"Science without conscience is the Soul's perdition."
- Francois Rabelais, Pantagruel
- Acc to/above is citated from: Medical Apartheid. The dark history of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present, by Harriet A. Washington (Doubleday ; 2006 ; p. 1.)

"In the high society of the first half of the century, marriage, despite it's bestowal status upon the wife, was the most absurdity. Marriage, conferring instanteous rank or money, ... lost most of its prestige and moment right after the wedding. ...By the end of the century, spurred by Rousseau's moralistic Nouvelle Hèloíse, a contrary cult, that of virtue, arose. After 1770 conjugal and maternal love became not merely admissible, but, for some, moral imperatives. ...

...Rousseau, who sought for himself the crown of morality in ostensibly defending marriage, presents in his Nouvelle Hèloíse the most enticing and extended defense of illicit love ever penned. The root of the problem is that as the century progressed sensibility became confused with morality: passionate feeling, if expressed in a highly civilized mode with grace and nuance, makes us forgive the Rousseau of The Confessions, for example, his pettiness, his jealousies, his betrayals. This moral-amoral byplay, present already in the novels of Richardson, was to be more intense as the century unfolded."
Madelyn Gutwirth : Madame De Staèl, Novelist. The emergence of the Artist as Woman (10,15.)

"...As the social contract seems tame in comparison with war, so fucking and sucking come to seem merely nice, and therefore unexciting. ... To be 'nice', as to be civilized, means being alienated from this savage experience - which is entirely staged. [...] The rituals of domination and enslavement being more and more practiced, the art that is more and more devoted to rendering their themes, are perhaps only a logical extension of an affluent society's tendency to turn every part of people's lives into a taste, a choice; to invite them to regard their very lives as a (life) style." - Susan Sontag , on 'Fascinating Fascism' (-74; p 103;104-5 at Under the sign of Saturn)
; "Anyone who cannot give an account to oneself of the past three thousand years remains in darkness, without experience, living from day to day." (Goethe) - as cited by Sontag (on same compile; p. 137.)

"It is widely accepted that we are now living in the 'Anthropocene', a new geological epoch in which the Earth's ecosystems and climate are being fundamentally altered by the activities of humans. I loathe the term, but I can't deny that it's appropriate."
; (Goulson), Silent Earth : Averting the Insect Apocalypse (2021; p 47.)
"It is sometimes said that humanity is at war with nature, but the word 'war' implies a two-way conflict. Our chemical onslaught on nature is more akin to genocide. It is small wonder that our wildlife is in decline."
; (Goulson, 2021 ; 118.)
"If we believe absurdities, we shall commit atrocities." (Voltaire)
- Citated from; (Joy, Melanie), Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs and Wear Cows : An Introduction to Carnism(2010; p. 95.)

"In the presence of the monster, you have eyes and ears for nothing else."
; (Flora Tristan) : London Journal of Flora Tristan: the Aristocracy and the Working Class of England ; 1842-edit. (tr: 1982. ; p. 71.)

"Every minority invokes justice, and justice is liberty.
A party can be judged of only by the doctrine which
it professes when it is the strongest."
Mdme de Staêl
(on) 'Consideration sur le Révolution de la Francaise' [1818]


Apex Gardener (pt II) ; Or, I ain't no afraid of...'most.'

Or ; ...Layers in hell (perhaps) for just as many as players in the Game...

Just as global telecommunications have collapsed time and space, computation conflates past and future. ....
Computational thinking underlies many of the more divisive issues of our times, indeed, division, being a computational operation, is its primary characteristic. Computational thinking insists on the easy answer, which requires the least amount of cognitive effort to arrive at. Moreover, it insists that there is an answer – one, inviolable answer that can be arrived at – at all. ...
Computational thinking has triumphed because it has first seduced us with its power, then befuddled us with its complexity, and finally settled into out cortexes as self-evident. Its effects and outcomes, its very way of thinking, are now so much a part of everyday life that it appears as vast and futile to oppose as the weather itself. But admitting the myriad ways computational thinking is the product of oversimplification, bad data, and deliberate obfuscation also allows us to recognize the ways in which it fails, and reveals its own limitations. As we shall see, the chaos of the weather itself ultimately lies beyond its reach.”
Computation is both a victim of and a contributor to climate change. As of 2015, the world's data centers, where exabytes of digital information are stored and processed, consumed about 3 per cent of the world's electricity – and accounted for 2 per cent of total global emissions. This is about the same carbon footprint as the airline industry. The 416.2 terawatt hours of electricity consumed by global data centres in 2015 exceeded that of the whole United Kingdom, at 300 terawatt hours.
This consumption is projected to escalate massively, as a result of both the growth of digital infrastructure and the positive feedback from rising global temperatures. In response to vast increases in data storage and computational capacity in the last decade, the amount of energy used by data centres has doubled every four years, and is expected to triple in the next ten years. ...” (James Bridle), New Dark Age. Technology and the End of the Future (2018; p. 44-5; 63.)

Having understood when the Anthropocene began, do we need to worry about when it will end? No. As a geological unit of time at the epoch level, it will probably last millions of years. If we use the 1610 Orbis Spike as the beginning of the Anthropocene, and an average epoch lasts 17 million years, today we are only 0,0002 per cent into the Anthropocene. Even thinking about the future of Homo sapiens as a species is barely comprihensible on the timescales of geological epochs. Fossil evidence suggests that a typical species might last ten million years, so Homo Sapiens might survive a relative short geological epoch. It may not even matter. In the past, meteorite strikes and volcanic eruptions were relatively short-lived events, but heralded new chapters in Earth's geological history. Human actions can be seen in a similar light. It is our legacy, by changing life, that is altering the Earth system permanently.
While we are struck with the Anthropocene, we probably ought to bid farewell to the Holocene. ...” ;

Our second suggestions of policies for the Anthropocene relates to the 5 to 10 million other species we share our home planet with and the role that nature plays in sustaining human societies. It comes from celebrated biologist E.O.Wilson and is called the Half-Earth. This is the rather simple but profound idea that we allocate half the Earth's surface primarily for the benefit of other species. Humans can have half, everything else can have the other half. This seems a reasonable compromise. But the twist is, the other half must included where most of life is, rather than just the places that cannot be farmed because they are too dry or cold. Within the protected half, a representative sample of Earth's different ecosystems would be protected.

...Major, largely unbroken corridors of reasonably intact ecosystems leading from the tropics to the poles, and from lower to higher altitudes, will also be a critical part of any plan to combat the disastrous impacts of rapidly rising air temperatures as the climate changes. ...will limit the coming wave of expected extinctions.
[...]Indeed, a transformation of the system is probably required. This industry operates by producing huge quantities of food as cheaply as possible, as expensive food means more malnourished people. Food is produced at enormous environmental cost to keep the products cheap, and then much is wasted... Alternatively, by dealing with hunger and malnutrition in other ways, such as UBI, would allow factors other than cheapness to become the core values of the food industry. Food could be less environmentally damaging, more nutritious and more expensive, all without harming the poor.
...In the West, our ideas about the natural world have been forged in response to the Industrial Revolution. Clean, pristine nature is juxtaposed with dirty industrialisation, exemplified by the Romantic Movement. The epitome of this is our setting aside separate areas for nature, in the form of US-style National Parks. The Anthropocene and our recognition that human actions are taking over the very processes of Earth's functioning, coupled with the rediscovery of our lack of separation from nature, is leading to the emergence of a new aesthetic, based around 'rewilding'. This is the idea that large areas should be left to allow natural processes to run. ...“
; (Lewis and Maslin), The Human Planet. How We Created the Anthropocene (ed 2018; p. 321-2; 408-10.) 


[Pic - On above - Of a Meziéres- Christin  album, 'Return for Alfolol'. From...1972, by originally. One amongst the very classics at that Valerian-Laureline-series. Not the least due from ecological concerns and the modern (colonialism's) criticizees wrote to it's plot. ; ...Couldn't resist the temptation of to have alongside this post's 'offerings' the plentiest of Valerian/Laureline-adventures, via those lately collected editions from that space-comics-classic. Hope that's not over for any tasty limit to something for decoration's sake. But them are so...quite well expressive pics. So these (almost) emerged from make sort of a co-story to this writing.. ]

Perhaps surprisingly, the lumberer was not the chief agent in destroying New England's forests; the farmer was. ...”
; “Trees that required and maintained moist forest conditions, such as hickories, maples, ashes and beeches, generally produced a rich black humus beneath their fallen leaves, and settlers interpreted them as indicators of prime agricultural land. Oaks and chestnuts, with their denser undergrowth and more frequent groundfres, had thinner soils which required more work before they would produce favorable European crops. ...” ; “Timber scarcities and fuel shortages were of course local, as much as a function of transportation costs as of absolute ecological changes. Great forests continued to exists in areas remote from rivers and population centers, but they were located at increasing distances from the regions undergoing deforestation. There, rising wood prices were a direct result of the prodigious consumption entailed by American clearing, lumbering and heating practices. For observers accustomed to a world of scarcer resources such uses of forest seemed reckless in the extreme. Peter Kalm's judgement in 1749 retains much of its original force: 'We can hardly be more hostile toward our woods in Sweden and Finland,' he said, 'than they are here: their eyes are fixed upon the present again, and they are blind to the future.
The ecological effects of this regional deforestation were profound, extending even to the climate itself. Although clearing changed little or nothing about the larger atmospheric movements of wind, clouds or rain, it brought substantial changes at the ground level in the way ecological communities experienced atmospheric phenomena. Microclimates, hydrology, and soil mechanics were all altered by the clearing process. It is difficult to quantify these changes with any precision, ...
Most New England naturalists agreed by the 1790s that deforestation and agicultural cultivation had the effect of warming and drying the soil, making the surface of the land hotter in summer and colder in winter. Temperatures in general fluctuated more widely without the moderating effects of the forest canopy to shade the ground and protect it from winds. ...” ;

...Cleared lands were thus sunnier, windier, hotter, colder, and drier than they had been in their former state. [...]
Two major consequences followed when snow melted on cleared lands. For one, the longer retention of snow in forested areas acted to keep fires from spreading in the early months of spring; cleared lands were thus more suspectible to the burning colonists used to remove woody vegetation from them. More importantly in the long run, because the snow acted as a blanket maintaining soil temperatures, snow removal meant that soil froze to depths than it rarely had when forested. The frozen ground was unable to retain the water of melting snowfalls as easily as it once had; this effect was further compounded by the absense of tree roots and forest litter which had previously allowed the soil to hold back the flow of large quantities of water. For all these reasons, spring runoff in deforested regions began and peaked at an earlier date; moreover, smaller rainstorms at other times of the year produced greater amounts of runoff. Watersheds emptied themselves more quickly, with the result that flooding became more common. ...” ; (William Cronon) - Changes in the Land. Indians, Colonists, and the Ecology of New England (1983. ;p. 114; 121-2; 123-4) Italics - Cronon's.
; A careful observer, likely, might have the recognition how much there in common for present escalating 'worldly' threats in that what cited, in few lines, of that Cronon. However, I decline for goin' on it anymore particularly, at this. ; All from those vast issues, of such a major scale and consequences than are, fx; the climate, potential (global) 21st century food crises...and that global capitalistic 'strive' by presently still to the most paradoxic intensifying – Not the least, but foremost, on it's endless will from to maximising the 'profit' in the accompanying and enlargening anti-ecological consequences. – Which, basixally, seems to the more recent also recognized w. potentially for meaning, resulting (in the worst scenarios) to the self-annihilation from a human race. (Albeit, even that we may of course recognize there, increasingly, there also opposing trends and developments. ...But, with the ongoin' global human 'consumption' of the planets resources, the forewarned extinction rates and the other ecological losses still to had advanced. So we could've then not discovered any grounds to play some happy songs, neither.)

; Likewise, has to be admitted that one would've gained the lot more useful viewpoints on these aspects, the previous noted, fx, if we'd to this more concerned on fx the citates above 'listed' (Such as that Lewis-Maslin, and Bridle.) - Future energy consumptions prospected and the agricultures both some major factors and contributors of predicted to only increase any from the climatic stress to come. And only 'piling up' for that global warming's foreseen effects also on human economies, even survival, already to the some nearest oncoming decades. (Or, take almost any other from a number aspects in related, some of which many are addressed on those books, too.) ...Yet, havin' for spent some my time trying to 'fix it up' together to these views, I noticed that for sort larger 'task' – and having to be left in level these brief remarks on.

Let us therefore not go beyond our possible 'limits' here.
Some plain facts, a few remarked pow's, not all perhaps to too related to each other.

After all – This mainly was, meant for containing just some short glances from about, around my garden plants. Was goin' to had been wrote on the latter parts Summer, already. ...But 'the time', sort of slipped for my viewing, all imaginable aspects did come, seem of prevent us to finish this writing– flowers were still to their most lovely colors, the air was warm and so refreshing...amongts the few reasons from. Finally, also got from so exhausted to these writing(s), that I for some few weeks time not even bothered think about this, at all.

Soforth, after the followed few, hopefully briefer, commentaries'...Mainly the followed aims just on a few descriptions on my garden plants – And those represented w. any minimum from some additional noted, in accomp. (...Well, despite that for most sweared 'promise', the 'first part' only seemed noe from exceed to some over 20 pages in lenghts...) ; Most of these, besides, now have been gone past their flowering and on declines, fading. Though, some to those still in blooming (, Such as this below presented well late was...)

My Butterfly-plant, in vase (July).
Of the flowers, the species that still relative recent had the fewsome flowers left (maybe by until ends Sept.), were those beside depicted Butterfly-plant(s). ...So actually them proved from the lot more lasting even after the main period that to their florescense was promised. ('till August.) ...Finally I actually came for having three separate plants of these: 2 of them in 'containers' and one planted direct on the ground. Any of the mentioned actually never developed for very large. (And perhaps of that last should also be mentioned, I may have planted it outdoors from too early in timing, hence not so significant plenty buds ever emerged.) ...But, even that, funnily turned to yet another source of surpsises - As it's fewsome flowerings then turned out from be of yet another color, on it's cases Red. And a pic of that then too, a few lines below...) 
Otherways – see from beside pic – Such as you notice, the ones planted in pots proved for be just as flowerfull than I expected, most plentiest of flowers, buds by constants emerging on during the warmer Months. 

Indeed, it's such an enchantin' species to have in garden – I already plan to have some to the coming Summer too. ...Apparently, there ain't no possibility from their any overwintering, but, (like noted before) the cultivation ain't any manner difficult. Not very much of a task to their sowing, growth and then 'maintained' by the occasional added fertilizers, warmest season/when in 'full flowerence' to some watering.
Red-variety, flowers.
; Despite the name didn't then notice any major number insect visitants at my Butterfly-plants, all Summer. ...But, those weren't perhaps completely devoid. Had I stopped on those, to more often. After all it's an 'old time' garden plant. ; And the flowers...Them were indeed not just plenty, but very constantly developing. (Think, those must've had flowered best, plentiest of the time onwards an early of July until the said early/late(?) by September weeks.) 
All the most magnificent items that the arts of Italy and the luxuries of Paris and London could provide were brought together here to embellish this Palazzo. ...”
(Stendhal), Italian Chronicles; Vanina vanini. (183..5?)

No more brilliant spectacle than this masked ball could be imagined. Among other salons and galleries, thrown open, was the enormous perspective of the 'Grande Galerie des Glaces', lighted up on that occasion with no less than four thousand wax candles, reflected and repeated by all the mirrors, so that the effect was almost dazzling. The grand suite of salons was thronged with masques, in every conceivable costume. There was not a single room deserted. Every place was animated with music, voices, brilliant colours, flashing jewels, the hilarity of extemporized comedy, and all the spirited incidents of a cleverly sustained masquerade. I had never seen before anything, in the least, comparable to this magnificient fete. [gala, celebration, entertainment ] ...”
(Sheridan Le Fanu, 1814-1873), from 'The Room in the Dragon Volant' (1872)

Then, after the 'party-hours', why not us go to (,at least a little) these 'latests from'. ; ...Or on what we may find ourselves for been from the latest 'informed' by, from and “about”. ; And if not to been any too patient from to follow (for any much to it), at least not to very 'conspiciently' – But for random, quite occasioned only - Why us not also then give on it the main place here, in what's said and presented, on that limitless amounts (by anything) on these days we find for 'ennewsed'. Soforth, that what arises most notable on this one. – As it, obviously, smght not for omitted. 
[Pic above: the skingi-'Ghost': From some older Donald Duck-comics. Not to my findings for any classic Floyd Gottfriedsson's story - Albeit I find the drawings, somehow, quite in resembling... - But likeliest drawn by some 'anonymous artists' in the Disney's larger employee-line of the underpaid, overworked, suppose'. (From 1970s, that story, again...presumably.)

...Well, anyway, soonafter that also came of realization that we couldn't add much for any about. (Guess it has said the most essentials from. If not, I eagerly admit that we'd not to any for the latest on, at lest not anything much. (Wouldn't blame myself from any laziness, but guessin' that much the informations we only 'painstakingly' appeared have lately gathered, on these things, wouldn't provide of too lots to in addits. Or, say, too tangible. And also, likely assume more to it, or from anything, today, 'only few clicks away'.) ; ...And, whatever then the exact timing to, when that mini-serie might've seen 'it's day', actually. ; And, whatever the case about, fx on those noted costs, millions spent onto the research, “engineering” for/to the more 'tolerant' crops such as on that also mentioned.... ; Simpliest, on that – as for several other aspects in concerning - the article, can be informatively cited, about, fx, with only few sentences from, on here. Like: 'The lie told by the nuclear lobby is that a nuclear accident is not only survivable but something for which we should prepare.'
However...I then felt slight interests for only 'check about' that lenghtier book (of 700 p. it said...), on that Ecologist-article mentioned from - (Tchertkoff's) Crime of Chernobyl: The Nuclear Gulag – But, to no surprises, either from it, that (unfortunately, too) wasn't for available for us ('here'), when seeked that of a local database.

So much, the most said then, and only, mainly would make you think:

But; 12 hours. ...?, ?

...And then, of course, had I followed more closely at the time, might've perhaps here been reminded from plenty else, or much more from these 'recents', there's perhaps the more for say on these remarks. (What possibly from seen for taken place to the already gone earliest 21st century years from it.) ; For example, such as on here.

...Plus then a bunch of other 'stories' of that eastern nuclear 'renaissances' and other possible signs from, to the similar 'forewarnings' for whether any disasters by the comparable magnitude might've be from 'loomin' at the futures - From only 'close-by' or maybe of the (now) for more 'distant' decades to come. But I decline from listing those. 
; In short, only in addit to that said, thinkin' for the nuclear energy's (industry, the plants as well as '-arms') lethal to any democracy's existence. Presently, or any futures from concerning.
One can also, probably, make any variety speculations on a safety and less safety providers for the technologies. But the fact remains; No safe nuclear plants and 'processing' facilities to exist.

; Of course it's very important and of the greatest importance that once built the plants and technologies would be secure as possible. But you don't have much trust on anything at that claim, obviously... And, despite anything to that part, from noted, It wouldn't either from to make us believe any from the 'western' alternatives, for anything less than a complete rat poison for a democratism, any democracy's futures. I mean, if that put for the very brief compact and without circuitous stories...

; ...While I wouldn't still, perhaps, on this much emphasize these latter said aspect – It probably has to be mentioned 'in the same'. ; The recollection from about that 'Stuxnet'-worm (episode) brought on mind also smght else: Namely, happened then to the lately, 'recent' also be from view some documentary on the Chernobyl's 'bad legacy'. It then, 'alongside' had the slight speculated on a sometimes presented idea from that the CIA (possibly) might've to had “smuggled” some compromised softa in the plant. (w. spies of via perhaps by some other counter-intelligence operations having 'marketed' the wrong sort software and programming to the Sovjets – Which having then had it's effect on to had a caused the disaster.) ; Whatever it's worth - Among the variety other speculations there are, much in that (plenty) which seems not for taken to any too assured from. Or argumentable, or then even evidentual from. (I'm with the impression, though also not for having too familiarized on anything much for knowledges on what to more recent maybe been 'excavated' on it. Or what might've seen the light, by this day. But there then seems, indeed, for been a number for other speculated aspects. Not just that possibility of a intentioned sabotage. – On which actually to the most usual 'wild rumours' seem often, at least former were, said for to claimed that (possible) done by some to plants' own technicians, the sovjet personnels, from to ruin the communist system. Nothin' to the sort evidentual either, maybe. - And, indeed, such as only w. our briefer former view to the histories by the sovjet reactors to the same 'type', seems there was enough plenty enough risk factors even without. 
; Soforth, in fact even considered a bit from whether any these speculates (by mine) to even deserved the place presented to this.

But again, gotten from reminded; all this only remarked of due because needs of underlined how plenty uncertainties and potential risks easily seems to exist, into the 'nuclear builds'. – The risks that only 'pile up' in a world of (some, up to) 1-2 degrees “plus”. Cyber-attacks and the noted many devastating 'natural phenomena' must appear the most often noted, by these days. (While, any nuclear plant's OS', at least in the most critical, should've by the rule, appear be to well excluded of any 'outer net', etc...) ; And then indeed is the hard weathers, all 'else' for the same sort. (That of course should vary acc any geographical locations of those.)

...Only one another thing I'd add (on to this). ; All from (that) above said, uncertainties for that magnitude, present world - the climates, cyber-'threats', politics – you feel that that complete control may actually represent the bigger risk than does anything else of the listed. (And that much for any compromises engineered to the peoples constitutional freedoms, rights. Or, to the matter about any votes from given 'in the blind' – Or, would that appear more self-evodent said, on to these above questions about the safety.)

...And then I though a few sentences worth on this notable Problem and the 'long human histories in any comparisons from. – But let that too now left aside. Think about, by yourself whether to find it very assuring casting anything like your 'votes' in this sort total blind, by the limits of these sort set 'terms' to social existence - Or what that is...Surely the present nuclear 'consensus', of the sort, wasn't ever created from the peoples choosin' that. (The presently occasionally enflagged climate-qeustions only seem to me for more recent (false) 'exits' for it. That of a complete contradictions contained to, on how that undermining democracy is maintianed by nuclear energy sector. It's 'invisible' presence on societies - some to democratic in the seeming sense to that term, as often some not - The result to the past generations failings to peesecute the present, on-coming ones.)

...But, the main issue already above said/referred, at the briefest, by the 8 paragraphs above. 


[Pic: Of a L'Homme qui tua Lucky Luke - 'The Man Who Shot Lucky Luke' - by M.Bonhomme (2016-album) - Only little 'adjusted' details at pic. On purposes from this writing, post obviously....]


 [Above pic: Valerian-Laureline, the story/comics-adventure by 1978 (Of the story by name 'The Heroes of Equinox'.) ]

'The spaghetti coincidensies...' ; As I particularly don't either like of to live in the dark, I by recent also took to page that at the begins cited book (Bridle, New Dark Age, apparently it for published by 2017.)

For Bridle, along other his topics, other 'chapters', seems providing to some examples, number remarks on Rwandan genocide (1995) - and of the similar incidents during the nearby Bosnian war. From particulars, how the public acknowledgement of the said atrocities was formed. – Or, merely why the lack of it, as lack form the satellite data in the government(s) in prior those incidents having failed to pass for any 'official knowledge'. (For the Rwanda's case, emerging catastrophe seems been to there recognized, to finding by smght like the month before, but that military's gathered information to it's knowledge, that satellite data, seems said taken yet another month, even for reach the Clinton by the time.) ; Of course, most part the said for remarked is something that's been former often discovered, noted. I only made the mention due that got me to thing about whether there, indeed, would've appeared any difference now, whether smght like would become acknowledged any way sooner, than on those pre-internet days.

Wouldn't quite assume/imagine that (anything like the case) to just that easily from go in a level 'silencing, to our times mobil phones and smart 'networking-world'. (You kind of imagine that if by presently peoples rises against some well-long maintained/engineered systems of to their supervision and control - And if the falling from the governments/tyrannies can be possible, happen from some (amounts) of the communication and rebellion 'unleashed' via amounts networked singular peoples – then anything for described level 'silencing' wouldn't perhaps so easy take place.) ; And one thinks, at least, we're apparently from bit more, by nowadays, inknowing fx about that Chernobyl's shameful 'after-clean up', it's dirty 'legacies' - Such as it, from the publics for misinformed about the scale, for years, and the dirtyness to the level the consequent human tragedy itself, to any detail - that seems not much pale in compare for the the most cruel wars and atrocities that time, those decades
; But in short, the similar kind 'loss of informations', at least, thanks the nets emergence and for the enlargened increased availability and exchange to the information one thinks not would go quite so silent, anymore. (; ...Yet, for the presently often spoken and concerned questions from, on the techs and informations more lately emergence in 'part' public life - How that also is noted to blur that so called 'space' for everyday-life, it's limits, etc. - See those few links on ends this0 'section'.)

At least the newer modern exchange and communication would seem to allow us being form the better informed, knowing for better 'in time' about anything what'd from former 'official' censuring, the state-supervised information 'agencies' most part tended keep put 'away', off from nearest the sight.

However, Bridle doesn't seem to very much offer the view that w. these present-days 'Googlean toolboxes', the networked online-identities and a (more) widespread availability from the smart-phones for anything too much would've changed. (Or, for that too not to so much different as that by 1990s, essentially. - On what timing, there's then fx to more specifically on p. 242-5 – Described for that noted militias 'pre-silence' by that time, on 'bout the Rwandan-genocide in 1990s. The said knowledges, even before, to been possessed by the US, France, Belgian intelligent departments, before the murders, genocide had even for begun.

; ...But at least seems worth added, or to be noticed in the same, that most might've sometime from heard on the Google's failures to serve any impartial 'justice', via from an  accepted manner of 'regulating' it's search results acc. the countr(ies) offical 'politics'. – Ie, it was already now by the years ago that, when it was to lot remarked - such an appalling discovery (for most, me at least) - How in a world of a more 'globalized' knowledges, w. the wider information 'highways', and all that, it was still from completely possible any (oppressive) domestic policies and established state 'hide outs' of to appear adjoining any returns in those G-searches. - From anything seeked on the country's own histories, inside the regional borders from. (...They then often also used from to talk about how paradoxic that as the capitalist 'base-production' were for being translocated in a country w. communistic system of economics that either didn't anymore seem found for represent any ideological contradictions. – But, indeed even if that either not anyhow noted for 'more paradoxical', not anymore, ...perhaps it still not quite so often recognized for paradoxical anything like that could've presented How smtgh like in place, even 'distant', far away, would've unavoidably from affected the conceptions and ideas 'bout our idea bout this 'information age'. ...Where, when the total conceals always more or less impossible, the infromations even in the said censured search results from been to only 'few clicks away', behind few seconds time-gaps only. Via fx the emerged darknets and 'bots' by the time. – Simultaneously to when an official 'googling', searches in a country/countries would've not for returned, anything on.)

 ; ...From the more recent, by nowadays increasingly perhaps, seems it then also more widely by newssed of China's government from only enstrenghtened it's supervision and control politcs - w. the modern techs for effect that sort 'security', control. For the maintained restrictions, limitations in effected in particularly. (As by now, similarly as the few references below presented examples from the 'introductions' of the sort digitalized state-, and say, often 'Orwellian-type' supervisory-systems from. - We find that fx now from more lots newsed, from about that sort segregation, discriminate practices in China on country's ethnic minorities, the Uighurian (muslim) 'minority'. ; There seems, was also in those Guardian's pages, fx of presented the satellite images from how cemeteries lands, of the Uighurian peoples were of built over by constructions, parks created.) ; ...One has the idea, that a public information via the 'satellite data' wasn't then of that lacking, at least in these cases, anymore. - Though it may also contain it's own problematics from. Also, at that, in the article(s) was about those modern systems for supervision like cameras in public areas, plus on other sort systems for 'security' control in the said regions. - Incl that the 'tracking' made for obligatory in the phones carried on those Uighurian areas, maybe on other 'minorities' regions also.  (Smght for the comparables, maybe then in a few related views, fewsome links, in some paragraphs below at this 'part', section.) 
; ...But what was on the more of 'mains' to this - Is also that that we then now found ourselves not of to been censured for our any findings to that, knowledges for. And what these 'histories' then tell of the Google's level for reliability, what comes for the moral considerations to anything of it's generated 'data'. (The inpredictability of the calculative system, it's basic 'rules' to produce smght, anything for the complete 'reverse' for anything like we'd happen view for the moral trustworthiness.

; ...And to a curious example, of the 'algorithms' part, to that failing in any reliability perhaps - was when I seeked to some of those Intercept-articles for. - With it's name, I guess', that was. On smght to what contained (smght) for the Google's less merited connections to the war businesses and drones from about it's main content: ...And my (that) search didn't return the link, not on a first page on list at least. (Of course, to our any former experiences by here, to our (any) finding, it maybe from found, could be by now, 'on top the list'. Or...maybe that would've appeared somewhat an older article, the preceding few years bulk of material to the more 'top' for having populated in the searches 'ranking', resultantly, can't estimate.) But, matter a fact, the p-o-w, at this - that it shows for just a case in point from. Another example from these described 'computational illusions'. On what comes to an actual worth of any of it's kind 'calculated knowledges' worths. As it only more often turns out to show itself from the very impartial to a knowledge, at worst. 

; ...The stats for identified to any "knowledge", basically, in any usual political mindings from it, to it's standard uses in the back up and support at 'deciding' for the social 'condition' - more usual than not - equals to a "white lie" enframed in the more convincing new fancy 'dress'. I mean...sometimes it nowadays seems, even, very openly, adapt the more 'black' forms. (Sort like, you'd most probably heard, that story 'bout the emperor's new clothing. The 'blackest lie', or some to the most disturbing, for presented as not for any problematics, as part from our most common-place 'everyday existence'.)

So no wonder, if this 'cyber-informational' present gotten from so enfamous of the increase on generated falsified newssings, and of the intentioned uses for the 'web-bots' from fuelling the 'modern publicity', debates, votings, 'anything' w. the irrelevant data...Etc. It's indeed at the very 'core' of it's whole structure from.   
...To the more generally (said);  We find lots, plenty on that Bridle (said) on these present-day flawed informations, how them seem noted for almost 'automatically', for created. (Continuous 're-generated' from.)  - And how that calculative illusion seems have the tendencies merely lead astray, blurs and prevent anything to the more value-free access for much of a 'knowledges' part, by presently. - What on the mains from, and on focus about what that Bridle indeed offers the plentiest for examples. (While not nearly all those, or even most, of solely to the Google from concerning.) 
...Could it appear only illusional, that so called net-freedom, then? – And even more so, very probably, where-ever does that fails, to one's turning w. eyes more open, gazed for more focusedly. - You get an impression that nowadays there indeed is the very much layers in that information. - And it does seem still to vary from, very much, what is for taken of the worth being informed (for peoples), and on where so. (But actually...many must've had from the lately of viewed that book, Bridle, and I guess we then need not the further to make too much remarking on it.) ; Let us still, from only briefest, just relate these few sentences from 'cited', picked, on that same issue.; 'In between sit mostly automated corporations, taking the profit from both sides.' ; 'It is hard to keep faith with the network when it produces horrors such as these.'

One might, yet also think, from whether it to any 'coincidencies' how this structure and it's complete, increasingly transparent, unquestioned necessity is from being reflected in to the on-line profiles, profilings, etc. - How it might from affect, how it influences the view on about human life. - What are the ("it's") base assumptions that almost automatically seems of generate.
...Book also offers the followed few descripts that may be of place to here contained, perhaps. (Not from any comprihensively at this, though, I don't quote for anything much on...) ; It (also) describes of the late 1950s happened Hola Massacre at the (apparently), still by that timing a colonial Kenya. It's said for remained by decades after, from been kept in level from only a historical uncertainty. – Or, for the 'disputed' histories, whether smtgh like ever had happened. (...To as late as 'til for finally by the y. 2011, then gotten only acknowledged as a part from a British Empire's more unpleasant past 'legacies'.) ; And, basically...Bridle also mentions of a comparable, the resemblant 'losses', what comes for past information cons the Northern Ireland - Ie, about the archives and whole 'histories' from of disappeared from the British police's archives, etc. ; As smght like seems from a most characteristical to feature on the age when practically any data can from be provided at, for some milliseconds, and end up to the global knowledges. (So, we obviously think it's worth here of a more particular presented, while only from some paragraphs in lenght.);

Known as the 'migrated archive', a huge cache of colonial-era documents was stored at secret sites, around the UK for decades, its existence unknown to historians and denied by civil servants. At Hanslope park in the Midlands, a secretive government research facility, around 1.2 million documents revealed details of the Kenyan 'pipeline' system, which historians compared to the Nazi concentration camps. Thousands of men, women, and even children suffered beatings and rape during screening and interrogations. Common torture tactics included starvation, electrocution, mutilation, and forcible penetration, and extended to whipping and burning detainers to death. The files also contained details of colonial activities in at least thirty-seven other nations, including massacres of villagers during the Malayan emergency, the systematic subversion of democracy in British Guiana, the operation of Army intelligence torture centres in Aden, and the planned testing of poison gas in Botswana.
The migrated archive also contained evidence that it was only small part of a much larger, and largerly destroyed, hidden history. Accompanying the remaining files – most of which have still not been released – are thousands of 'destruction certificates': ...a comprehensive programme of obfuscation and erasure. In the dying years of the British Empire, colonial administrators [...'assisted by MI5 and Her Majesty's Armed Forces'] ..., either built pyres... , packed them into weighed crates and sunk them offshore, in order to protect their secrets from the governments of newly independent nations – or from future historians.

.... In 1992, perhaps afraid that a Labour victory in the upcoming general election would lead to a new period of openness and disclosure, the Foreign Office ordered thousands of documents shipped to Hanslope Park. In the process, the top secret independence records simply disappeared. ...” (; p. 170-2.)

On later pages seems to that also remarked 'bout how these 'exampled parts' on the concealed colonialistic (,and 'beyond it') histories from finally came of have the actual official recognition, from ultimately, unavoidably. (After the several years and decades from being asked to, by the victims of having for enbattled against their denial in the judicial courts.) ; Ie, on the pages 183-4, there (by Bridle) also comprises:
“Just as the activities of the intelligence agencies could have been inferred long before the Snowden revelations by multiple reports over decades, so other atrocities are ignored until some particular Index of documentary truthfulness is attained. [Elkins' above noted 'thorough account', published at 2005] ...of British atrocities in Kenya, but her work was widely criticised for its reliance on oral history and eywitness accounts. [but,] It as only when the British government itself released documents that confirmed these accounts that they were accepted, becoming part of an acknowledged history. The testimony of those who suffered was ignored until it conformed to the account offered by their oppressors – a form of evidence that, as we have seen, will never be available for a multitude of other crimes. ...”
(Of the reasons to our relative little reads to it – fx not from that Elkins' 2005 book – Not from the further remarks, commentaries by this part. ; ...Elkins' book, years reseaches to it seems prized on the 2006 w. a Pulitzer on non-fiction.)
; ...Yet, in addit, guess I'll then in passing mention how I not for so much prefer the naming to Bridle's book, that for from the so called (new) 'Dark Age' – Not from that it wouldn't speak of it's topic, about, very well. Gives the idea on it's content clearly enough. Mainly (not so fond) 'cause the similar termings always seem of having tended for surfacin' by any for the anxied timings, and times of revolts, and in general always the “medieval dark” for some present days 'contrasts' when a 'firm' basis of the any social order was wonted seem in a state of some urgent threats, from potentially. (And more often than not by w. the rather targeted contrasts meant created by that.) Such as are the 'ever-repeated' fears of ('western') civilizations collapse – some typicalities in fx at 1930s. Of what some case example is, fx, on a name from that The Revolution of the Masses (by Ortega y Gasset; Rebelion de la masas at 1932...I think the year?) ; Typical on it's provided clues for that we should prepare for the 'worst', that being a new barbarism. Which of course might've been very much 'in the air', from to those decades rises from the nazism.

(Addit, 6.11: ...Or, take for another example the writings by Stezan Zweig (1881-1942). Today the renewed interest on the Zweig's writings, by the recent decades, seems to have the most part of it's backgrounds in a 'pan-Europanism' Zweig at his times supported. (Or, his 'ardent desire' to 'see a unification of European states, a Europe fledged to friendship, united among pluralism, ...', etc., such as said on 'Translator's Introduction' (W.S.) to some compile Zweig's essays; Messages from a Lost World. Europe on the brink, from 2016) And, alongside that, in the Zweig's concern for the needs of a peace-movement by that 1930s, some whose (European) 'universalisms', in form of the integration he'd at the time formulated, among others for, to. ...As those anxieties of a nearing World War II were indeed quite apparent felt in the writings by most any for European intellectuels, at the time. (Zweig's writings seem nowadays also read w. interest as those seem possible see cover such a 'long gap', from the first major World War until those earliest years from second.) Most typical representants from 'combining', developing of the said ideas by Zweig's are fx apparently quite renown essays 'The Tower of Babel', 1916, and 'The Historiography of Tomorrow', wrote by 1939 - ie, just before the new war from had emergenced.  
; ...Yet, from read by today - asiding to this the more specfical exampling that important anti-war writing, the major theme on his mid-wars commitment- the following cited might be quite sufficient on, from: "...I know from experience that it is more difficult and less advantageous to paint a gentle humanity of an Erasmus than to recount the amours of a Casanova, for example, or the prolific rise of a Napoleon. But why always conceded to the unconscious desires of the masses, who only crave thrilling brutal, warlike historical accounts, served up like so many cheap stimulants? Is our duty not then the contrary, since we are so aware of the implicit danger of this penchant for the sensational, to show, instead of war heroism, this other heroism that we consider superior, the great lives of men of knowledge who sacrificed themselves in their laboratories, isolated, impoverished and overlooked? ...Is it not our duty to advance towards a complete overturning of this destructive hero cult and to replace it with reverence for those who died for an idea, replace those who sent thousands, millions of men to their deaths in a personal craving for power or national supremacy? Is that not the real task of the history of tomorrow, precisely because it is such a difficult and thankless task?" (; at that 'Historiography...', 1939) - Yes, w. all the respect to that, esp from the day it wrote from, and as much as that from important on today; The prevalent 'tone' by his' is very much to that by typical early century European 'intellect'. (Relative stiff, and generally where the main emphasizes are - at least on these collected essays - appears it rather eurocentric to it's 'viewing from the world'.) The 'grand civilization' and it's grand inherintance to then generation, by 1930s - indeed - in the great danger for falling in captivity from the advancing 'barbarism'. ; But, still, Zweig - despite some from those words reveal quite the similar 'patrimonially' felt under-currents at his concern ( that 'unconscious desires of the masses' - the 'masses' again...) ain't anyhow even near some one-sided conservative w. his 'civilizing mission' from. The adjacent paragraphs to the cited fx also in addit to Erasmus feat referencings for a number antique 'classics' - Xenofon, Alcibiades, Marcus Aurelius - but as well then to more modern, then social 'reformers' - Tolstoy fx. And esp., even for a Kropotkin - whose 'Mutual Aid' Zweig of particularly remarks about, to an example for the positive contrasting it to some for the 'struggle for existence', that 'primordial law for more often, repeatedly, told 'in a thousand books until then'. ...In short, you get the impression that he might've been a part of that typical 'class-conscient' intelligentsia, but not to the more notorious after-remembered social darwinist 'supportees'. 
...Yet, it's just that I can't much avoid the impression about how much the Zweig's 'more civilee' tone renders his main emphasizes less potent of "actually" speak behalf those masses. (There's basically nowhere anything comparable to the Orwell's fierce hate towards the plutocracy of his days, or from towards those very 'prevalent' imperialistic policies and beliefs and practices 'elsewhere' in world maintained by European 'powers'. By the 'period', as well to the years and decades after.) In combined: While Zweig seems to intend from speak behalf the 'common men', his sympathies simply doesn't 'materialize', so much, from "speak to those" than in more typical vein, that 'behalf of those'. - If that important anti-war message is excluded, at this (slight) negative estimate. ...No wonder then (that) Zweig may have gotten his renewal, regained favor in a modern-day 'pan-Europanism' from. (...Think I've not seen any similar 'rediscovery' from that Kropotkin, fx. - As some practical comparison with. - And when it viewed by any concern on to those social darwinist 'burdens' from. Not necessarily so important to this - But some in the European pasts, the developments, the histories and of little 'generalized' as some notable view-points for how it came to be - This present-day world. For any mindings about it, practical remember, even today.) 

; ...Also on Zweig, seemed it on those 'prewords' remarked that he was a rather popular name, to quite widely read by his own days. (Though, of having 'failed' for take to his concerns from condemning the Jewish extermination, by the nazis, might've then later brought him to a little 'forgotten' - or largely neglected, during the post-war years. Despite that nothing on his writing, as such, seems to claim him having precisely excluded the aspect ('of mention') Maybe it, I think, similarly than it was for many his 1930ian contemporaries, just didn't represent any to his foremost concerns from. No doubt part the reason for, why it so, in that he'd die before the wars end. 

 ; The yearning about some already 'lost' - like also that compiles very name says - more civilized period in the near past appears also emerges to quite characteristical, when reading that Zweig. (By now.) ...And (that) impression only is enstrenghtened from noting his 'acclaimed memoir', written in during the last years, named for The World of yesterday. - And described as 'a lament for the golden age of a Europe destroyed by two world wars'. (Maybe) would've have to have a glance on that too, just from an interest, of the civilian interest...
But, from more to (these) aspects; (Like noted,) I not too much 'object' the name from Bridle's book from the reason that (it) wouldn't serve a purpose from to give a good idea from the books contents. – But, of due the aspect how such 'words' almost unavoidably adjoin for just a specific sort one-sided historical viewings, some it mainly goes to challenge, reveals to the many inherited bias on such. ; ...As that very word, 'dark ages', almost instant recreates an old 'phraseied', idioms of a medieval era to some 'strict' dark pasts. – And that always tend for reflected the oppositional idea, that from to our present 'advanced' modern civilizations been smght for the newer, 'modern',  etc... 
That so, largely of due (because) ever since from an early 1800s 'rediscovery' of the antique, it for arised and upraised to over that medieval. Ever since, seems then the image of that 'dark past' for haunted as the more common standard idea from – An easy 'phrasing', 'interpretation' and an unquestioned 'just' manner for creating the described contrasts from. (...Also it brings on mind, that Africa, even to a some 'darker' continent having then remained, in the  long-lasted colonial imaginations, kept viewed at the similar sort 'minding', about...) ; As we also former might've to someplace noticed, (our) beloved Thoreau, actually, on his days seems critized that kind schematism, in the inbuilt termings from, how the (language) might fail for find anything beyond those idioms. (Via writing, about like; 'No period has been of completely dark.' ; ... Although, he makes then that notion in comparative reference for the period in natural history, the 'pre-human times' for plants early evolution.) 

 [Pic (above) : ...of the Valerian-Laureline saga too. - Precisely, of 'The Ghosts of Inverloch', the 1984-album. ...Supposin', that a castle in Scotland, at least is in that story's plot. (The place, where that story begins from...) ]
; ...But obviously we'd very little reason for complain on the book by itself. What it discusses, obviously, being to the plentiest more important (Than anything for that naming.) ; And let us also be, then, of the very silent now. And to leave anything more from it said to the other places, to any later 'chapters' here. (Until for some timing when we'd, perhaps, with a bit more in knowing on anything else relevant these views too.)
; ...And, even if not prepared for to reading that book in complete. - There's then also the plentiest on the same 'little spoken' failings (at least little generally known, 'till recently') for being  available at net. 

Such on an Intercept - the plenty from articles, on the one 'Wiretap rooms',, amongst other issues in relating. Such the one on 'data-towers', NSA-buildings (or 'about'.) ; Or, how one'd think from about...this, then. (And about it's blessed future views offered, perhaps.) ...? ...By this timing, as yet, not had the chance for view, time for it's reading. Such as on, actually, on many others from these failings to poorly defined internet-'privacy', and also, disrespects on one's civilian rights. (...guess', I've myself so much gotten to used on, smght like comparable, I've even rarely noted on anything from it, here.) - Maybe it's even the reason why so often people's encouraged from to take the action against. Well, yes, good ideas: Cut the wires, infiltrate one's own mics 'in the lines'...Put on the same tube, some comproming knowledges, revelations and contra-spying, the 'full packages' the information on about it's 'maintainers', ...and, well, the nature from all this? (...I guess that's what people also always been doing - some ways - 'cause it's also, somehow, in this nature of the internet. I mean, the 'positive side' of it....) But...from a next step? Is that, could be, after a few more wars. - An actual Orwellian world. Or, is it then the age for smght like the 'guarded' personal techs and of the further continued betrayals of that described sort? (You say, I've no chance for...) 
And then, I find, fx; ...On an increased surveillance, the facial recognition and how that'd then become 'part the everyday', some places, as (we're) 'entering the era of pre-crime' (-'prevention') - The flaws in any such claim are maybe only too transparent. Not the less often noted racial bias on machine 'learning' (,such as discussed, fx, here.) - But read of that video-surveillance, as it's noted to 'comin near to you', lately covered on the guardian. Aha, they're not 'stayin a put', sort of - well, don't know if those ('banners') of some 'self-injected' idea for being kind of vary, from to 'stay alert'(, and so we should too). But, guess I'll still have from make mention, of to take all that sort boasts from just as distancing the interest by any for potential, good long-term readers (such as me). But I admit, too, I only had the short glance on that article and thought it's contents then would quite well be worth to anyone's viewing. (, hence the reason, from it mentioned, this context...) 
; Or, ...somewhat on from the similar issues, the limits by a machine 'intelligence', or machine 'learning', and it's potential to only keep on 'effect' a level of use - even make 'adapt' poeple form the sort human created attitudes - the racialising languages, in the present digital 'interference' (webs, social media, 'bots' and robots, and similar technoid inventions' by the day, popularly adverted, human interaction, 'response' considered only, more alienating.) - So, to the fewsome recent histories on that too, smtgh to serve as a briefer (overall) coverage, glanced some on that DataScience. (...But they seem from limit the amount articles readable, so not bothering from of link for such 'bores'.) ; ...But indeed, it's quite imporant an issue. (Those bias in-wrote, for many ways, noted for discoverable at the - so called, again - AI-'learning.') ; And supposin', the resulted, it's potential of that 'growth', for generate the similar failings as much as there anything was, in the 'source data', give every likehood of the racistical results that'd the "AI"s for 'digest', and show as 'returns' to it's "behavioural" response. It was also covered...I think...on here. (From a bit briefer, soforth from he more compact.) ...Amongst other sites, news for discuss that aspect.

; So we have this age of a machine 'LeaR'n'RinG' - in good and the bad. (Looks nice - that wording - what the machine - would interpret/how it would read  that?) What the consequent translation to any it's 'finding' of this sort Tolkianish-'squib-mish' from ? And, in the same, what are the possibilities them - machines - for to start of 'talkin' w. each others then? Shall the consequent language 'chosen' then benefit of to be more closer for this kind tolkianish, or from - say - to a metaphoric English. ...Which is the more reliable change from to be in positions to fool 'em. - In case, you'd ever happened, fx, find yourself to face such an unpleasant situation than of having to communicate with one ? Suggestions...? :) 
...But, all in all,  the whole scope of it, makes one only imagine that (that) Lombroso (1835-1905) might've turned at his grave of a pure frustration, and envy, for an amounts the present techs were meant/seem of permittin' for 'infiltrating' the racial and social discrimination by certain fails in these sort 'predictive' systems, algorithms.  
(23.10, 'addit') ; ...Lookin' now and thinkin all that sort modern tech, I also think we might find some further, 'in-broadened' knowledges, to these aspects of this other Intercept-article. [ ...Aha, suppose it then got of, from 'googleid' too - wait til I have the time to check 'bout that...Or, what the use, here's link for that site (Intercept) - Look for that article by yourself (that; Artificial intelligence experts issues urgent warning against facial scanning with a "dangerous history".) ] I then viewed, of some interest for this. (Seems it, even makes the references on those noted Lombrosoan 'emphasizes'. For, it's kind 'systems', to 'prevention' and social "control" almost similarly, from to their uses to 'downright vampiric'.) Matter-a-fact, mentions also the sort monitoring systems, the 'facial recognition'-softwares, video surveillance, more lately might've even got planned for banned, by 'several states'. (...due of the said reasons.) ; However...whatever the present (few years old article by timing, it seems) we also find - some level of the interest - in an aspect how any the present 'digitalisation', of/in (the peoples') life, seems in fact also generate, in the 'plentiest', these kind of terms and rather 'obscurant' words.  : Such as words we only picked of that: 'Facewatch'; 'faception'; 'affect recognition', 'black-boxed AI systems' - If not had read that, would've sound totally obscure, wouldn't have the much idea about. (In essence; quite, quite the 'Lombrosian feats', therefore - smght to what, fx, Orwell warns from about, some highly 'specialized' language of the few 'experted' - and what in reality, tends tell nothing much essentially; Otherwise too succeeds for 'proofs' for little, or, to nothing at all.)  ...Which may, perhaps, also represent the certain 'meta-levels' from, on this digitalisation - Or just how the language changes in time, as new things - and newer concepts come to shape it - only, actually?. Whatever...
...And, well 'never mind the rest', on what I'd then thought(, in addit) for that, by this sitting from. (Got enough 'spaghettied' on my mindings about. - As the main intention was of just include for these above links, at this....)

 [Pic (below): ...from the 'Brooklyn Line, Terminus Cosmos' (1981) - Just another one of those magnificient lookin' architectural drawings one so often meets in theatValerian...]

...Surprisingly, mouse milk is quite high in fat and calories, though not on a par with the milk of marine mammals; a cup of mouse milk, assuming you had the patience to obtain it, would contain over 400 calories, more than two and a half time the number in cow's milk.”

“...Also, I can't be completely sure, but apparently some followers are eating horse fat. Is this really the solution to our health problems?”
(Zuk), Paleofantasy. What evolution really tells us about sex, diet, and how we live (; 95, 113)

'The Head Bull in the Clan', and, (from) not Born to Run... ; ...Whatever the level by the more recent of a popular interests to that some (/by a few) years pasts so fashionable stories of the 'prehistoric diets', their wished adjustability at the present food culture, ie those yearned, adverted and occasional to 'scientifical' “proven” caveman diets – I neither ever having had much of any belief for their healthfullness, etc... Nor for any likehoods to their any 'authentity' cons how that by 'originally' was.  (Something from which we have only rather limited ideas from, today.) The basic idea often on (those) been,  from the dietary choices a plenty of the meats, few carbohydrates...and then as well the very 'selected' limited variety of those vegetables eaten, fx, etc. 

; ...Zuk then, like you'd guess, has to say some plenty 'in contra' that. – As also cons the several similarly only popularizing ideas at the modern 'Paleo-fashions'.
Soforth, indeed, it then feels not of any big surprise if there would've for appear flourished, within years, the whole industry of sort 'quasi-sciences', around those enfashioned belief to prehistoric diets and all else from.

(: But...with the flesh-bites and greases still droppin' from the edges of his mouth 'he', the prehistoric 'prime type', the women's enadmired one and some whom by the self-evident 'births-right' was of choosing of those to his merited partners,  them from promiscuous possessing... 'He' then from showed to any 'lesser bulls' (,and for the whole tribe in the same), that life's a struggle, and no 'free meals' around. And, that the strong always eat the less 'striving' ones, that's simply 'the law of the Natures'... And besides,  only the 'fittest' shall from receive any piece of the either. (The said blessed, crucial proteins at the prey-catches, or of the (naked, of course) females at camp. :) ; ...Would indeed sound, by this day, to the least convincin' from,  anything but the realistic idea for those still only little understood prehistoric past.

; Yet - to get for to a bit more serious 'bout it - Also, still by the times 'earliest birth' of an  ethnographic and biological views developed on the humanity's early past, there actually was much presented, was often “cultivated” quite near resemblant 'beliefs' on a human prehistory. ; ...Also, as were goin' to discuss, from little observe in the followed, probably there - (smtgh) resemblant can be found, noticeably, from affected also in the Darwin's findings on. Or, maybe it's more in place of say - as much as that is of the Rousseaus part -that both actually wrote, developed their views in times when such views were only part of the accepted beliefs. (And, while their those views, neither case, got much for any their contemporaries to recognition - as the opposing for anything for too simplified views on that more distant 'earliest' history – For, actually both make the say that there wasn't by then anything much of really known on it, the origins from a 'human race'...)

One then (less visibly, but apprently) might find that some parts - if not lot - of that what gotten only more in during the early 1900s for to maintained as some 'schematized' (racial) views for the early past, human early prehistory, hadn't to so complete disappeared as any theory, 'view to' till latter decades the same 1900s. On many ethnologic and archeologic theories from, fx. (At least it had of maintained some firm place, remained as part in the generally quite shared 'mains', part of the (scientific) "codex", from until as late as the 1980s. Or for as far as the -90s even.) ...While anything to it, of course, not past the century remained as stuck for any ideas to level from those presented humorizations (As the some on above paragraph.)

Of course we notice, by this day, that the many advances in the genetic research – as only one pursuit w. the rapidly emerging new discoveries, 'methods' – along w. other “recent” developments - seems for positively 'fuelled', now well-sometime, the less schematic views on emerged. (Or, helped for to sending much of that older self-evident given 'proof' for the trashbin.) The less impartial, more flexible views of gaining ground, becoming more for accepted. (Neatly, they then nowadays sometimes give for the explanations that it's actually how the science in general advances. – Of course once might say so, but the other explanation – much more evidentual - might be that it so, just from because to the alternative views there weren't by earlier any acceptable ground. And, just because from the limits in the prevalent theories "demands from" were largely already 'set', that to causal origin - in the many then prevailed theories, actually - for most apparent flaws now later found.) 
; We might also see that as resulted of the held former firm denials to treat any opposite 'data' from any 'validity' from. (If I, perhaps, make that from a little pointed argumented, about.) Maybe, it's  to more correct just remarking the very one-sidedness in the very late continued progressive world-view. But also some that having had, still, to do w. the present attitudes, the present 'view about the world' widely world. - Though maybe not so much anymore on these aspects. But at those very anthropocentric simplifications to "our" world' in concerning, and the humanity's place on it, and how we may have continued to view those plenty many from the co-species, the ecological 'constituents'
More to these pow's, to anyone, even w. little readings 'bout the many more lately made finds and theories considering that human evolution – By the genetics, and in ecology, and perhaps of the environments in the pasts, presently – Zuk's findings don't seem exactly for to 'reveal' anything that'd so particular surprise. Or, at least I think notice myself even before for quite familiar on many from those (relative) recent discoveries she only mentions on that (Or refers for.). ; Take that main idea about how the evolution in the more 'lately', by the recent years, having been increasingly for recognized (sometimes) from taking place at the surprising rapidity at Natures. On some species, remarkably many examples from discovered.

The mutations and changes that were to earlier assumed for realizing only from within/in the vast 'gaps of time', by the slower change,s actually often for discovered to – though, again basis to only by some 'newly' discovered examples – in times as short as a 'few generations'. (Acc. Zuk's view, that's the 'more usual' manner the evolution may be noted working in species, even.) ; ...Sverdrup-Thygeson (2018, perhaps it was mentioned on that Zuk too) seems offer to example of that last mentioned, an observed (renown case) on a recent 'evolving' observed on one mosquito species – namely that for Culex pipiens (the London 'Tube-', or '-undeground mosquito'). For, it seems believed to had evolved to it's sort – w. now slight genetic variations said exist in between it and the assumed 'source'-species on 'overground' - only after that 'Tube'-network had from been constructed. The example will the more relevant remarking, on this, (than most) - As a timing from metro's early begins seems go the same 150 years in past. Apparently, it was by 1863. - Iow; Mosquito's adaptive 'evolution' for tunnels quite nearby the timing from the Darwin of publishing his famous evolution theory. ...Which indeed feels to quite funny as the coincidence', though from. (At this context too !) 
; ...Given that the insects obviously have in 'human' measures of time the multiplied capacity for some “rapid” evolution, some 150 years'a time would mean – my rough estimate, say w. only as little as downscaled as 5 generations in a year – 750 generations in that time. In comparably, of the humans for some evolutionary 'guinea pigs' that would mean – 5 generations in 100 years – ie, 750 generations takes about 150 000 years. Apparently (if I now, by 'random', counted any near correct), again quite near to an estimated times is usually given to our ancestral 'separation' point (imaginable as such) in an evolution that'd ultimately did produce 'our kind'. (Only that acc the more recent findings now, apparently, seems to put that 'point' for the more distant, by around 300.000 years, roughly.) 
; Also, interestingly - no doubt mostly due our only estimated 'minim' to mosquito generations by year to that low - But anyway, the present estimate for the 'divergence point' by our own' ancestors of the Neanderthal-'lineage' seems now timed for sometime btw 300 to 500 thousand y. ago. ...And, to the even more interesting - while I of course can't to quite sure for the actual 'reliabilitat' to that - But seems it, then also appears noted the now recognized greater 'anciety' for our 'lineage' (.sapiens) would also mean that, by this basis the .heidelbergensis ('-lineage') was from said excluded, by their likehood to the direct ancestry, to 'our kind'.  ; ...Which feels, indeed, even more interesting - If I consider fx the aspect that that famous 200,000-old prehistoric 'javelins' discovery, at the time (1980s, it maybe was?) was attributed to the said .heidelbergiensis-ancestors, due from of that timing the modern human ('our') evolution was believed from even younger still. ; IOW, if you'd want some 'racial bias' in those past archeologic 'explanations', emphasize on our late evolution, 'highly sophisticated' - that makes from a quite typical example. But only some amongst others, I supposing...) ; (But, for the more 'confirmed' particulars from, acc. the Wikip. on .heidelbergensiensis-entry there seems read - basing on a 2016-molecular study - it for to: '...suggest that H. heidelbergensis in its entirety should be included in the Neanderthal lineage, as "pre-Neanderthal" or "archaic Neanderthal" or "early Neanderthal", while the divergence time between the Neanderthal and modern lineages has been pushed back to before the emergence of H. heidelbergensis, to about 600,000 to 800,000 years ago, the approximate time of the disappearance of H. antecessor.' - ...There's nothing surprising on the said uncertainties from estimated 'divergence' by -neanderthal and -sapiens's,  as the fossil-finds on that far period(s), by the estimated time-'gaps ' - couple hundred thousand years - are said for quite limited, too. ; ...But all of what remarked meant from only few, very selective, few notes - That having not much to do w. anything to this, actually. Maybe there's still somewhat more to it, from the more lately discovered...) 

Of course, it's probably quite a mistaken me for giving the 'assumed' ('about' to, those) yearly generations count from as low as the 5 in one year only - Mosquitoes by standard live only a lenght of a few weeks – plus then 'another same' at the form from fertilized egg - perhaps the more correct said, then, would it to make that even as many as 10 to 12 generations, yearly? (Depending on, from how are the wintering conditions, whether there's even generations.) ; But, anyway seems that that c.pipiens mosquite said for been recognized of so diverged for it's 'overground' close species that fx them populations not capable to reproduce, anymore, w. those. – And that's unlike what is more present recognized known, discovered to the relations, genetic 'evidence' on our ancestors and their relations for the 'co-species' for been. Also, noteworth that the insect evolution fx is from some hundreds millions years older than any by even the earliest hominids. So any comparisons of this sort are naturally only...'thought-play'.)

...Not that'd one should think there a too much 'comparables' to discover of a mosquite-species and human kind. Typically, there's fx the countless number to those insect species, in a few 'clades' and they've actually originated to the millions and perhaps hundreds million years before humans. However, cons the renown aspect that many from the species from (those) serving – in the warmer tropical 'zones', usually - as vectors in malarial epidemics, their 'co-evolution' history w. humans is also quite...important for understood.)
; And, however, I seem of to notice by the short glance at Wikipedia....That the latin naming used on this species – on there – is then C.molestus (And not C.pipiens?) Why so, is bit obscure to me by this knowledge, but I leave that subject then on these mentions, speculats, of the reason. (But read the details, there's a fewsome additional more recent observed pieces-of-information about that. Perhaps the more precise understanding on might've even gotten to more recent achieved. Leads me for so to assume...) - Aha, the reason being, they're (now, w. a differing terming from, the latin name in uses, at the local and english-entry). But it - maybe - now more 'universally' w. the terming for it (due 'recent evolved', then, apparently) as a sub-species from - ie, by name Culex (pipiens) molestus.

(; ...Find out of the particulars, why, by yourself.) Only noted, due because that from comparing an evolution, complete evolution in some species to another, possibly, for discovered. In a relative short period of time. – But Zuk's many examples also contain the various cases about that constant ongoin' evolution at humans. - Which to the more notesworth on this. (Those examples she mentions are, fx, for the genes permitting the 'chopping' of lactose (milk) in the diets by some human groups. ; the genes that happened create the blue eye-color – said to relative recent for emerged ; the better resistency on malaria-parasite, on some the African populations.)

Also indeed, one other notable p-o-w, why should then evolution either from having had, by some unidentified reasons for, of sudden having stopped for continue it's major 'miracles', any of that 'development' on us present humans as well? At our more 'civilized' present environments, increasingly separate, but also many ways easily 'contrasted' for that 'natural condition', 'life in the wild' ? Or, by other reasons, mystically, stopped as some natural “following” from all our created aid in the handling of our 'everyday' tasks; The techs and comps, machinery, the cultures and ever more wide-spread 'idle habits' to the lifestyle. ...etc. Sometime, after we've for 'moved' to the present urbanized living, the urban cities, and, to the more machinery that 'accompanies' our modern life, etc., ...Indeed, it doesn't sound for very reliable as any claim.
Begun on the 20th June driven like a Pythian oracle.
Continued on the 21st after the procession. Tired.” (Stendhal) ; ...On a 'contents'-page from 'Memoirs of an Egotist' (; Orig. 1892 - via/from a 2003-ed.)
(; ..It seems said for wrote only in a few weeks time, by Summer from 1832. (Most content is from the early 1820s memories from.) ...Thenafter he seems said completely to left the manuscript from lay, practically never returned for it. Didn't find the process how it finally, later gotten for publication...It wasn't too much explained on that, apparently. ; Yet text also containing the post-mortem advice to editors not of publishing that until at least ten years had passed after his death. (on some place, I think, it said fromafter 'fifty years'.) postafter – Ie, w. quite some similarity for the Chateaubriand's memoirs I also read...But, as I've only recently ran to these, supposin' that the Stendhal's reason (,intentions) were more to a personal sort than from any 'belles-lettrisist' ones.)

'An (un)dedicated follower to...evolution' ; Or, “highly injurious” (self-evidently.) 
Yet, having to underline; Major part to my these (fewsome) bit random gathered, comprised remarks, is around what I'd 'by and by' had from had the most interests on. – As I've also not by lately too much collected anything to/ been to the more specifically 'devoted' follower on anything to these 'finds' from. Concerns also much to the now quite aged historical 'backgrounds', on what on, then, to this following... 

[Above pic: Of Billy Graham's drawings. ; Originally on Vampirella Mag (-71, story-serie 'Three Witches' - Graham's sequel was named for 'The Black Witch'.) 'Groovy', 'tempting' tasty - one has for some main impression of those 'transformations'... ]

Stendhal...? Thought that would somehow only so well to fit (on here). ; Stendhal's 'exclamations', I think, pretty nicely express the anxieties by those times when an Europe was on some wider level of de-fragmented, in some mental 'chaos' – both resultant of the seen rise from an industrial modernity, also afterwarsd the Napoleonic wars (1800-30s). ...He of course belongs for an age of romanticism, romantic literary 'sphere' - And then not for too direct a realm from to only later decades emergent Natural sciences, ...and it's major 'impact'. Yet it's, fx, rather interesting from recognize Stendhal's cultivated (probably exaggerated) expressed boredness on that araising modernity, and also, for it's characteristical 'methods' from, that'd must've gained, influences probably, to his contemporarist literary circles too. The emotion common. - With some similarities for that frustration we might nowadays feel. - From, aon about the machinery penetrating for almost any part to our 'daily-lifes'.

...Reading biologists one tends to find them often for remain (somewhat) decided silent on anything to the Darwin's 'Victorian age moralitets' - Or, even on any for (his) held racial views from. – At the most for more than some decade's old books, on about the evolutionary theory fx, such aspect(s) seem not much gain any part to that so “divine” a story. (Or, even for gained the recognition from.) ; ...I've also come by on some standard editions of the Darwin's Descent which tend for omitted the books first part, completely. – While the very name of the book seems been for: The Descent of Man and the Selection in Relation to Sex (1871).

Darwin can't be blamed, though. Every man's at least a part result for his times, and Darwin no exception in the rule. As for it is, more common acknowledged, him of had remained rather suspectable on anything about adjustabilities from his theory for explain human evolution, and especially from cons it's 'present'. Cautioned against his contemporaries more direct demands about the possibility of that natural selection (as a 'principle', also working in human evolution) adjusted to the uses from explaining (and justifying) at then present inherent hierarchical social structure, condition.

; But, then, we might – already by before, 'occasioned' suppose – for turned our main interest(s) on the Darwin's remarks on the vaccinations. That for the timing a modern invention, and by then already recognized for it's apparent benefits to the humanity. So it not surprises the inoculations for gained the few references on Darwin's above said book. – In related w., by oftenmost 'cultivated' assumptions from about assumable further persistence of the diseases at society. And, to that era, the common presented estimates to their demise. What would follow, what the likeliest consequences, how the diseases probable disappearance and decline would have. (Rather similar in that 'faith for', for the lately, by recent decades, most 'devoted' views from the genetic research to provided constant new 'blessings' to the human health-care, of complete eradicate the most diseases.)

Guess', it did belong to the widely speculated issues by that day - As that occasionally still does today, resurfacing for 'time to time'. ; Also (acc Zuk; p. 247) some to Darwin's contemporaries, and his most 'ardent fans and supporters' seem have speculated around the time from whether; '...medical practitioner's...should...allow natures take its course, and permit only the most vigorous members of society to survive.'. ; Zuk then, also to same page, gives for the clues on ends to page, from Darwin to had 'echoed' the discussion, via fx (at that 'Descent') from expressing; (The vaccinations, having 'preserved thousands') - but also “...Thus the weak members of civilized societies propagate their kind.”
However, as I've come by that place, by a few reads to the book, at the said part from text (think it first Pt; chpt IV) the 'argument' given also seems contain/follows by: “... No one who has attended to the breeding of domestic animals will doubt that this must be highly injurious to the race of man. It is surprising how a want of care, or care wrongly directed, leads to the degeneration of a domestic race; but excepting the case of man himself, hardly any one is so ignorant as to allow his worst animals to breed.”

...Obviously, those (few, selected) sentences seem give a bit of the impression, from it's emphasizes, to reflect much the fears that came for dominate the views at the developed, (notorious) eugenistic beliefs - a'la Galtonian sort...So I though from how much one can stress the aspect for any Darwin's advocatin from, to. ; But also it seems (that) Darwin is known from early carried by himself the renown studies on the breeding of domestic animals – Just a one amongst his 'early sources', but apparently, some from 'foremost' to those that lead him develop his later created evolutionary 'views'. (Or, -theory).

...I mean, admittedly, the Darwin's concern on those views is – very apparently – much in relating, has much to something, what for the more usual identified merely as those 'Galtonian questionings' – or 'demands.' (Besides, Darwin also, ao, cites Galton (Francis, 1822-1911) on that 1871 book of his.) ; It sort from reads like a Galton asking of whether there'd be any ways to say whether the expected future eradication from those 'human-preying' diseases, might then have more to the good or bad consequences from. From whether there were any ways to ensure that the resulted followings of the diseases disappearance wouldn't lead for that 'unproper' ingredient in the 'masses' for increase, etc. (Smght what on those racial discriminations and oppressive decades by the early 1900s, pretty much, came to be seen to 'accepted views', live in parallel w. and was direct 'comparable', was in connected for the rises of the nazi-regimes, and some other 'campaigns' to early century - such as 'eradicating pauperism'...and all that else that'd disreputed been connected to that, as known from that timing.) ...Darwin then would be 'read' for offering to the answers on the question (by 'Galton', as above said) that there's every reason be cautious about that, since many other 'checks' may still also be at effect, and one can't be very assured about the aspect, w. the present knowledges. But, also, that at least he could say from it shown, 'as Malthus has remarked', that a 'reproductive power' is less in the 'barbarous than in civilized races'. And, yet, having to be noted, it being that '...we know nothing positively on this head, for with savages no census has been taken' (Writes like that too, on that Descent, though the italics from my adding om that.) 
...On his followed remarks (Darwin) then also takes on to discuss, remark about (possibly, probably) related aspects, like are the nursing, nutriency, infanticide. ; And, cons the latter said, he then even seems ad that ('our') early 'semi-human progenitors' wouldn't ever practiced infanticide, as it being that the 'lower animals...never...regularly destroy their own offspring'.- Again, added italics on that last. ; ...To all the respect, that latter expressed also seems of give the impression for some surprising lack of a knowledge to the Darwin's part. Also, it sounds a lot, like from the more 'quasi-proofs' as some statement – Somehow for more like smght that Galton would've been expressing. Yet, as such, fx that term 'Lower animals' haven't in the biology had any too particularly underrating meanings from. It fx seem for 'firm' remained as an expression to the groups classified in the evolutionary 'tree' and life's diversification for it's early emergences. (Containing, mostly the invertegrate species, or about so.) The standard used 'lower orders' in the order for life's 'birth', emergence, spread from. (On much of the 'earliest fauna', invertebrates 'alike'.) Used – 'self-evidently' – at least for as late as the 1970-80s. - The words like 'savages' and 'barbarians' seem arise aforth mainly because from their more typically only very 1800ian, value-laden meanings from. - Giving then perhaps also some clues for how much Darwin's own 'premonitions' on a human prehistory must've neared that prevailed atmosphere in the European scientific 'consensus'. (It's incontained held beliefs on the “caucasian” racial superiority from.) ; He then fx makes also say: 'probable...increased fertility of civilized nations would inherited character.' - By that way expressing also, perhaps, to remark his hope to avoid to be involved too much for the debated “proofs” on what seemed from bend more on concerns, what demanded for the proofs to the debate on a 'social condition', prospects. (But of course all these few selects very singular examples, too.)

...One might then also benefit of a view that largely the second part for that 'Descent', perhaps, seems said devoted on the views more closer his own interest(s) to. The 'natural selection' in Natures, developing his theory originating to that The Origin of species, by 1859. (The '...selection in relation to sex', such as the name seems of says.) ; And not merely on anything to what was by then, very much, only on the limits of the speculations. The human past, by any knowledges, from remaining in the hidden for complete obscurity. Even from the lot more than what we by today think for known of an human 'early dawn' from.

Leaves for my any idea that, and like usual said, Darwin must've felt necessity of to had distanced himself from the 'constant' being asked too direct adaptations for his theory. (Also due of those, to lot more widely, historically lot more renown accuses and from 'blamed' for his given 'disputing' view to an accepted Christian explanation. – That which had based on tradional belief to humanity's divine origin, in separate of all other creatures.)
But can't for say how much the asked proofs on that 'necessary inheritance' from the “superior” traits, might've prevailed to his thinkin'. – Even for had a place to his own, individual views (, and say, 'attitudes'.). Those preceded 'selections' give the impression that his interest on anything seems for stopped merely on because there wasn't anything too argumentable to be found. – Smght he indeed must've understood better than most of the contemporaries. (Not from due he'd not fx shared the same beliefs on that "superiority" from. – While not from believed, fx, for the polygenetic explanation on the races, human origins. - Theory, was 'common', almost to the 'standard' racistic in the 1800s, and favored by large 'number "darwinist" 'followers' - That apparenly incl. fx

; And, in the context from that 'debate' by the time, it seems mostly give an idea 'bout him must've reacted like some goldfish in a bowl – very aware of it's see-through edges, where the open water ends, and very careful never for 'crashing' on to those edges. 
(;Addit, 24.10) ; ...Just another view-point, of course, is that of reading the modern historians, on Briton Empire's more cruel 'back pages', one much can't avoid the impression that for "darwinism's" - and evolutionary biology emerging to an accepted "scientific" justifications for a racial discrimination, by later 1800s/early 1900s - the concern and focused emphasize on a biological view for humanity, produced that more cruel and from an enhardened 'suprematism' - to the level by an accepted inhumanity. ; I mean, if one fx compares the European 'racial supremacy', how that seemed reflected by the 1600s to early 1800s (Such from Linda Colley writing about, ao, some that I recent read) - and the later, until that 'post-colonial' era, as on that Elkins. Even if one thinks there several other reasons that'd been 'affecting', in that from to lot much later timing.
; ...Little 'nastily', viewing that, one could -  probably - say that much of that came to be so strongly believed, because it appeared be some of the aspect where Darwins' accepted conceptions not by any significance, not practically too much differed for any 'usual' of what his contemporaries believed. And of course how/what of the followed 'generations' only were too willing to take as given, accept to continue for believing on, from. ( other aspects that come to mind, but I care not go, on anymore, for anything from to the present, by 'our times', still.)
When I mentioned to my companions my astonishment at this influence over inanimate matter – while owning that, in our world, I had witnessed phenomena which showed that over certain living organisations certain other living organization could establish an influence genuine in itself, but often exaggerated by credulity or craft – Zee, ...bade me stretch forth my hand, and then, placing it beside her own, she called my attention to certain distinctions of type and character. ... ' With your slight formation of thumb,' said the philosophical young Gy, 'and with the absense of the nerve whuch you find more or less developed in the hands or our race, you can never achieve other than imperfect and feeble power over the agency of vril; but so far as the nerve is concerned that is not found in the hands of our earliest progenitors, nor in those of the ruder tribes without the pale of the Vril-ya. It has been slowly developed in the course of generations commencing in the early achievements and increasing with the continuous exercise of the vril power; therefore, in the course of one or two thousand years, such a nerve may possibly be engendered in those higher beings of your race who devote themselves to that paramount science through which is attained command over all the subtler forces of nature permeated by vril. ... ”(Edward Bulwer-Lytton, 1871) : The Coming Race.

[ Pic beside right: From that 'Syrtean'-adventure (maybe on a former post, of a few pics from too...) - ie  'The Empire of the Thousand Planets' (1969-1971) - Btw, some for my faves in these Meziéres-Cristian space-stories. ; Is it how that 'luminous light' drawn, or that girl w. that vase - in line for Valerian's gaze - from making this detail to so captivating? (It's from the larger scenery - a half-page view, drawing, I think...) ]
Young men born in Paris..., strike me as enfeebled beings, ...I can't imagine a man without a certain masculine energy, constancy and depth in his ideas, etc. All things are as rare in Paris as a coarse or even a harsh tone.
But I must finish this chapter here. ...In this way I will perhaps achieve truthfulness, but I will also have to beg the reader (perhaps born this morning in the house next door) to forgive me for these dreadful digressions.” ; (Stendhal), ...that 2003 ed.(p. 29)

But then, and just to discuss onwards the more many sides (for it.) - That Bulwer-Lyttonian citation above: It's not any less interesting for read on about it's times. - And also of the reception from an evolutionary theory, by it's times. How it must've infused to then racially rather 'schematized' views. (Rel. for those then resurfacing anxieties accomp. the European schematically held social-biologic 'hierarchisation', and perhaps, also then disappearing ideas about the society's reorganisation, newer founding w. a more widespread ideas to a (social) equality.) Some to the early century promises from possible developments to that kind. How those seem reflected, and probably – some amount - negated at the novel's early 'proto-scifistic' envisionings. Even by it's early timing.; ...Though, for it's years of publication, the 1870s, Lytton's novel seems also more often interpreted not from having much influence, or at least not anything too directly traceable for the 'Darwinistic' evolutionary-theory. But, there's a same recognizable concern on there from some fateful connection between the older 'historism', esp from that of the civisations part, and then that 'new concern' on biological inheritance. ...etc. Besides, by now reading it, those clues for the history's past, and the 'evolutionary view', that for it's 'context' seems from arise to quite apparent. ; Soforth – quite revealing, that it has have the lots of emphasize on a biology, the race and already, even on a civilization's possible 'collapse'. (That latter from in time then seemed increasin' to the said 'loomin' biological threat.)
(; Brantlinger, fx, I also read for from explaining from the various reasons on why the race, and alongside that 'co-debate' about the human origins, came to dominate on that 1860s. Which of course lot gives the additional idea, the background for Darwin's, and Lytton's, concerns on for the biological inheritance. Commonly seen, and interpreted, as the differences found between the 'civilized races' and the more 'barbarian' some – IOW; Those differing levels levels by which humanity's progress was imagined for developed, weren't invented by those later timings. - As such beliefs were already existent to the accepted categories. While as such were still priorly debated, of course.) 

By nowadays, even more from: As there's now also the knowledge of a more closer 'connections' between ourselves (.sapiens) and then those other nearer human 'co'-species from constant having discovered about their more proven 'lastings', fx. (.Neanderthals - on above, shortly, by some references about . ; the 'Denisovans'; 'Hobbit'... etc.). Such as those near species to us for had lived simultaneously, 'in parallel' w. us, past the longer periods in prehistorical times. (Than was earlier believed from.) - One fx can have the impression that wouldn't appeared from so unlike realistic for a possibility, that had we instead for disappeared - And the other human lineage, co-species “race” for flourished instead. I mean...Acc. the present knowledge it would appeared been some possibility. While acc. to the former held views only some unimportant 'speculates' at the equation. ...And also the felt excitement about. Just like the Darwin's possible frustratings to any actual evidence from lacking, must've reflect the intense hopes of to his theory to generate those 'answers' for asked. 
; ...To some comparison, much in the same seems still, constantly to increase, then declining, in a present enthusiasm for any likehood of finding life from the nearby planets, moons. – Even, if that from just 'bacterial', microscopic forms. Or, only from remaining 'traces of it', to had existed before. (...By recent read some NASA-scientist forewarning that humanity might not be ready for finding life from Mars's under-soils. Apparent on it's 're-fashioning' from, quite much, these scifistic thrillings – not drillings, ie – to sort 'Wellsian apocalyptic' kind. While (it) perhaps to only for quite reasoned as any warning...) 
- Can't though, exactly say how one would perhaps 'sensiblest' mind about sort stories and 'speculates' from. The space 'missions' on it's context seem for the realm of the wildest rumours and all for the same sort... - Even to a level that some of the information, gives merely the impression about the noted misinformations, 'fake news'. Like, is even apparent on this one; From basically rather sensible, yet somehow w. the usual space-mysteries a'la the type of just the kinds of 'story-plotting'. (However, the 'source-link' for it seems provide for the 'proofs from more complete the 'whole-story' about.) ; Maybe the space agency sometimes ran out the resources...and these forgotten 'back pages' for having gotten thenafter from discovered. 
As they seem so much lot speculate on that finding from life, 'extraterrestrial, any potentials on it's 'soon' discovery.

However, the said concern - the ancient 'space microbes' from the possibity of 'contaminating' planet - when brought from Mars to Earth's surfaces. Seems it by recent also gotten recognized to appear represent something for a real, actual possibility. ; ...As from the persistence of life, there's then similarly quite enthusiasted recent remarked from the Tardigrades observed of have all the capacity survive, even in the outer spaces. So in theory, any resemblant, unknown and 'completely different' alien "microbials" could basically lead for some 'surprising' consequences - And the potential disasters from. (Once any at first were actually from found, of course.) Somewhat purely Wellsian 'story-plot' again, that might still be recognized, as well. But indeed, there seems apparently to exist some real concern(s) about. ...The Wikipedian-entry, fx, also seemed say on the Tardigrades that (them); "...have survived all five mass extinctions. This has given them a plethora of survival chacrateristics, including the ability to survive situations that would be fatal to almost all other animals."

Master survivors. Even the Earthly life then from full of the finds. 
(Though, the survival 'records' aren't then in all considerations from so 'supery' - in dried up-conditions its said observed from them up 'to 10 years' (w. a water loss, dehydration from over 80 per cent to 3 per cent; An uncertain, 'possible' recognized slight movement on a '120 year aged' specimen.) ; ..If 'alien-lifeforms' wouldn't follow the same basic set 'of rules', even a trip from Mars to back Earth would appear quite a demanding. Without the 'humane' help for. Well, that's by the present knowledge, so far 'pure beliefs'... 

From returning on the 1800s themes: Obviously, perhaps it 'fits' on any socio-biologic atmosphere by those years, the said decade(s) 'overall': The great expectations laid for the Darwin's theory, to ('finally') explain more scientifically those long mists at the early human past. – To finally for 'cartograph' some backgrounds on what fx Rousseau, Linné, Buffon and the other earlier naturalists, had only had the material to represent in level of 'educated guesses'. 

...For, acc. to Pick, ao, Darwin's renown anxieties 'about' are often said more apparent represented  on his notebooks from. (Like one would of course think to quite expectable for.) ; Also, acc. at least that the 'critical response' which had greeted Robert Chambers and of his (anonymously) published book Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation (1844), by that 1840s, had 'contributed' for Darwin's decision to leave - practically, mostly - early human history '...almost entirely out of The Origin.' (ie, still by that 1859...The book's 160th celebratory publishing anniversaries seem therefore 'feasted', celebrated by this year. ...I feel almost like 'robbing' of a common heritage center from w. my rather scattered remarks on the many important details to the 'background story'.) 
; In addit, he (Pick) fx mentioning that when on The Origin Darwin had felt confident to say, had fx 'insisted' that " 'natural selection works solely by and for the good of each being, all corporeal and mental developments will tend to progress towards perfection'; but in The Descent  there were a number of ominuous warnings about the direction of civilisation: 'Natural selection acts only in a tentative manner'; '[w]e must remember that progress is no invariable rule' ..."  ; ...But, whatever we think for the Darwin's 'depencies', and of his level of had shared any from the common expressed degeneration-fears, by the Victorian era. - The Descent anycase, had to answer somehow on those issues - As them had already become from so integral in that debate.  ;  Pick actually - quite relevant a selection, on this - writes for that ('the darwinism') 'affiliated' society, it's 'body and reproduction in powerful new ways'. (And,) after the 1860s, then; "...certainly it was impossible for its followers to avoid making links between the general issue of evolution and the 'chaos' of contemporary human reproduction. The laissez-faire of child-birth which in Darwin might be deemed beneficial, could also appear fearsome given the pathogenic conditions of the city. This view did not mean a return to Malthus, with the bleak assurance of death as nature's response to overpopulation, but rather the vision of lingering degeneration in the individual the procreation of a stunted race.
  Heredity was thus perceived as an unresolved problem which demanded drastic social action. ..." (; Pick 1989. p 193, 194-5.)

...It then came for remain in the very center from that, w. often presented 'biological' origins - as justifications to, meant from directing - for the social 'condition' well long the 20th century. Also, even more so, in the 'cultural work's. For nothing much is from the more apparent for fx to Wells' many novels, than a belief to there some evolutionary 'principle', of underlaying the general human progression. (Contra, it's ever apparent 'failings', while the offered aren't always to he negative, or even not always traced for some 'biological inferiority.)

[Pic (below) - Laureline, views of a classic 'pastoral', from the 'Ambassador of Shadows' (1975). - ...Some think that for the finest among Valerian-Laureline adventures. Well, actualy not quite so much, by myself...But what the splendid colours on these few examples]
'The problem about the complexities, contradictions...' ...Returning to the Lytton and that 'darwinist'-connection (- the utopistic novels inspired by it.); Despite that novel presently to quite forgotten, Lytton quite as unappreciated to an author, I'd say it still quite interesting a piece for such early dystopian fictions. ; Quite different though, in compared to the many now for as little known early ones, some that we for earlier mentioned, like a The Crystal Age (1887) by Hudson. Or, on it's “darwinian” thematics can even can be compared to that more usual from it's finding, amongst, the quite early feminist “scifis” - The utopistic novel by Sarah Perkins Gilman, Herland (by 1905) - Actually in the both of these last mentioned fictions the 'entrance' to the story is many ways very similar as on that Coming race. Likewise, both actually play a lot with the similarly 'evolutionary' popular themes; The Time (...a relativity from it), and the Space (...for isolated 'sphere'). And w. some consequent followings, also in the evolutionary sense. (Or, perhaps of Hudson's case only at the social and sexual levels at.) At least that a 'darwinism' had for advance to a level more influential social 'agency', w. it's intrepretations, social “proofs” is the most apparent in any finding from how that wrote in the story by Perkins Gilman – As it actually happens from to describe some 'experiment' in a human evolution, by chance. (Via that manner, also seems from to challenge many/some amongst those most inherent 19th centurian sexual bias at the biologic-historic conceptions now, by those times, only begotten to even more prevailed in society. Some that took much the Darwin's effort, even w. his many said 'precautions' to the essential laws of the social condition. Perkins Gilman's opposes, imagined in form the all-female society, gotten created accidentally. - IOW, purely by that 'chance logic', not from subordinate to some undeniable biological laws. Although, the human social 'normative', the 1800ian 'ordinance' is then given some acquiescense on it's 'solution'.)

...Almost unavoidable to add, at 'this connection', to remarking from how these clearly darwinian 'roots' to the question about human evolution seems for inspired the numerous many sorts later dystopian fiction.As that it also seems, often, recognizable from how (much...) there then were also smght to the very hilarious kinds, in those many reflecting the felt enthreatening (and so much enfantasied) story form an obseraved degradation and decay at a human race. – Resultantly, the most humorising emphasizes, that critical 'concern on' seems, probably, also by quite earliest accompanied the more serious treatments on anything for that 'wrong gone' evolution and other disasters to lead for humanity's, and civilizations, soon 'collapse'. 
It seems never gone quite complete without the common jokes for adjoining. (Whether those were for the meaning from somewhat derogatory, or from a more postive humorising not so much matters, from their 'postward finding'.)  Fx in most typical forms on caricaturizing, drawings that'd had for their main treatment just the described very typical early 20th century's fears. While this given example on a 'reverse evolution' may be to some for the lot latter day creations, by 1970s, I think it for one among most amazing drawn ones, nicely executed. (The reason to it's inclusion, here. And, of the relevance to these topics - the 'reverse' evolution for a practical paradoxic impossibility, as such. How it was feared, common usual, from persistently, lastingly...

[Pic - above right: From the 'Curse' - how good a naming too, cons these views - A 'prehistorical' (fantasy-) story, short classic from Wally Wood's drawing. On Vampirella 9/1971.]
Yet, the potential from that enthreatening degradations in a human race seems been to the very common held a theme, idea. One that couldn't had been from surfacin' to many answers for it's most typical 'darwinist' adaptations in a socio-biologic theories, some engineered for to keep at place the most bureaucratic stigmatizing blame(s), justifying the state-control. - Comparable humorizations apparently then having been to as numerous as 'apples in the tree'. In a good year. Perhaps not quite that much some to the more oppressive decades from an early 20th century.. ; Yet, also fx of many early century films - such as some expressionist classics, Dr. Caligari and Lang's Metropolis - Something from the same can be easily recognized. Neither can't from the complete avoid that in a more 'humoristic sides' from their silent narratives. While both basically 'art works', not humorizations at their main message.

In little similarly, I presume, the at the time ever-so cherished lie/story on the 'weak components' on a human gene pool, and it's oppressive uses at societies. - Seems there always always were the amounts necessary counter-'laugh' too. ; The whole lots from it – all in all – had a much to it's original backgrounds at the noted 'Darwinian' anxieties from that 1870s. Whatever then, or what you'd to think from, to which were the Darwin's 'ultimate', enreached views from that (or what'd one think, from the whole “debate” by itself...) - Every reason we still have from receive those common adverted 'faiths', some to 'pure beliefs', practically anything on for blessings by the modern genetics and the 'achieved' (medical) miracles from to lead us all towards the 'better tomorrows', those 'diseases free' futures to be soon seen, etc...With just as heartily laughters from. (While there as such nothing to object in the purposes from fight back the major human sufference, some to our most persistent diseases being from some levels prevented, perhaps even eradicated, such as the case was on the small-pox.) 
But just of because from the natural scientific 'inborn' engineered 'self-evidencies', the plain shared biologic and overt medicalised one-sidedness in the said sort envision(s) – I don't even wish to advice on anything like overconfidence to it. ; As there always was diseases, some from it bacterial or by viruses to origin – Excluding our lifes 'completely' from it's part, that surely only does generate the greater vulnerability for to. One way or another.

...Not too long ago, read fx, also on diseases concerning, the very informative descriptions on Yong (2015. Was it by the name of a book for.. 'I contain many', ? Think so...) Anyway, the most interesting learnings - I pass aside the most part the more specifically scientific 'stuffs', the genetics and on microbial life it had for explained for. – Yet, it gave as the main idea that genes can't be actually to anything more 'comprihensively' understood, without from that at the same thought, context is related for the very many interconnections of their functioning does play the fx the bacteria, and other microbial 'interconnections'. ...microbes, the entzymes also, 'etc'. Even the viruses were said for contain many a number to whose role doesn't necessary, always appear to the negative, for health - Instead as well can play the more important role at those said connections. (It was, I think, fx said to only – about - some like 20 (?) for the known number of viruses recognized from the complete disadvantageous to a human health. While there also is, actually, more of the generally 'harmless' some. Smtgh up to hundreds, was it said...about?, whose functioning isn't even too well known, but not generally, not always from the negative.) ; So we may perhaps in time learn to understand all that complexity of life better...Were that to more common view adapted (As the genetics also, presently, often noted to it's recent 'huge advances' from.) - Taken for the more favored view-points in those modern advances than smght to just as 'pure genetics'. And maybe it does – At least fx these remarked many advances at the study from human earliest may have to do also w. the more comprihensive understandings having gained place. (And not, 'just the genes'.)
(; Ie, merely was to say it too for the well thoughts-inspiring views. Has to be admitted, though, not w. anything like natural scientific basic education (,or studies). - At least never studied that on schools - I hardly comprehend if there is, or what should fx appear to anything for principal difference in between some these 'disciplines'The study from the microbial life and of the molecular genetics, the researches about, on those. :)

; Still of the Darwin's part, I'd also think, his 'precautions' somehow seem also speak about his level openness for less oppressive, discriminate biologic views. Even, if he then seems for retreated of representing any his suspectance, or perhaps those just for his premonitions, on resultant then also his theory was generally largely, very much misunderstood by the time. ; (But like said never ventured of read his any biographers. - So, guess'll leaving that subject, already for from this much remarked, contemplated.)
I regard and have always regarded my works as lottery tickets. The only thing I esteem is the idea of being reprinted in 1900.”
; Stendhal, on 2003 ed (; p. 52.)

Anyway, considered that, maybe, as some further informative 'finds' would've appear that better w. these few following cited sentences, lines. Some on how the rather limited understanding, at the time, on the Earth's actual age and 'earliest' history must've set also same limits for the Darwin's theory. (How the evolution could be understood from to “work” on it's material, at the 'basics'. Also cons what are then subsequent followings for the theory, and what the newer understandings then (might) have for 'say' on about how that does concern also the human evolution; future, past.) ; ...Following cited of Goodwin's book that ain't either so new anymore, actually. Published already by the 1994. So I actually avoided picking too much t0 this. (In fear from that parts of it might've outdated, by now.) Only selected what directly inrelating on the 'mains' from that above discussed, and seemed comprised on this. (Fx on cons those mentioned Darwin's former studies from the breeding of domestic animals.) ;
...inspired by the work and writings of...Charles Lyell, who maintained that the physical and chemical processes that shaped and transformed the earth in the past are the same those that operate today. ...Darwin observed the mechanics of change in populations of organisms – domestic animals undergoing selective breeding, for example – and deduced that similar processes shaped species in the past, but that the selection was natural. This is a perfectly rational deduction. But selection has no intrisic principles, whether artificial or natural; the breeder can select for any trait he or she fancies, and so can nature, 'fancies' in this context meaning that which works. So Darwinian biology has no principles that can explain why a structure as the tetrapod limb arises and in so robust in its basic form: it just appeared in a common ancestor. This leaves a very large hole in biology as an explanatory science and, in many respects, represents a retrograde step from the position of the rational morphologists, who were seeking such principles.” (; How the Leopard Changed it's Spots. The evolution of Complexity., -94; p. 146.)

; Of course, that's just one other 'nail in the coffin' for – If one wished to very considerably discredit those 1800ian flaws for the 'retrograde' remnants at the evolutionary biology's later histories. Most part the more present theory, studies don't so much rely on the similar 'stony' laws and principles from/to it's bases – At least not quite similarly than the more one-directional logic by, still apparent to around 'til from the 1970s, -80s. (But that a different story, not too much to say on it. Even less in knowing how it would've had for added anything on this.) 
; Many ways, also, actually I wouldn't...discredit that 'evolutionary view' from so differing for the more 'romantical' ways for seeing the Natures part. ...As the way from 'eye-witnessing' it from. Only is – to it's better offerings – somewhat a more structured way of viewing all that. (Thar all “wildlife”, it meaning from...)
I had two perfectly innocent pleasures:
I. to chat after dinner while going (for) a walk with Lussigne or some man of my acquaintance; ....
II. when it was warm, going to read the English papers in Galignani's garden. There I reread with delight novels by Walter Scott. ...”
(Stendhal) ; 2003 ed. (p.90.)
[...Above, beside (the pic) - Also from that 'Ambassador of Shadows'.]

Can't avoid from to make short reference on to our own times still. As one sometimes tends of to hear the bit comparably 'demands' still these days. (Resemblant, of their inwritten strictly exclusive, one-directional logic for that what was smght, better known, later acknowledged for the 18ooian 'social darwinist'-sorts demands.)

; ...Such as were those DNA-tests of purposed carried on to any for non-US citizens, that'd found from a 'semi-permanent' stays in the states. (IOW; some mainly from illegally in country.) - For it makes well remember that, long-term, large part from the US low paid jobs, and an 'unofficial' sector, seems from already to 'traditionally', leaned lot on that work-force. The companies for benefited and hired to the employants, most often, the peoples without citizenship. Esp. from across the 'south border'. (Probably was to the former years even more common practies...Or you tell me, whatever the situation, comparably, by now.) 
; ...Although, then to mention only the said DNA-tests of demanded, by still 'recently'(?), anycase on nearer times may seem for a level more of a ruthless to any idea by it's purposes of stigmatizing means – and anything else from. For example, even from compared to what comes on anything to those noted 19th centurian discussions around possibility of how the evolution may've noted, or not, in functioning at the 'civilizations'. (And that being, as it sounds from – indeed - quite a lot said. Obviously, w. that, I'm not referring for the main 1900ian negative consequences for; the death camps, racial hygieny, the 'adjustments' into the maintained social 'order'.) ...But cons for what seems been it's any motives, or justifications to such demands: Very similar to any ideas. ...It's just like the doctors asking for any peoples from lacking their 'proper' pedigrees to take the microships under their skin, for being better watched and collected on a some common 'bad faces'-book. (Or 'good face', makes no difference how one'd name the 'book'.)

; ...However, not a less interesting finding that (some people) these days also seem for said, by voluntarily, for find it of not any difficulty from taking the said such ('physical') identifiers – As the 'access' to some place amongst, to the company hiring list, to get the job, etc. - What a biblical age, this one, we're then from being living. Yet, even more so: It seems exceeded what the states by any 'common morality', according to the capitalist logic underlaying any from present “commonwealths”, the society, what was traditionally asked of it's citizens: Those being the taxes ('work'), military service (“protection”, regulatory to the males from), and the marriage (least 'sacrosanct' among, anymore. Yet, at least it is for asked that the more permanent relationships are somehow consolidated by the 'social order', if not for by any else excuse then to the 'kids benefit'.) ...And then is of course the less visible but even more obviously (smght, which) traceable to the emergence and organizations of the modern (byrocratic) state: The social identification code, the day of birth, the death for counted in some similar matrixes, and some limitations to ones rights, until 'decided age.' ; But for those 'identifiers' of the sort – those seem reflect the demands to give up of some particulars to your personality and personal freedom too – In the last mentioned aspect, to the most apparent, it seems mean the accepted allowed infusion for one's individual and the professional life from. (But, for briefest, let's just call any from such developments for the latest handovers to the modern economic slavery.)

[Pic (on below) - From 'Birds of the Master' (1973). ...A relative simple story by plot - But it seems fx has for it's main central idea the prisoners from being slave-worked in 'concentration camp'. (...w. the religious 'worship'  and master-cult for the hypocrite pretext for.)  Quite an actuelt political theme, if thinkin' from that timing, when seems it wrote at, 1970s... ]


On arriving a town I always ask:
1. which are the twelve prettiest women; 
2. Which are the twelve richest men; 
3. which is the man who could get me hanged.

M(aisonne)tte answered my questions quite well. The surprising thing for me was that his love for the word King was in good faith. ...”
(Stendhal), 'Memoirs from an Egotist' ; 2003 ed (p 84.)


To change (the subject, again) - Then just the shorter remarks on the level environmental conditions might've hadve had the effect on many these aspect, here's a few lines on Bonobos. Or; whether it'd only for mention how much our human origin seems still compared and tried 'explain' via any study about our living 'cousins', somewhat resembling species in the Natures – Only here as these mentions at Zuk brought back in my mind a few impressions, by lately. (I've not any particular familiarity to any these studies, or on Bonobos esp, but perhaps revealing on how there much potential in the described ecological studies from. – And, probably, also it's many 'caveats'.)
(Bonobos ie Pan paniscus, being the more emphatic 'sister-species' to the 'regular' chimpanzees - Pan troglodytes. Also, Bonobos only (from 'quite') recently having been enlifted of their former placing as the sub-species on chimps, to the a species by their 'own'.)
; Pic (above) : Alix (Yu Fu), ...and more pretties comin' up, soon as we have some proper 'break' for compile the rest from these stories. (In other words - Not by, w. any 'break neck'-speed...)
But maybe it also concerns, somewhat, of how much the specific base assumptions often might affect the view we form on, well, from anything. ; ...Zuk also cites of De Waal, (p. 175) – And on that puts the basics about (this) issue, from nicely:
[De Waal, speculates] ' Had bonobos been known earlier, reconstruction of human evolution might have emphasized sexual relations, equality between males and females, and the origin of the family, instead of war, hunting, tool technology, and other masculine fortes.' This is one possibility; the other is that if we had known about bonobos earlier, we would have characterized them as more violent and warlike than we do now, simply because anthropologists and primatologists in the 1960s and '70s were disposed to emphasize male aggression, which bonobos do exhibit, albeit to a lesser extent than chimps do.”
Indeed. ...Additionally that'd brought on mind these 'pre-assumptions', on the chimpanzee behaviour (and male aggression in related) must be traceable back to – much – at the fact that the chimps still until that timing were almost exclusively studied only in captivity. How apparently erraneous a way to study (that, them) - how apparently it'd had the all potential to result for just the described sort behavioural 'conclusions', is quite surprising from to discover, by now. But in the biology, or if that then a field of behavioral biology for more specific (?) – by anycase, the primate researches – that seems been the only manner, or practice to the only preferred way of studying those...until to the rather late decades from. (So indeed, some apparent paradoxes one might now point out, in that it for that 1970s, still, was  'assured' from what should be to the major interest, and most meaningful in findings about anything from the chimps – the violence.)

...And then, (that) gave me the reasons for remark how I recent watched a documentary where the said social difference between behaviour by the chimps and bonobos was explained traceable to an ancestral 'division' to their lineages. It was said to time...about, couple m. years to the past. (...only? Only maybe, likeliest was said.) ; Anyway, those said changes, at their major living areas of having separated by the formation from major river having divided that original populations of each other. – As the result, Bobonos were then concluded, noted from having had 'evolved' to the less hostile as resultant for what their environment necessitated. And on chimps (P.troglodytes) the 'hardened' environmental pressures, would've then for had favored their development, consequently towards their more aggressive 'nature'. ...Plus the other behavioral characteristics in relating.

; ...The explanation, seemed to my finding, at best, only circumstancial. While I can imagine there's every reason to 'trace back' those aspects in the primate behavior for these noted differences in the species. And it being also quite reasonable by any conclusions – that's just quite how in many cases the differences to 'near species' in the Nature are seen of had emerged form. - Of the original populations gotten separated by some 'accidental' natural phenomena, forming a geographic 'obstacle' (river, mountain, Earthquake w. it's major devastation, fragmentation from the 'base populations'.)
; What I, maybe, felt for 'lacking', at least now think so, was perhaps that it seemed from explain some singular trait (aggression) in the proofs from having those usual natural selective pressures, the food, sex, competition for quite self-evident (read Darwinistic) for 'producing' (those species) behavioural difference. - But don't know, might feel the more reliable, had I more familiarity on the aspect, etc...

(Addit, 25.10.) - And, to a recent glancing on a (recent) materials of that ever-changin 'grand evolutionary story' - ie our own species evolution - of the (Reich's, 2018-) book Who we are and How we got there. Ancient Dna and the new science of the Human Past - Noted that the populations separation, resulted of a geological 'phenomena', seems apparently now a prevailing view on a Bonobos/Chimps 'divergence' (also acc. that now popular 'molecular clock'), as: "...evidence [by 2012-study] that the separation was very sudden, consistent with the hypothesis that the species were separated by a huge river (the Congo) that formed rather suddenly one to two million years ago. " ( some 'contrast' it then seems notice that the divergence by early human-lineage (ie of the 'hominids'), by some millions years earlier, of that from the chimpanzee (the later bonobos and 'chimps') from having happened for lot more long-term, in during the more 'extended period of genetic interchange after populations differentiation began.'

...But from that to anything sort so 'definite' explanation, to their noted behavioural differences I still wouldn't feel of anything like that much impressed by. Can't say, though, at least doesn't bring on my mind anything from that'd...completely disproving for that idea. (Having not any particular reads on those, and even less of how those environmental conditions might've for specifically changed in the past. Or, more so, how those regional areas – late the, 'co-species' within them - seem by now believed had gone through those apparently quite notable environmental changes.) ; But, whatever the likehood to it's given 'proofs', it still feels to me in lacking at smght. Maybe it's just that that explanating their different behavioural traits, the level of aggression at the said species (bonobos, chimps), brought aforth to my minds all those (above) noted past misguided, anthropocentric theories – Some that largely fail/failed to their apparent needs of to read back our human behavioral traits taken from to 'main characteristical' on our 'close species'.

Lastly, to these now all too enlenghtened remarks. (Rel. reading that Zuk.)

...Thought then on a number of aspects that'd, maybe, appear w. some relevance cons those endurance running-theories – It's (possible) evolutionary origins in the light by human prehistory. Also on the behavioral traits, and other prospects from own (species) evolutionary pasts, cons those guesses. (Whether anything to it of like 'good possible', or even by from anything to likehoods...)

...But I only now cite from briefest about it, at this little below following. – And, most part, the else much there might be, these only to my some personal experiences on the 'trait', that running.
As I've (always) been a rather poor runner myself (Of any origins from, by 'physically'.) - But that doesn't mean (that) almost anyone woudln't, couldn't from well improve one's 'capacity on it'. Smght, which I find for the adequate, as good proofs from there must exist some good adaptivity for the task in us humans. And from runnin', for having had of evolved at us humans in the relative early for- In during the pasts, now to the periods for almost 'unreachable' by the present imagining. ; Even from the greater likehood, I'd think for it a good remark from that if our 'running physics' must've have their origins in the more various pursuits than one. (Ie, not likely is for seen just as a development from the necessities for our 'blood-thirsty caveman' hunting the hoofed prey, the ungulates.). I fx don't see any reason from to exclude the war as some 'amongst' those, perhaps it'd even appeared, occasional, to the most typical some. – Though, wouldn't either then go as far as assuming that it'd played a role for any major evolutionary 'adaptation', at least for cons the present 'human' evolution. 
And perhaps, and this not even too closely relates on, but almost certain that a level human aggression must've many ways rather different, distinct, origins to what from/how the same seems for often compared and reflected from it's social uses in the “chimps”. (While, of course, there being some obvious similarities.) Something what at them for the most often was been observed about. At least used to be to some typicaliest 'findings' in researches, late years. (; For, the most standard expression of a 'regular', typical chimpanzee seems from be that it said emotionally resembles a small human kid, maybe some under ten years, or so. But I'd rather think about what fx that comparison leaves untold, ...'perhaps'.) 

; Anyway, on the 'case in point', on this citate below. - Or, maybe some for most essential facts we find from compacted on the below sentences:
Humans... We can't run nearly as fast as other animals (a greyhound, for example, can run 40 miles per hour, and the champion cheetah attains speeds of 70-75 miles per hour, compared with out paltry sprint times of 20-something miles per hour). And we burn more calories doing it; our 'cost of transport,' a term from animal physiology that refers to the amount of oxygen consumed per unit of body mass for every unit of distance traveled, is up to twice that of other mammals our size. This means thart human beings are not particularly efficient runners either.
And yet, if you could hold a marathon for all the world's beasts, in a Noah's Ark of long-distance races, somehow compensating for differences in body size, the human runners would be close to breaking the tape first, leaving all but a few other species in the dust, including all our closest relatives, the primates. [Obviously, of what the 'dust' gives idea, that should mean the earthly ones solely – In the flying some, or the sea-faring, numerous many would make better – But yes, that then even ain't running...] Wild dogs and hyenas can run for long periods, as can the migrating ungulates such as wildebeests, but they are the exceptions. Monkeys and apes just can't compete when it comes to so-called endurance running. Even horses, well-known for the running feats, can falter when racing against humans; the horses need to rest more often, so a human runner can win if the race continues for a sufficient distance, particularly on uneven surfaces. ...” (Zuk; p. 145-6.)

...(Also from thinkin'), runnin' on any 'tough', solid material, certainly, won't appear very healthysome to the feet. It seems quite assumable that the individual differences might a lot matter – By every likehood some may have the more harm done on their physics from jogging on the city streets (covered by some usual human used materials) mainly, while some don't experience, perhaps, any problems, injuries from. Obviously, also the personal weight, age, and – indeed – the modern jogging equipment (running shoes) would have much to do w. that aspect. Were those to any good quality from – Or, were them the cheap not-so-good ones. (Or, like Zuk seemed mention, on some studies the most expensive, those trendy 'brandish' ones were actually discovered less good to the foot than the somewhat cheaper models.) 
; But even the runnin tracks on a sports grounds, -yards, ain't anyhow ideal running bases to human health considering. Those may been built for to make the circumstances equal for each the participant on the races – despite from what the weather were – Yet, thinkin', it still doesn't make that necessary too much better, physiologically. ('Though, of course, comparably much more recommendable for - say, asphalt.) yet, in fact it's difficult to imagine any not 'naturally flexible' base that would appear have the potential increase for potential injuries on foot, at least for anyone runnin much. (But, to the lot more significance from, much to those must also be more traceable for the individual differences, such I noted. ; I also imagine that the tough sun-burnt ground, under an African heat can be a very 'solid' bases – but I also imagine that there's some constant variety even in  such runnin bases – Such as on a 'path' in the forest. The weather's, by any few weeks times preceding perhaps may also appear to have it's effects on that, how hard the ground.) 
; In short, how that natural 'elasticity' in lacking on the most artificial bases can't actually be exaggerated to it's importance on this. People may have a quite differing level to their any tolerance to it, apparently. And, like said, supposin' that not all even experience any disadvantages, 'physical setbacks' of runnin' in the human built environment. But the experience is obviously less rewarding for the feets, in overall. (Just try and compare.) ...So not difficult imagine that a number amongst any runnin injuries must have to do with that. (Besides, runnin on the beach sands, jogging paths, 'unpaved' roads from often to the more healthful – There's fx usually a level less the aerial pollution.) ; Also, the more softer base, more the feet 'sunks' on it, the more physically demanding the exercise becomes – I mean, if one tries imitate and imagine some practical facrtors to had some importance, or just to some good comparables, for that prehistoric 'paleo-life'. ...But it not for any advice from go and disturb the living species at some swampy-sides, etc. (; Try instead fx some runnin' on the waters to surface about for half level of the thighs, instead, from examples. Or try the softer snow, 'knee-deep', it's to even harder an exercise...'though I don't actually recommend, to anyone, for exercises, but from to have a try with. Of that one gets the pretty good idea from some basic physical demands the more closer livin' w. any Natural conditions might cause – What one'd have to adapt for. Also, that in the most inhabited regions there by more recent ain't that much (of snow) - And, we've probably well long for forgotten the practical skills from the manufactured 'snow-shoes', to lessen a fatigue for feets on snowy Months...)

And after all...These latest not said as any 'sportifying' advisings. (I don't personally think I could beat a horse in any running race, while neither to any disbeliefs about that fx some from the long distance-runners, or that any 'primeval hunters' could.) ; Indeed. we're not all born w. such 'athletic' capacities as the potential Olympic gold medalists. The main pow, was of say, that, despite it, I'd easily believe we more or less possess anything to the favorable adaptivity for the task itseld. – But likewise, all the direct comparisons of a human capacity in the trait w. some/any 'wild beasts' of Nature actually misses the point-of-view. – From when and what for were own particular adaptations needed, it from developed.
(And obviously those adaptations also may appear contained some quite 'intelligent' tactics – But the level 'intelligence', not necessary the main driving factor, even. Fx, read on that Lopez, a book about wolves, 'and men', that wolves too can by somewhat adapt their speed from and keep strenghts 'in reserve', when following the prey. (Such as elk, the example was given of Alaska). Which maybe not too surprising – And even if it not seen to so much having any relevance on the considered evolvement of the 'long-distance' runnin capabilitat in us.

; 'Supposin I wouldn't risk going to offer more particular explanates on this, from – Even if I could, it would only prove for all too time-taking and of pages consuming... The preceded said, then, shall suffice on this part.
The heat is stopping me having ideas at half-past one.”
(Stendhal) ; that 2003 ed., the very last words of the text, a footnote.

Knocks? ...Why then not for 'Knock on Wood' (Formerly was '...and Hammer Thore') ; ...On midst from a writing of these topics, came a quite rewarding discovery for my finding (Almost like something to the “Nature's blessings” - such as the phrase.) ; ...Happens that I went for jogging, in the woods, fromafter hours to these wrotes. I arrived for a place where nearby there was a couple of the deadwoods (Spruce, such as usual) – And, I saw couple from Woodpeckers there (,pecking such as the word says). Or, to be precise, saw just one woodpecker, but heard the other one too – and, most apparently them were signalling, communicating to each other, while at the 'task'. I suppose them were testing from whether the deadwoods contained enough insect – possibly ants – to the winter-period feeds.

; For those species in question happen appear particularly to be the ant-feeders. Them were by species to the Dryocopos martius, the (European) Black Woodpeckers. (Apparently), pretty young ones – As much as I could conclude to the looks of. (Like said, I didn't see the other one, just heard their 'shrieks' on each other.) And, to mention, indeed that voice has the quite, rather more 'ghastly' tone than by some other species of birds. Indeed, I not wonder that them used to interpret the Black woodpecker of knocking on houses wall as a sign, to a bad omen, and telling from someone's soon-death. ; Such as often, commonly, in the past were the many black birds similarly seen for identified to the death and bad things. Sometimes percecuted of the reason (Though I know not, never read that of to concerned the Black woodpecker.)

The main p-o-w, that I at first heard the 'shrieks' by them, a quite strange, ghastly voice – Smght that I also recall for heard occasionally in the forest, but never earlier from had identified the species. For those are a bit more 'vary' as species than, fx, the more common one to see here, Dendrocopos major (Great Spotted Woodpecker).

...Reminds also, that one other walk in the woods I happened to hear a knocking – obviously by a woodpecker – of a nearby, very closeby. Despite the notable 'coincidence' and nearhood I coudn't locate that by anyhow. (Had for thought the woodpeckers along my walking, perhaps that brought the bird for my 'way'.) Knocking was very recognizable, bird wasn't to be seen – anywhere, despite my looks on the twigs, nearside and, from more in distance. Until I came to notice: It – apparently, at least I came for that conclusion from... – was knocking on inside a some deadwood piece that stood along my 'route', from almost next to me and the forest path. Hence the noisy knocks, and hence the fact that it was not to be seen!
It was in that case – definitively – the Great Spotted. (And the sound, fx, was to the more typical for it; Some (relative) short series of knocks. But steadily, it not for like the rat-tat-tat-tat-tat... than is the more usual recognizable type' from knocks of the powerful, bit larger, Black Woodpecker(s).

But wasn't that too a quite funny a discovery...I'm actually to the most good companionships w. the woodpeckers. Almost every single 'track', instance, I go for the woods I tend from see at least one. Liking to think it for originate of the now years past, when for more observed those. (Also here, wrote those fewsome comprises, on that bk of that Gorman's book on.) –  But I've ever since thought that for some sign of how Nature tends for reward you if you offer some interest to it's part – it sort from starts to come closer for you. Almost inconspiciously. Might sound a bit overt boastful, but I actually tend nowadays think the woodpeckers do like me. Or, what's the need for defining, explaining that from anyhow – I prefer their company, so why wouldn't them from mine...As I mean no harm.

Knock on wood. The woodpeckers.
; Generally the more 'standard' species, like the ones above mentioned, are assumedly quite recovered to their populations here. ; However, the less common ones probably not quite so. - I've about once seen the more demanding 'Grey one' (And on another occasion, possibly, by a short glance.) And likewise only one time seen either that smaller one (D. minor) – Or, that Jynx toquila (European Wryneck). Something which would make you think them can't be for the quite absent (I not so much 'tramp' on the more denser, distant woods.). But not that them either would've to appear anything like usual see from. Of course I can imagine, were I to particularly go an' seek from the some proper spots I can imagine, I'd find some... That Wryneck, is particularly more difficult to spot, anyway, also having a good 'resemblant' colouration to 'underbrush' for to hide. Actually I've a few times, or I suppose so, by the more common often, sometimes, think to heard that species, while not seeing them. (But from that one case.)

...Yet, it's not very common, anymore. More so, perhaps, apparently, declined than to the (most any) regular forest birds. - Of which many aren't at least increasing, either. So 'to the normative', it maybe still does represent some standard example amongst, by present, 'supposin. (Unlike that would seem if one were for take as given the unspoken falsehood to the economic forestry's lie.) – In fact, the Wrynecks, once we're so common here that at the typical Fennoscandian forests what you might've heard, in suitable timing (of Spring, likeliest, apparent?), were the(ir) 'concertos', by numerous specimen singing from. However, once the old woods from amounts deciduous, mixed forest's type gotten to much declined around by the mid-century, their numbers having lessened from that, significantly. ...While it not still, by apparent, isn't to the scarcest, threatened species from presently. And, as it is – unlike major parts other woodpeckers – a passerine, migratory bird...I don't exactly find from how much to that present scarcity might be from the other reasons, also. (But the conversion from the larger parts proper forest habitats the major reason here it for to remain so.) 
; And, that D.minor actually is somewhat more dependent on the deciduous woods, for the Oaks in particular for it's liking – Actually that sole sighting I had from, was specifically at a more rarer hillside of the Oaks. (And of the old woodsides, w. the plentiest of the decaying deadwood around, obviously.) One also can, easily, miss from recognizing that one, as it also quite lot does resemble the Great Spotted, only from being smaller. ; The Green Woodpecker doesn't appear to this region, though it seems now said for gotten become to more common in the coastals. (Resultant from the less snows at winters, possibly.) ...Even seem possible for the emerging the more permanent populations to, in some time, maybe even , “soon times”...
[still, by...?] ...Today Australia is the world's largest exporter of coal and LNG, and over next decade Australia hopes to double its coal production. In consequence Australia is well on the way to becoming a pariah state along with the likes of Russia and Saudi-Arabia, its people hostage to the profits of its fossil fuel industry.” (...That even seems add, that...)
“If the world continues on its trajectory, much of mainland Australia is predicted to be uninhabitable within 80 years.” ; ...on a Guardian-article/column (, when commenting for the Greta Thunderberg's climate-speech - and 'cartographing' some from now past 'chapters', even for before this present climate-'awareness'.)
Perhaps one of the most striking elements of the present extinction crisis is the fact that majority of our closest relatives – the primates – are severely endangered. About 90 per cent of primates – the group that contains monkeys, lemurs, lorids, galapagos, tarsiers, and apes (as well as humans) – live in tropical forests, which are fast disappearing. The IUCN estimates that almost 50 percent of the world's primate species are at rick of extinction.”  ; ...on a Biological diversity-website ('The Extinction Crisis'.)

; Well, if so, it being for all the good by this day, finally from gotten on the more realised climate-awareness, sort of. But, sometimes the pessimist, I don't count too much on promises and 'good wills', anymore. Let us instead observe that the Australian (climatic) yesterday at least seems to reflect those very characteristics from a very climate 'un-action' from the past years, decades. The many places w. already the more 'severe' ecologic conditions by natural means - such as that what said from the Australian 'mainland' – are predicted to worsen and increase. And, often, from the more seriously.
Simultaneously, or similarly, during the future decades, it nowadays often noted that many areas most affected already by present, also will remain so – the most severe consequent impacts assumed to the concern those.

[Beside:For some flowery decorations, at least, also. ...Well, finally those too flowered from plentiest, and not by just this one on the favorablest warming base. (It grew at a blackened clay vase.) But also those on hanging baskets had the lots of flowers. ; To my finding this Vine (Rhodochiton atrosanguineum, The Purple Bell Vine) also seems said for originate of the Mexico - And not of the S. Asian part, as I'd from guessed it. ; I even noted that from more lasting on colds than was promised...few earliest colds (below zero) didn't seem much harm the vine - Although, now it's leaves seem from gotten harmed by night-frosts. It would be possible for over-winter - here indoors, naturally from needs protected any longer minus zero-temperatures - Had I some proper vases to, and proper place... ; So quite similarly, as of said on about the Schizanthus(es) - not very difficult to grow, once you got the 'basics' understood and some few variable places, baskets to keep.]
...Now, at some earlier days from this blog, to our own predictions from, we generously happened had given the world still onwards from the period by this (current) timing a 15 years more of change it's disastrous 'climatic course'. - Which may have been a quite generous estimates, indeed. - As they nowadays seem to prefer the time-gap from being 'left' to about only some 12 years more, to. (Quite closely to our 'foreseen' previews therefore, we feel from sligth satisfaction to notice, remember...If there were any reasons for such self-merits on 'correct guess'.) ; But, what the more important, didn't that 2030s (/2034, by our estimating) seem of to quite distant a that time, 15 y. before? And now it's only for from decades time after, anymore.

...More overall we've probably wrote quite some on the climates, for priorly. And much for the more 'up-to-day' is noted, also to constant presented by elsewhere. (I think lot.) So I've not much to add on anything for that, from now, at this post.

   As well, the same cons our some 'fave topic' from. ; ...The Trees actually are by now droppin' their leaves here, preparing for their winter-rest – Wonderin' myself, a little, whether I'd do better by now of following that as the 'advice'... Actually, often, it's some of the wisest advices one could follow, at least as long as there's again some snow. ; Despite it, there by recent was the most enchantin' colors still, the Maples (A.Palatanoides) and also – some part - Rowans (S.aucuparia) were for, a change, in a bit more bright Autumn colour from. Impressive as that is. (...From when it's not rainin'), the walks are always also good idea, on this time from the year.
[Beside pic: Flower, to more in detail, 'close-view' of that 'Purple Bell Vine'.]

Think I'll take a fewsome walks, subsequently, while waiting the Springs.
I's good to end these stories - for a while - on these Summery floweries.

[Pic (above) : Of that 'Man Who Shot Lucky Luke' (Bonhomme) (Changed texts to the speak-bubbles.) ]
; 'Suppose the present-time constant spoken, advancin 'greener' economy also might had made some progress, finally. From to had some successes too.... At least I think the general awareness on an ecology's part – and some about it's devastation resultant by many humanity's enlasting disrespects, neglects - may had enlarged to the more general knowledges from, positive encouragingly. – And, in fact, on the many issues inrelating - (Often) not just from 'climatic' by their main importances, even. It's also on that constant alienation of the Natures and the 'co-life' that we're much suffering by present. (On that extinction crisis's part...But maybe we'd later for some instance/connection for to write a fewsome more 'chapters' on that 'manything'...etc, ao.)

; I that alienation, also is that overall lack of the knowing 'bout those 'dying and the weak'. Not just peoples including, obviously, but concerns the plenty many species too. Some to the recent, foremost, include actually many that you not even ever tend of heard of. By these days, I mean. It limits, not, just for the such renown, popularly noticed like the Golden Frog, the Northern White Rhino, the Bali Myna (EW)...But evermore of others too. Each decade when cashiers kept fillin', the wheels rollin, those modern advances 'pilin up', it also would've been from; 'Extinctions...are commonplace' ; 'Scarcified due the decline in any habitable environments.' ; 'Even from the more usual species...was observed the ['-some-' %] reduction in numbers.'

And, well, some other 'potentials' to the negative aren't to be considered less significant. Sometimes, fx, is then an estimate, that ever more people to the already 'ongoin' future also would live older - whatever the ultimate realisation by World's population count. ; Sometimes, namely, is the given predictation that some born by now are by likehood to, 'quite regularly', life-ages for smght like 120-140 y.. At least in the developed countries, regions. (Unless the pollutants and enworsened climatic, environmental conditions don't then start play a greater role at that scenario.) But you don't fx think that either of to mean from any lessened human pressures for the Natures part. For, from the ecological view-points it may be just as mindless as it would be to dream about those outer/near planets as some until 'this point' an unused reserve, some that'd we have settled for solving  the problems from a humanity's constant population growth and the unsustainable anti-ecologic 'footprint'. (Or, also for sometimes imagined – catastrophic – idea from about sending the nuclear wastes for the planetary orbits, for to their 'eternal graveyard'.) 
; Yet, wouldn't you imagine that most, at least 'plentiest', peoples not for accepted the chance from to an enlenghtened, increased years into their lifes-ages, were them given some 'methods' for, the said medical answers on such 'hope' for ?

(Well, anything to that from noted only and  doesn't exactly add much anything useful onto these findings...So let's quit to this, for quite well still in time. Even without this prospective, socio-futuristic 'enviosinings'. ; Otherways we'd probably only find ourselves in adding to the too usual 'foredooms' and overt pessimisms. 
(...But ain't that nice place, view - Finally out this 'labyrinth' to side-stories and 'co-plots' from. Where, of what is she lookin on below. - The birds, maybe ?)

[Pic, the last one, this part the post - that from 'Ambassador of Shadows' ; Valerian-Laureline, 1975.]

So...'Voila tout !'
(...Or maybe then not quite yet. As the rest for this – the garden part – is still for awainting here presented, from added.)

'Suppose, by the last timing, we made the say for on the subsequent part of; A.S.P.
; So, let's this time be less in any haste
only saying (it), for to follow from:  Soon... 

So, ends this sequel, and for only
Providencially and Provincially then.
Bye bye ! [; W-G.]


 'Post-writes' ; ['Added': 12.12.2019]

; Well, hopefully it didn't happen to slip for a too long 'a gap' after. (We only provide what we can...No miracles promised, cons these writings, at the present.)

Scientists now routinely predict that by 2050, virtually all the world's coral reefs will be dead. That's roughly thirty years away.” 
...In 2017 [...or, 2007?] the United Nations sent its special rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights to tour in America. After a two-week visit, this Australian expert concluded that 'for one of the world's wealthiest countries to have forty million people living in poverty, and over five million living in 'Third World' conditions is cruel and inhuman. He recounted many horrors- ...
... , raw sewage was at issue – reporters following up on the study found trailer parks where sanitation was simply a cracked pipe leading into the woods, crisscrossing the pipe carried water back into the trailer. 'The open sewer was festooned with mosquitoes, and a long cordon of ants could be seen trailing along the waste pipe from the house,' ... 'At the end of the of the pool nearest the house the treacly fluid was glistering in the dappled sunlight – a close look revealed that it was actually moving, its human effluence heaving and churning with thousands of worms.' Researchers estimated the twelve million Americans might now be suffering from neglected tropical diseases such as hookworm across warm parts of the country.”
...Indeed, given the leverage of the present moment, leverage that is threatening to end the human game, you could argue that she [Ayn Randt] was the most important political philosopher of all time. She would have agreed: she once told a reporter that she was 'the most creative thinker alive,', ...
... Meanwhile, deeply disturbed that John F. Kennedy had told Americans to 'ask what you can do for your country,' she proposed a book called The Fascist New Frontier. The publisher balked at that title, so it became The Virtue of Selfishness, but without the melodramatic plot lines of her fiction, her philosophical essays were inert.” 
 ; McKibben Falter (2018 ; 50, 84-5 ; 90,99. - italics added.)
[; Pic (beside right)] : Mary Robinson - on a (relative) little renown 1st painting made by Sir Joshua Reynolds, 1780. Robinson (1757/8 - 1800) was - perhaps - the most famous (female) British actress, before Siddons. ...Not solely to her theatrical 'career', but also to her wide 'spectre' by other professions from. To which the latter 'memory' seems count her 'pursuits' as a poet, a (gothic) novelist, for an early 'feminist', and of course - not the least famous from - been a 'royal'-mistress. (From her affair w. the later King George the IVth.) ; In addit, by those 'enlightened' ages, the scandalous publicity, thenafter, also seems of connected her for a number other to her contemporary political and aristocratic 'luminaires'. Incl. fx Fox; and Malden (King's close 'companee' - It claimed the relationship actually predated the less 'enduring' later one w. the later king George), and, Tarleton. ; But, at this, of course, for the exemplary of a 'better sort' figure of those time Celerities. (While her most literary work was created only after she'd gotten paralysed on during the latter years - Her poetry already before that seems said appeared appreciated. Ao, etc.) ; And, pic here, also because the so called 'celebrity'-cultures are usually remarked (fx on Dabhoiwala, was that 2008?) to had first for 'emerged' by those latter decades the 1700s. (Partly, 'influensively' along the 'birth' by the modern publishing industries, the newspapers and other 'circulating'- medias.)     

The preferred mammalian model organism for biomedical research since the early twentieth century has been the common house mouse (Mus musculus), which shares 99 percent of it's genes with humans. [...oddly? the common comparison from our Neanderthal “cousins”, for species, is to smght like the 99.5 percent, suppose. Unless the ”oddity” is from the specification in these terms. (And I'm now confused by the difference btw the words genome and the gene. ...Well, nevermind 'bout that - At this instance.) ] In addition to their genetic relatedness to us, mice offer other clear advantages. Mice and humans exhibit similar physiological features, such as immune, nervous, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, and other systems. Mice can be bred in captivity and are easy and cheap to maintain because of their small size, docility and fecundity. ...
['But as models, mice also have limitations, '...]

...Transgenic monkeys were first generated in the early 2000s, when researchers used viruses to splice foreign genes into the monkey's genomes, but gene-edited monkeys had never been achieved in the pre-CRISPR era. That changed in early 2014, when a chinese team created gene-edited cynomolgus monkeys by injecting CRISPR into one-cell embryos, much like the method used in mice one year earlier. In this study, the scientists programmed CRISPR to simultaneously target two genes: one associated with severe combined immunodeficiency in humans, the other associated with obesity, both of which have clear implications for human health. Since then, other researchers have created cynomolgus monkeys with changes in a gene that is mutated in over 50 percent of human cancers... Gene-editing is also being exploited to target genes implicated in neural disorders, taking advantage of that monkey models are uniquely suited for the study of human behavioral and cognitive abnormalities. Although on one level, I feel uneasy about using monkey models in this way, I am also sensitive to the intense need to develop treatments and cures for human disease to alleviate human suffering. ...
The pig has become another popular animal model of human disease, ... I view the use of farm animals for biomedical research purposes as more acceptable than the use of companion animals like primates. ...

Some scientists hope that pigs can offer even more: a vast, renewable source of whole organs for xenotransplantation into human recipients. It's not a whole new idea: pigs have long been considered for this role for some of the same reasons theyr'e favored as diseases models – they're easy to breed and reproduce quickly – and the fact that their organs are remarkably comparable in size to those of humans. But for just as long, this dream seemed unrealizable. ...
...As the CEO of one prominent company in this field has stated, the goal is to provide 'an unlimited supply of transplantable organs,' organs that can be produced on a made-to-order-basis.

It's still early days for this effort, but records have already been shattered using pigs that were humanized through genetic engineering: a transplanted kidney lasted over six months in a baboon recipient, and a pig heart was similarly accepted by baboon's body for two and a half years. Tens of millions dollars have been committed to future research...
But with gene editing enabled by CRISPR, it seems inevitable that some people will edit animal genes without any medical purpose and without goal of making animal agriculture any more sustainable, productive, or humane. Take the case of a brand-new breed of miniaturized pig – the so-called micropig. Created with gene-editing at the Beijing Genomics Institute (BGI) in China, ... The adult micropigs weigh in at about thirty pounds, similar to medium-size dog, ... - BGI has also begun offering them as pets, with a price tag of around fifteen hundred dollars per pig. Someday, consumers might even have the option of selecting custom features, like varied colors of coat patterns, all made made possible with gene editing.
[...] Whatever one thinks of them, gene-edited cats and dogs – created with the help of biotechnology – are just around the corner.”
 ; Doudna, Sternberg: A Crack in Creation. The New Power to Control Evolution (2017; p. 137-8, 138-9; 140-3.)
...2011, at the annual United Nations climate summit, this time held in Durban, South Africa. A 21 year-old Canadian college student named Anjall Appadurai was selected to address the gathering on behalf (absurdly) of all the world's young people.

She delivered a stunning and unsparing address (worth watching in full) that shamed the gathered negotiators for decades of inaction. 'You have been negotiating all my life,' she said. 'In that time, you've failed to meet pledges, you've missed targets, and you've broken promises. ... The most stark betrayal of your generation's responsibility to ours is that you call this 'ambition.' Where is the courage in these rooms? Now is not the time for incremental action. In the long run, these will be seen as the defining moments of an era in which narrow self-interest prevailed over science, reason and common compassion.

The most wrenching part of the address is that not a single major government was willing to receive her message; she was shouting into the void.” ; (Klein) - from some article viewed (Possibly, might've that been on an Intercept.)

So, what we'd then for any “addits” here, some more chapters' to our more recent concerns (and reads) from ? ...In addit, of course, for those handsome plants to my recent Summer garden cultivation. (Them already by priorly, on an above text were been for mentioned.)

[Pic (below)] : From the original Vampirella - (Story) '...And the Sultana's Revenge!' (by Gonzalez, Loew; mag, 33/1974)

Eat the Rich, before the 'Midst' eats you...” ; The humanity's problem, with the nowaday multiplied enthreatening stresses on the ecology, the global environment(s), resembles much that from the 'Rich little kids (-Problem): A too big piece-of-a-cake, and so, nothing feels to responding on ever further increased 'demands' from. Not anymore.
; But the Earth being vast, and so, as far as “our” remorseless and merciless exploitation of it's riches hadn't so much to had affected the life-standards we seem, on these more prospering 'Northern' economies gotten used on this – 'Us', like kids, lately seem also not much bothered to think about it. More like, actually, kept enjoying the riches and, well to some time now, 'gotten used' on spoiling it. Merely. - And that 'riches' on preceded not with the quotation marks, personally I often think that the ecological luxury to make me richer than anything I could 'grasp' at this human economy. (Where-ever places that original ecology still for being recognizable, to survive from.) Actually, here not so seriously compromised, but started go so until rather lately. Maybe only during the fewsome most recent decades from. (Of course, that not exactly so everywhere, could say only by the experience from how it seems, now, here.)

...At least if you consider (that) aspect of a view that by that 1970s, despite the generally more acknowledgement and 'concern' on the ecological problems, the direst future warnings were still estimated from to realising only 'decades after'. (...Aside from, maybe, of the fewsome most significant apparent noticed aspects then; The finding from a continuous waters pollution, as some side-effects to the continuous increases in a human production and agricultural uses from that environment. ; And then, little after, that 'shaky' discovery from the devastating enthreatening ozone-holes from been found for enlargening on above both polar regions. From due the use for chlorofluorons, the few decades earlier 'introduced' for the house-hold dehydration products. Plus to their 'other uses'. Luckily, the manufacture and use was still w. quite little effort manageable from gotten halted and the replaced w. the better alternatives.) ; Yet, even these rather direst 'prospects', them could still passed-by w. a (relative) little recognition as anything didn't realise to any level of an 'everyday experiences'. ; In short, those already then forewarned climatic 'dire prospects' were, by the minimum, several decades away - and the environmental degradation only seemed from affect, for real, only where it was to the severest. (Catastrophes, the exploited and deprived countries of the larger 'South'. That meaning the equatorial regions more widely understood.) Elsewhere, in estimates by any level of a usual manner from the human economical terms, 'life was good'. No worry-some forecasts into the gradual rise by numbers to unexceptionally ferocious hurricanes, or, about the more serious prolonged dry periods for being expected. Not anything so appalling on a 'nearest sight'. 
Nowadays it's, no doubt, quite differently. Our rich kids might barely gotten from used to their still enormous appetites, but even if the 'scrap' doesn't too much get to stuck on their digestation systems – The heat will surely do unrecognization of a warming the more difficult. (Whether one cared of pay any attention or not.) You actually can't escape from to discover those climatic 'costs' from arrived now, by presently. Unless (“they'd”) still think of able continue to live quite as before, w. the 'blinders on'. The impression I get is – from all the lot for the social and political concerns on 'top of the news', as main message to any thinkin ecologist, or even some for the 'top of the pops' - That these lived concerns, devastating that they are, surprising much, are not part of the reality. That for some those blinders still make the most attractive alternative for not to face anything 'bout it. (The conscient denial from all the said ecological reality still a felt manner to 'adapt', in other words from expressed. As the 'adaptation' must've been – some years past – the most preferred word wished for to encontain in any felt human worries 'bout that global warming. Preferred even before now so wished 'actual' deeds and demanded more rapid decline on the GHS-emissions.) 
But for one thing; the economic and ecologic haven't to some time, not anymore, seemed to appear as the complete exclusive 'sectors' for each other. 
Guess', that's in the very 'crux' from our rich kid-'problem': They're even in the risk from start to appreciate that appreciate that ecology more than all the riches. (For the wealth being so much everywhere it may'd starting from loosin' it's capital 'gleam', by somewhat.) No wonder the 'parents' might be concerned; What happens to all the 'riches' when their time is over? Will they go for 'nothin', to 'melt' like all those melting iciers and icebergs. Will the degrading environment eat also...all the economic riches? Quite realisable w. only a fewsome unhospitable regions more to being created, after the fewsome disasters more for realised. No wonder the 'parents' gotten to so much more in a 'limelight' of their concern and newly emerged care for the 'global environment'.
(From providing good will and the ecologically concerned 'projects' now. Realistical and realisable – Or, for hypothetic and non-realising. Some cases, to the ecologically compromising and questionable.)

; More to my estimable finding, is then only...That I don't think from much see anything of that 'awareness' to realise in form of (any) cultural transform, not in any same level than by that 1970s fx. There's, of course, also all the various awakenings by lately. The ecologic movement(s) and the public protests, of personal choice and 'mass-appeals'. But the culture of ecology seems actually by standard lot lower, in any appreciation, than a 'culture for economy'. ...Guess it's then quite true also that in this thorough individualistic, from 'personalized' era one needs of to start some by one's own – If wish to see any actual results.

With the thought from how little anything like it seems to find it's way for the everyday behaviours, I find the previous 'outlined' cultural analysis a bit alarming. 
; Basically it seems, almost, that to express any concern(s) you now seem expected of 'economizing' first. In a total opposite to a manner of how this climatic problem, in the first place, got for created. (Economic prosperity, it's priority not for being questioned. The more of the careless spending, the better. Way it 'was'.) ...Gets me thinkin' that for grown to 'treat' those two entities separately there's actually no 'way out' for the kids as long as them don't see what the precise 'cost' in that 'inherited' scenario from. That an economy and ecology seem, actually, only distanced during the few more lately decades. Or that from 'eating the rich' seems only destined most to just that sort exclusive thinkin'. (; I mean, when you latest thought for the ecologic costs while buying some latest acquired mobile, a car? When did you latest abstained to buy, just of the same reason.) - But, to put it 'bluntly', you actually can't have both the ecology and economy from 'prospering' simultaneously, not as long as the economy doesn't have any measures except the capital market growth (That, usually, being misleading identified to a 'GNP'. But actually the economy could mean, contain the lot more...)

The 'rich kids' having to grow. Not up, but down.
Sometimes they call that (development) as the de-growth.

...To a more philosophical view(point), one could – when wish - comprise this problema of the Western'/capitalistic economy, by these few sentences, quoted from via that Hamilton. (; Book also is cited in that 'left-margin', adjacent for this):
... ,it is because we are not natural that good and evil are possible in the world. Nothing an animal, let alone a force of nature, can do may described as evil, a truth now commonplace enough but one belonging to a post-Renaissance world. ...our actions must be judged not according to where they fall on a scale of good and evil but where they fall on a scale of care and neglect. When humans formed an independent relation with the Earth, we were left to choose between a path of care and a path of neglect.” ; The Defiant Earth (2017 p. 150.)

[Pic (on above)] : The original Vampirella - From '...And the Undead of the Deep!' (Gonzalez, Loew; mag 29/1974)

(...It not very difficult see on which side that human 'dilemma' – to care or to neglect – the rich kids's into their viewing about the 'problema', so far having favored. ; The extinctions, 'now common-place' and dire 'forecasts', the future predictions are just one of the many issues, while them also part to this, the most unpleasant finding of a very serious problema at the human caused evil. That most undigestable part at it (,from metaphorically, obviously). The economy's most usual failures of not for meet the actual ecological criterias. Or, simply how that tends from to realise in the complete lack of a concern, of that care.)

'The Trapezee-girls and the Humanzee-boys' (The encompacted vers.) ; ...Among the above views there was actually many additional details and 'story-plots' I had for considered present to this. What I, by originally, intended it from concern about. - And among that, the foremost, it was meant to more comprihensive of  estimate from these (present) concerns on the genetics

[Pic (below)] : The original Vampirella - Also, of '...And the Undead of the Deep!' (Gonzalez, Loew; mag 29/1974)

That from said, having to admit that anything most to those writes seem destined only to arrive by the 'piece-meal' now. (That term for some parable wouldn't be the more fitting – On what I did find to the most notable at those aspects I learned about: those for the latest 'tweaks'; those newly emerged potentials from the genetics to modify, combine and 'reorganize' almost anything in the level by the DNA. 
; However, perhaps from the most disappointingly, I decided it better of to leave aside this my most contemplates from about it. – The main part at would've concerned, and developed, for the more 'speculatively' onwards of these human-animal ethics - Some mostly discusses at the following, in related for their past histories. (That latter said meaning from, of how 'we' might've come of to reach these new genetic 'frontiers'. Some that appear now, simultaneusly, both for quite  “amazing” and of somehow seriously rather appalling. From w. any little thought given to it.)

But guess, the obvious limits to these passages wouldn't from that much matter now, here to these 'observations'. (If I'd come to think that the really actual considerations would've possibly needed a yet plenty more pages devoted it to this. And perhaps the fewsome more from reads on the several in relating aspects too...After all we think we'd better say only as much as we feel from being well informed about.) ; All in all, the genetists seem to taken the (ethical) issues to quite some concerns worth now – As this 'present' seems for become araising 'the lots' to the formerly unexecutable, also ethically questionable, possibilities - And the earlier 'untouchable' limits on the humanity's 'imaginable' future biologic 'fate' might've also gotten for seen radically and rapidly 'collapsing'. ; ...But I'd then also think about the 'non-humans' – Animals so far seem, most often, seen for their role merely of to serve for 'guinea pigs' in this human genetic experimentation. From modified and un-naturalized as it was for willed to benefit the human purpose. ...Come to think of it, (there) not for so much in differing to the prisoners, victims on some disreputed concentration camps, in during the WW (the second.) (Most might find the notorious doc Mengele as the nearest allusion from that - But I also imagine there a relevance think those 'encaged' animals in the uses to testing the limits - animals or humans - for their exhaustive and burdening deaths from. For some example, some similarities on.)
However, despite it, I couldn't fx deny that there, basically, would appear every justifiable reasons for the uses of the new achieved genetic knowledges in for the curing of the some earlier untreatable genetic (human) diseases. (Of which, people w. such genetic diseases, to some passages after mentioned prof. Hawking must've be some most renown in world.) Couldn't but agree w. that - While it of course also the most usual presented argument on behalf the (animal) tests and experiments from. – But most of us would probably, indeed, think quite different were we/anyone for suffering some those earlier from incurable viewed genetic diseases - And if to those were some now newly discovered medical cures for achievable. (Such as Doudna remarking. I also imagine that, perhaps, by nowadays much of the new genetic study can as well be from carried w. the level of the 'synthetized life.' Iow: from via growing the cells, of smght like, in the 'lab-conditions' – And therefore, without the real need for an animal testing at the 'pets'. ; Don't know from how common the said kind uses of the said victimized 'pets' still are...) 
Yet, still - (Doudna's) 'slight' defense – on the quote at begins these post-writes – to the experiments with the 'transgenetic monkeys' doesn't to so much convince. Even if those would've from be – of being monkeys - to '...uniquely suited for the study of human behavioral and cognitive abnormalities.' It's, basically, quite the same as I'd wished to test some 'pestering' germs to the human immune-system on my – say – house-hold plants – from due because I'm 'pretty sure' there's a possibility that their 'unique' responses on that would generate me a brand new treatment for – say – influenza. ; ...Most humans objecting the genetic experimentation on animals – and I do object that, too - likeliest feel from their sympathies araise more towards the monkeys than on behalf the plants. But ethically, strictest sense, it's not any level different violation on the 'Natures way' – Neither would've offered themselves to an experiments, had them for had any choices. Possibly, likely we as a species cause the more disturbance on many plants at the species level, than to some individual monkeys. As the species – from our earlier many other caused disturbances – numbers those actually appear of protected. (Of course, most of us also would think there's the obvious differences in the 'biology' by monkeys, humans, and of the plants. That finding to 'justifyin' us from use the plants for the foods, fx. - I think so. Quite as much, many wouldn't neither see there a difficulty from eating a monkey, too. ; But this 'experimentation', what comes to it's ethical constraints, one can't escape that by any relativist, or 'value-laden' logic.)
; And I actually think, there's not the less to worry about in the genetic 'fates' of that 'monkey line' (pet animals) than on the now more common noted from - that what all this would mean – to the whole of a 'human race' from concerning. (From it's near futures, from little thought and envisioned about, as that'd what we probably the foremost can - Not the soothsayers, exactly.) ; As the 'monkey'-line obviously has not a say to this issue, 'from it's own' – Also thinkin' then, wished the geneticists of continue on using such experiments, w. these 'pet animals', better then they'd changed using themselves as to "testing ground", instead. As some 'pets' in the purpose of new finds and observable 'results' from. Means: I see not there any other solution on to this human-animal ethical problem. (Purely) goes down for that very oldest (human) question, that about from all us for having the capasity for some evil. Or, more correctly, questions from that freedom to choose for – The choices from between the good, and the bad.

Anycase, by reading only these both above cited books – Doudna, and McKibben – one gets quite much the idea from this now present emerged debate – Also to the many ethical concerns it must from contain, the given 'reasons to' why that indeed seems to be very troubling, ethically.; There's more books of course, probably to the plentiest. I fx for before only of glanced around that Genes (2016) by Mukherjee. (Ao, with some others, more distant relating on to these aspect.)
; Only saying as for my achieved opinion that it all – more than anything to the usual expressed, which is how this somehow from 'unexpectedly' havin' arised – It only seems to make from more 'actualised' only what the genetic sciences were seemed of to 'set' for achieving, already fromever that unfortunate Dolly-the-lamb.

[Pic], beside: Such as the preceded, of that '...And the Undead of the Deep!' 
...And then is the more fantastic and drastically uncomforting, horrified field of the less ethically defensible – By any levels. Anything for what constraints the ethics and 'normalities' for anything we'd so far thought about the evolutionary 'limits'. Anything that'd, obviously, ever seen any life from – what wouldn't been ever possible – without these new genetic 'tool-boxes' for gotten invented. Such, as it would seem one might get, some idea 'bout/via this.

So, indeed, much like it now would seem; 'just around the corner'.

...But, like said, seems to me there a lots of the typical wild imaginations on around 'bout the genetics too. So, btw, don't take my any parables from/on accomp.  this, on about it, for from too 'serious-minded'. The new genetical 'imaginations' seems also for appear fulfilled by all the lot imaginable scifistic and fantastical 'story-plot' from.– You don't fx often seem so easily to know how much to it merely as the 'unsensical', briefest said. And I only make the mention 'bout that 'humanzee' (in the 'subtitler' for this. As such, seems it been for invented to the name for the purely imaginable - but imaginous - mixture from the human and chimpanzean genomics.) ; Yet, it's also quite interesting to notice that it (as a term, 'naming' for that kind 'oddity') actually more proper fits for the field of most all these 'modern-day' GMOs, than the more usual description to them for the 'Franken-creatures'. Simply, due because the (original) 'Frankenmonster' was comprised of the separate parts, specimens of a one species only – But the typical 'modern' genetically modified animals seem, often, combined of more 'origins', usually of a two separate species from.
 ...Doudna, actually (; p. 124-5, mainly) also devotes some concern to make difference btw the 'traditional' GMOs and the newer 'gene-edited' foods/plants, and well, much 'alike'. (Such as the livestocks, etc...) - But I don't bother go on specifics about...While, of course, I might say of being in some views against, and, to some issues to it not exactly against. (It's actually not any lesser dilemma than anything to those usual 'en-dreamings' about the human 'bio-enhancements' – on the nearest sight, at the begins of a 'factory line', as from that seems for imagined by some – and not the less ethically questionable an issue. 

; And should all what seems to already gotten from “created” then merely be called to the 'transgenetic creatures', don't know...From all that lot that, by lately, during the latest fewsome decades, years from. Only could say that they're not categorially 'natural' biologic animals, not anything that'd could've seen their birth by any evolutionary development.

[Added, 13.12:]
(...If I'd , still, let my imaginations on some 'wild sleigh ride' – Since it's these days so popularistic, 'by standard' – usual - at these genetic views and speculates; Even of imagining about anything like (that) 'humanzee', also leads automatically to many ethical questionings – And then you're almost instantly w. that little reassuring thought from that wouldn't 'such' look like, almost exactly like, some Planet of the Apes-world, rather 'scifistic' reality. While, in the idea itself, that 'scifistic', exactly, mostly perhaps what we are of so horrified' about: the appearance of an intelligence 'unlike' our own, an animal intelligence (of a sort. Or some mixture of that to our 'own' kind). Or; Is it then more of that that'd also would seem of quite like 'predict', of a realisable possibility, the end for all about those 'Superhuman'-imaginations from? (So much popularized in the genetic bioenchancements-thought, -hopes, and...'visions'. As it usually 'provided' in a form of the some controlled tweaks and 'bio-boosted-up' upgrades.) 

; The idea by itself not just so 'odd' than how it does by the first impression feels by. (While most us probably would felt quite confused of ever see/meet such 'bio-artificial cousin' from...) For example, the findings on the archaeology, and the molecular genetics (,one of the areas, prob., where the advanced genetic sciences may'd recently lot helped of increase to the former known...), those seem for now established that in the prehistoric pasts there were long periods when several species, 'human-kind', actually lived in parallel w. us. ; Obviously, even imagining 'bout something like, fills one's thoughts with a number far less easily “solvable” ethical problemas; Socially it would appear complete inconceivable life any such 'creature' would face – a caged-existence, most probably, knowing the usual manner in a thought by human sciences – Or, that sort to it's 'fates' by the science's 'godly-fathers', the moneylenders from. And quite as much; Almost unimaginable to think about the level of a social and emotional alienation any 'newborn' to a sort new 'race' would have to tolerate. Thenagain, if one's so 'apt' to accept the modern modified DNA-level 'fixes' to one's own biologic 'improvers', it's probably better to understand from these noted ethical costs too. ; But it's exactly of the this kind of reasonings the nuclear-'industry' and weaponry even got established – one step onward already predicted the second taken. In short; That comparison for the Planet Apes ain't at all so far out distant imagined: In the original second sequel those movies all life in the whole planet even gets annihilated. (Obviously, I didn't mean w. this that these new 'genetic capacitats', from 'comparably', would've to lead any total life's destruction on Earth. - Not at least in sooner than of some (very flexible) couple hundreds years time-scales from. But it could, indeed, have as result, some unanticipated changes.)   – Such as the new 'genetic handle' could quite as easily get off the control. (In the original, 1970s, serie of those movies meaning. Assuming, likeliest, they didn't show that 'part' at the 2000s remakes. (Those w. that 'Herculean'-monkey, as the main 'hero' in saga.) No wonder. (Besides, in those originals the main cause to the disaster 'always' was from the nuclears.) Not principally the main reason I rather little go for movies, these days.

But the cost, not as usually it often imagined, isn't necessary biological or even social - more often (that) usually appears reside where you least tend to look for.

...And notice that I only did let my 'imaginations' fly on this preceded. Had I thought anything to it from serious-minded, would've devoted the plentier estimates on the aspect. (Such as, on from disclaiming the most to those imaginations for the 'Wellsian' future world of the "Eloi", and "Moorlock" - Actually a rather unlikely for anything to very realistic a 'scenario'.)
Having not yet considered what for my forthcoming further reads to these aspects, if any, I think it best if now left to the aforesaid few remarks. 
[Pic], above beside. ; ...from Valerian-Laureline saga (by Mézieres-Christin), story 'Brooklyn Line, Terminus Cosmos' (1981). ('Elemental'.)

[Pic (beside below)] : ...a Bee  ('bumble') on my garden Ligularia dentata ('Summer Ragworts') flowers - Thought for this from have some identifications on these variety garden 'visitors' I last Summer inspiredly did calculate and observe from. But no - such as that (below, onwards) cited Goulson seems of remark, Bumble-bees often from quite difficult to identify (There seems, fx, even, as from that recognized by the modern moleculat 'techs' from that there a fewsome exactly similar lookin species! Only differing noted when their DNA was compared.) ; ...But as their often quite easy photograph on flowers, here alongside a few places at least some photo on these attractions.   

(Some 'Aftertoughts'...)

Yet, to the (relative) 'smooth' and at least seemingly to so 'straightforward' histories from it: The whole genetic field (/Science), seems 'till this far', on cons it's own ethical responsibilities, of taken for predestined that ethically very complex 'mission' I above noted (from what the genetics seemed on 'early day' to set on itself for achieve). So, practically: the main impression from all that 'afterthought', now stepping forward, being that it was never in the way back asked for what should be achieved w. all those imaginations shaking and, no doubt, experimentally amazing molecular-genetic discovery and '-technology' – from seen it's 'arrival', in a row, past the years. (But only was stopped of to ask for what to do next). That sense – seems the whole 'business', very much, in resemble the early dawn of the nuclear physics. And then, as such – In not very much in difference to the some comparable inventions, consequently always thereafter also rather questionable 'case histories' to the Natural sciences. 
; If I could, I'd even felt some genuine sympathy towards that aspect – having had to write my these stories and postings in much the similar manner. (It was a scanty moment, whenever I had the change to think about any these - but for some confused 'momentum' from after writing anything.) Naturally, I don't (sympathize), not the least from cons all those now potentially 'compromising' prospects that might become “for realities”, esp., fx, thinkin' the lots of the 'Earthly' wildlife now – That's also feels rather such.

See...I'm not really (very) concerned on about to these times rather much (and rather popularistically) talked from humanity's 'new genetic tomorrows'. Supposin', that on during the decades, and 'after-years', to a passed post-nuclear era, we could've had – on a several occasions from – for erased ourselves 'off the scene'. By some luck, didn't. (At least, from 'so far'.) 
; So, as any 'genuine ideas', on some ethical solution to these genetic 'unnaturalities' and their complete oddity, I can only think from it perhaps it would appear wisest if the whole genetic 'businesses' – I mean any for carried as the scientific studies for an animal and plant-genomes from, too - were of announced to the universal human property. The patents and use rights of any researches to been just combined in a common, somewhat controlled 'safe' from. (Don't know what should be done about w. already existent, vast number, genetic patents – Maybe they should just be given some 'last date' from? ; Ie, anything like wouldn't exactly prevent any possibilities of the 'ill-uses' – But at least it would have effect to limit any commercial interests to any ill-uses. Like some/any 'unethical creations' from.) ; So far as any restrictions of the sort, now anymore, could appear to have any too meaningful effect from... But basically, most part that commercial interest to the genetics, just the same as about from it's any effect as a whole to the medical 'businesses', for more generally. – Doesn't ever shown itself for very reliable, from benefitting to the 'global' human 'interest' in concerning. (But only, mainly emerged for serve the ethically suspectable, characteristically selfish business exploitations.)

...Yet, it wouldn't do, had we left unmentioned of this practical 'enbriefing' by McKibben. -It feels relevant to almost all of these issues (or 'matters',) from the discussed new possibilities and ethical emerged problematics, in these aspects considering, to this 'fixing of genes'; 
"This power 'to change people' comes in two forms, and the distinction between them is key. The first use of this power is to fix existing humans with existing problems. The second would be to alter future humans. ..."
(Since the aspect seems, increasingly, actualised...'lately') 

[Pic (below)] : The original Vampirella - from 'The Blood-Gulper' (by Ortiz, Loew. mag 35/1974) 
; ...Well, 'in addit', by recently I then also lot concerned on some of the other more common prospected future 'scenarios' from. ...Ao, again 'foremost', or along w. any views to it, or for some 'guiding' on few those aspects, perhaps selectively 'picked' of that already mentioned McKibben-book. (The above citations. ; And, also again, see the left-“margin” as well. On beside these postings from ours.)

; And to my any 'picks' from – Also thinkin' the book has the plenty useful said on, fx, solar – Indeed, it seems for now believed, in a few decades fromafter, by every chance for becoming the most important renewable energy-source. Globally and locally. By around the midst-of-century, potentially could generate even near to some 80 per cent from all energy consumption. - Such as I've, sometimes earlier, too, already from seen it gotten from predicted.

And then, of book one learn also many other issues connected for that climate change. All the lots for “recents” - From what McKibben often seems well capable for define in well nicely of a fewsome compact words, from paragraphs to. All related, one way or other - shall we use the expression - what to his definitions sees the occasional notice as the 'Human end-game'. (An alarming but not so much a misleading definition than one at first would think for smght like.) ; ...Well, let's still stay of a bit cautious instead, even if this said 'phenomena' seems for more realistic than everbefore, actually the more easily realizable than at (many) occasions when it was been for imagined 'bout'. My point-of-view is in just that – by earlier too, people used from imagine of smght like the end-of-the-Worlds. Most renown is of course the Christian escatology to it – and the most unrealistic, as it generally treats the rest of the creation to some 'oyster' for the humanity's 'self-justifications'. (Like it shouldn't, wouldn't have any continuance for beyond our own continuence. Beyond that from the 'human race', I mean.) 
; But for nowadays, in our 'post-environmental' era – if then wished to use such an awkward-expression – to this 2st century's realities, the present climatic 'uncertainties' seem make the aspect to the actual realistic threat. Without too much human imagination needed from, without it being for 'reflected' to any distant ('scifi-like') future periods. 
(At least one can't precisely deny it being now a possibility. As for the environmental concerns, by now, make one think to have/find every reasons for consider so, on about it...) So don't lose your reasoning by that finding.– Just get curious about it. 
; I make a passing mention that Hawking – to his “latest”, seems for been from rather assured that the humanity's efforts would ultimately only lead to an over-heating from the planet. Such as it from being explained, fx here.
...Although he seems from given us, in a rather cautious estimate, from still have to 'correct' that situation time to as far the y. 2600. Perhaps also permitting, during that much wasted 'remorse time' from to make our way 'to the stars'. (That as the humanity's ultimate 'emergency exit', after the Earth from gotten unrecuperably spoiled by us.) ; Sounds it, indeed, from rather over-optimistic a view. Comparatively 'adjusted' – that period given - it's almost as distant from a present era as the 'Pharaoic age' would've been in the pasts. Given the accelerated rate from a human technologic change. And by now, perhaps, also these, no doubt, quite controversial genetic 'advances' from. (Controversial to their unlimited possibilities, such as we noted, to the both good and the bad.) So it feels, indeed, quite unlike we'd left even that much time for to correct these present climatic imbalances. 
[(Pic), (above) right: Some moth, also on my garden L.dentatas. ; ...Such as it noticeable, there's also some moths 'active' in during a day-period. ...Or was it then found on stuck at those flower, by the late morning 'check' from my garden. - Can't recall from which way that was, for this...]
 [Pic] (below) : Also of that '...And the Undead of the Deep!'

But for that McKibben, of briefest said, he has the practical capability to maximise informative details and the resultant conclusions that (often) follow, in the same. Sometimes in a thriftiest fewsome paragraphs, occasional to a fewsome sentences from (The 'main plot' being, sort like, 'Where it is we, at the moment, are by a fastening pace, goin for to?'.) ; ...But I then didn't choose on this to go at anything from it too much. At least not for particular concerned.
...On some to it's very first pages, refers for the climate change-driven deaths from some from very oldest trees. (The source-article I can't seem exactly easily to located now, but the aspect mentioned fx on a Daily Mail.) ; ...That the ecological 'impoverishment' not a scarce but advanced an issue, here - To just one to the many amongst the numerous newssings about any comparable discoveries, studies on the declines of insects. (...Often noted to always advanced along, or accompanying w. the human lands uses practices - In general more notable ever there was the monotonisation of the original environments. Or, alternatively w. the decline of more 'traditional' agricultural environments of converted for still lately favored maximal 'productive' but ecologically very burdening 'one crop'-fields and forests from.) ; ...Could provide, alongside, the most numerous descriptions to my any notices on the insects to these latitudes, regions – But let that be left on those fewsome remarks, little after this. (I noticed, one also learns, pretty much from these issues of that Goulson - Bee Quest, by 2016?) So, that a good read too – And not just for any 'Bumble'-enthusiasts, like me, but just for finding 'bout of these noted insect declines and the reasons to it. (Not to mention of that Sverdrup-Thygeson, already at some above place on this posting for mentioned.)

; And, then, along with – Why us not also mention to this the article (Guardian; 'Ash dieback is just the start of killer plaguesthreatening Britain's trees') by Monbiot – On about the trees in rel. for the emerged 'co-effect' to these climatic effects - The level them appear to already recognized, from already sufferers to some. (Along w., the mention, again, that I considered on those issues of writing to this, 'few passages', on about similar prospectables form the 'scenario', possibly, enthreatening, within some time our Fennoscandian forests here, too. (Perhaps that might  see the place on this blog, someday...If I'd ever see the opportunity from returning on that, from whether there might emerge any time for it.)
(13.12;) ...And, if w. some time, it does no bad from to read this Monbiot too. ('Capitalism is destroying the Earth. We need a new human right for Future Generations')

But these 'lapses' of the topic don't mean I wouldn't think there in the book also much else, many issues that'd also make it worth the notice. ...Due because various other interests, issues on it's pages.
...One interesting detail, he (McKibben) mentions (p. 84), is that when he'd graduated of the school by the year 1978, the (same) year also was the last year when ' 1 percent of Americans saw their share of nations wealth to fall to 23 percent.' ; Such a miracle then neverafter, it's said, was seen having taken places. – That said “share” neverafter went on so low. Not to any subsequent years from. ; ...Somewhat comparably, and to as little 'comforting', McKibben then seems also of mentioning that to this century the year 2009 – when was the worst period by the global 'depression' – the global GHS-emissions only, were seen of a temporary 'down-scaling'. And thenafter, also to each year, the rate by global emissions having remained to their steady increases from. (The recent newsing, I just noted, seems remark that the rate of warming only for having enfastened.) 
[Pic], on below: Also from that '...And the Undead of the Deep!' 

To see that there might appear some connexion between these two (above) noted aspects isn't then from so very difficult for noticing - Even without any prior knowledges and viewing to anything like some stats from some economic inequality for advanced. Or, from those constant talked about emission-rates. Both are so wide and common renognized topics – By this early century. (Probably more from, than - 'ever before'.)

; At some another place, McKibben (also) remarkin' for that to these Scandinavian countries of ours, with the ('by now') more climate-responsible economics, and energy politics presently, from having had been able (say) 'maintain' the lot more equalistic social conditions here. With our bit more 'guarded' social and welfare systems, the more stronger society's safe-nets in exiting (...Indeed, yes. the word meant, was, of course, existing.) and also the social networks from permitting a better democratic society for actually working. I mean, actually, in reality for functioning. (Those 'terms' precedingly, again my own 'defning' on it...btw.) – Which feels equally as meaningful to notice - Even if only via this briefly. 
 ; ...Although, I'm also having then of said, that the most recent timing I'd had that for viewed – On about that 'share of wealth' here, in the Fennoscandian region. It didn't actually show the 'equalism' of exactly so much for advanced, by the latest. (Yet, has to be added, that it was just on the peoples overall income rates, and not on about that wealth in general I was for lookin a bit, about. So, supposin', actually, in the latter mentioned , 'wealth'-ratio the noted difference would've likely even appeared greater.)

...But of generally, there wasn't not quite that much from any resemblant inequality 'gap' there neither – Or it wasn't seen for taken places, so far, so much - Even despite these fewsome most latest decades advances in the more open, more inequalising “market-capitalism”. By it's era from that...ideological 'dominance', penetration and compromisation on much of those noted former well-guarded social welfare networks. - At least not would represented anything from a similarity to that well-renown case about the American inequality, which only seems said of staggeringly having advanced all-through the said latest (maybe) 40 to 50 years. (...That, of course, is also been covered in the plentiest books and reports wrote/published, that'd seen the light from ever since – say – by the second term from Bush's government.) 
From the Fennoscandia's part (, acc the report I only glanced), the 'richest' portion, by the same measure, seemed for had increased it's share on an income at somewhat more limited amount. ('Stats', though, were only of years from 2009 to 2017.) - But the appearance, the emergence of resemblant 'inequality gap', trend, was still for recognizable. – Though, only not (near) that drastic as the American 'comparable', that said from smtgh like the '80 percent' difference, in during only a few most latest decades by.

So, guess there's every reason being happy we still have the more remains of a welfare society in existent. Every reason to say it to speak on behalf the said more 'balanced' economy; from the more actual social equality on it for the more better functioning. 
(Likewise, seems those histories to tell it of helped for reduce the corruption and the greed in society. – If that to the plainest, from briefest said. ; In during some pasts, but to now more distant era, they used to categorize those movements advancin' that more advanced wellfare sector, and more equalising taxation, by the name from socialism. Here the 'downward' trend – the now widely acknowledged distmantling from the “unprofiting” sector only began by the 1990s. By no coincidence – the local recession was probably steeper many places than a comparable global depression, by during the time, at some those years.) 

; Not to omit that, of course, much in that (so called) Scandinavian wellfare-state (it's former growth and advantageous notable stability) goes also back the years for after - and before - the world war years. One can fx find some important 'clues' at those years preceding - relative - 'stabile' connection between the uses of the natural 'resource', and the comparably low population count here. Relative unity and 'stability' on our local modernisation, the modernisations only (relative) 'slow', gradual arrival. ...Or, then might be a number other 'origins' to notice, I suppose' - It not at this my very my task trying to estimate on about what on those or of their most particulars. (For this only 'scattered' record to, from it's some histories.)      

Thenagain, you're not always also so sure how long it all, all from this present 'market'-dominated economy, can last: Any western economies are, possibly, might be expectable for suffer some steeper economic down-turns as them are sure to become more vulnerable suffer the earlier not even calculated climatic adversary 'effect'. Severe enough, it all might start of affect on these now always for calculated 'self-evident' growth-spikes. (To put that in any context from my fewsome contemplates to this – The 'net effect' by any failure to answer the demands by an actual social equality is usually quite as haunting in the often realising failures of to even recognize – and from 'correct' – some along it caused ecological loss. Or economic ones. The very irony - one might also notice - that mostly during the periods from an economic 'down-turns' the ecologic disturbance more often halts, or retreats.

[; Pic - beside: from, 'The Man Whose Sould was Spoiling!' (by Fernandez;  Vampi 32/1974) ; ...Also a nicely drawn, inventive comics-story (Think I've seen the 'ideas' of that lots copied on number latter appeared some.) ; But, then notable also, that occasionally there at stories by that mag, there seems often common some anti-war scenery (and stories, plainly). Ie, just noted due because (that) while it merely must've had relative 'sophisticated' reader-ship, the war- and other contemporary vile weren't at all asided, but more like 'part' same, w. a more fantastical 'horrorist' elements/stories on it.

; Or alternatively, perhaps we'd to assume that if the present rate ('great acceleration', as they say) just continues on w. it's (enfastened) rate, sometime, beyond not for so many years - we might then only just appear collecting the memoirs of that 'Human game'. To  the similar manner than now some peoples might now feel some nostalgy on years prior the breakage by the present monopol-capitalism's 'late flourish', this period of an economic 'barbarism' and plundery
; To it's - so far - seen worst social costs from. (But the economy, actually, perhaps already said so, for the most part only escapes my any interests to...)

[Pic (below, the followin' section)] : From Valerian, album by name 'Chatelet Station, Destination Cassiopeia' (1980; Meziéres-Christian) ; One imagines it's a decorative vase that Laureline isn carrying there - Not actually any flower-vase...

And then;  the promised few paragraphs on those  

 (...Or from about anything to my last Summery garden, cultivations on it...)

; Btw, I originally meant to represent these as the main part of this post.... No these examples mainly are are only form of the some accompanying pics to for presented – As I bothered not to check about anything to too particular, in addit for all what to the previous reads and findings I, sort of, 'collected' to this.

Besides, those probably quite informative as such. As the some colourful pics from a now past more Summery seasons. Now of some Months after, actually... Even without anything much to a 'co-informations'. Think it should serves the purpose that way, equally well.

Soforth, there were fx my Knapweeds (.scabiosa) –  Yet a further pic of the flowers. Which I've already by the prior years from had sowed and kept in the garden flowers. ; And this 'addit' pic of the flowers here merely because it from containing some specimen(s) of the bee – Rather regular 'bumbles' (,indeed some the most typical 'middle-sized' yellow-striped ones, I actually nowdays tend think the Knapweeds for some 'backbone' to my bee-garden...They're in flowers by relative early June. Such as I've must said before.) But ain't it of so exciting, interesting - have a look yourself how fond they are to these flowers...
...I also was then to discover that the fewsome 'bush', I grew on the past Summers, already seemed from seeded some small plants in addit. – Probably fromafter result there were the very warmest conditions in that year. Wouldn't find that for disadvantage, albeit I actually noted it necessary to 'prune' those older plants by somewhat. – They're so earnest to take some place. ; And them flower to quite long, although remained to the most 'catchy' attraction for the early season bees to that period by June-July. (Whenefter the Cone-flowers started to emerge in blooms, for the usual main attraction. Actually I was wondering of whether those also were seen from had enseeded a fewsome more sapplings – Couldn't quite find myself assured on it, while wouldn't probable appear to so unlike, given the warmer Months and the less 'Nothern' climatic conditions we'd by that preceded year for had...)
Then is the Safflowers (Carthamus tinctorious), here few examples in pics. 

(I don't 'equip' these flower pics w. any accomp. texts - Since there's some plenty on within this 'main text'.)  

...Didn't take the trouble from my using the flowers for any dyeing. (As it famously was in the past, probably still used in the task.)
The growth, emergence of the flowers took for relative long – Maybe was no sooner than on about from midst(?) July. They didn't last from very long (maybe from a fewsome weeks) – But the effort wasn't for anything too difficult either – just some biobact and the Summer flower dirts added in the basis.
Advised was it practical on adding some plenty sands onto their planting base – it making the ground more sooner warm to their liking – and so I did. (I then also used that, 'by plenty'.)

(Safflower, or, 'Corolla' from one flower)
....As another interesting pow 'about' - I recognized the number of wasps continous 'swarming' by those Safflowers...But the Holly Bloom, last season a similar attraction to wasps on my garden, then seemed this Summer remained for devoid of those. Whatever the explanation for, and whether I just didn't pay attentions when the Holly Blooms were the most enflowering (though, it flowers rather 'long-term', at least...3 weeks), but, I guess I'm now having to invent some other 'temptation' for those - As the safflowers only the seasonal flowers. 

; Practically not so much against their occasioned arrivals (as long as not nesting permanent, the garden's relative small, still). – Since the wasps also tend from keep good check from a number other insects. Of which some represent the typicaliest garden pests. (That incl. at least some moth's caterpillars, suppose...)

; ...Then I actually meant to devote a few pics on my efforted task to grow and take use as the organic 'fuel' some “non-native” Clovers to my garden flowers. (Apparently, the correct definitions, as that, trifolium incarnatum, only random spots to grow here. Ie, these in question are the Crimson Clovers, which I actually already by photos and fewsome text did present the earlier 'sequel' here. Acc the local guides them only sparsely, in a fewsome favorable spots appear of had 'naturalised' here in the Southern Fennoscandia. But, I wonder - Migth've it (?) been exactly due from those clovers I was to see those  below 'warm-loving' bees - photo below - some, possibly, to the 'newly arrvived'.)  

So, anyway, I planted quite much their seeds in fx that self-built 'flowerbench'. – Just for resson to it act as some natural 'refresher' and to benefit/increased organic nutrients to the soil of it. (Along w. their rather nice flowerings from. Might been that those 'odd' large bumbles been arrving just due those cloevers from...) – But I probably missed the photographing they're best florescence by late days of that June. ; Also, acc the 'rules' to this organic method of fertilizing, I then collected and left to decay 'in midst' the bench the stems and other vegetatives from them. – As I also kept my decision and practically not for other manner fertilized those perennials now grown on that bench. But we'll see from whether that would bring those clovers to regrowths, on the coming Summer.

...It was on my hopes that I'd been able for cultivate for flowering those by earliest Springs sowed and represented Monardas (.didyma). - But that didn't turn out as yet possible, and we're obliged to wait for the next season of sun to those. I actually planted and fertilized those with that purpose in mind - Perhaps even too much, whether it then also from had appeared disadvantageus to any first season flowerings (Not sure from that. Anyway, the early Summer was so promising, I almost hoped from...) Also on that mentioned bench. (I now have also another 'bunch' of those for planted adjacent to that smaller herbs-yard. So the next Summers we're likely to see those in flowers...) ; (Addit 16.12) - on the Monardas, I've perhaps often lot by priorly wrote that, fx, them to favor the alkalinity of the soil. But, on a Beresford-Kroeger (2004) seems it then also, fx, said that them 'will grow well in half-shade', but, that in humid conditions will then be more 'prone to powdery mildew'. (For the prevention, 'dusting of wood ashes in spring will consderably reduce powdery mildew'. In the herb garden...'a spray of bicarbonate soda will reduce powdery mildew without affecting the plants oil glands'
(...Just for some idees; Additionally, it feels useful from to learn that "All monardas grow by means of a matted root system which grows either on or near the soil surface. These square roots have system of fine feeder roots which are produced over the summer in increasing amounts as the plant flowers. ...Because monardas are surface feeders, they should be divided every three years to maintain flower vigor." (Well, now we have seem have some tasks in addit then, on an early Summers. Matter a fact considered that for some their places, it might make more well w. a little rethinking...) 
; And, more unfortunately my Echinaceae paradoxa neither not decided to make any flowers, despite it's their second year. (Perhaps that case, the places weren't from quite adequate from sunshines then...And I already replanted some to at least seemingly more fafvorable spots from.)

[Pic] (above) ; ...Of the Bees, I had the intention originally to proved their identifications to these pics. However, like noted, the task proved a bit more challengin' - Given the very resemblance to each other by many species. ; So, my few efforts only gave me some assuming that this one above (Feastin' on my garden Hyssop - herb for a good 'catchy', long-flowering nectar-provider to the bees) might be specimen from Bombus rupestris. If so, then a Cuckoo-Bumblebee. At least it seems quite likely identification. ; The species ain't exactly too scarce, but has a wider range over the Southern Fennoscandia's part. (Male, in the pic, then apparently.) 
Yet, their not either too common - like from most 'Cuckoo'-specs. of bumbles it typically becomes only from more random sighted, typically. (The 'group' consisting, means the nest-'parasites' to the more standard bumbles, hence the naming.)  ; ...And, also to mention that I then slightly wondered from whether that would've represent some for the more 'newly' arrivals to these ranges - Since I actually only saw those during the some warmest days in a whole from last Summers. (Actually, a few days when it was to the most 'suffocating' heats from.) Kind of thought I earlier noted some remark of another that like 'lookin' species mentioned from spread near these ranges (But not discovered that information by around, this writing.)... Whatever to it's more correct identification - Them were, indeed, (relative) heavily built ones - Quite unlike to most Fennoscandian bees, I've more often ever sighted on my garden flowers.

Then, I had the number from those native, natural (Fennoscandian) plants sowed and planted in the garden. (Various places to.) ; ...In addit to the above noted “setbacks” I had from grown some Sedum acre, also from a few begins from the Valeriana officinalis. ...Although not in knowing from whether there are any places from the adequote moisturity for those, we'll see from...If not, at least I can always go and look a place to them on some ditch-side. As they're – like said – natural growing plants on here. (But, seems to me: Surprising demanding from, not actually began to better grow but from by the July. And of the plants only one seemed to make any larger number leafs along the main stem.) But for those we seem to having wait for the next Summers – Or, perhaps from to try discover the more suitable open spots, my Sedum acres in concerning. (Matter a fact, in the midst Spring hurry, I was to suppose those might've not had rooted themselves at all...) 
...But for the more luckily, one example to that rarer Spring Pasque flower. (That Pulsatilla vernalis) succeeded, finally, apparently, now to have rooted - Maybe. Though, only by one specimen from a handful of seedlings I was able see to germinated on indoors. So, after winters we'll likely if there were any chances it for made itself, at least by temporarily 'permanent stay', here. More numerous, fewsome 'growths' to those would appear all too much to even hope for. (I nearly lost my any hope at those earlier noted 'failures' on it. Although, there is a possibility them could've still rooted, even that surface parts seemed not yet 'taken on'.) A possibility...But all others actually seemed of quite soon to die out, perhaps for gotten planted too early, when at nights was still the spring colds. Or, from because the too early emerged drying heats on June. Might've been also of just that the soil weren't quite 'proper' for it. 
(;Sorry, no photos from any of these native additions on garden - Such as I said, none these flowered forst season - But, in the next one we'll see whether them from 'adapted' well, of the more plenty, and from what kinds of the insect I'll perhaps to see at those...)
Anyway, like said, if you'd wish from have a try with that (P.vernalis). – Well worth the effort, but it's indeed quite demanding. ; Mild 'acid' place of grounds, perhaps nearby some conifer (, w. a base that has some sands, if not, increase some oneself)...and preferably, to only 'partially' enshaded place - that what proved the best chances on my efforts. (Ie, that should represent - much as possible – any places their here naturally used for grow, in the Natures. The warm 'sandy-hills' and 'semi-heaths', sort of....) ; Now, we'll waiting...

Besides, I then had a better 'luck' with the seeds from Anchusa officinalis ('Alkanet') – Though, of it too, only one plant finally took of those seeds. But, fromafter the early growth, careful cultivation, and planting on garden - It then even flowered, during the same year. ...Guess' that was around by earliest days of a September. Quite as encouraging – Namely, due because the germination (some reason) proved to a level more difficult than I ever imagined it from be. 
(Beside just a photo from it's flowers - You may notice that them in 'cluster' of plentysome - very enchantin. And there's a similar 'bunch' on each of the stems.) 

...I notice of the books and papers that the Alkanet to originate for the mediterranean area – But that it was cultivated 'as a garden plant' in the middle-Europe. So, as that said to long past naturalized here too – albeit it maybe of only scattered presence nearer the more warm southern coastals – then one might assume it's over-wintering to rather certain in garden. ; But now I wish them might appear the more 'apt' for increasing in a garden and then to turn out for somewhat multiplying. It's flowers of it are actually rather small. But indeed very nice, mild deep blue. (W. a little of violet, perhaps.) Maybe only a few centimeters in diameter. However, the stem seem achieve some 75 cm of height. And it has a few side-branches, multiplying flowers it makes. Didn't from so much check about on what sort insects it would mainly be tempting. Anycase, being an old 'traditional' decorative in gardens, suppose it too for favored by some.
; ...And, indeed, even a dragon-fly by one day seemed for had from 'dropped by' near for it's underleafs. (Or to an adjacent area, in a cover enshaded by the plant.)

; ...That then also brought for the mind that by the previous Summer – indeed, very warm one - there was even a really big one, from hovering around garden's edges. Perhaps it was there in sight of some prey. And when I said a Big One – I really mean, one to those most impressive lookin' larger ones from what here have. (Of course, it's appearance perhaps not tp too exceptional', the river ain't any too far from.) ; ...But that, sort of, gave me some hope and encourement in about my idea for the more plenty from these native plants to be cultivated in the garden. Some sign of that this 'Apex gardening' would've somedays actually prove to serve those purposes I've come to imagine it having. – Whenever there's enough prey for such big preying/predator species to come, there's likehoods to it for exist at least relatively good ecological variety from. Even if this just some 'garden find', just a one passe-by...insect. ; Wondered, if I'd then to next from see that golden jackal – rumoured, or even for confirmed sometimes wondering to this 'far Norths', by nowadays – perhaps in hunt for those pestering rabbits. - But no, by lately I've actually quite a few times seen some White-tailed deers, to having 'dared' from venturing there, even in midst from hawthorn-bushes. Of course they're quite small, I also wonder whether they'd seekin for the grass or smthg else from there – The idea that they'd 'tamed' too to some pesters doesn't feel very pleasant either. - But I then, by a 'closer-look' that permitted, that they actually have the most enchanting 'markings' on a forehead. ; One bothers to interest, one learns...('Though it was purely by accident, when they were 'encircled' midst the garden hedges I arrived – by car – and them didn't so readily from 'flee' of a sight. From also not having had any direction to go, as I've was from driving 'by-side'.)

And then, for the fewsome herbs I by this season sowed and 'experimented' by, there were of course those Rosemary's (Few newsome growth in replace that earlier to my failed-for-overwintering specimen.) 
; Then, I also grew some herbs of purely for curiosity on how they'd fit on my garden 'herbarium'.
Such as some amongst was Pycnanthemum tenuifolium. ('Virginia thyme', or 'Narrowleaf mountainmint' for it's common names.) ; N.American variety, relative easy to grow. However, the leaves not very usable on anything, they seem not taste anythow especielt. 
(Here beside, photo of the one in vase. That didn't actually from from flower in last Season.)

Although, I also wonder (slightly) if there's actually  any good 'justifications' then to have these around in my garden - I didn't much notice any 'activity' on those, during Summer Months. Thenagain, the herbs are usually good choice for some 'extra plants', placed here and there, evicting pests when placed 'in the midst' of the staple- and tuber-plants. (That's why, I actually, now intend to keep them in vases. To be able located the plants acc my any developed ideas, 'arrangements' from.) That idea feels at least practical - I have little space to think about any crop rotation-system here. Well, not so much any 'crops' at all
(But those Squashes I'm likely for to keep on cultivating.) 
...Flowerings to those turned out quite small, but they're still rather enchanting, decorative. See how nice and - indeed- narrow are it's leaves. Somehow very refreshing lookin' plant, I think. Would also use those, perhaps, in place of the more standard grasses, midst the garden spots in need of the bit more dense cover, to a contrast for more colourful flowery plant. (I now have one plant in the grounds, the other kept in a vase, just in case from either to so successfully wouldn't overwinter. But it still more supposable this way, that at least the other one will. ) Likeliest, at least those fewsome planted on a garden would.

...Berries we've had from the, for change, this year of the 'grape-vine' variety too ('Though, those from outdoors grown are not really grapevines. As the bushes appear the mixed breed of more regular European grapevines and the wild american riverside grapevines.) Harvest varies, from acc. the level of Summers. Last year, when too dry, had none. One year, past years - had bit less. Perhaps to the next one even more. Pretty tasty.

Then, I also grew fx a Grecian Oregano (Origanum vulgare ssp Hirtum), and of course had the Savouries from last year in a bit of the flowerings too. (But from the pics...let's aside those.)

Perhaps one could also count this year's Chinese Celery to those 'herbals' (The spec. Apum graveolens var dulce). ; At least I used during the late Summer, early autumns the stems from it, quite much. In manner from, as some 'addits' at the ratatouille...and on some other vegan-cookings. Not much differin' for the growing from the regular 'Stem Celeries'. Needs a plenty warmth and shine. (That in mind, I actually planted those in the greenhouse. Where they actually grew quite slowly at first, but steadily. 'Suppose I was 'harvesting' the leafs by... around from late of July onwards.)
Fertilization - 'plenty'. Moisture - from 'adequate' amounts. Don't plant out from any too early.
And then...(Since I don't seem of now to find where any photo's from those,) maybe we'll have to plant some those also on a forthcoming Summer. Think I'll still have some their seeds left, in some reserve, some happily forgotten bag, lost in the midst from an 'unordered mess'...

Suppose, in the next season I'll devote more of a time on those trees from of their planting. And of the few seedlings I have – Need from seeks the proper place on those.
...Which also brought in mind the Jacaranda (J.mimosifolia). A pity having to lose that to the winter frosts. (For the timing I decided to 'end' it, that had reasched almost a height by some 2 meters now. Though that from quite satisfying 'achievement' for a plant mostly grown in a house-hold conditions, from the seed by one's own sowing.)
; Actually surprising of how well-late it still lasted on my outdoor greenhouse. A tough one, for the tropical tree. (I'd almost gotten for accustomed from having that at my 'greenery'. Would it somehow appeared from possible to 'freeze' the rooting-base, for only temporarily, in past these fewsome most cold Months time from...But no. – I decided against the idea – Wouldn't have had, by anycase, any adequate space for it indoors. Not an adequate large and well-lighted indoors cold-room to.)

[Pic:]  ; ...And then, for the 'close-up', this above specimen (of Bumble), I not discovered on my any garden flowers - but on some hay-stems at the nearby forest. ; If I achieved any correct understanding, likehood to it's (most likely) identifications, it would represent either the female specim for former mentioned (above pic) B.rupestris - Or, from the more common, widespread Red-Tailed Bumbles (B.lapidarius - To Goulson's describing also just the European species that'd now gotten for harms of the S.American part human-introduced, become the ecological 'invasives' there.) ; ...But, lookin' it's characteristics seemed on my assuming it probably the Cuckoo-'variety' in fact. (Since it was, indeed, a large one and fx my identification 'guide' gives to the advices that them characteristically, from looks, are quite 'unlike the most others', incl. the .lapidarius - The most identifiable differences, fx, in that (B.rupestris) wings to a 'smoky grey' by color. (As you notice of the pic, couldn't quite so easily get the adequate good look from....) But if so, one probably not sees them from so usual neither, or not by 'every other day'. (Here at least.) 
; And, which one it then was, this specimen then for certainly would've represented the Bumble-Queen. (So I at least felt confident for to assume, on this information..) But aren't those...of so exiciting? 

; [Pic] - Beside right - Here's yet one another nice bee-photo. This one visiting my garden Clematis-flower. The Clematis tangutica - Most common type here, perhaps, since it's quite cold-tolerant. The photo must be from around the midst by Aug - The Clematises by standard flower only after the most warms when it, by late Summer, starts get for little more moisturic, night-temperatures slightly drop. (Although, don't know 'bout that prev year sowed .Vitalba those didn't flower as yet.)  

; But for the 'Bumbles' a general 'info' seems tell here, in the whole country, to appear (roughly) the 37 separate species. However, many to those have the more limited regional range - some are even threatened -  and, esp. there's more "cold-adapted" some that merely can be found only Laplands. Soforth, I've thought thart for a rather good sign too that I've discovered probably having 'hosted' here some around 20 different species in my garden here - so far. (Though several those only by a few, one or two sightings...)  By some estimate one couldn't actually expect for see any more of those on this latitudal regions. ; Perhaps, my additional native species of plant to this garden then needed be selected more of the other insect genera in mind. Like the butterflies from, first in the list. (At least those not for the 'Last in line'...) 

; Finally, perhaps the most important thing of mention - cons these garden luxuries of mine, those numbers of my bee-visitors and guests from: I never used, even before starting to experiment on these referred more 'natural methods' to the pest-control, not added any pesticides on these garden(s). Not a single drop. And can say that - excluding an occasional discovery of the fewsome from garden lilies gotten their leafs for eaten, and the rabbits from harming one tree-sappling in a winter (Forgot to add any protective net around it's stem.) - I've not had any pest-problems on my plants to this place.

That much the Bees can be of help to your gardening. 
Simpliest, one only needs of find some suitable flowers (I prefer growin' them by my own, like often notable.)
Then, it's a good idea little also think about theit most practical places at. (The 'Nature' takes care from the rest, most part handles this issue, from it's own.) 
And this way; I'm also in lot better relations with the 'wildlife' too - Even the deers, these days, seem now of visiting my garden... :)    
'The last remark' 
; Or, only to some 'After-Thoughts' more.. 
; Or, at the 'pitch dark'...

; “...The Andes themselves support a huge diversity of habitats, from bleak ash-strewn active volcanoes capped with snow to lush green highland cloud forests and chilly paramo grasslands above the treeline. Although not much larger than Great Britain, Ecuador supports about 10 per cent of all the known species of animal and plant on Earth. The figures are astonishing – 317 mammalian species, 460 amphibians and 410 species of reptile (the respective numbers for the UK are 101, seven and six). Of course, no one has a clue how many insect species there may be in Ecuador, but the butterfly list so far runs to about 4,500 (compared to about seventy in the UK).” ; (Goulson); p. 127. (Italics to, again, we've added.)

While the above cited too only is for some for very 'briefest selected'...Can't completely avoid the temptation of providing that for the ends on our 'in addit'-written. - If it for only (here) to just a some reminders only. – At all it's final scope from,, complete exceeds to any for particular 'unifying' themes it was planned to contain.

[(Pic) on above right]: Yet another 'bumble' - Some that I photographed on my garden Squash-fruit. ; ...As I've noted, the most bumble-bees seem just so eagerly visit the Squash-flowers from when those open the bloomings (Squash-flowers only last about a - maximum - from couple days.Mostly emerging in the morning and withering by the evening.) ; But they're oftenmost effective on pollinating the other staple-'veggies' too - So, for a smaller reminder that their human uses to that - merely the (illegally) made transports 'beyond Oceans' to the greenhouses pollinators - seemed on the Goulson's book mentioned to a most apparent reason for the serious decline in a fewsome S.Americas unique and exceptional bumbles. As the cultivated European 'greenhouse' species fx seem said of to carry some amounts the 'germs' that the local bees on a distance continent might've not had the resistency. (There about some 10 or little more species of 'bumbles', it said. And they're said not for appear elsewhere to tropical region.) - Just as a mention...But, also given the noted vaster 'multitudes' a tropical fauna, in comparison w. the 'temperate' regions more limited amounts. - This issue seems actually a rather more concerns-worth, significant, than one by the first impression might from think about. At this rapidly changin (warming) and ever-more 'inconnected' world.     

; Goulson's above figures of course only captures the perhaps more often nowadays noted global ecology's gradational increase, the closer the equatorial belt it gets. (But the numbers to the tropical rainforests ranges are indeed staggering, amazing. - On where it still remains would free of the more significant human undisturbance.) ; Used to remain. - It's fx said that the Brazilian coastal ecological range was largely converted during and onwards from, say, midst 19the century. The same often remarked for to threaten the more inner parts from an  Amazonian ecological entity, in during by this 21st (The century we're currently living.)

That for one thing, so often remarked for the alarms-worth. 

(13.12;) ...Additionally, it may a noteworth reminder, that the so-called 'chemical chain-saw' may indeed needed to taken for real concern, of it's reapen 'grim harvest' on the insect's - that not excluding the bumbles, some to 'the most important pollinating insects, at the world'. (Such as it usual, from little understatingly, from expressed is.) ; These discoveries don't as such surprise me - I recall of read from the 1990s book already for how the issue was seriously forewarned in related concerning the predictable futures to the S.American forests and 'fields'. (Neither makes the 'modern' GMO, or call that 'gene-edited' organisms, by itself assure me from it of being any real 'alternative' to the pesticidal agricultural methods - Fx, Goulson for describing from Argentianian GMO Soya-field monocultures gives the pretty good idea 'bout that most often over-expanded agricultural uses, whether or not the invention itself of 'little' or more potential harmful, it can have consequences beyond it's, iow lead to only generate the very considerable ecological losses and even to the ecology's practical disappearance - And those drawbacks to ultimately usual also tend to fall to the peoples own harms too.) 

...But, despite (that) from the 'bumbles' concerning we can be possibly do no more importantly than of to a mention, refer for this followed cited too; On the now recognized effects of a just one such pesticidal-product (At this in case, the Fungicide, Chlorothalonil, of about whose poisoning effects to them (,'Bumbles' and prob. to other insects) is then said fx for that:
"The link between chlorathonil and bumblebee losses was revealed in Dec 2017 in research that surprised scientists." (...such as, ao, on article at Guardian; 'EU bans UK's most used pesticide over health and environment fears ')  
 ; From resultant/during following years, seems now a´then number other chemicals, noted been harmful to the bees, gotten for banned w. on EU-egislation. One thinks not all the human 'progresses' non-signifcant, despite from how slowly they from usual tend to see this 'illustrious light', or how the reaction develops on such aspects...(One fx thinks that what's harmful for bees isn't, any likehood, to appear completely 'non-effective' on human physical systems - Even that the 'resulted' often not in to any outright findings tends to be shown, or for similarly 'measurable' at least.) 
; And then we'd also to find it necessary still little more cite from Goulson's remarks on the so called 'Brownfield-sites' - Even if the noted merely on GB's present environments. - However interestingly; the Wikip. description on such UK-sites, 'The Brownfield lands', merely mentions from the places to their potential uses from being 'cleaned' from the former industrial 'left-afters' and of then planned uses to 'redevelopment' - meaning likeliest, to the new housing, 'urban habitats', etc. (...everything to which the long-term ecological negative consequences more likely often to realise only in the monotonisation from the human life, too - And, in overall not from little significantly  a major factor in these global ecological declines. Think I actually can say so - Even by this little 'experience' on a usual controversies in the standard antiecologism at human 'behaviour'.) - Ie, it seemed aside those place importance as the ecologically viable new bee-'havens'.)   
(But I've visited some 'comparable' places for the spots to a local - while perhaps limited in any wider 'ranges' - insect and bee 'havens'. ...Means I've in overall come to understand their importance - In any 'semi-ubanized' localihoods. ; However, the majority few places I've 'come by' here not exactly post-industrial 'spots', but merely some more recent 'rubble-lands' here. By range not by any very 'magnitude', so not necessary, fx, so rich at any valuable 'remnant-species' - typically insect remnants, and 'scarcities' in the modern urbanised localities. But I've noted - their importance, many ways, just due because of the aspect that those tend host more various flowering plants and other vegetation. Even if, while here a majority often only exhibiting the 'weed-like' some plants. ; But, I fx recollect a nice one time encounter of the Comma (Polygonia C album) on a just such place...)

...And on a 2nd thought, since I don't seem to now very easily locate the prints from it (the meant citate), and since this gotten from such lenghty descripts already, then let us leave the referred from aside this post. (Check of the book by yourself...)
...But now we're for to quit anything from this 'in addit' part. (Devoting more on it could've, by otherways, from cost me all too much.)

[Pic (below)] : 'Arrivals' - From Manara's (1980s, suppose) comics-album, 'Gulliveriana'. (...Takes it's 'story-plot' of a rather more renown 1700ian early satiristic-fantastic humoresque by Jonathan Swift.) 


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