The Frogs Have More Fun...


"All the names I know from nurse:
Gardener's garters, Shepherd's purse,
Bachelor's buttons, Lady's smock,
And the Lady Hollyhock.

Fairy places, Fairy things,
Fairy woods where the wild bee wings,
Tiny trees for tiny dames.
- These must all be Fairy names !"

(from Child's Garden of Verses
by R.L. Stevenson)

"Anyone can write a short-story.
A bad one, I mean."

(R.L. Stevenson)

"Science without conscience is the Soul's perdition."
- Francois Rabelais, Pantagruel
- Acc to/above is citated from: Medical Apartheid. The dark history of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present, by Harriet A. Washington (Doubleday ; 2006 ; p. 1.)

"In the high society of the first half of the century, marriage, despite it's bestowal status upon the wife, was the most absurdity. Marriage, conferring instanteous rank or money, ... lost most of its prestige and moment right after the wedding. ...By the end of the century, spurred by Rousseau's moralistic Nouvelle Hèloíse, a contrary cult, that of virtue, arose. After 1770 conjugal and maternal love became not merely admissible, but, for some, moral imperatives. ...

...Rousseau, who sought for himself the crown of morality in ostensibly defending marriage, presents in his Nouvelle Hèloíse the most enticing and extended defense of illicit love ever penned. The root of the problem is that as the century progressed sensibility became confused with morality: passionate feeling, if expressed in a highly civilized mode with grace and nuance, makes us forgive the Rousseau of The Confessions, for example, his pettiness, his jealousies, his betrayals. This moral-amoral byplay, present already in the novels of Richardson, was to be more intense as the century unfolded."
Madelyn Gutwirth : Madame De Staèl, Novelist. The emergence of the Artist as Woman (10,15.)

"...As the social contract seems tame in comparison with war, so fucking and sucking come to seem merely nice, and therefore unexciting. ... To be 'nice', as to be civilized, means being alienated from this savage experience - which is entirely staged. [...] The rituals of domination and enslavement being more and more practiced, the art that is more and more devoted to rendering their themes, are perhaps only a logical extension of an affluent society's tendency to turn every part of people's lives into a taste, a choice; to invite them to regard their very lives as a (life) style." - Susan Sontag , on 'Fascinating Fascism' (-74; p 103;104-5 at Under the sign of Saturn)
; "Anyone who cannot give an account to oneself of the past three thousand years remains in darkness, without experience, living from day to day." (Goethe) - as cited by Sontag (on same compile; p. 137.)

"It is widely accepted that we are now living in the 'Anthropocene', a new geological epoch in which the Earth's ecosystems and climate are being fundamentally altered by the activities of humans. I loathe the term, but I can't deny that it's appropriate."
; (Goulson), Silent Earth : Averting the Insect Apocalypse (2021; p 47.)
"It is sometimes said that humanity is at war with nature, but the word 'war' implies a two-way conflict. Our chemical onslaught on nature is more akin to genocide. It is small wonder that our wildlife is in decline."
; (Goulson, 2021 ; 118.)
"If we believe absurdities, we shall commit atrocities." (Voltaire)
- Citated from; (Joy, Melanie), Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs and Wear Cows : An Introduction to Carnism(2010; p. 95.)

"In the presence of the monster, you have eyes and ears for nothing else."
; (Flora Tristan) : London Journal of Flora Tristan: the Aristocracy and the Working Class of England ; 1842-edit. (tr: 1982. ; p. 71.)

"Every minority invokes justice, and justice is liberty.
A party can be judged of only by the doctrine which
it professes when it is the strongest."
Mdme de Staêl
(on) 'Consideration sur le Révolution de la Francaise' [1818]


...Further practical teachings in form some few revelations, inspirations midst this modern day Operation Mindcrime... (and even more.)

Mrs Child has acquired a just celebrity by many compositions of high merit, the most noticeable of which are 'Hobomok,' 'Philothea', and a 'History of the Condition of Women.' 'Philothea,' in especial is written with great vigor, and, as a classical romance, is not far inferior to the 'Ancharsis' of Barthelemi; - its style is a model for purity, chastity and ease. Some of the magazine papers are distinguished for graceful and brilliant imagination – a quality rarely notice in our countrywomen. She continues to write a great for the monthlies and other journals, and invariably writes well. Poetry she has not often attempted, ...
... Mrs Child, casually observed, has nothing particularly striking in her personal appearance. One would pass her in the street a dozen times without notice. She is low in stature and slightly framed. ... She is of that order of beings who are themselves only on 'great occasions'. Her husband is still living. She has no children. I need scarcely add that she has always been distinguished for her energetic and actice philanthropy.” - Edgar Allan Poe; 'Lydia M. Child', Godey's Lady's Book (Oct. 1846)

'The Partisan' as we are informed by Mr. Simms in his Advertisement, (Preface?) was originally contemplated as one of a series to be devoted to our war of Independence. 'With this object,' says the author, 'I laid the foundation more broadly and deeply than should have done, had I purposed merely the single work. Several of the persons employed were destined to be the property of the series – that part of it at east belonged to the locality. Three of these works were to have been devoted to South Carolina, and to comprise three distinct periods of the war of the Revolution in that State. One, and the first of these, is the story now submitted to the reader. I know not that I shall complete, or even continue the series.' Upon the whole we think it better he had better not.

There is very little plot or connexion in the book before us; ...
...No apology is needed for stating the truth. In regard to the 'propriety of insisting upon the faulst and foibles of a man conspicious in our history.' Mr. Simms should give himself little uneasiness. It is precisely because the man is conspicuous in our history, that we should have no hesitation in condemning his errors.
...Page 20, vol. i – 'He simply cocked his hat at the old-time customer.' Page 121, vol. i – 'The Oaks was one of those old-time residences.' ...Page 98, vol ii – 'Look, before we shall have gone too far to return to them, upon those old-time tombs of Dorchester.' Here are eight old-times discovered in a cursory glance over 'The Partisan' – we believe there are times as many interspersed throughout the work. The coils are equally abundant, and the hugs innumerable.
In spite, however, of its manifest and manifold blunders and impertinences, 'The Partisan' is no ordinary work. Its historical details are replete with interest. The concluding scenes are well drawn. Some passages descriptive of swamp scenery are exquisite. Mr. Simms has evidently the eye of a painter. Perhaps, in sober truth, he would succeed better in sketching a landscape than he has done in writing a novel.” (Poe); 'William Gilmore Simms', Southern Literary Reviewer (Jan., 1836)

... And now – for the matter of Longfellow's imitations – In what do they consist? ... Perhaps this is one of them, in his poem on the 'Sea Weed'
------ 'drifting, drifting, drifting
On the Shifting
Currents of the restless main.'
resembling, in form and collocation only, a line in a beautiful and very powerful poem of MR. EDGAR A. POE. (Write it rather EDGAR, a Poet, and then it is right to a T.) I have not the poem before me, and have forgotten its title. But he is describing a magnificent intellect in ruins, if I remember rightly – and, speaking of the eloquence of its better days...
...Who, for example, would wish to be guilty of the littleness of detracting from the uncommon merit of that remarkable poem of this same Mr. Poe's, recently published in the Mirror, from the American Review, entitled 'THE RAVEN,' by charging him with he paltriness of imitation? ...
...I have selected this poem of Mr. Poe's, for illustrating my remarks, because it is recent, and must be familiar to all the lovers of true poetry hereabouts. It is remarkable for its power, beauty, and originality, ...and shows more forcibly than any which I can think of, the absurdity and shallowness of this kind of criticism.
One word more, --- ... I have written what I have written from no personal motives, but simply because, from my earliest reading of reviews and critical notices, I have been disgusted with this wholesale mangling of victims without rhyme or reason. ...” (Poe), on 'Plagiarism', (Broadway Journal ; March 8., 1845 - ...this 'review' was then even answered by an “actual Poe ”(!), on the very same mag. (March 15th), ...such as noted from that in Poe's (collected) 'Essays and Reviews' (1984 edition)

; Series of viewpoints on Commonwealth(s), pt XII

'From' Weather' ;  (By earlier) I assumed this timing from year (around this season, time from the ongoin' Month) to situate on latter-midst the yearly skiing season. 
...From resultant, my original idea was, about, to return for these writings as the season gradually would show the change towards a Spring, the sunshine's slowly emerge from becoming for the more constant, ...etc. ; However, the conditions realized failed to support this plan quite devastatingly. While the snows were this year from more than plentiful – in compared to any recent 'average', more plenty – ie, it having rained more than by few latest years – the conditions still were far from the ideal. In explained showed that from some complete divergence of any regular winter season. That so, from because the snows seemed to heap, even 'in excess', at first. (By around when it's should be the usually coldest Month, timing - on early Feb.) But then it quite 'suddenly', started soon from melting. In during some of the days the temperatures were well over the zero, even from around plus 4 for the to 8 C degrees, when worst. 
; As we've in the past had the luxury from enjoying the winter weathers, by the timing (Feb.), even of some minus 5 to 15 degrees to the standard, and in during the coldest spells temperatures can sometimes fall even as low as near –30 (C' degrees). So it certainly didn't look too 'regular', for a winters conditions. (About...decade ago, the year 2009, or was that perhaps 2010?, ...Was perhaps coldest records from any latest few decade, keepin it below the minus 15 to 25 almost past complete five weeks' time. From late Dec to early Feb, acc. my any recall.)

But for this year, most part fromafter the said abrupt 'change', we had the icy, unpleasant 'skate-yards' on our pathways. And what comes to the 'tracks' on fields, forests, (paths where we were skiing), then much the same could be noticed. And the roads got almost free of the snows that early. Albeit the amounts of 'heaps', though, kept sure that all didn't quite so soon disappear. (Yet, to say the truth we still seemed from had a several snowy spells fromafter. Keepin' the bulldozers and other roads-cleaner busy, time to time.)
Of skiing considered, the conditions – an observed abnormality at the weathers – seems then give some reasons for part encouragement (partly becomes source for annoyance.) ; That so, 'cause from that we then still had the far more snows (on Jan, and still on later Months) than on several recent years, I had not any difficulty for achieve (,and already from exceeded) my set target on skiings. But, those conditions by Feb – the rapid melting, soon in several days, melted the tracks for an icier and even 'enhardened' by surface – overally pretty unpleasant on cons the skiing.
(Although, as the truth from said, or it has to be admitted, there were several days of the better conditions still thenafter by that Feb. - Some almost for the ideal conditions. At least to the begins from Month.) ...But generally the impression been that that Spring-melting was beginning all too early. ; That endamnable Global Warming hell...! 

Of course, the years in general aren't exactly for any steady repettance from the unvariable warming. (...So, perhaps we'll to some oncoming years also would have some comparable 'Polar winters' as those for some decades past. The temperatures falling below the 'safe'-limit for weeks, Month's a time. ...Actually that'd be quite as unpleasant from cons the skiing, 'cause below the -15 degrees it gets all the far more heavier a and actually becomes unhealthy if for any larger distances.) ; However, the 'sudden' warms and meltings at the midst from usually coldest period of a year also has the disadvantage of to make my keepin' of plants at practical winter-rest lot bit more difficult, too. Damn you all 'heaters'...! 
; Now, from the midst March, the sunshinier days soon to start are then likely from melt the rest of it away all the more enfastened rate. Or sooner than was formerly for expectance. I recall, of past from years – maybe that decades a time, or bit more - when I used to go on tracks still by the early April days. So, the Spring seems from quite noticeably and observantly from enshortened. More rapidly fx than acc. some earlier presented 'prospectances'. On the light of that, it seems that soon it gets bit difficult to me of maintain the same sort hobbyism on my winter-sport on future times to be seen. As the Winter seasons during by which the largest divergences at temperatures are expected to take place, here latitudes.

; ...However, furthermore, winter weathers from considered; For a few weeks by late Feb./early March we now had shorter colder spell, still. ; From writing this (11.3) I still was able to go for my skiings in quite (relative) tolerable conditions. Bit of the new snows pouring, and then melting from any earlier remains not quite so rapid started. ; Nevertheless, forecast seems still grim – After a few days seems that estimated again change for the warm up: So I guess the very latest days of my hobby would time around 15th to 25th March. (Like said, in the 'best'/regular seasons ten y. past, it still sometimes well kept till the early weeks by April.) - But, let us remain hopeful – always the optimists - Sometimes recent years it still tends brought us the short gap of the little better conditions late weeks to this Month.
...In case the snows happen melt too early this year, the prospects for an early Spring- conditions have the possibility to be quite as bad. To the more heated and dried up season – In short abnormality to the 'regular' too. ...As during the last Spring gave me quite an adequate idea 'bout how those 'standard' consequences from observed emergent global warming (hell) here tends realize. 'Wettier' (less snowy) early days, then more heats for Spring season days – Or, even as the some unusual 'heated spells', as the bad 'scenario' realized in practice by the last year was. 
The more I've also observed any present building activity here, the more I've become convinced  it no minor 'detail' on the general picture about. These so called human 'advances' – in form of the evermore built areas - in the worst cases also do realizing as the  larger overall change for the built open constructed area(s) – Actually them do worsen the steady disruptions at the local climates. Or, perhaps it better said from do increase it's ever more notable unpleasant 'effects'. I mean, during our climate-stressed times such aspects, often, do go almost like 'hand in hand'.

; Now, by some week after, seems the rapid melting advancin. (Apparently the given estimate on 'last day on the season' not too far from correct. Though, it tends still pour some snows, by occasional.) ; ...Well, it seems that due the relative much of that snow cover still, there would remain some in the woods still at least for a few weeks here. But, seems then also promised it from more significant to warm up more around the latter week this Month, by April the latest. (Making it pretty much in consistency w. the view from a winter-period enshortened here of some couple weeks for lenght, by now, to this timing (2019). Notice that what that means is in a period of little over one...and little less than just couple decades in time.)
(Beside pic) ; ...from Moebius-Jodorowsky, classic scifi-socio-politikovskyan story L'Incal Noir (1981) - A social entertainment-service robot, turning the door-handle (The speak-line, as usual, occasional here, not is from the original comics...) - Quite proper to these views, the story has 'envisionings' of the cloning; mutants; artifical worlds; 'militaristic-weighed' religiousity in form the popular scifistic 'tomorrows' (Well, the latter said merely reflects the popularity by typical 1980s religious 'sects' and movements. Or, an Orwellian union of the totalirizarian state and ideology w. the religious 'worship' as the 'guiding principle' of mass-hypnosis, ...and all the else like from accompanying, in that 'scene'.) ...

From Climates and 'non-climates' (The 'likehood') ; ...Anyway, it quite apparent, the Climate's deterioration seems from only gain as an envisioned oncoming threat, the further the century advances. Actually, the emergent potential more harmful scenario is nowdays so much noticed, I think from not able add much anything that'd be worth to say. (Or even here not said from before.) ; But, for example, Colvile (on The Great Acceleration. How the world is getting faster, faster. (2016) representing the occasional often represented worrysome 'forecasts' on the US California and Mid-West, from followingly. ; “ California, where drought also stalks the land – but the more machines suck up, the less is left for the future. [That cons. from received insufficient amounts the rainwaters, of groundwaters runnin ever lower, lot part due of the needs to various artificial-watered agricultures.] ...The Ogallala reservoir beneath the Great Plains in the US, which provides 30 per cent of the country's drinking water, could well dry up totally within 25 years.”

...'Plus' – which may sound as a more comprehensive warning, that too what climate scientists seem well long now to have 'prophesied', from and about, ie says also: “...scientists estimate that by 2050 there is an 80 per cent likehood of a 'megadrought' across the American West and Midwest, assuming that we go on dumping CO2 into the atmosphere at the same rate.
Even without climate change, experts have suggested that the 20th century was an usually and anomalously stable era, meteorologically speaking. The smallest swing back towards volatility would speel disaster for the delicate, highly specialised monocrops with which we have covered the planet. And, as ever, any disruption will hit the poorest hardest. Richer nations will be able to care for themselves through sheer weight of wallet, but the grain ships that divert into Chinese or American ports in a time of scarcity would leave African bellies empty.” (; p. 294-5, 297)
...That seems to source from the National Geographic and ao, Peoplequake by Pearce (2010). ; Guessin' the 'latest predictions' already do appear from more strict – But here not from any specifics, about. (After all that american mid-west just a one place among the others.)

Then (, from to this asiding any further views or references cons the different countries and their varying situations), seems it also contain a remark on consumption, shortly expresses: “...rising consumption rather than population has been responsible for almost all of our additional ecological impact over the past 30 years.” (Colvile; p. 371, note 84.; ...The citate is for that Pearce again, app.) Quite so, or so I figured it. If one would need for think about a single aspect from all that (vast) scope-of-things' now to the major concerns, and some emergently linked for humanity's climate-fateful futures to be seen. From the compactly, most compact said.

; And indeed, Megadrought(s)? As expected consequences, certainly sounds some potentially alarming a view. ('Rings the bell', sort of.) ; But indeed, these views nowadays so often recognized, all that sounds so very familiar from the several, various climate books. Some earlier noted to here too. (The usual prediction gives for the timing from, circa, around the mid-century. Present rate. So I wonder how common those – megadroughts, by any possibility – could emerge.) But no more on this, only from most briefest remarked.
From this years sowings I've not yet very many to describe. ; So let us limit the selection for this singular example.
The beside picture from the Monarda therefore as the sole example from those so far. (...The photo is rather 'dim', as the usual by this timing here - cloudy on a day I happened take that. And, the seedlings still were from rather tiny, you hardly recognize....)

; Sowed by the early from Feb, I noted the seeds from germinate rather painlessly and effectively. Now I'm then actually only waiting from the sunshine by April to start for see them to really grow. ; Main idea of this pic actually was just the accompanying 'cover-pot' depicted – As that generally lot helps at the growth from, many perennials considering, when this early sowed. (Although, here the actual growth is quite limited, diminutive well until from the early weeks by April. And of course, you don't tend have available such kind small pots for each one plant sown. In short, the mini-greenhouse serves as the more effective environment, even on indoors, by this early.)
But just because of the late begins (/'soon' time, already for to ending) of the warmer Summer-period, to the perennials' seeds it's often practical from them sown in during earliest Months from year. ; I think, from the Monarda(s) for example, it takes about some 1-2 Months before those seedlings even start from become 'well-established'.

Some seem favor to plant their perennials not until June, or during the Months when it's finally warm enough. But as I like the idea to try make those to flower already from during the first year from sowing – that for all cases, many cases, happens succeed, of course. (...Meant that from said as the case for contrary from - But who cares, makes  it sound more encouraging. Always some, 'amongst', indeed do haste for flowering by Autumn.) 
I already have a several 'early' plants sowed indoors. At the 'pre-growth' period. ; This year, as usual, I fx have a fewsome more perennials, and some native flowers such as I earlier planned. 'Herbs' to the additional Summer garden decorations too. And a few vines – But actually nothing appears much advanced yet. So better not say anything, this early seasons. – Them still might even fail.
...And just for the mention: Bought these very good socks by some time now. ; While not exactly the most advantageous in any 'eco-sense', noted them very practical in these Northern colds, during winter. The socks, by domestic production, happened from mentioned combined of some synthetic fibres - forgotten what that was - and from the wool. Better than cotton, to keep feet warm. ...Suddenly realized how unpractical those cotton socks appear in the use from the cold winter Months here. ; Well, it maybe too that my foot shiver more easily than the usual. I usually wear the wool-socks for overs 'till late of Spring. ('Suppose I also walk plenty more outdoors than most, though.)

Just mentioned, since these socks proved be of very good. (Besides I like the decoration and colour by those. Striped socks always make you feel from...sort optimistic.)

; Insects not from having seen, from this early Spring (There still is some snows, like noted. ; Although, you well can see some even in midst by snows', during an early Spring. Although, 'suppose, that becomes more likely not until April.)   
; ...Here's yet another pic of my Abutillon (x hybridium) - The one from perhaps quite often in the prior presented at some of older posts.  (Btw, I also nowdays having another one by my own sowing, but the stem is far less developed, as yet. Didn't perhaps earlier mention, but I noticed the effort to grow some from it's cuttings quite unsuccessful. However this one seems grown for a larger plant - It having a decent big vase now too.)
; ...Reason to give (that) a place to this was due it seems now emerged, quite nicely, in preparing from grow some buds - 'Suppose I can expect those to flower in some weeks by this April.

Another reason to mention, that I actually decided to change from completely off from all the 'standard' fertilizers on my house-hold plants too. ; For some typical example, last year I noted my Abutillon to gotten on some pests, and resultant last season flowerescence was poor. Partly that was from a (relative) bad situating, or perhaps from the unusual heats by Spring, but now I've notice that must've also been from the nitrogen-rich fertilizers I used. ; ...Abutillon being  a nutrient-hungry indoor plant, so you'd imagine that such would do just fine w. some chemial fertilize. And so it did. But, the pests problem I reasoned at least large part just because from that. (Now with the organics I noted not any similar harm. Although, the preceded season harms might've all had for the cause, from the plants being kept outdoors some time the earlier Summer season, perhaps.) Anycase, the whole plant looks now much better to do, considering both the emergence from new leafs and seems stayed past winter-season pests free. ; ...Well, seems it - just to mess up my days - thenafter from writing these few lines: Noted that the plant had gotten some of those mealy bugs again. ...In the present season, due much battery-heated conditions in the early Spring, those actually tend be relative usual to indoor plants. So you might wonder whether the reason being so much the fertilizer, especielt (Although, I quite think so, from these experiences on...) ; On an Abutillon those not usual emerge to any larger problem  - Of the reasons that plant grows for so effectively, it by some weeks, Month's time, and w. the more shinier days tends conquer those pest. But their a nuisance... 

; It is noted that sometimes this sort older plants are bit reluctant from flowering - So, I've taken the advice and by the time from changin' it's soils did add some amount chalks (...but, actually the English word for seems be the lime. The calcium oxid, apparently(?), regularly sold as the garden additive. In fact overused at garden maintenance, at least here regions concerning - 'Cause the natural level the soils by ph are from slight for acidic. ; ...The oversupply tends harm and reduce the plant growth instead, 'cause anything 'in addit' to natural conditions basically affects that 'balance'.; Or, see of wikip. on "liming".) within that (Added as a liquid...or, watered w. that when at the process, cant remember for this moment... )  It said that might improve them emergence from flowering. ; Let's hope that then to remain such too...And flower well.
Another funny thing that I (likely) succeeded for overwintering that (now) small Jacaranda-tree (, one that I also by the Autumn did mention.) ; But, since from having only some average extra light (and not too lighted 'storage'-room), happens that the plant dropped most from it's twigs - And now it actually looks bit like some palm(-tree). Having the leafs only on the top of the tree, the plant being about over meter in lenght already(!) ...It looks not exactly very well to do, but being a gregarious-growing some too, might still grow somewhat plenty this season. (; Like noted, no plans from being able keep that postafter the oncoming Summer. But if successfull, interesting see from how large it would still emerge, as it only the third season for to, by now...)

; ...And yet, still, for the more great additional decoration and enjoyment, here's a photo for flowers on my Nella beanthe palm (Chamaedorea elegans). It had gotten to flowering, such as those sometimes said for (even from kept in the room temperatures, that from being some from the easiest kept indoor plants.) ; Noticed it from had the early begins for those buds in the pic by the late Autumn already - Thenafter from kept in the reduced temperatures, and now in the Spring returned, some fertilizes added, those seem from quite quick emerging. Interesting see how are the actual openings then... (Matter a fact the younger plants tend make flowers, occasional in favorable conditions, but on a lot larger palm (same species, for several years kept) I've never seen any. ; Some p-o-w, if you want those of flower, maybe, that during the winter it has some minerals added - For example in form of seaweed (Commonly on sold as liquids, in the shops. as the organic fertilize for plant care and for make them better lasting the reduced light for past several Months.). But quite as much seem matter that the place is favorable enough. One shouldn't also too much disturb the plants, after their relocation in the apartment fromafter that winter-rest.  

And then – as my usual custom from lately been – thought and wrote some bit more on about these present ages of ours. From view-points to the most various aspects in addition to the weathers and climates. (Actually, wrote a plenty bit.) Issues such actuelt and important as the artificial tomorrows - Some that seem of increasingly prospected to make the humanity's futures and - acc. some, the foreseen 'human v. 2.0', etc... - Notice that I would've merely disagreed, not having from much belief on anything that, at least of unquestioned.  (I quite inherently - and suppose most people would - detest the idea. Climate actually would've appeared the main argument against any such tech-optimism.) ; Despite that, maybe we'll return on to some those views, esp. from cons the biological humanity - Perhaps sometime...And perhaps not. (From now gotten on the basic idea about - and for it's main 'polarizing' counter-argument - meaning the Climate's tomorrow.)
; ...Ie; that view would'd included, as well, a few remarks/selects of the comps and techs, politics and commerce; A.I. and the genetical 'prospects' (, and whatever else.) 
- Yet, then decided from to cut these remarks this time from rather short - What the use me refer on from the every other book I'd happened to read. And besides, the reader's might've even from had 'evolved' beyond my fewsome collected views, on during this very rapidly accelerating century.  

...Or, if think my quotations on preceding presented too much concentrated on the long gone times, ages that perhaps aren't much even remembered anymore, why not then read something more 'up-to-date' by yourself - cons these our more modern days, then?. If you'd think those on above not for particularly from relate to anything (on this). But (,of that Poe, for example) it's from a good part references to the literature histories and 'modern' american fiction. By it's relative 'early'. (Some that I've lately read, intermittenly. Hence the selections to this.)

; For example, while I had some time, also lately glanced from a bit of the near present days politics and post-after (latest) Iraq-war 'political climates'. The few selections to this doesn't perhaps tell so much of the book (Actually I didn't to this posting had it from read through, as yet.) But at least those applicable to feat, after the few views above. (; ...The subsequent quoted, in overall, also has some views provided to these Climatic aspects. From/w. the consideration that it probably good to think about those aspect, sometimes, from the more positive 'line-of-thought', too.)
I mean...we might've been reflecting, occasionally, from mostly the 'negative sides' for, to any these views. 

And...suppose it not even exactly the 'total scope from. (Or the 'whole lot  from'.) Quite as much, 'on the other hand' (- or, I sometimes get the feeling), indeed, this present ages/ongoin' developments gotten from such accelerated already – the forewarned Climate issues including – that from resultant you easily get an impression about all from any advances at some permanent halt, still. (Which maybe ain't exactly the best way even of view all that, even all the negative news considering – some which are rather usually, but from limited newsed - and some that often, maybe, do remain from untold 'bout - Or at least there not usually any 'sole truth' from, on.) ; ...Said meant for (somewhat) like there a contradicting evidence to that (presently) often common prevalent impression' 'bout how everything would appear show for just as some 'S.Q.' from. (Doesn't succeed for in 'makin me believer', though...There's usually too much from that 'backed up' morality in the view, usually. Call that latter noted to some 'suburban optimism' and you get the idea what I find from 'less encouraging'.)   

Seems it then that to just some present issues refered, we might then end this for the followed (quotes);

; “...According to the '2014-2015 Global Food Policy Report' from the International Food Policy Research Institute, nearly half of the world's hungry, around 363 million people, live in the middle-income countries of Brazil, China, India, Indonesia and Mexico.”
...Even so, with the War on Terror now expected to have cost well over $3,000 billion over its first 15 years, it was a useful source of revenue [ the 'military-industrial-complex', neatly put, of “raising budgets”], and has been joined recently by the thoroughly welcome increased threat from Russia and possibly China, and the considerable rise in military spending by the oil-rich states of the Gulf.
All in all, there remains the cosy belief that there is little need for any kind of change in attitude, in spite of all evidence to the contrary. It is as though the development of irregular warfare has not been happening, and the very idea of elite centres of power losing control is unthinkable.”
There has been some progress in arms control, ... We escaped a Cold War nuclear holocaust more by luck than judgment, and with a notable lack of wisdom. The risk of nuclear war may be much diminished, but it has not disappeared. Indeed, as noted above, nuclear-armed states are busy modernizing their systems. All five major nuclear powers – the United States, Russia, China, France, and the United Kingdom – are doing so, and India and Pakistan are actually increasing the size of their arsenals. Israel maintains a substantial arsenal...”
...Very large wind turbines of 8 megavolts are now being developed,m and the potential for new solar cells is remarkable. Silicon-based photovoltaic cells are now heading towards economically viable third-generation systems that capture solar radiation across a broader range of the spectrum, and the current development of entirely new systems based on perovskites is particularly impressive. Perovskite photovoltaic systems were first developed in 2009 with an efficiency of 3.8 per cent, but this had increased to 20.1 per cent by 2014, an extraordinary improvement in just five years. ...
... In Africa as a whole nearly 600 million people cannot access electricity supplies, but barely five years ago cheap photovoltaic kits came on the market and now they benefit 50 million people. Such speed of uptake should not be surprising given the rapid spread of the mobile phone and then the smartphone, and indicates just how quickly change can happen.
There are many other areas of positive change, including intensive research and development of large-scale storage systems based not just on batteries but a range of novel technologies, and also the development of undersea turbines, often powered by highly predictable tide-related currents. Nor is this all for the future. ...
All these examples give cause for optimism about the transition to ultra-low carbon economies, and ultimately to the carbon-neutral future that is essential in responding to the global environmental challenge. It is a process that is inextricably linked with transformating the economic system into one that is not just low carbon but puts a premium on greater equity and emancipation.”
; (Rogers), Irregular War. Isis and the New Threat from the margins ; (2016: p.182 ;195; 199; 202-3.)

; From times to come, from that imaginable carbon-free world in mind. (Such as it is presently ever more often discussed, ever-more often envisioned about.) (; W-G.) 

(Above pic) ; ...Another pic from Moebius(/Giraud)-creations, this one being from some 1989 comics album. ; Amongst, I think there appears some from most captivating natural sceneries from drawn, landscapes depicted in comics. (Yet another aspect to mention, noticed while read the Moebius early 1970s album, Arzak. L'Arpenteur that some details from, or 'parts' to it's story-plot, seemed from transferred for that first Star Wars-movie by the same decade. ...Which of course not so much surprises, actually there a number scenes and 'detail' in the movie, that seems 'originated', particularly, from the 1970s comics...particularly on that first one. IOW, a significant level of plagiarisation apparent in the movie - Which then gives us some assurance that the above references on Poe wouldn't then appeared to so our-of-place to these views...)

"P.S." ...Of what on above first quotated - that one where (Rogers) referring for that Global Food Policy Rep. - has on the following: 
 "... Furthermore, the term 'poverty' is misleading, because we are dealing with far more than an entirely destitute community, but one that extends to billions of people who may have food, shelter, some education and quite probably work, yet see their prospects diminished by a system that persistently favours a substantial minority.
  The second question raised above [in brief, 'relative poverty' simultaneous increased, and ' can this be happening in a world that is growing richer...', w. the simultaneous aspect about how 'majority of world's people are relatively marginalized?', while '...ability of people to travel the world, the growth of skyscraper cities across much of Asia and Latin America....' ; '...rapid increase in employment in so many 'emerging economies'.  (Italics added.)] relates to the Millennium Development Goals and the argument that the fact that many of them are within reach must surely demonstrate that things are getting better. In many ways, personal wealth is higher than four decades ago, but that does not in any way diminish the fact that most people are not sharing adequately in the fruits of overall improvement. Working in a sweatshop factory for 60 hours a week for low pay may be an improvement relative to unemployment and living in a slum, but in the face of growing wealth of the minority it is still a ready cause of resentment and anger, especially if the difference in wealth and poverty is growing." (; 182-3.)     
- ..Issues, views not unrelated to the prospects from the potential climatic disaster(s) to increase, and not the less the prior noted about the present 'hyped-up' consumption levels. 
(W. simultant increase of an 'average inequality'. And quite as much the economic development mostly benefiting that over-wealthy 'one percentage' - or some by numbers less than that one percentage. ; But in the more overall that then also increasingly does araise the question 'bout how much, or how long, the planet itself can last on such generated burdens by the more vast numbers at the 'prosperous economies'. Or, the negative effects which do seem from accumulate 'alongside', within  now ongoing social- and economic changes.) 

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