Our latest book recommendation is from the area of knownledge we are, must confess, purely amateurs (meaning that at the most delightful way) - Egyptology. The book in recommendation [The Pyramids of Egypt by I.E.S. Edwards, Penguin books 1987 ed.] is also rather old(1st ed. was published in 1947), so facts and foundings are perhaps (most likely) not necessary valid according to the recent research from archeological field concerning ancient Egypt. So whats worth raising it to the podium on our blog? Well, most everything...

The book is first of all accompanied with a respectful list of drawings from pyramids, mastabas, construction manners, details to make it understandable and easily readable (you can see some pictorial drawings from it here). The history and factoids are also described interestingly (though I cannot remember details, its years since I´ve read it...). In surplus to that theres a 48-page black-and-white pictorial insert .
An informative companion for a tourist, grave-robber(hope your not!) or just for someone to read from curiosity. The drawings are most exiciting, sometimes depictorials from constructions base-structures, sometimes delightfully rich as pictoring the structural details from buildings. Many are showing tunnels tombs and/or burial chambers inside Pyramids and as such useful for anyone visiting places (of course only a small number of pyramids around are taken to notice in book, but also, for understandable reasons most of the tombs included in books texts are not even available for public visitors).
The contents is divided somewhat according to ancient Egypt dynasties (Old, Middle and Late Kingdom periods), but as the building of pyramids actually mostly took place in the first period mentioned there´s relatively little from other types of later burial building. Still, a couple chapters devoted to them too. Let´s see...for one who likes (the book), most propably it should be available online at Google´s book search service (as its that dated...) Enjoyable reading!

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