The Frogs Have More Fun...


"All the names I know from nurse:
Gardener's garters, Shepherd's purse,
Bachelor's buttons, Lady's smock,
And the Lady Hollyhock.

Fairy places, Fairy things,
Fairy woods where the wild bee wings,
Tiny trees for tiny dames.
- These must all be Fairy names !"

(from Child's Garden of Verses
by R.L. Stevenson)

"Anyone can write a short-story.
A bad one, I mean."

(R.L. Stevenson)

"Science without conscience is the Soul's perdition."
- Francois Rabelais, Pantagruel
- Acc to/above is citated from: Medical Apartheid. The dark history of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present, by Harriet A. Washington (Doubleday ; 2006 ; p. 1.)

"In the high society of the first half of the century, marriage, despite it's bestowal status upon the wife, was the most absurdity. Marriage, conferring instanteous rank or money, ... lost most of its prestige and moment right after the wedding. ...By the end of the century, spurred by Rousseau's moralistic Nouvelle Hèloíse, a contrary cult, that of virtue, arose. After 1770 conjugal and maternal love became not merely admissible, but, for some, moral imperatives. ...

...Rousseau, who sought for himself the crown of morality in ostensibly defending marriage, presents in his Nouvelle Hèloíse the most enticing and extended defense of illicit love ever penned. The root of the problem is that as the century progressed sensibility became confused with morality: passionate feeling, if expressed in a highly civilized mode with grace and nuance, makes us forgive the Rousseau of The Confessions, for example, his pettiness, his jealousies, his betrayals. This moral-amoral byplay, present already in the novels of Richardson, was to be more intense as the century unfolded."
Madelyn Gutwirth : Madame De Staèl, Novelist. The emergence of the Artist as Woman (10,15.)

"...As the social contract seems tame in comparison with war, so fucking and sucking come to seem merely nice, and therefore unexciting. ... To be 'nice', as to be civilized, means being alienated from this savage experience - which is entirely staged. [...] The rituals of domination and enslavement being more and more practiced, the art that is more and more devoted to rendering their themes, are perhaps only a logical extension of an affluent society's tendency to turn every part of people's lives into a taste, a choice; to invite them to regard their very lives as a (life) style." - Susan Sontag , on 'Fascinating Fascism' (-74; p 103;104-5 at Under the sign of Saturn)
; "Anyone who cannot give an account to oneself of the past three thousand years remains in darkness, without experience, living from day to day." (Goethe) - as cited by Sontag (on same compile; p. 137.)

"It is widely accepted that we are now living in the 'Anthropocene', a new geological epoch in which the Earth's ecosystems and climate are being fundamentally altered by the activities of humans. I loathe the term, but I can't deny that it's appropriate."
; (Goulson), Silent Earth : Averting the Insect Apocalypse (2021; p 47.)
"It is sometimes said that humanity is at war with nature, but the word 'war' implies a two-way conflict. Our chemical onslaught on nature is more akin to genocide. It is small wonder that our wildlife is in decline."
; (Goulson, 2021 ; 118.)
"If we believe absurdities, we shall commit atrocities." (Voltaire)
- Citated from; (Joy, Melanie), Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs and Wear Cows : An Introduction to Carnism(2010; p. 95.)

"In the presence of the monster, you have eyes and ears for nothing else."
; (Flora Tristan) : London Journal of Flora Tristan: the Aristocracy and the Working Class of England ; 1842-edit. (tr: 1982. ; p. 71.)

"Every minority invokes justice, and justice is liberty.
A party can be judged of only by the doctrine which
it professes when it is the strongest."
Mdme de Staêl
(on) 'Consideration sur le Révolution de la Francaise' [1818]


Oh God! It's raining technologies...

: MulSkinner [Hi-]Techs be-bop-a-lula : IV/2009 (Late summer)

Like goes the phrase - don't know how spells the quite correct alternative for it in english - but I guess kind like 'What goes around, goes around', as usually is the case. However - not the least - that we've been so much stressed with all these projects, but especially from the reason that our most recent effort to execute this tech review only left us bored and frustrated from MSW tactics in general, we've not much bothered to follow all the latest tricks and chipmunks from the advancing hi-tech fields.

So, we're really not much this time waving the flag for advanceful or even greenery technologies; actually we've not even checked the recent(?) Green electronics briefing from Greenpeace this time (As well, unchecked goes also the F-secure cybersecurity reports Q2/09 and we'll only noticing that surprisingly Adobe's files were gaining a lead from Word-docs as the most vulnerable and most targeted with attacks – Oh, save that good old Pdf-reader with necessary fixes and replacements, soon.) - And as consequence from all this, this tech review now goes purely by guessing...

From the news, about dot-Eco-com we only hear those inspiring words '.eco should mean something more than just another domain.'(T.B. as cited on BBC-news), but I guess the question must have been solved years ago and there now should be plenty more than only few domains devoted and labeled with the "-".eco. As well...The long-awaited Win 7 wasn't yet available here, but we noticed it's rise and shine in the gleaming outer looks of some other software's...Equally as well, from the recent trends we can only guess that the Ipods were still (occasionally) bursting on flames but steadily selling like hell. Likely, the big consumer question was re-emerging in form of Microsoft's contender for the device, Zune HD, costing probably not so remarkable sums anymore - the largest, 32 Gb model was presented to us buyable with some hundreds of $'s – I guess that much storage capacity is a minimum needed for all these new space-consuming film and media files...But hey: they say the improved Pod will even have camera(?). Who really needs a camera-Pod in these days of miracle and wonder, long-distance-net-calls , camera- and music-phones altogether? ...But perhaps we're just envious in our newly found enthusiasm from the players, even sold without entertainment taxes. However, like an answer to our prayers for futuristic storage space needs comes the news from this Kingston 256 Gb-Tiny Tardis USB-drive, which goes easily for pocket and with the more advanced technologies could serve as re-changeable storage in those more forward-looking devices cleaning the table from competing copied players, etc., ...Only that the price is too astro-physical to even be mentioned here, but in time - and if our predictions are to be trusted and correct -, by some five years it should cost less than the cheap MP3-players these days do (rough guessing some 80 per cent price cut in 7-8 years)

...And as well handheld business was probably (we guess) growing on steadily and more steadily in spite of the already passed roadside warning 'oversupply on the market' (and also we noticed emerging new fields expected fx in form of the arrival of Nokia 2720-30/7020 models, targeted for growing consumer markets of the developing world, especially for the users of mobile email, etc). From the more front-end phones we were introduced to the wonders of Samsung GT-S5230 that has qualities starting from fx the 3.0 WQVGA touchwiz LCD and (programmable?) add-ons for the services/net. Seems quite a recommendable choice and probably usable for realistic period of time (but perhaps we'll consider taking a closer look for it in the separate post...)

Other things we in passing noticed were from less Earthly aspects; Concerning our slight interests on A.I.'s emergences and even in knowing the Roszak's (The Cult of Information) early warnings from the prophecies and foresees presented on this field time to time, it's actually advertised being closer than we expected, as they say “It is not impossible to build a human brain and we can do it in ten years.” (IBM blue gene machineries etc involved makes me little suspicious on the expectable horizons from this project...), but they also mention it could fx have use to finding treatments for the mental illnesses and their supposing it will even be capable to answer the questions...what a gift from gods...Is there a thing human brain couldn't invent...From completely another field of inventions, on the cyberworldly affairs we find equally non-material existence of the flash-cookies (Local Shared Object - LSO), which they claim to retain those little information bugs, even if having been destroyed by user...however, it isn't even illegal, surprisingly, but who would be/is the first offering a browser to erase those tiny little monsters...And then there's even more advanced fields of physics and high-techs, namely “Hidden portal concept: First tunable electromagnetic gateway” (if I understood the concept correctly it yet only means something similar as the artificial invisibility techniques we noticed in the Newspost(17-08-2008) almost year ago/or the invisibility cloak of the Potteresque universe and novels, although they've got the nerve to loan in the headliner a comparison to the teleportative entrance to School of wizards in Potters...Anyway, or about so, as I interpreted this oncoming direction of modern physics from those sentences;) “[the Gateway]...uses transformation optics and an amplified scattering effect from an arrangement of ferrite materials called single-crystal yttrium-iron-garnet that force light and other forms of electromagnetic radiation in complicated directions to create a hidden portal.” - But go and read the newsies in question at ScienceNews, or for further information check the link to complete article published on New Journal of's only a few pages. I guess one don't need to imagine possible commercial uses and profitable markets in this instance, but it also kind of reminded me of and from the Hyperion/Endymion (1989-1997) series of novels by Dan Simmons where people are using Far caster-transporters, River Tethys flowing uninterrupted through those ports (but it's some time I've read the book and it's quite a complex invention to describe even in form of it presented at those scifi books).

Finally, and as entertainment ease for our otherways heavily techs and physics oriented briefing we have some information from worlds most entertaining ape, Cheeta (that being a correct spelling, I noticed): 'The character was actually a composite role created by use of numerous animal actors'...what? Isn't the one and only Cheeta the one and only? ...No, but notably devastating is that this variety of chimpanzees playing the character isn't (surprisingly) reflected in the fictional autobiography Me Cheeta (2008) that claims to be authored by only one chimp also acting the role in all the films as well. Since preceding information sounds highly controversial and offers opposite claims, we ourselves recommend - at least for the reputation of that remarkable actor - it being cleared up that the directors didn't use doubles, triples or even couples in the movies (obviously, there can be only one Award-winning Cheeta).

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