The Frogs Have More Fun...


"All the names I know from nurse:
Gardener's garters, Shepherd's purse,
Bachelor's buttons, Lady's smock,
And the Lady Hollyhock.

Fairy places, Fairy things,
Fairy woods where the wild bee wings,
Tiny trees for tiny dames.
- These must all be Fairy names !"

(from Child's Garden of Verses
by R.L. Stevenson)

"Anyone can write a short-story.
A bad one, I mean."

(R.L. Stevenson)

"Science without conscience is the Soul's perdition."
- Francois Rabelais, Pantagruel
- Acc to/above is citated from: Medical Apartheid. The dark history of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present, by Harriet A. Washington (Doubleday ; 2006 ; p. 1.)

"In the high society of the first half of the century, marriage, despite it's bestowal status upon the wife, was the most absurdity. Marriage, conferring instanteous rank or money, ... lost most of its prestige and moment right after the wedding. ...By the end of the century, spurred by Rousseau's moralistic Nouvelle Hèloíse, a contrary cult, that of virtue, arose. After 1770 conjugal and maternal love became not merely admissible, but, for some, moral imperatives. ...

...Rousseau, who sought for himself the crown of morality in ostensibly defending marriage, presents in his Nouvelle Hèloíse the most enticing and extended defense of illicit love ever penned. The root of the problem is that as the century progressed sensibility became confused with morality: passionate feeling, if expressed in a highly civilized mode with grace and nuance, makes us forgive the Rousseau of The Confessions, for example, his pettiness, his jealousies, his betrayals. This moral-amoral byplay, present already in the novels of Richardson, was to be more intense as the century unfolded."
Madelyn Gutwirth : Madame De Staèl, Novelist. The emergence of the Artist as Woman (10,15.)

"...As the social contract seems tame in comparison with war, so fucking and sucking come to seem merely nice, and therefore unexciting. ... To be 'nice', as to be civilized, means being alienated from this savage experience - which is entirely staged. [...] The rituals of domination and enslavement being more and more practiced, the art that is more and more devoted to rendering their themes, are perhaps only a logical extension of an affluent society's tendency to turn every part of people's lives into a taste, a choice; to invite them to regard their very lives as a (life) style." - Susan Sontag , on 'Fascinating Fascism' (-74; p 103;104-5 at Under the sign of Saturn)
; "Anyone who cannot give an account to oneself of the past three thousand years remains in darkness, without experience, living from day to day." (Goethe) - as cited by Sontag (on same compile; p. 137.)

"It is widely accepted that we are now living in the 'Anthropocene', a new geological epoch in which the Earth's ecosystems and climate are being fundamentally altered by the activities of humans. I loathe the term, but I can't deny that it's appropriate."
; (Goulson), Silent Earth : Averting the Insect Apocalypse (2021; p 47.)
"It is sometimes said that humanity is at war with nature, but the word 'war' implies a two-way conflict. Our chemical onslaught on nature is more akin to genocide. It is small wonder that our wildlife is in decline."
; (Goulson, 2021 ; 118.)
"If we believe absurdities, we shall commit atrocities." (Voltaire)
- Citated from; (Joy, Melanie), Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs and Wear Cows : An Introduction to Carnism(2010; p. 95.)

"In the presence of the monster, you have eyes and ears for nothing else."
; (Flora Tristan) : London Journal of Flora Tristan: the Aristocracy and the Working Class of England ; 1842-edit. (tr: 1982. ; p. 71.)

"Every minority invokes justice, and justice is liberty.
A party can be judged of only by the doctrine which
it professes when it is the strongest."
Mdme de Staêl
(on) 'Consideration sur le Révolution de la Francaise' [1818]


'Minding my thoughts...'

Or; '...dr. Shockenstein leaves these Pasts, Futures to lie by their own, heads for the graces of the more honorable times (by night, day...)'

Or; Oil, gold, uranium...and what conceit, what generated horrors ...

...I cannot help but wonder the clever marketing person who invented this pink-blue binary. There was also a 'gender-neutral' section, with its array of bloodless greys. 'Gender-neutral' is silly because it is premised on the idea of male being blue and female being pink and 'gender-neutral' being its own category. Why not just have baby clothes organized by age and displayed in all colours? The bodies of male and female infants are similar, after all.
I looked at the toy section, which was also arranged by gender. Toys for boys are mostly active, and involve some sort of doing – trains, cars – and toys for girls are mostly passive and are overwhelmingly dolls. I was struck by this. I had not quite realized how early society starts to invent ideas of what a boy should be and what a girl should be.
....” ; 
 “Teach Chizalum to read. Teach her to love books. The best way is by casual example. If she sees you reading, she will understand that reading is valuable. If she were not to go to school, and merely just read books, she would arguably become more knowledgeable than a conventionally educated child. Books will help her understand and question the world, help her express herself, and help her in whatever she wants to become – a chef, a scientist, a singer, all benefit from the skills that reading brings. I do not mean school books. I mean books that have nothing to do with school, autobiographies and novels and histories. If all else fails, pay her to read. ...” (Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi), of Dear Ijeawele. A feminist manifesto in fifteen suggestions (2016,2017 ; p. 17-8.; 25)

Demagogue: the man who has little to say and says it loud. (...Orig. at 'The Philosopher,” George Bernard Shaw)

Determinism: the absence of determination, the theory that no god, angel or vegetable ever determined to do anything; the practical religion of cowards. (...Orig. at 'Second thoughts on Shaw,' George Bernard Shaw; Daily News, Nov 21, 1903.) - The World According to G.K.Chesterton. A Dictionary of Mad, Mundane and Metaphysical (ed. Ahlqvist, 2011)

It should be noted that there is also a scientific reason to prefer the term 'climate change' in some contexts. If the melting of polar ice caps releases too much water into the oceans, the warm Gulf Stream current (part of what is called the thermohaline circulation) could be turned off, making Britain's weather much colder. Thus… , a local climate might either heat up or get colder. ...
Some people even thought that 'global warming' was not frightening enough – it sounded 'too cosy', according to one newspaper letter-writer. (On one day of IPCC negotiations in August 1990, in fact, the US delegation had floated the idea of replacing the term 'climate change' with the highly specific 'global warming at the surface of the Earth', which sounded minimally catastrophic.) … “ ; “ 'Climate change' was unarguably more vague. Besides its ability to point in both directions, the noun form of 'change' also seemed to be agnostic as to whether any change was anthropogenic - whether it was man's fault at all. After all, the climate had 'changed' many times over the earth's geological history, for example during several ice ages, before humans were around. This indeed is how the IPCC defined 'climate change': any variation in the climate, attributable to either 'natural internal processes or external forcings'. But in a subtle disagreement on terminology that was not reflected in public discourse, the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change used 'climate change' specifically to mean change caused by man; natural change was instead called 'climatic variability'. The effect was that UNFCC reports allowed themselves to mean 'global warming' when they said 'climate change', without actually using the troublemaker former term, and making it possible for their use of 'climate change' to be interpreted in the agnostic fashion in which everyone else meant it.
It is clear that in the phrase 'global warming', after all, the word 'warming' implies an agent doing the warming. And once you accept that human beings might be the cause of the problem, again you will eye sceptically those with an interest in burning coal, oil, and gas. Thus the preference for the term that seems to assign no blame, 'climate change', works to support the notion, eagerly propagated by the Bush administration, that there is controversy about whether there is warming, and if there is, whether humankind is to blame at all. Luntz's memo, indeed, encouraged an appeal to uncertainty: 'Should the public come to believe that scientific issues are settled, their views about global warming will change accordingly. Therefore, you need to continue to make the lack of scientific certainty a primary issue in the debate.' That first sentence is wonderfully revealing : it means, essentially, that if the public knew the truth, they would not accept your policies. So you need to hide the truth from them.“ (Poole), on UnspeakTM. Words are Weapons. (; p.44, 45-6.; 2006 – Poole's Italics.)

[; The Above Pic : ...from Vampirella - mag 13/1971; story 'Lurker in the Deep' (text-bubble, of course, little modified...) ; ...pic 'beside', on begins from these main text's part, from Aya. Life in the Yop city. 


...It was indeed a marriage sanctioned by heaven, although unrecognized on Earth.” ; (William Wells Brown), from Clotel (1853. mod. ed. ; p. 20.)

The present-day ('after) impression for such words that are 'democracy' and 'global warming', wouldn't feel of very close integrated to these views. Or merely, while that above said (Poole) beholds the very readable, even valuable sayings for anyone, don't expect us to say on aspects referred on above much to this. (Actually, already devoted quite many of our words on those said aspects, prior to this post.) ; Instead, this would loan, from some (it's) main themes to been described, to some from 'guidelines' that'd more proper fit for tell about those, the words like; '...sacrifices on the Mammon and political chicaneries' – At least feels that from more close for the main breadfruit served on this post, no matter how unlimitedly, and perhaps, of how shortward presented from any detail. I mean...not from make this any report from the most detailed histories which are available on many books, net. And nor for to write any story, nor even are we at this offering here (much) any particular opinions by ours. (Only occasional.)

; ...Some glances for the most gruesome ironies created during the darkest periods (, now passed, hopefully) of the atomic-ages – launched at the dawn by the age of atomic-bombs - Seems of give us also reasons for first pay little attention on some naming(-practices). About those bombs, meaning... ; I kind of recall from having reading of that Roy (here, on Bk-Recom#51), that some of the names from bombs manufactured after-years the India's infamous atom-tests at y. -98 to had featured quite typical sort religious blashphemies of kind. Ie, from having uses of 'borrowing' in names referencing on some Hindu-deities (...all the sorts, think I need not recall to this any too particularly.) ; Nothing much would seem for the more typifying of the atomic-industries, possibly, as on early dawn of the 'atomic age' already the Oppenheimer, and alongside some US generals, liked from cultivate at their words some identifying w. the 'godly' powers, when telling about their then created weaponry and it's capacity to 'unleash' the forces of destruction. ...'Though some reminder about the names from bombs of US-production seem then show from perhaps a lot more 'modest' practices at naming – the lists containing, fx (amongst) the renown Hiroshima and Nagasaki-bombs; Little Boy, Fat Man; Then, the later 'experiments' fx did 'advertise' (or, aimed conceal) their after discovered left-after radiations w a such brief code-names, as 'Mike', 'Nancy', 'Bravo'. Yet, also there was that lot more (christian) 'godly'-sounding name 'Trinity'. (...Name of the first atomic bomb that was exploded, on Nevada-desert.) ...The Great Britain, more advanced and w. the lengthier past inherited 'traditions' or "legacy" to a country (,w. some literary traditions), seems then had some 'edge' on it's manner for naming bombs – During it's own 'leap' to the atomic-destruction businesses, seems, there was used the more for James Bond-missions-type code-words; Some of those were, fx, 'Blue Danube', 'Red Beard', 'Yellow Sun' (...obviously quite less for concealing name, by any first-hand impression, at least by now), and, even: 'Antler'
; In overall, whether or not you'd like to prefer a view from phrase/words on idiom 'Nomen est Omen', you might imagine the creators, despite all their natural historist, physisist educations, to have been (slight) superstitious for selecting these sort code-names. (Apparently, there never was – or, I don't know, but feels it quite logical from assuming... - any such revealing names, as would've been some like the 'Mushroom Sam', or fx, 'The end of the Day', 'Manifest destiny.', ...etc.) 

'Mad, bad and dangerous to know'... ; But the preceded just for the scattered thoughts for. Perhaps is quite as 'irrelevant', but reading about the details of some books discussing the atomic-histories, we then are are able find a few more clues to this - in the form from examples of an endless list faults and misdeeds by the atomic-energy companies, militaries, governments, there are. Some that during the years past having been generated – From so far. Read of those, this case via Klötzer (p. 2006, from book's finnish ed., possibly it not translated).

 Pic beside: M.J. ...of the Spider-man comics of the 1960s. (by Stan Lee, Ditko)

And, just for the example amongst, on a place it gives some pages on past accidents from one (ein) atom plant (ie, that about the Russian Sosnovy Bori, w. it's four reactors.) from some more serious recognized disturbances, released pollutions, etc. (And, I just hope, without from checking and the said book being some over ten years old, that the said reactors by nowadays are been stopped, ...'cause the book mentions that had belong for the oldest and earliest built during the Soviet Union's atom power plant history.) But the list, seems mention there were disturbances and problems on years 1974 (Jan, and Feb), 1975, 1976, 1979, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1997, 2000, (May, and Oct). (; The mentioned contain cases like: ...from due the emergency situation radioactive materials were released on air during a Month's time, and: [it was] ...discovered radioactive release...of a tank for used waste compounds, situated at the 90 metres distance from the Gulf of Finland., ...etc. [I freely translated from.] In the case from last mentioned seems the repairement from release, while it was also enlargening, to taken some 1.5 years, at least... etc.) (The aspect that there no listed accidents mentioned/been during the whole from that 1980s...Feels from, even without any accompanying case-histories' to...quite suspectable. At least those facts adequate to raise some concerns, and like said, this case-in-point is about just one older plant.) ; ...Seems it also then of notable that during the latter parts of 2010s would additional 2 more modern reactors have become built to that 'complex', in addit and to replacing needs for the energies produced. Despite from that not sounding for very encouraging itself, cons anything of these discussed aspects, 'supposin that at least should've permitted closing those older time. [; ...And, I kind of do recall that at least some from the older reactors were to us reported for been closed from the operation, due the reasons described. Although, could be that I misremembered of that due the Ignalina's (Liethuan) atom plants part - Closed on the y. 2009. ; But, read of the details, from said accidents more precisely on this Wikip.entry]

(Given these aspects), the Germany's ('lately) decision of halting and ending any (forms) of the atomic-energy production at it's soils until the year 202(...0?) one might then feel at least quite hopeful too – Perhaps it is inspiring some other nations for that same course too. Not much difficulty find the general 'course' now as ever been more against than favoring – the people, most any places (of course) never wished any from these 'productions'. ; At least there seems to be every good reasons for such decisions, and then any one imaginable unhoped disaster(s) should turn out possible from being avoided. ; ...'Cause seems it then also mentioned (, acc. how that by that 2006), it having been so that at the 'main central' from European regions, no new reactors and plants were in plans to be built – Except, by that time , in some nuclear-armament possessing nations (such as the France, England), plus on Finland. (...Whether the said Finland's decisions thenafter having helped 'fuel' more investments/countries to that same hellish path, I've not checked either. Having only these my few generated overall observations to write down about, and only thinkin' for devote, perhaps, only fewsome days to this.) 
; Anycase – energy needs plus more energy plus more energies need, leads for the disasters.
(Of what only the few decades times noted climate-histories might now to quite well having confirmed us, about.)

By anycase, too: The naming for that undergound-”safety” built for the used atomic wastes deposit, on Finland, via it's naming, indeed, might deserve the place amongst the above discussed concealing histories. Even if to this only briefly from about. ...'Christened' as 'Onkalo', acc. the Finnish word, whose meaning has a certain resonance w. the idea about childrens' playing cave; Obviously, sounds it just as disgusting a concealment anybody could think from. And that just for the one exemplary amongst. ; ...'though, exact meaning, or how it nearest translates, mainly means something like an undersurface leading cave, some sort deep penetrating and continuing below (And, fx, even then depth below the 'groundrock', as we can imagine of this.) ; Though, the etymology from this word doesn't seem provide anything very interesting (Except that the mongolian-language said of contain 'resembling words'.) However, quite near-meaning word 'syvyys' (ie, that 'depth', or, precisely 'abyss'), seems for to trace it's origin, or by earliest was used/meant in references to the veins, or, for fibres. ; ...Perhaps not very significant...But that has/says something from power of the words, too. 
(I imagine a view about some groups of children's, in the obscure, unestimable futures, for trampin' around this place. W. some – quite as imagined – 'preservement' of language, words them then might happen read of the text on a sign on an entrance - 'Onkalo' - then gives reason for them to go for seeks of a few 'beton-drillers' and 'steel-cutters' for to clear out their way to that mysterious, awaiting deep...)

; ...Goes only in passing to mention, but then is also the fact/finding of the Finland to hold a questionable world track record for having largest amount it's many rivers and water-resources from 'leashed' to the energy-generation purposes. (About over 90 per cent. If not global 'record', at least from the European regions.) ;...About the unlikehood from atom energies built to serve as any answers for global warming one needs at these days not much any further assurances or investigate of. – The new plants building, always slow, and acc any more realistic present views only estimated hardly even capable maintain existant level of the energy-production. (But, some instances and figures at the text on followin', on further below from this...)

We also have a few reminders/references to that bad legacy which seems gotten created alongside the 'nuclear-renaissance' by that early century. (Not of the Finlands, solely from concerning. Seems that ever when the global monopolization, and iron-heel capitalism, to have gained ground, also the nuclear lie – in form from “peaceful” and non-peaceful , having reactivated itself w. the plans from concerning new builds and reactors.) ; ...China, Russia, perhaps US, perhaps the India too, might appear some countries having after that period, since midst 2000s, to had built most additional plants. ; Japan, in overall, may have been the country for most recent from acknowledged concerns, w. it's 10 to 12 nuclear plants at the limited geographic region, quite densely populated ...But in overall, given largest numbers built atom power – If I should guess (I don't) – the likehoods of any disasters of course increase the more there any builds. (France, US, Russia, ...perhaps England – given the country's equally limited geographic area – of heading that list.) But basically, all from this problem could be solved by closing the whole lot from it, maybe seems now even prospectable of possibel for take place within some 50 years time. At least, given the present climatic concerns, the increasing environmental stresses, would turn out...wise. 
; Pic below; Luise Rainier singing 'To be married', on the 'Great Siegfeld' (1930s bw-film.)

Going global... ; ...The former 'developing' countries (present terms 'global South'), seems it, might've found some aspects of concern the late pasts from the 'global' IAEE's-history. ; Ie, a few examples on that Klötzer also mentioning are about unbuilt, formerly planned atom-energy projects: 'Cause, acc. that, the Philippenes, during Marcos's corrupted government had loans from some 1.9 mrd - ...Dollars, some that the country was at least earlier paying 'back' - to build an atom plant on the area from seismical unstabality. The country residing on an area from considerable vulcanism. Resultatively it realized so, luckily, that the plant seems said of never had produced a single volt of the electricity. ; Quite as 'unbelievable', but seems it said that in the Argentina was begun a few reactors by 1981 that never were from realize, due because of the funding 'ran out'. (Or, at least so seems it been by 2006). No wonder if the 'poorer' South from gotten more lately frustrated and dismissal to pay any such loans taken, often under dictatorships, despotic reigns.

Furthermore, some already 'realized' political and human health-concerning latter 'results', during this former mentioned nuclear-'renaissance' seem from behold even starker, and the global humanity concerning, even from less promising an edge of the complete absurdity. (Again) only from glancing from about that Klötzer, I am also reminded from that during a more recent 'golden periods' of an atomic-energies 'renewal', on Ukrainia and Belorussia (, the countries most disturbed by the former Chernobyl-accident; the released radioactivity, polluted regions, and resulted long-term health effects, while that latter often disputed by 'favorers' to) seems there also been plans for builds of new atom plants. (As for the 'differences' between, seems it also said that the amount from nuclear 'fall-out' estimated from been some 70 per cent on the Belorussian part, and, 'only' 15 per cent to had befell on Ukrainia.) ...To the postaward view seems it on papers, and net, by that the time it was (somewhat) lot discussed about Belorussian (then) president, Lukashenko's wishes from newly built atom plants. Also the 'linkage' about the atom plants, having then arised strong suspicions, at the time the largest from their possible militarist use. Plants build permitting the weapons manufacture for Lukashenko. (Not to mention about the plans for resettling the polluted areas w. refugees and alike poorer 'passer-by' on region for the said contaminated areas. Can't say if any that realised even, didn't check how from it by now.) To some contrast, as the destroyed reactor itself seems situate on the Ukrainian region, countries governance during those times, seems said from offered the plants polluted areas to uses for waste deposition areas for the nuclear materials from other countries. ; The unpredictable pasts, leads for absurdities, indeed. ; ...Didn't neither have the time/bother to seek for this instant from whether the other nuclear reactors from past Sovjet builts were still in uses on either country. Instead leaves that place for remind that during the constructions for the newer and more strong 'cover-shield' over the destroyed Chernobyl-reactor it was then planned from last some 100 years. - Relative brief time-gaps from considering the usual given periods to the slow and 'sluggish' times from the radioactivity (contamined materials) to 'normalize' in the the less endangering levels, 'stability': 1000 years; 15.000, 100,000 years...

; ...Nuclear pollution is then also to be noted of to having direct relevance for cause of concern on increase from the overall totalitarism. ; Besides, like said, the much of it sounds exactly for the complete absurdity, by any common sense - Even if you'd consider that the eastern-European changes from after Sovjet Union collapse might've increased the 'shine' and modernity from that 'atomic renewal' in the eyes by any political elites. - Also, in cases from the nuclear production/waste-materials generated at, you are also always reminded about the close 'affix' between a “peaceful” atom-energy and the militaristic uses of the production. (But from it's scope all about that actually quite difficult for mention to this, I only make some singular views to that part, on any from the following...) 


Ice-ages, or 'under ice'... ; ...At that (Klötzer) we also find for this an informative sentence, just a singular sentence, for mentioning that a few finlanders might have a recall about that to 10.000 years in the past the country was covered by thick ice-sheets. (Ie, when ice age 'glaciers' covered the ground w. layers from some tens meters or hundred meters thickness. At least during the last 'coldest phases', when on their maximum at Fennoscandia, those sheets were to some '2.6 to 3.5 km' thick.) Noticing that we might recognize that our prospected 'happy future kids', then on said timing, would apparently need also a few choppers and ice pickaxes too. W. the condition that we would assume any civilization for having survived until that far. Not unlike, the question from is; What kind of a civilization, by that period. In what the condition the global (energy-) 'reserves' and the world ecology. (...Cynically thinkin', the population growth is no problem to these time-gaps, more predictable that likehood of any disasters and human strive for those would have taken care about even before. And that so even without some 400 time-ticking, possible 'timed' disasters.) ; ...But, “unfortunately” seems it then worth minded, that acc. some lately made estimates about now already caused 'greenhouse effect' – the global warming hell – leads us to recognize that now the possibility for that (estimable) next ice-age's begin to have shifted on, maybe, for some 100.000 years more late. Then no 'relievance' for any late emerged afterthoughts via that scenario, neither... 
...And even without any 'jokes' (that one about that 'Onkalo' neither essential any joke from), seems it also, various countries on Europe (,if not elsewhere) to more recent times (/decade) to have found themselves in the very different situations on after these said blessings of this atomic age. – The said troubling 'inheritance' from the aging and ever-troubling old nuclear power plants. From the scope of, there to some case examples the Netherlands with it's only one (..?) singular plant. (But, somehow, on the partial possession/ownership by the European Commission. ...Or something like, didn't check from the details to more particular.) ; And then, fx the France w. it's top-record of the plants (Last time I read about, think the figure was 59.) Some very probably aged and on the way to 'abolishment', but then also w. - apparently, at least to any publicized knowledge – w. the relative limited 'record' from problems so far. ; ...With the further remainder about that already mentioned Chernobyl-disaster, 1986, from usual it then seems also mentioned that the released waste-clouds, by the time, said for had travelled over France and then for the Atlantic. Where those dissolved.

All (this, lot) of it reminds me then, also that reading lately of that book by Roy ('Grasshoppers', -200...9?), I think, there someplace read that at Russia they have the saying 'The past is unpredictable'. (Matter a fact, I'm not too sure was it by originally from that source I read, might've been on a book (novel) by Viktor Pelevin, Generation P, p. -99). Surely it seems being so, on today – 'Cause the closer look on anything from those past histories, the 'forms of production' or the 'production of bombs', surely, neither ever having passed for very considerably to any 'popular imagination'. Until from very recently. (What anyone to research the aspect even little, probably would discover.)
Not from metaphorically speaking... ; ...But, instead from going to details, I first mention about an experience, for the last words (at this part). Purely individual, personal experience (,and one wouldn't, any manner essentially, from to think it as relating to these aspect.). ....Happens that I was 'lately', or recently – early part this Summer, late June – walkin' on a place that I happen sometimes go. And, as I was on a bit 'anxious', or at the quite disturbed state of the mind, it felt for the sort from rocks droppin' ...I mean, I felt like I'd heard from sounds like that, more precisely it was only impressions like. ; ...But very lively, very disturbingly. It was only a limited amount, some time. ; ...In the ends from my walk came to a place, spot, where were some usual buildings or repairments on the way, and a few rocks and stones dug out. So – I interpreted that for the good omen, a 'foreboding', and took a handful from those rocks to be used on the edgings' of my garden. Neverminded about that experience, ever since. (Yet, if I should classify that on any level for the seriousness from disturbances of the mind, guess, I'd give it a criteria for the level from 3 or 4.)

Could've interpreted that for completely differently – Suppose one could easily offer a more psychologized interpretations for that. Not glanced about what the meaning by the stein (rocks) on symbolical levels, but that might be interesting. Guess'll have to see sometime about what that says on...Or not. Anycase, a few steins the mains aspect to these few sentences on. (ie, means stones, or rocks. Don't know if those would been molten rocks, or regular 'base-rocks' from, I only 'imagined' about.) ; ...Not very straight-acc-the-topic, but you'd have the main p-o-w from, was only one experience, my experience. Very open for interpretation, could appear mean either a bad or good 'omen'. ...Actually, I not 'neverminded' about: Now you're in knowing from this experience. Think it from meant something ? 
[The pic on the right: Jean Rhys, a youthful portrait. (...'supposin it from Augier's bio from, can't quite recall about that precisely, for this...)

Dr. Freud, and, the 'diffused evidence'... ; ...Brings us from to think about that Dr. Freud (that famous Sigmund, the founder and establisher for psychoanalysis), which may also be somewhat useful of mention...Even though that I won't make this for any very comprehensive 'in-depth' psychology about the minds of those that enrich and flourish by the trade from the potential poisonic material, and, the global wars.

(; The trade of the weapons, army other materials, something what often seems been discovered of been practiced, sanctioned and supported by various governments. Often cases also some that not having any 'active' participation on the wars in question. Of course, in short, the bigger the government, state, in practice the larger it's share for the caused conflicts, w. this indirect way. Quite as much, the 'false innocence' usually not any proof of the 'good intentions' in place – As the truth for many cases from their closer observation. And that the less dignified, shameful hidden trade from the arms, in the pasts, seemed for often from revealed the 'rich North' on the support for totalitarian rulers at that 'poorer South'. (Or at least those 'confusing' histories of more rare succeed from very well establish the richer nations from to had maintained that level any 'backing' to the democratic development.) ...I mean, of course any 'freedom fighters' often perhaps would've necessarily traded for the arms sold, and there's always 'some ready to pay' – But, a part of the 'irony', then fx, then surfaces from that the most dominating western governments usually seen then afterwards for discovered their 'national security' in confrontation with (, or 'threatened' by), some those same former 'guerillas' and terrorists, or the despotic rulers, presidents, whom them had themselves from earlier trained, supported. (...Saddam, Bin Laden, a few others, amongst some that by first impression come for mind...) And even more 'ironic' is if then those 'hidden threats', always popular from imagined, adverted – in the movies, speeches, 'educatives' – that seems during some latest memoir to often from float/to often 'resurface' somewhat near aside, somewhere, around the ide from nuclear horrifics, -holocaust.) Quite as absurd afterwards viewed, than that 'war on terror'.
But, excuses from this jump for the above sidemention, had a little 'petit mal'.... And let us now from try to stay closer for this topic... 
; In brief, what meant say was that one can't much avoid of thinkin' about Freud's famous views about Thanatos (smtgh what can be defined as, about like the 'human attraction towards death'. Or maybe better use for terms that meaning an (inbuilt, human) 'will for towards death'. ...In that Wikip.-page, it seems given the translation - as the German word from is 'Todestrieb' - , or for some 'explanations' the word(s) like: (human) 'strive for death', or alternatively, perhaps somewhat less common preferred translation 'the instinct for'.) Both expressions, and the 'idea' in question, by any reason, representing the imagined opposing force/energy for the libido, the latter mentioned life-supporting main force. Or,...let us say, the center ('life-force') acc the Freud's sexual theory. (Or about – Guess the idea adequate clear via these few words on.)

Anycase, it at least seems clear Freud came for believe those forces to 'reside' (somewhere) in psychology of our behavior, on the deeps about our very “humanity” - Even if it would be proper also notice Freud from had been always little 'critical' about that idea. (...As, ao, acc the link, seems said he exactly taken also not had invented that for himself.) But nonetheless, it seems to emerged had some large role on his thinkin', at least on during the post-war/mid-war years. ; And it feels quite logical if so – or, so I'm assuming, likely – on basis his great frustration of the World War catastrophes, some which probably influenced how he came for formulate some his psychologized interpretations for that.
 (That it did, is for the most apparent, fx, from reading his mid-war years public correspondence w. H.G.Wells.) ...Among that on his other writings too, very probably. 'Though, I never read too specifically his theories and views by any of their backgrounds. Yet, not surprising then if in the (Freud's) psychology there several references to our some troubles as species: the violent conflicts in related sexuality and 'ego'; the 'male' aggression, brought for to give some 'deep hidden' (group-, social-) psychological explanations for the war(s). ; ...All in all the psychology around is not very complex from outlined – One easily can read about and find out from the main p-o-w's about (that).

 ; The pic beside: Portrait of H.G.Wells, ca on 1940, or earlier. Drawing by Yuri Annenkov (...might've presented provoded the pic some post earlier...suppose?)

; Never quite took any too assured a view these pessimistic conclusions, a'la Freud – I think it also having had some it's origins, at least 'a bit', on the 1800s originating (biased) conceptions to the humanity, and that sexuality, mainly. And, that it for built to explain/mainly is concerned around the 'western psyche' (...If allowed from so described. Hence the popularity of the psychology, ever since the TV was invented to an effective 'channel' for affect, influence the peoples 'minds', or opinions. In short, I think the popularity of the deep psychology – some part – from had emerged to replace the aging and ever more contested 'legacy' of the older race-theories. ...Or, however you'd wished to explain why it so that in the adverts there often, sometimes possible to notice the strict selective categories about acc some normatives of the 'ethnic types'. Psychologically viewed, selections to support the same idea about preferred levels that 'western mind' imagined confronting it's 'dark others' – Of the past, if you'd favor the 'historical psychologic' view about advertising.) 
But, let's move on, by now, then. We all sensical peoples, of naturally, would find these present times from a 'late nuclear-ages' to the horrific and anti-democratizing enough, even without any these sort psychogizing. – And a brief look on the nuclear pasts won't do any bad either.

 ; The pic (above) : Valentina's eyes (of the Crepax's story 'Baba Yaga', y. 1971.) ; ...and on little, few paragraphs below, likewise, of the Crepax's Valentina. ...From  story named 'Marianna in the Country', from the 1969 ('guess').

About that 'godly-dimension'... ; (Seems) we already spent some much amount our valuable time on above 'short glances'. - Yet, to only one important aspect from reminded about, is the 'high prospects' by origins (that 1950s, -60s) placed on the atomic power and it's expected 'capability' to solve all from the human “energy-problems” (I use the apostrophes in purpose, 'cause I find that word for quite paradoxic – Human strive for the energies, actually, being the actual root-cause of the said problem. And only via diminishing the present energy “needs” could we by now effectively tackle the – so called – 'climate problem'.)  

Anyway, at the begins of some book wrote in the dawn from our atomic hellish-age, I seem find a few guide-lines what those which directions the humanity's fates w. the atomic powers from 'unleashed' were felt to take. ...Among many books, of course. That book mentioned David Dietz' Atomic energy in the coming era, (p. 1945.). To be honest, I never read that any manner much thorough. But, mostly of it's content 'strictly technical', there are also some parts that seem merest from only wrote for 'echo' the statements by some US war leadership on the time. (Then fx is a chapter on Hiroshima victims - that gives not much of the idea about the fall-out radioactivity's horrific causes – Such as doesn't most the else material that at the time was from publiced. Reminder about the secrecy that long-after remained around what in the world-schocking news was permitted for said from that devastating crime.) ; And the same practices still remaining...While people know lot better, by now.

I at first considered from cite of the early begins that book, of a few paragraphs which succeed for 'marrying' the (futuristic) imaginations, fx, from the '385.000 km rocket-ship travels for Moon' (in about 15 min. w. atom-powers), and, also has a mention to dawn of this new age of had begun w. the Hiroshima 'blast' (ie, the Bomb). - Almost in the same sentence! ; But, it's perhaps more informing, more useful, of 'remind' that it also expresses via the words by general Arnold (,after the surrender of Japan and 'announced' to newsletters and journalists) 'his opinion' of that the US now could, from it's various bases from carry out operations permitting the resemblant destruction on any parts of the world (Excluding perhaps only the 'smaller regions' of the South Pole). (And for another example, Dietz also 'outlines' – along the said military 'prospects' borrowed of Arnold's statements – to the view that likeliest the 'final weapon' shall at some future's appear for emerge in form of an atom-fuelled rocket, carrying atom bomb. Very technical, very militaristic, very...advertising.) 
; ...Gives grounds to some thought about those power-hungry 'petit minds' to some exhibitionists, adverting their private parts for the oppressed masses and not caring a bit from their expectable notorious bad reputation, in the eyes by oncoming, later generations. (Only that they've learned some secrecy in time and by more recent any officials and generals by any emerged – unhoped – nuclear-armament possessing nations to had emerged seems from limited their resemblant 'publicity shows' and announcements to viewers comprising of their own populace.)

...Yet, still, makes us also from reminded – and it perhaps not less tells of it's times – how characteristic to, how devoted the faith on the science at those post-war years, or to that 'glorious rise' from an atomic-age, which must've existed on the 1950s. By nowadays almost as absurd from read; 'militarism and optimism'. ...I don't care to cite anything of Dietz's commentary of the science's 'inner spirit', the science as a humanity's 'safety'. Too absurd. 

; In short, of course, it has the intentional lie from written to 'the rest of the world', but you can't avoid from wonder whether they still actually would've – by that time – believed acc. the said manner to the science, held it from 'unerring' (From metaphorically said.) Orwell, btw, gives at his at the time wrote essay, 'What is science?' a good description to this; Goes about like...(he noted) that the physics who engineered the first bomb, then must've found themselves interested from the issue on 'purely scientific' grounds. I kind of agree, despite all what the said from the army supervision of the project, despite that scientists that worked in the project on isolated places, apart from each other, of course they must have known. (On a level from some 'inner spirit' at least...) ; ...Historically thinkin', it's perhaps slight more unsolvable “philosophic” problema from the decisions having to do w. questions between the good and evil – Had the nazies won the war at Europes, it from well possible to imagine there in some near time to had realized a few more 'Hiroshimas and Nagasakis' on the american, European continental soils. (Of course, this 'view-point to' not any manner erases the aversion about the indifference and the established silence during the after-war years from those realised crimes, the bombs.) Of course, if outlining such 'alternative' history for the possible wars ending, the US likeliest would've dropped the bombs on the nazi-Germany instead. (Nazies had not their plans for atomic bombs near to any completion, any time.) ; ...But it at least not impossible for imagine whether the things could've gone from some ways differently – And the alternative histories and the war games not only place the idea about can be discovered, sometimes contemplated.  (Besides, acc the Heisenberg-principle any particle, challenging the 'competing' theories, can be at some place on the same timing... – So, we imagine that from a few 'prompt critical reactions' of taken places, there could've emerged by those timing complete different 'balance of the forces' – Then that also likeliest could'be brought the world for even more devasting ruins, in the very begins of so called 'atomic age'. Could...Of course, it's only speculative.)

Further from about birth of the 'problem'... (The age of that 'Final Ape in the history', gone wrong, terribly wrong...) ; ...The histories about that bomb-making of course has much of the apparent, 'visible concealments' of the sort, but (guess) we'd better limit our few paragraphs on those few subsequent after 1945-years. ...Wasn't fx aware about/didn't remember of read from, that after the (equally infamous) 'Manhattan-project' US-military leadership already had the plans/estimates for the needs of an additional production from atomic bombs. Not just from the few more to be dropped on Japan – On what that general Groves not received any further permission from Truman, after the devastation already caused – But also had made listings about the towns and targets from being destroyed on nuclear-attacks to several strategic areas at Russia (Then Soviet Union, listed towns including the Moscow). The secret memo, of course, as such not means that those bombs would've, by the time, given any likehood of a conflict from emerged, would've been used against. Army plans might be developed in 'case from' and might be prepared even as the precautions for complete unimaginable scenarios from. – But, by anycase, you can't actually be too sure from. And, anycase, Groves ('et co.') gone to history for a comparable mass-murderer(s) than the Stalin was. ; Remarked since these histories doesn't give very encouraging view-points for the modern disarmament from nuclear weapons – But neither seems it not wise fail to be reminded of these aspects.

; On that Klötzer (2006), there was also the interesting mention that it quite possible unless one researcher at the Manhattan-project (Klaus Fuchs), wouldn't helped in the production of the Sovjet atom-weapon, US might've had bombed the more towns. (Such as was prior noted). And the Sovjet built of comparable Weaponries and militaristic arms race then, like well renown, soon emerged in form of that 'balance' of the atomic forces. ...Bit later the China, amongst, 'soon' afterwards adjoining. (Seems it fx noted that by earlier the most part from it's (that time, till about 1990s/2000) ten nuclear plants had generally/largely built in the purposes from those arms production. And that much to this about Mao's often criticized 'legacies' left for his subservients, and the later generations sufference.) – And there the world then was locked on for the decades, on speeded-up arms production, continuing almost for last years until the Sovjet's final collapse (late 1980s.) ...A 'competition' that Orwell, also, fx quite well did foresight during his time.

...Sovjet scientists, then fx engineering the neutron-bomb, the pollution releases on it's testing and from other overground tests also described to still remain as direct and potential causes of human deaths, cancers, birth-defects (, ...and all the resembling.) ; No one knows, for sure...but it not anyhow unimaginable how devastating could've been the results on during some followed decades. ; All kinds of bans and prohibitions thenafter seem been reached, within years; For example some concerning denial to any built arms on the 'space orbits', ie for arming the satellites and alike; On creation of protected 'zones' from the Polar regions, to be free of the major human disturbance (,and that esp. cons the nuclear arms); And, fx, the laws and regulations to prevent any uncontrolled selling, or spreading of the nuclear material...and alike. But (suppose) there is not any law prohibiting the manufacture of or creation from nuclear weaponry. – Likeliest of the obvious recognized aspect that the nuclears possessing countries never showed any readiness for accept some restrictions, so even lot more limited advances at negotiations having always recceived almost like the 'greatest blessings'. ; And the result? Fx, to an 'unpleasant' cold war inheritance amounts of an resources and energies been wasted on the built weapons for the reserves of the nuclear states, of time to time for the renewing/'modernizing' their storaged weaponries. (Acc. That Klötzer, I think it read that during the 'nuclear era' some about 128.000 weapons having been manufactured, and from those some about 30,000 still existant.) ...Largest part of course by the US and Sovjet Union, but then as the similarly troubling co-result there were emerged some 6 to 8 nuclear weapon nations more.
Pic (beside) ; ...a popular depiction from an emergent fashioned 'flapper-ideology', at the magazine cover, y 1922. (Wikipedian-pic. ; Also gives some idea about, that  people appear often quite capable to pass aside the recent pasts anxieties. And even from to completely exclude some past episodies, away from their minds. But it just for the usual reaction, more often fromafter some troublesome periods (war periods, esp.) Probably unavoidable so, one could also say.)
S.Africa seems gain a mention from appearing the only country ('one') in the world, to had possessed nuclear arms and successfully dismantled it's weaponry. ...If a bit older, you might easily able still remember that late 1980s – Or, iow; despite the more recent curtain 'sealed over' it's histories still well remembered. ; But I only remarked from of due it then also gives an additional dimension on what very obvious; There must've always existed a considerable 'nearness' within the uranium-energ(ies), the arms-production, and of the considerable racism. Not of course much surprises, by this day, of remembering about how far and deep in the begins from the modern world those lie, actually on the early origins by that 'atomic age'. Meaning the 1950s, even 60s – Not very much different at their backwardness on the said, still sometimes popular held attitudes, and – esp, more so - from cons any comparison about those/their emergence nowadays so often having been discussed, linked to another aspect (that about global inequality.)

Not for 'bye, bye Kinshasa'... ; ...Matter a fact, cons the last said aspects did discover that Markham book (2011?) from quite useful. Also (somewhat) informative about the histories by that Trinity-nuclear test site, and of it's secrecies and (likely) murders that later seem from been speculated had surrounded the kept silence around that 'Manhattan-project'. Despite it's occasional bit 'raunchy' journalist tone (on writing), the book also fx seemed say lot on some other aspects too, fx cons the (Africa, fx) than seems of been more usual, on many else comparable story. ( ...However, even so, I didn't until from recently came on to notice that at US fx the Shoshoni(Shoshone?)-indian owned areas seem from said to had become for the most contaminated by nuclear wastes, from the said fall-out 'left-after' at test on Nevada-desert...And of other contamination caused.) ; But one who likes for read might then learns more from on, anything relating.

; Also, amongst the earliest books I read about, from the beginnings/history of that nuclear age was that Aczel's Uranium Wars. How Scientific rivalry created the atomic age. (2003...or, publ. on  2009.). ...But I merely mention that from gotten reminded that the book quite practical introduction for that part on the origins from. ...Even though, I thought from it, a bit, slight unconvincing for whether that Truman wouldn't had been well aware of the devastation caused, even known (something) about the effects from released radioactivicity, the latter-day fallout, by those earliest bombs he gave permission to. Likewise, to latter day memoir I kind from recall it not said anything (much) on those described post-war bombing plans ( the 'Groves, et co.') ; Yet, maybe I just recall for erringly, about that part, to this writing... – Anycase, in the book is wrote also of that aspect there never were much any forewarnings/never attempted any actual negotiations w. the Japanian government before the said caused nuclear murder.
; But I've already former mentioned of those books, so no more on.

It seems also (quite as often) remarked that excluding those cold war decades (1950s, -60s), the years by the early 2000s – ie, on those Bush's two periods, and the global wars and war-politics - the global nuclear-disaster never was so close. Most probably do agree. (Most sensible people at least, would. ...Thenagain, to the postafter memory – Seems it from emerge that sometimes, at least in the 'clear up'-years, feels it the largest objections on the Bush-governance seemed often arise against that enormous military-spending. Ie, not quite about the same level of the known inhumanity and the injustices on that created war itself. Or, merely the backgrounds of it, the prior years. ...But I must admit from had read about only afterwards myself, too. At least, possibly, the general recognition to only after the more direct war-crimes to having become from publically acknowledged. (Or, comparably, of the now ongoing climate-catastrophe in foresight seem from then succesfully been 'cleaned away' of the nearest public sight.)
; ...Thenagain I not very keenly followed anything of that either, by the time. And at least that Guantanamo bay, the 'war on terror', and the tortures did gain much of publicity globally, and likely even domestically. ; Most numerous peoples I've read thenafter, also seem from wrote on during that time – even when discussin' from the subjects from completely separate fields and topics, not often any way relating for politics – Seems it from presented almost a “trend” at having at least mention on how inbearable was the global political situation, during that early century.

; ...And, as the usual said, guess we'll all more wise by now...At least until there's next Stalin, (or Hussein.) Or, any political 'crusaders' from emerge, maintaining to their imagination that economic benefits of some disasters – elsewhere created – that always to the ends considered exceed the costs estimated. ...But that's just about as much as we could say to that – one has to believe there's advances, the people presently for more forewarned. Perhaps for the more educated, too. (Quite obviously, there'd be so much more on these views, left ot of these estimated, said.)
Not for the histories from those 'Near-To-Situations'... ; ...Thought to this, also from cite a few glances provided via the (relative) recent book on nuclear disarmament (From Unmaking the Bomb – A Fissile Material Approach to Nuclear Disarmament and Nonproliferation, by Feiveson [et al.] ; 2014) ; ...Yet, from that shall it suffice to us make a mention from fx the chart (no 5.1), about past futuristic predictions of the increases for (global) nuclear-energy-capacitat; ....Meaning the comparison from estimates made by IAEA, in the years from 1975 and 2012. (Obviously, this refers for the so called 'peaceful' uses, nuclear energy-production.) Even without reprinting the chart here, the figures are quite direct constrasting; On the -75 the 'capacitat' seems imagined to exceed the 2 000 GWE, and from the 2012 highest estimate assumes it about 1000 GWE, the lowest estimate for about well less than 500 GWE. (The 'timeline' is for until the midst century, as far as 2050.) From interpreted – that lowest figure estimates the capacitat capable for maintained on the same level as now, and highest neither not nears to from rises like those drawn to represent some miraculous 'slap-stick line', as acc. the 1970s estimate. ; Also, view on that Klötzer-book seems offer the resemblant rude figures concerning the atom energy's prospects as any energy-solution. Acc. that, on 1974 (IAEA's) estimates having predicted there on y. 2000 even over the 4000 singular 1,000 MW-reactors in operation. (The realized, in the 2005, was that ca 440 - From nuclear power-plant, but concluding of that the number of reactors also then well below the former estimated figure. At the time them were said for produce about 16 per cent of the world's energy consumption. 31 countries were producing energy w. the nuclear plants, of which at least 7 were in possessing the nuclear arms. – And furthermore, over half, 240 of the reactors of world were operated on those atomic weaponry states.) ; ...Most from the 'new capacitat' some time, seems it, of been built at the Asian continent, and, on European-region the number from reactors operating had been on clear decline to some time. - From 172 on 1989 to 152, until that year. 

; ...No wonder that that 'nuclear renaissance' then seems from accompanied a timing when that 'crusade' and turn of the century's war(s), behalf the enstrenghtening of the present global economic (late capitalist) monopolistic 'hold' (; ie, meaning those years from the 2000 to 2008.)

; Another aspect remarked at that (the Feivesol-book) is fx that there unquestionably exist the near closeness between the building of nuclear powers at any country, and, the imaginable 'jump' – by any country – for a nuclear-armament boat. - That's also fx why the more 'advanced' Northern states, 'unions' haven't ever been very eager of share these said technologies for the domestically, or economically, less table African countries. (And, despite that it gives a view that easily is open from recognition of it's apparent hidden racism, too – like much else at the global trade and “progress”-politics for these views, by presently. - I think only for the benefit of those African countries. Given the described massive costs that the atomic plants building consumes, their general failure for to serve for any alternative in energy-production fields, faikure as solutions or as the 'answer' to many problems of this greenhouse world, and of course, most notably their endless list from the health endangering concerns. The list that only to having enlenghtened ever more the usual silencing and not-for-the-public-knowledge attitude continues to crack up, as it's obviously for successfully unmanageable as a policy.) ; ...Anyone easily can imagine a scenario about any nuclear country fallin' to an internal chaos from the reason or another, the break-up from it's social structure, the war-parties and civil terror arising, dictatorships or the competion between the various 'parties' from emerged, uranium-reserve (plant) captured and production for various militarist uses begun, ...Plus, that possibility of 'some accident'. – At the Northern, or 'tropical' countries, no matter what region that kind 'scenario' could situate at. ; I make no horror stories: That sounds only too realistic view on some plus 2-3 degrees warm-up world, realizable on period/year from late century, fx.

 Pics below (and that other, on little after): ...of a short-film, by Mario Monicelli ('Renzo e Luciana', on Boccaccio'70.)

'The Finances' ; ...On that Klötzer, we then happen find also a few interesting remarks to add on this, from cons the repairment and 'after-years' costs from that Chernobyl-accident. ; ...Says it plainly that during the time from more recent built better 'cover' for the damaged reactor, the process ('Shelter Implementation Plan') had been estimated for costing 768 Million (I've not to this present, 'final' figures, but surely them easy find, if wish see from.) The total costs (by some UN-site) from the accident having fallen for Ukraine, Belorussia, Russia seem been at that time estimated for reach over 400 Mrd. It then remarks, fx, about  similar estimate, acc to which (some, possible) accident would cost for the US society, about, 560 Mrd. (Additionally, seems remark in the US by the 2005 passed the former legislations for remain in effect, from concerning any nuclear-companies responsibility in monetary renumeration. - And that the sum then seems remained for some (minimal) 10 mrd, in case from any large accident were for happen.) 

; Let us suppose the issue might've from after that seen the more recent, more realistic 're-calculate', but that's just one single aspect. And the rest from any such 'bill' then usually seems fall for the 'state', ie the peoples, folks, tax-payers... ; For the 'postcript view' one gathers: There probably ain't no other 'industry' where the assurances to the business of not havin' been held liable from the potential risks caused for environment, and would be so well protected financially, if/when the people's health-compromising accidents and situations were to happen. (Although, like above noted, the law, regulations could have been re-estimated since that day. Find out by yourself...)

; Similarly – and esp. of the same sort reasons – that matter, the minimal post-accident responsibility, appears have every likehoods to create (/'lead for') peculiar situations, anything to the future time-scales imaginable supporting the political uncertainty, complete absurdity, all what would favor some anti-democratism. - For example, appears it not so difficult imagine how complete unreasonable would've been setting any demands on those former Sovjet-'satellites' (Ukraine, Belorussia), the countries for whose regions the largest parts from the 'fall-out' rained, from to pay the accidents costs. ...Even from Russia's part, the said responsibilitat is at least somewhat, ...'estimable'. (And, in case from other comparable/bad accidents to happen, easy imagine from how ever more difficult would turn the clean-up from each such “mess”. 'Cause during the years after the confusion from after the fall of that Sovjet Union, seems no money to building the renewed, more safe cover to the damaged reactor was found. So, seems it wasn't built 'in any good time'. (Finally was, after years, now to last that about '100 years'.) ; ...The Sovjets (“Union”) now completely disbanded 'entity' – Gone are it's cultural beliefs, social condition, organization, political system, 'values'. (Although, not so from the armaments part.) ...Seems it there also, fx, of noted that the Chernobyl-accident could have cost to the Sovjet Union, solely, at least twicely the value from all the electricity ever produced, on it's atom plant's, during between the years from 1954-86. (Some say that the accident was amongst the major reasons for enfasten the communism's decline during those late years of the Sovjet's existence.)

; The fact that world's largest (, but not only) nuclear accident having happened on the former communist super-power probably formerly did help keep the said views from usually understated, cleaned away from 'public eye'. Hope, that the present state about EU's renewable energy-developments and more 'ambitious' climate targets nowadays aren't any more quite as submissive for the continuance of the described nuclear-tyranny. Despite, the already built plants now seem likely remain - Unless on the region there an actual revolutions from to take place. (That not either anyhow impossible. Quite easily imaginable, some future times, if one bothers even little from the history reads.) ...That the central European “union”(EU) politics from always having strongly favored atomic energies, it not surprises that few more new plants then appear from been built at the emerging eastern economies, during after years.

...But the 'accompanying' political consequences of the accident seem for sometimes emerged for quite as disturbing – For example, another dimension is observable fx via from those former referred aspects of Lukashenko using the accident's 'mess' as a way to 'black-mailing' the European atomic commission (,or alike...) to support building of some more, newer atom plants. (Acc his wish.) ...Which, like said, equally absurd on the said situation, and appears only tell of what unforeseen consequences any disasters 'after-clean-up' can take, what the sort un-hoped-from possibilities the atom builds nuclear plants-centered energy politics seem create. – ...Even if not at this going on to anything from human sufferings, noted increases of the cancers in the polluted regions,, etc. (And all else related to/from the accident's 'afterwards' troubling issues.)

; Also, given the equally unimaginable long time-scales the nuclear wastes radioactivity needs for lessen, and, any of the future prospects from thought, during any political changes to happen, from any regions possessing the atom-'builds', just similar sort absurdities are quite unavoidable from notice. – So, at least as long as the energy-companies responsibility of the (possible) accidents happening aren't for adequate (legislatively) outlined, the people seem acc the said present existant political contracts from been scorned for pay any 'clean ups'. (The nuclear industries neither ever having taken any responsibilities from the caused health concern from discovered 'radioactivity leaks', and even less from the discovered increases at the diseases, that linked to.) – And then it's only consequent for notice that you can't probably imagine any more effective manner for undermining any democracy (The West-European, 'Northern', or non-European.) Within the 20 years, 50 years, 100 years scales from. (Luckily, the uranium, the nuclear plants 'fuel' shall run out sooner, in about some 5o years time. The recent builds of plants estimated operative that far – Then...their costly dissolution. Unless the more serious collapses from the societies, 'near to'-situations, during the mean-time.) 
...For some positive side, it not surprises either, from them 'industries' to be loosing on battle at energy production to the more safe and more environmental friendly tomorrow. Except, of course, from cases about countries that might appear already sold part from their freedom to industries of an armaments possession/production, or otherways to tied themselves at the above described 'horrors to any common sense'. Ie; those uranium-energies falsehoods, the clean-up – there accidents or not – seems predicted for cost more on humanity during this century than ever would have been generated in form of the said 'resource'. (I mean the environmental-part, but also concerns the availability of the 'resources'. For example, the nuclear power plants use and spoil amounts of the clean water. Hence them also often are situated on some approximation to the water-sources – A cause for no little concern, at this time, the 'climate-age'... ) 
(Monicelli), 'office-view'.
'Bravado'?, and 'Oh lord...' ; In short: not a 'peaceful' form of nuclear production and even without any references from, about seems it that (nuclear) energy-production always beheld it's close connection to the militaristic uses. ; Despite for been (at least 'foreseen') to generally unpollutant form of energies ( least it was so from 'pre-adverted'), to only for some possible prospected futures "to be invented" fusion-power seems also hold at least certain similarly questionable aspects on it's 'promise'. (...incl., fx, that about Tritium as a used 'fuel' from ; - For ex: '... Tritium is an important component in nuclear weapons.' (etc...), from that acc. the above Wiki-link.) ...But to this view we go not on anything about. (Seems it also that, by anycase – if possible at all – it shall obviously arrive too late from climate-issues concerning.)

; Even w. the risk that now these quite hastily gathered views might've show us for had from 'burned a few boats behind' (us), I think us to better close these 'sections' to a glance to those early century years. only about the merely recent histories. (Only a few addit remarks on that globally worrysome early 2000s, that infamous 'war on terror', during Bush-era militarism and it's less common recognized connections to the nuclear 'weaponry business'.)
...About the concerns for about democracy's then lot discussed cancellation(s), or from it's said 'failings', maybe passes easiest for the transition for the final 'section', if we at first cite a few paragraphs of that Roy's from the time rather well-known book (Listening to grasshoppers). Just from the reason the presented questions not the less important of remind about to these p-o-w. ; ...At least one might also think the said questions in close proximity w. the risks that (any) totalitarising religious nationalism – the so called Hindu nationalism on that case - can easy create, or more often than not does for back-up (Actually, btw, this post from originally was planned to discuss merely the religious mischief and fatalism at the, so called, state-religions. But I think, it also is quite notable, in this modern 'atomic faith' we seem to recognize from quite much in common w. the sort determistic religious fatalism.)

...Yet, to these views it only reminded about via that mention from India's nuclear-arm testings, at that -98, and thenafter the 'parading' from those – When some 'new generations' of weapons seem said to had predated those years from the Bushian wars, and it's 'grasp' for the even stronger hold and domination from the World's market, the energy-resources

; ...For a view about those failings on India's democracy there's to the 'Introduction' of that book, fx, said that the essays at were written during, ao, '… just before the state-backed genocide of Muslims in Gujarat; just before the date set for the hanging of Mohammed Afzal, … during the mass uprising in Kashmir in the summer of 2008 ; after the November 2008 Mumbai attacks.' (;xi)
; ...And for only briefly quoted for this view, appear it said – I see that too w. no little relating for the many above noted aspect – fx, the following; “How deep shall we dig? How much should we overturn? And why is it that while Muslims – who are socially, culturally and economically unalienable part of India – are called outsiders and invaders and and are cruelly targeted, the government is busy signing corporate deals and contracts for development aid with a government that colonized us for centuries?
...Historically, corporations have not been shy of fascists. Corporations like Siemens, I.G.Farben, Bayer, IBM and Ford did business with the Nazis. … As long as our markets are open, a little homegrown fascism won't come in the way of a good business deal.” ('How Deep Shall we Dig?'; p. 34, 35.)

However, perhaps we should to these aspects (the topic here) find the most concerns about the followed question asked:
... What happens once democracy has been used up? When it has been hollowed out and emptied of meaning? What happens when each of its institutions has metastasized into something dangerous? What happens now that democracy and the Free Market have fused into single predatory organism with a thin, constricted imagination that revolves almost entirely around the idea of maximizing profit? …
...Could it be that democracy, the sacred answer to our short-term hopes and prayers, the protector of our individual freedom and nurturer of our avaricious dreams will turn out to be the endgame for the human race? Could it be that democracy is such a hit with modern humans precisely because it mirrors our greatest folly – our nearsightedness? Our inability to live entirely in the present (like most animals do) combined with our inability to see very far into the future makes us strange in-between creatures, neither beast nor prophet. Our amazing intelligence seems to have outstripped our instinct for survival. ...”('Introduction', p x.)
...Seems these views from also remind us of the Roy having written after those said India's nuclear tests (-98) to about like; 'This world we live in appears some 4600 million years old. And it could now become destroyed during one afternoon.' (Obviously, I didn't cite that from any exact word, from not having knowledge/in knowing which the text that should originate from). ; Won't claim from to have/capable provide any too good answers to those remarkably important questions above. ...Yet it's at least quite obvious, on after these views about nuclear production – energies, bombs - that the 'endgame' was then becoming ever more closer the more the said failings (on the democracy) were to be kept/remained at that hidden 'locker' (Some w. 'stamper' for heading equipped by the word 'the unpredictable', and then (an affix) 'recent'. In-other-words, 'shelved'.) Like the most from these described longer histories from the 'nuclear world' and it's absurdities until the recent years maybe have remained too. ; So, for a postward view that 2001-8 seems, indeed, for to surface for a period which could've gotten us all 'closer to the edge', of the global disaster. In one more ways than one. But so it usually seems for emerged about, if you devote some look on almost any from last preceding decades, from about half century's times. (Think about it.) 
; ...The aspects about the uranium-weapons then seem alongside the said emerged for a more general renown, so the last paragraphs are about those...
In the year 2007 it was discovered that Syria had built a reactor it hadn't told to the rest of the World.” ; (on that Feiveson, et al., 2014.)
'Oh liberty, what crimes are committed to your name...' (; Mdme Roland's famous words spoken on her way for scaffold. About like.)

[Pic below: ...from Stan Lee's Dr-Strange (Story/mag; 'A time for love, a time for hate'. no 52,1981.) ]

' War Pigs on leads...' ; ('It passes all the imagination'....). The final section/part of this post then mostly meant discuss the (so called) modern 'uranium-weapons'. Or, from the 'mini-atom-weapons' and their created threats from the contamination, ecology from compromised. ...As I find not another 'neat' term on English for, to. (Possibly the 'uranium-weapons' not by the present time even not descriptive for the whole scope of the arms in question, don't know too precisely from.) Then, this has a bit on the seen wars and their realized concequences at world, where places such weapons were maintained as part of a regular, internationally unprohibited arsenal from armament. Used by the extant, 'traditional' – doesn't that sound horrifying a term – nuclears possessing countries. ...Plus a little imagined from possible/resultant scenario on the era where manufacture of such armaments wouldn't appear from strict forbidden by some international laws, set for some dystopic future, on years when an oil- and uranium-resources from the world have run out. 
...So, in overall these views (on above/fromafter this...) here merely just what a one person could collected and from combined, and w. few 'conclusive' thoughts about, then developed after. Feels it quite possible there is plenty I've not probably yet happened from noticed. (Not too specific, not very 'exact' on anything. Much of this probably not so well up-to-date, by now.) ...Not wrote this during from any one day, but neither has this any very comprihensive checking from cons the many details to their 'exactness'. Besides, there much of it that not did fit for discussed to these limits. Merely could serve as some glances around, of the main aspects, some having turned not just recognizable, but urgent. In some of that followin there probably newer aspects, than what is recognized by me...It not mostly anyhow very recent facts about.

[Beside/below: O'Donnell's Modesty (drawn by Haldaway, such as also from the followed pic. From the story 'La Machine', from the y. 1963. ; ...Actually I think it must been the very earliest Modesty Blaise-comics. ; ...Lately these decorations feat quite many pics of the Modesty-stories, but I suppose not any from Haldaway's original drawing. ; Well, havin' also gotten for a little tired on the figure via that...A capitalist west devoted b***h to any most brief description, despite the often remarked feminine 'sides' to her justice-dealer type. ...Well, the stories seems quite varied within the years, decades - But for a most part, all the way, except perhaps when the drawing artist was changed for the bit too often, appear to be rather well drawn. ; Besides, of alongside to these views from observed, the serie seems had some interesting continuance...)  

Along w. the totalist nuclear conflict/annihilation from imaginable there in the present World existant other kind possibilities to the nuclear major harms for realised. ...The uninhabitable, (to the humans )'unhospitable' regions and ranges of becoming created only for to some 'side-consequences' of the imaginable future wars. (Or, as consequences from the 'accidents' in the nuclear 'production line', peaceful or militaristic.) ; ...The given time-gaps for the radioactivity needs for reduce to 'harmless' levels appear from human minds exceeding from completely, to the thousands years periods. So it not too unlike for imagine, fx, to a perfectly feasible a scenario some that could go for (smthg) like that in the following sentences outlined. ...Some scenario set in a world where the 'runaway' climatic catastrophe is rapidly emerging. The national states, 'coalitions are/have been collapsing, but are increasingly 'guarding' their interests. The risks from the uses of the tactical and strategic nuclear armament increased due because of the said uncertainties having enlarged and 'magnified', within years. Considerable losses on agriculture and harvests having compromised the global food security, from largely. Battles of the resources are increasingly fought, 'all around the world'.

(The scenario imagined): ...The above mentioned 'Onkalo', the underground nuclear waste-storage, built by Finland, starts of receive an increased interests from some domineering super-power/coalitions/nations w. an uranium weapons on their possession. While the country itself still presently quite stable democratic country, on during some oncoming years – let us give that a longer time-scale from, say, 100 to 200 years to come - an increase from the international conflicts, plus an increasing scarcity of the usable uraniums, 'pressures' the Finland for pay an enstrenghtened concern on it's defense in case any foreign armies to invade. ...Of reasons one or another, conflicts seen to estimable realizing in some time, or w. some 'other pretext' the military government takes over in the country. The martial law is acknowledged, which also leads for the smaller separate competing independent parties and groups to start for emerge. (Not openly, but 'off the sight'.) 

; ...While the said atomic "safe" still remains from relative out of any direct attentions, from been situated hundreds meters deep, the concerns about an attack for the said 'deposit' are becoming not the less worrysome. So, (resultant) – almost by 'coincidentally', without any given announcements, etc. - because from the increased global political conflicts, anxiety, the Finland's military leaders decide for 'prepare' to the possibility (Conflict w. some uranium-weapons possessing foreign country), and start to manufacture such weapons from it's own reserve of the entombed waste-products. (...Seems it said that by this time, presently, in the world some 20 countries assumed for posses/or experimented w. uranium-weapons, so that at least feels not anyhow unimaginable.) ; And, just in time...the “foreseen” conflict emerges for an actual war, as a foreign dominion invades the country that said uranium storage for it's principal target in the attack. Fierce fights continue to some time; the weeks, Months, some years, possibly. Thenafter, having secured it's own 'share' of the nuclear plant fuel waste-materials the foreign force disbands. Resultant of these situations, Finland's military-government is unuable to keep the command but for a briefer period after, and competing small groups start soon violate the vulnerable peace maintained. Since there's still plenty “high-caliber” uranium weaponry in the country existant, left-after from the foreign troops, or easily available from still existant international market, the fights begin again. One or two from the competing coalitions achieve the control from the 'Onkalo' (, 'in turn', maybe). Anycase, thenafter remnants of the governance fall for the disorder, the stronger amount forces fleein' for the Northern Lapland regions. The further civil war and evil combats continue to another 5-10 years. Fromafter the figths cease. The peoples, environments, resources gotten lot exhausted 'beyond' any re-amandment. (Even despite from what the given situtation for anything about it's wider context, from the more global social and environmental condition at the period.)

[ Pic above: ...From 'Curse of circe', the story by Gardenetti - Gardner Fox, on Vampirella-mag 06/1971 ; ...the watery-issues are probably not the less notable, from many suspectable things cons the nuclear plants - And other topics from concerning, fx the observed increase on any local radioactivity-levels nearby those, the possibilities from an accidental radioactivity within the plants turbine cooling waters. ; The fishes, the other small and large species probably some most likely from predisposed to some. And the seas ...w. the salt waters you imagine such amounts not from of so directly (the smaller accumulations of) affecting, but the Baltic Sea doesn't look for too good either. The latest warm heated Summer from noted the cyanobacteria's mass increases... 
; You can't even but imagine what the far more serious ecologic devastation some accidents from, problems would appear to be caused to more pristine arctic waters by some/any. ...But in the 1950s was probably imagined even about there to some future's built 'atomic-'dynamos' (carriable mini-reactors) equipping the polar-traveller on their journeys... And the long years the nuclear sub-marines from passed under ice sheets on those regions. ; Should I make some 'Ariels' and transform for a two-footed bore, then ? Come on, you little sneaks, let me breathe and enjoy the fresh water...It's already too rare an element, even without those poisons been 'dumped at'.

'Consequently' Finland's regional land, w. it's so far (relative) rich and 'flourishing' Natures, having become the battleground where heavily seen uses from these horrific weapons of a 'post-nuclear' era. The invaders and defenders use from the contaminating weapons (,plus that continued during the followed internal wars), especially in the towns - more usual to the battlefilds as often the strategic important 'knot-points' – having heavily contaminated major areas. The long-term effects are an unestimable threats from (that) caused pollution; There's recognized birth defects, the failed births, cancers increases, inhospitable regions where also the the water safety becoming compromised, contamination on much of the former agricultural lands; ...Leading during the first-term malnourishment, second-term further lack from the harvest, then population collapse/mass movement towards the less polluted ranges on the Northern parts from country, refugees and migration early for the adjacent Northern states, later for more distant too, ...etc. 

Perfectly feasible scenario, in the given time-scales. (...Supposedly, or I assume, that the high radioactivity waste perhaps wouldn't appear from directly 'transferable' to the said weapons, as it's pollutive source-material, without considerable risks for personnels involved in the process. But however from that, about detailed, seems it said that the depleted uranium 238 used on the creation of the smaller uranium-explosives, bombs, shells to appears created as some (side-) 'waste-product' of nuclear plants (reactors) operating. And any these prospectable future time-scales from considered (in the scenario) it probably not unlike that more 'practical' technologies for it's such uses in the weapons to would been developed/from existing.) 

Modesty ('La Machine' - text-bubbles little modified, of course...)
...Our 'scenario' perhaps w. a bit larger emphasize given on the role by country's own actions. Imagined only – not makes any prospected foresees - But it, along the other views from earlier, also aimed outline just a few ways how the nuclear plants – at their peaceful or militarist uses from – give way for general increases of an anti-democratisation. In the world from declined resources it's also quite unlikely any nation from to be able hold them all the time under it's 'supervision' w. the said sort ineffective, potentially endangering energy-generation systems in place. (The necessary demands from an improved security and defenses of those nuclear power plants also increasing the more 'insecure' the world could became, during that on-coming century.)

...Not to mention anything from equally imaginable direct attacks against nuclear plants/storages, or the waste-material processing utilies. ; Some past case examples are at least the Israel from bombing the Iranian plant of the suspicions about it's purpose, the US attacking Iraq w. a similar possible (erraneous) claim for some “justification”. ; Seems that on modern nuclear totalitarism the governments, the political 'elites' that investing for production – “safe”, ie peaceful, or for a militarist – also were selling their citizens safety on behalf the energy-companies purposes. Such as we all would know, quite obviously.

; In short, here in the Northern nuclear arms free-zone, we then for resultant might find ourselves from sitting 'fingers crossed'. Almost like any other peoples on their nuclear weapon's possessing countries, states.  This scenario ('dystopia') only gains to it's dark envisionings, from a recognition about that in Finland - unlike than on several other countries - there never having been any public vote about the nuclear energies. (For the 'peaceful' uses.) So, said compromises to the safety, peace, health security;, leading then acc. this scenario to emerged wars, would've then actually had become obliged for country's peoples asiding any democratic 'process'. (The decision favoring the first plants made by times of former generations, during the period/time when the so called 'cold war' was still existant. ; 'Supposin that the situation may also be lot resemblant at most 'democraries' where maintained nuclear plants.)  -----------
...In the Jefferson 'administrative region', on US Indiana, Pentagon had close an area for about 80 hectares, that had served for the testing ground of the uranium weapons. The estimate for the disinfection of the polluted area is about the costs from 7.8 Mrd, for the ecology of 'cleaned up' from caused contamination. (Not all the necessary works needed are in that calculation.) Due the high costs involving the army had decided to offer the area on uses as the National Park – Noticeably the offer was rejected.” (...acc. that Klötzer, 2006. ; ...I somewhat 'freely' translated these paragraphs from, but you won't have any difficulty on the main p-o-w's for obtained.
The preceded more imaginable scenario – along the many 'fronts' where the realized disrespects for environment, healths - then gives us more reasons for devote a few sentences more for the mentioned Uranium weapons. ; However, any 'enbriefing' turns a bit problematic. ...'Cause from, apparently, despite the wider (but quite little 'public') post-after discussions from their uses at the Bosnian, Iraq, Afghanistan-wars, those seem remain, as yet, relative little to any wider general acknownledgement about.

; So – like actually on most of this – I've limited my views to a few selections only, from via the sources I have happened to view from. Let us assume that we wouldn't have the very good possibilities to make very compact general description, via this brief familiarity from anything most, about (Of that part). ; But a few details are worth remark. First of all, acc that Klötzer (among many other aspect mentioned) seems there wrote that the Depleted Uranium, uranium 238, appears main side-product created in the nuclear power plants production. (Depending from the method, per one ton from reactor-fuel a large amount depleted uranium is created and it can then be used for the 'regular' uranium-arms from manufactured.) There's a mention/reference it also asssumable the even more endangering non-depleted uranium was been used at some weapons (on Iraq.) ...But we go not for the details about, having not other informations from viewed, on this. ; A use from 1.300 MW reactor generates, yearly, about 100 ton from depleted uranium, and estimably fx in the US, during it's many past years of the use, the nuclear plants may generated – acc. 'some experts' – some millions of tons depleted uranium to it's reserves.

...But these details seem give some idea about how urgent the needs for that complete absolute ban from any such Uranium weapon's uses, manufacture, etc. It's simply same as the usual, but bit less often remarked aspect, about the atomic bombs – The times from the released radioactivity to remaining harmful and effecting in the environment are difficult estimate, and the longer overall harm, disruptions for natural ecology even more so. (The peoples subjected for the more vulnerable the younger them would've been.)

; ...It seems noted (Wikip.) also say that acc the humanitarian law the uses (of uranium weapon, in the 'war zones') now been banned. But as I don't know how well that equals for sort firm, 'effective' legislation accepted against, leaves me suppose that the situation might resemble that what existed prior the 2nd World War. (The gas-weapons, used in the former WW were lot feared about, and the abhorrence of their horrifications were still in memory. ...The post-ward look for the history gives an idea that unless the general condemning/banning of the gas-weapons and bombs use after the 1st World War, those could've been used in the 2nd too. ; The nazies instead then, during their quite long-lasted 'reign', instead transferred the use of those against the civilian victims, ie renonwly to their attempted genocide(s) at concentration camps.– But that them would've done anyway.) Perhaps their early victories played some part on the decision retain of the usages from gas-weapons on the World War 2 'military fronts'. ; And seems it, basically for the same reasons, there wasn't seen any Nürnberg-trials on post-after the 'Gulf'-, or after the more recent Iraq-wars from the uranium-weapons uses. 
(; ...As I don't have much more precise looks for these mentioned aspect, won't go further on these remarks about. It fx somewhat surprises, that at an (older, also 2006) general report by the Mass Destruction Weapons Comission there shows not, to any briefer glance at least, no separate chapter/entry from the said 'regular' weapons. Some to whose manufactures woud've been used the depleted uranium. Apparently, there is fx the reference for those usual problems which automatically arise for said health- and peace-concerning issues from any nuclear plants. 'Cause it's quite apparent that any countries having the enriching and reprocessing capacitat for used uranium appear 'technically capable' for to produce these 'regular' uranium weapons too.) ; But, in brief, whether the reason on that would've been more of a political or 'technical' ('difference' ), I of course have no way for to estimate. It fx contains also biological-, and chemial-weapons from covered. ; Perhaps the site by the MDW-ommission would provide by these days more on, about the uranium weapons too. (Haven't viewed that.)

(Likeliest, the more recent recent data, reports, researches, and alike about, must've as well appear - by this day - from quite plenty viewed via else places, and fx from newsings from.) ; Also, I've here all the way used the said term, 'uranium weapons', as the 'alternative' from the 'depleted uranium'-weapons sounds to the more impractical and quite obscure, not specifically refers for the same. Part of the reason, for that, fx, being then that Wikipedian-entries not provided us any page under the heading from, and I only had some time from to find that discussed under the page/entry about 'Depleted uranium'. Where from also the  few below cited excerpts. (The page seems from contain a general heading/section about the 'current status' about any 'requests' made for the moratorium to 'depleted uranium on military uses'.) ; ...(Klötzer) also mentioning now there being a petition for the UN from a total ban for uranium-weapons uses, by the Coalition to Ban Uranium Weapons, ICBUW (, ie on ; ...(Petition under that site established against the uses from depleted uranium. I strongly recommended, anyone, to have a look on, sign that...) ; ...Seems it there also within years made available the variety from documents/reports (on pdfs) of a the studies cons these apparent warring crimes (...Meaning, the uses from the weaponry of such ammunition, on tanks, airplanes, etc.) Fromafter discovered about their uses at Gulf-, Balkan, Iraq 2000s. ; ...From briefest (said), the health hazards from these sort weapons are quite comparable - only in differing to their more long-term lasting consequence, due because dust/particles very slow to "disappear" on any environment - to the former decades uses from the DDT. Despite that DDT's use were mostly, at least on North Europe, stopped around for the 1960s, it's accumulated amounts in the enviroment may have remained in the fields, and affecting to the harvests even later. Resultantly the people whom not exactly subjected to the effect (such as me, during some younger years), may still had gotten ingested the amounts/adequate doses from, to have had developed some healh compromising effects. 
(...Even without that that would've had similarly serious poisoning that what can result of from depteled uranium, or any radioactivity-contained materials. For example, there's a lenghty list from DDT's assumable bad 'inherintance', by now notable on/from generations of the postafter born peoples 'health record' - Such as allergies, other genetic variations (/minor 'mutations'), asthma, cancers (possibly). From simpliest: What you push for the ecology, esp. cons the fields and cultivations for any harvest, it remains there - for years and decades - And those effects are usually only discovered from lot more later than the actual incidents tend have taken place. (; ...At least I think it's quite apparent the DDT single most reason that explains the wide variety of those notable 'smaller' 'inherited' health concerns, at my generation only. Besides it so that there sometimes expressed, possible notice that there several accompaying aspects; the lead formerly used ingredient on gasolines, the other chemial cocktails (from paints to weed-killers), the more later 'genetic experimentation' at what called the production from GMO-foods (And, in general the unhealthy diets those domestic animals kept fed to, which used to fatten them 'effectively' as possible. ...Makes you also for quite aware about that it not too unlikely from could had some transmitting effects to the peoples physical and mental healths, accumulated on body. - Even that any direct effect, from GMO-manufactured foods, usually appears noticed unlikely. ...but that's of course of the point of this.) ; Anyway...already a lenghty list, even without actual poisoning stuffs 'injected' to the global environments, within imaginable, prospected future wars.)
Hence the urgency from it's (DU) complete total ban on, fx.

Seems it for briefly noted, that depending of the situations, and amounts, apparently any 'left-overs' of some exploded use from some uranium-'grenade' could vary. But also after that, the pollutive ingredients in form of mini-particles can spread for the large distances. ; Appears it then also notable, that it said of the Russian from likeliest to had having experimented w. the used uranium-grenades already by the y. 1979. ; ...For the more generally (and of health hazards concerning, if only via that above Wikip.-link) only US and Great Britain seem from officially acknowledged to had used the uranium weapons – Likely in the aftermath to those wider discussions from the war years discussions; about Iraq, Afghanistan (The denial, possibly, would've been quite unpractical and impossible, since some their own soldiers that had served at the 'unified' army sent for conquer Saddam's Iraq (ie, in practice, NATO), having gotten exposed for uranium-waste, acknowledging of resultant suffered health-compromising effects to those weapons uses too.) Further, from already on y. 2003 it been acknowledged, assumable that the released radioactive amounts used would via air, waters, food, from spread from Afghanistan to the surrounding areas. (Iran, Pakistan, Turkey, Uzbekiztan, Russia, Georgia, Azerbaidsan, Kazakstan.) Via those wars 'by the same time' (Yugoslavian, Iraqian), the same concerns seem thenafter expressed of several other countries too (...Saudi-Arabs, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, the Balkan-region...) (; ....Whatever the concerns thenafter noted/of been discovered.)

; For the closing of these (rather limited) views to, my addit gathered remarks then only make a little further reference of via what on that Wikip.-entry (It seems for practical to 'reprint' from a few aspect, on here):

782,414 DU rounds were fired during the 1991 war in Iraq, mostly by the US forces. ...More than 300,000 DU rounds were fired during the 2003 war, the vast majority by US-troops.” ; “...The European Parliament has repeatedly passed resolutions requesting an immediate moratorium on the further use of depleted uranium ammunition, but France and Britain – the onlu EU states that are permanent members of the United Nations security council – have consistently rejected the calls for a ban. ...” ; ...on question from a more recent research from an 'impact of the uranium munitions', ... 'in December 2008', at UN; “ ...All other European Union nations voted in favour or abstained: the Netherlands, which voted against a resolution in 2007, voted in favour, as did Finland and Norway, both of which had abstained in 2007, while the Czech Republic, which voted against the resolution in 2007, abstained. The two other states that voted against the resolution were Israel and the United States (both of which voted against in 2007), while as before China was absent of the vote, and Russia abstained.

On June 21 2009, Belgium became the first country in the world to ban: 'inert ammunition and armour that contains depleted uranium or any other industrially manufactured uranium'” ; “In September 2009, the Latin American Parliament passed a resolution calling for a regional moratorium on the use, production and procurement of uranium weapons. ...” ; “In April 2011, the Congress of Costa Rica passed a law prohibiting uranium weapons in its territories, becoming the second country in the world to do so. ...
...In June 2014, Iraq had called for a global treaty ban on depleted uranium weapons.” (; Entry from; 'Depleted uranium')

In overall, 'It passes all the imagination...' ; ...Let us then as well still only remark about how wide the scope of problems and health concerns seems to always surfaced any forms of nuclear 'powers' from built. The bombs detonated (even testings), or from the weapons manufactured of, or plants always having the potential threat from accidents. ; ...For the ending goes easily for a popular imaginations that 'portrait' about some decayed lookin tall man (, the same one that man the mama always warned you about.) The one that 'casts not a shadow', always lurking right next for (any) government's open front door. Born 1945.

Perhaps, much on this, would be practical for relate from few other things not yet having been remarked at this (or even of recognized). But there we are: I only sincerely hope there some global ban for those “munitions” of been reached. Unless not, then that only would remain from represent another chapter in those many about the pasts becoming unpredictable, from increasingly. ; Because, in the historical view, seems it during some times past, often it been 'set' the 'course of the century', during it'ss first couple decades. At least, from how it usually tends for emerged in the postafter views made from. How after some decades time, half-the-century's time, it often tends becoming to more realistically viewed, also. ; Plus, to this, worth the reminder, at this of that lie about the nuclear power plants to any 'solutions' to this present climate-problem and the future energy 'needs'. So much adverted during those Bush's wars, and alongside from, when these increasing climatic instabilities of a century's lenght fossil pollution were discovered to unpassable from anymore deny.

; And we might quite as well also close our commentaries and views to a wish to there never for realized the number Two, neither of the Third. (And think about that.)
...Along from all the above referred, indescribable detachments and negations of the reality generated and woven for surround the growth of that business. Merely only insults against humanity w. the silent approval about the possibility of any 'accidents' of happened. ; Compromising the global citizen's health security, (“their”) clean environment, the lives of those still yet un-born generations, the World in it's entity as such, it's any morality, any democracies 'built', any economies, any welfare states, the Peace, the Earth, peoples, animals, plants, Oceans and waters, and the Rocks and Stones... [; W-G.]

; Signed by Doktor Docto-power.

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