The Frogs Have More Fun...


"All the names I know from nurse:
Gardener's garters, Shepherd's purse,
Bachelor's buttons, Lady's smock,
And the Lady Hollyhock.

Fairy places, Fairy things,
Fairy woods where the wild bee wings,
Tiny trees for tiny dames.
- These must all be Fairy names !"

(from Child's Garden of Verses
by R.L. Stevenson)

"Anyone can write a short-story.
A bad one, I mean."

(R.L. Stevenson)

"Science without conscience is the Soul's perdition."
- Francois Rabelais, Pantagruel
- Acc to/above is citated from: Medical Apartheid. The dark history of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present, by Harriet A. Washington (Doubleday ; 2006 ; p. 1.)

"In the high society of the first half of the century, marriage, despite it's bestowal status upon the wife, was the most absurdity. Marriage, conferring instanteous rank or money, ... lost most of its prestige and moment right after the wedding. ...By the end of the century, spurred by Rousseau's moralistic Nouvelle Hèloíse, a contrary cult, that of virtue, arose. After 1770 conjugal and maternal love became not merely admissible, but, for some, moral imperatives. ...

...Rousseau, who sought for himself the crown of morality in ostensibly defending marriage, presents in his Nouvelle Hèloíse the most enticing and extended defense of illicit love ever penned. The root of the problem is that as the century progressed sensibility became confused with morality: passionate feeling, if expressed in a highly civilized mode with grace and nuance, makes us forgive the Rousseau of The Confessions, for example, his pettiness, his jealousies, his betrayals. This moral-amoral byplay, present already in the novels of Richardson, was to be more intense as the century unfolded."
Madelyn Gutwirth : Madame De Staèl, Novelist. The emergence of the Artist as Woman (10,15.)

"...As the social contract seems tame in comparison with war, so fucking and sucking come to seem merely nice, and therefore unexciting. ... To be 'nice', as to be civilized, means being alienated from this savage experience - which is entirely staged. [...] The rituals of domination and enslavement being more and more practiced, the art that is more and more devoted to rendering their themes, are perhaps only a logical extension of an affluent society's tendency to turn every part of people's lives into a taste, a choice; to invite them to regard their very lives as a (life) style." - Susan Sontag , on 'Fascinating Fascism' (-74; p 103;104-5 at Under the sign of Saturn)
; "Anyone who cannot give an account to oneself of the past three thousand years remains in darkness, without experience, living from day to day." (Goethe) - as cited by Sontag (on same compile; p. 137.)

"It is widely accepted that we are now living in the 'Anthropocene', a new geological epoch in which the Earth's ecosystems and climate are being fundamentally altered by the activities of humans. I loathe the term, but I can't deny that it's appropriate."
; (Goulson), Silent Earth : Averting the Insect Apocalypse (2021; p 47.)
"It is sometimes said that humanity is at war with nature, but the word 'war' implies a two-way conflict. Our chemical onslaught on nature is more akin to genocide. It is small wonder that our wildlife is in decline."
; (Goulson, 2021 ; 118.)
"If we believe absurdities, we shall commit atrocities." (Voltaire)
- Citated from; (Joy, Melanie), Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs and Wear Cows : An Introduction to Carnism(2010; p. 95.)

"In the presence of the monster, you have eyes and ears for nothing else."
; (Flora Tristan) : London Journal of Flora Tristan: the Aristocracy and the Working Class of England ; 1842-edit. (tr: 1982. ; p. 71.)

"Every minority invokes justice, and justice is liberty.
A party can be judged of only by the doctrine which
it professes when it is the strongest."
Mdme de Staêl
(on) 'Consideration sur le Révolution de la Francaise' [1818]


Minding  my own...

; Or, the Rise and Fall of the American Preacher...
; Or, 'the wisest move'

... Sittin here an' eatin' my heart out, babe.
Waitin for some lover to call
Dialed about thousand numbers,
almost took the phone off the wall,
lookin for some Hot Stuff baby tonight,
waitin' for some Hot Stuff by this evening,
got to have some Hot Stuff, got to have some love tonight.

...Talk about some hot love baby this evening,
I need some hot stuff baby this evening
lookin for my hot love this evening,
I need some hot love this evening,
....yeah, yeah, yeah, hot stuff,
baby this evening.”
- Hot Stuff
(, s song), by Donna Summer

... Well, me an Mark Twain were having us a ball,
Tellin' each other lies, floating down from the Hannibal,
With a bottle and a worm and cane pole,
We were fishin for the secrets where the catfish crawl,

And the Mississippi river's flowing downstream,
Meet the gulf of Mexico somewhere downstream
Meet the Atlantic Ocean somewhere downstream
Gonna meet you in the water somewhere,
... ” ; (a song), Downstream by the Rainmakers.

The expansion of mankind, both in numbers and per-capita exploitation of Earth's resources has been astounding. To give a few examples: During the past three centuries human population increased tenfold to 6 billion, accompanied, e.g., by a growth in cattle population to 1.4 billion (about one cow per averagesize family). Urbanization has even increased tenfold in the past century. In a few generations mankind is exhausting the fossil fuels that were generated over several hundred million years. The release of SO2, globally about 160 teragrams [160 million metric tons] per year to the atmosphere by coal and oil burning, is at least two times larger than the sum of all natural emissions, occurring mainly as marine dimethyl-sulfide from the oceans; from Vitousek, we learn that thirty to fifty percent of the land surface has been transformed by human action; more nitrogen is now fixed synthetically and applied as fertilizers in agriculture than fixed naturally in all terrestrial ecosystems; the escape into the atmosphere of NO [nitric oxide] from fossil fuel and biomass combustion likewise is larger than the natural inputs, giving rise to photochemical ozone (“smog”) formation in extensive regions of the world ; more than half of all accessible fresh water is used by mankind; human activity has increased the species extinction rate by one thousand to ten-thousand-fold in the tropical rain forests and several climatically important 'greenhouse' gases have substantially increased in the atmosphere: CO2 by more than thirty percent and CH4 [methane] by even more than 100 percent. Furthermore, mankind releases many toxic substances in the environment and even some, the chlorofluorocarbon gases, which are not toxic at all, but which nevertheless have led to the Antarctic 'ozone hole' and which would have destroyed much of the ozone layer if no international regulatory measures to end their production had been taken. Coastal wetlands are also affected by humans, having resulted in the loss of fifty percent of the world's mangroves. Finally, mechanized human predation ('fisheries')¨removes more than twenty-five percent of the primary production of the oceans in the upwelling regions and thirty-five percent in the temperate continental shelf regions. ...
...The impacts of current human activities will continue over long periods. ...over the next 50,000 years.“ ('Anthropocene' ; p. 70-1 on that compile book Global warming reader. A Century of Writings About Climate Change. (ed. McKibben) [Sources, to that cited article, seem from rely to materials from btw 1990-98, mostly. (The article is actually from y. 2000.)] ; ...While century's advancin', one might assume not so much havin' changed to this scenario. Seems it, that most often concern on these climatic aspects, would've been what the impact on humanity's foothold, and more precisely cons. those 'declining resources'.)

...Somewhat considerably, only tried from reason out whether we'd any chances to make/from prepared this to the bit similar writings than many previous, recent posts on this blog. ; ...Some sort of the 'cocktail', compiling as diverse aspects as fx the Climates, and, then some from this long lasting shadow of the Disaster capitalism (, from incl. it's late remained 'hold' on the world's economic system, still.) – And maybe bit less from it's victims, the workers mass graves, the shattered economies, the extinct species (from prospected to be seen, during the oncoming century's time), and the lost 'real progresses' acc. that 'illogic' also seen on the climate-politics. (Plus a few other aspects contained, incl. maybe those 'resource-markets' of the Greenhouse gases reduction, climatic 'solutions'.)

But, let us only say from that all (aforesaid)...even Stalin couldn't had prepared the more ruthless futures on his subservients, than seems done the marketplace, and the US government, via/w. it's climate-politics by the century's turn. ('Subservients' from concerning, thought about, actually does mean the global humanity's futures.)
; Thenagain, yet maybe, there now also is more of the hope from the futures concerning. Though', I haven't well late, some time, checked those recent most prospected/clearest estimates on present from that Climates-question. Suppose, I likely bother more for the other things. (Why so, becomes maybe quite reasoned if you read the rest from this post.)

...Supposin, that all from so far seen often enough has gotten us 'out played' on these writings, already. At least, that for the reasons this originally seemed from turn out of too confusing, our few sources from bit burdensome to compile together. ; ...My few views, or sources 'outlined' fx featured to some sources Klein, Roy, Vine Deloria jr, Charles Foster (about the 'olfactory blindness' by humans), Patti Smith's 'rock'n'roller nigger' (some songlines from), plus, else much smtgh lot,, etc.
; ...In short, put it this way, sayin more would probably only mess our own goals too much. Yet, the effort made us of too concerned on facts to remain in null, of not sayin anything.

...One way to look that, or of that Climates at least, is that there not just the matter about declining 'resources', but merely of the world w. an enormous spending from it's 'resources'. (Just amongst the many typical ecological burdens, or examples within, seems be fx those low coastal wetlands; Some that during some half the century had '...loss of fifty percent of the world's mangroves.' ...I understand nowadays some measures to their recovery might/are being carried. Don't know what in particulars. ; And, actually, the similar seems just as usual to concnern most processes that comprise humanity's problematic footprint on Earth, it's environments.)
; ...Yet, to be only honest, came then to these conclusions that it only much easier us from not go now for any those aspects. – After all, we've also here been thinkin' ourselves out-of-this-box of several years, by now. Only from more recent on the world's concerns, for any particulars. ...Supposedly, any reasoned person, to these conditions would've made the same conclusions already well before; By reasoning, simply, that leaving out practically anything, seems for to serve only the false will permitting the excuses from to leave out most everything, from this before said. (Like that wouldn't had mattered.) – Or, in brief; Now we are actually sayin' practically nothing, 'cause likeliest sayin' something only seems turned against our own effort here. (Let us then also - of course - notice for the same sentence that I won't either acknowledge from fear such unfair an opponent. I'm only afraid of the facts.)
 [Above-pic] ; ...Should've / must've learned by now that it's the years left out which usually matter. (The mindful advice, check about.)

...To some among his often referred/cited words at the 'Civil Disobedience' (1849), Thoreau says: 'I was not born to be forced. I will breathe after my own fashion' ...Supposedly that quite as good advice to us on any from (these) concerns, than any other. Not all would have the similar chances than we though, either. So doin' our own turns here, not liking to play wise. Won't haste. And I wouldn't had changed a bit. Will read as much as before. (Maybe from bit more cautioned. But, after all, any from these words also cost us twice as much than for the most. Didn't let that much of to bother.) Will run after our own fashion, no haste. Besides, otherways you all would lose all from (this), too. Will not follow. Won't “agree to”. Won't repel, won't rebel, and won't repent. Most of all, won't risk it. (Hence this much of my decisions from presented on to this...)

Finally, also saying for some matter-a-fact, any from this doesn't exactly much seem to much comfort me. (Shouldn't comfort any you either. Hope...there is. But the world is late, and 'the hour grows late', seems that, by anycase.)

...So I suggest everybody who might arrive to bit similar conclusions the solution I've now held to some time: Start walking, instead from the drivin'. Helps reason out better, and pays for some exercise – and – costs nothing. Usually, the obvious question only is of how far you can walk. Or; when wishing to walk, on any conditions, which any particular conditions from. Suggested only for the physically well-fit. Not suitable on all seasons, landscapes, specific instances, or weathers. Mother Earth would approve. (Also reduces the likehoods from any too hurry and hasty decisioning, too.)

; And these many words, on preceded, only from main reasons remark the followed posts mostly to contain/flourish of examples from the plant and gardening by ours. (Actually could've easily saved myself any trouble of to bother on these, too. Easily here available on shops, while the selections would been more limited, obviously.) Good that I bothered, the opposite would've had left us without any actual decisions, too.

The Plants-'section'
; The Gardening Chapter IV / 2018 

Trumphant or Triumphant' ; From the cultivations/gardening we're now approaching mid-Summer & from the plants, basically, here their more troublesome period of earliest growth is over. Practically means that to most my efforts consist now (“only”) from the watering, mostly. ; However, such as my usual 'cardinal sin' on plants and cultivations, I avariciously gathered quite a number new species - And so there's much to take care, most of the time. ; However, the unusual – But now, apparently, already to the normative – the dry period of Spring, turned to more problematic than earlier: I even ran out of my gathered rainwaters soon early by this June. Which has never happened before. Although regular pipeline-liquids are there to be used, I think now from to have some better idea of what these said 'forecasts' and predictions actually seems from mean. Can imagine how such can do/does mean real concerns on places, actually to many places of the world by our time. Turns most tasks more strenght consuming, fx. ...And our gardening (even this little) gives also some idea how agricultures can be very fragile, on certain regions and periods from.

Yet, no time, nor place to any too lenghty descriptions of this (recent) 'heat'-period here. That from about 3-4 weeks dry period – no longer, but since of Spring such was earlier only a very 'abnormal' for any seasons – So wasn't only exhaustive, stressing, but frustrating from noticing that the most my concerns on this were of direct to the climatic aspects. (However, from my plants cultivated, part thanks for the greenhouse cons the pregrowths, the weathers actually benefited my efforts; Anything grew more steadily and sooner than on 'regular' seasonal condition. ...'Supposin, that those climates irregularities are predicted turn for the more worrysome, here too, after only few decades. At least one already could notice the increases from the temperature 'extremes' from this.)

...Something I also took (/was able) to pay some attention, during this early growing of my plants did count the used bought soils. Turned it out (about) that I did use, about: 4 sacks regular (pre-fertilized) soil (40 L). And, ca, few sacks 'pregrowth' dirts (4/6 l), a few sacks particular herbs-soils which them also sell here as the separate preparation (4 L). - Mostly used that on my Rosemary's, and Basil-containers. ; ...And then also some regular flowers-/indoor plant-soils, from sacks by size from 10/6 L. ...And then, later, a few smaller sacks in addition to that (4/6, 'compost-fertilized' nowadays).
; ...Basically, I think, ecologically thinkin' the bought soils made my only 'unnecessities' to this. (...Although, reminded that without a few leaf-composts the needed amount sacks would've been even more). ; ...And because from that I was preparing a few benches more for these flowers/vines of mine, and then also these Summer-cultivations (Some went for the Tomatos, like usual, also sowed some Squash. ...Plus yet, there a few other larger plants I wished change to newer soils by this time. And then there were few other tasks I had elseways from make.) But feels it then, or simply so, that of had the more 'ecosavy' practices/-alternatives from maintained, would've needed more of time spent on that – Which was not possible, to this season.
However, one might then think/useful reminded that these amounts used aren't very calculable to anything else, due because I mostly used my own resources on this. – And, any my gardenings not part from any communal effort. Which, btw, seems from become quite popular nowadays, here too.

And then...well, now we should be movin' on.

(Biobact, the 'fertilizer sticks') – Presented mostly due because bought these from to experiment w. their use on some my Tomatoes too. Don't know/can't say...whether these turn out any useful, success from. (A few sticks added on Tomato-container last some couple Months and then one only needs take care watering.) ; Also, so far, I've only discovered that to my Celeries the organic Biobact, on liquid-form, seems serve for the purpose better than any chemial fertilizing-product. Actually, of resultant decided leave out any chemials from the liquid-fertilized house-hold plants too, of prospectively.

Willow Bay-Herb

Some point-of-view, the remark that at first fewsome our Fennoscandian natural plants on begins this is featured...

...The nicely flowering Bay-herb – as the English name I'd learned it called by. Blooms about this season. It being rather early arrived colonizing plant here. Usually grows on, fx, open woodsides (/-clearings), roadsides, edges to hay-fields or sim, etc. Seeds disperse widely, so occasionally you see the plant on byside to the constructions. Appears quite tolerant for the various soils, and soforth, the human efforts actually have often favored it's spreading. (However, like many natural plant, in the pasts, it seems also had some medicinal uses – Even that the modern 'folklore' only seems from make of Willow-herb any mention only to the 'drunkyard's rose'. And one can perhaps find some justification to this terming, since it's flowers are quite large and many insects visit.)

The Lesser Butterfly-Orchid (Planathera bifolium)

...Also of the natural Plants, and from characteristics from complete opposite to the previous, we then have the pic from of this nicely scented Orchid. All/or most Fennoscandian orchids tend from grow with the particular mycorrhizal-'partnerships' w. species of fungi - So most species appear often only more sparse to see, even without any human impact/harms from affecting. Like many (Fennoscandian) orchids, due the forestry economics/practices, it is counted for the declined (Actually, is protected due because of this.) – The most significant major reason that the modern economic forestry methods disturb heavily the forest floors, ao impacts caused. ; Generally, there's Orchids that grow on the peatlands/bogs (and other type from soil too), that contain some amongst for the more endangered species (But the Lesser Butterfly-Orchid, seems from favor mostly – I only suppose – the more wet chalk-land type environments.) ; Typically for many orchids the species seems from attract many moths w. it's scent to the pollinators.

The Common Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) 

; ...So, as the scents captivated my attention to previous mention – actually only by accidentally – I also ran to an Ash flowering at the Spring-season (Perhaps little early this year, on midst from May). The tree ain't very common, it here merely grows at some parks and to other human created places, 'parks and gardens', or to other more or less converted environments. On warmer coastal regions it becomes more common, though. (So one could asssume that w. some time, maybe not very long after, the Ash, similarly as the Oak (Q.robur), might start from become more common to grow and increase also here – Which is slight disturbing, the fewsome small sapplings tend appear for my local garden, fx, after it's seeds have developed. Actually, there's also some having rooted closeby, from the larger tree next to my places. ; ...But due it's scent Common Ash I recognized quite exceptional a tree, when luckily happened recognize those at the bloom. Apparently, it belongs for the larger family from Beeches, like the Oaks (That I only assume.) – And then it not very surprising that there seems from be a lot of similarity at the scent of these trees too. Common Ash from blooming is quite nice lookin' tree, indeed. ; ...The usual ('standard') claim also seems to recognizing Ash to the tree-species known as the Viking's 'Yggdrasil', the 'World Ash', reaching it's growth for the 'all layers' of the world – But actually, I read that actually the species of the tree meant by that actually was Yew. (Sounds quite reasonable, but decide by yourself from the likehood...)

Wood Sorrel(s) (Oxalis acetocella)

; ...Which not actually is any too rare a plant, but Wood Sorrel grows for the most typically in the older Spruce-forest floors. ...While one might often find Sorrel by singular specimens, or lots from, this kind of nicely decorative views tend appear less usual from my any nearby sights. ; The beside view – which the photo for quite poorly 'transmits' - I just happened from discover on sides from theabout 1950s - planted spruce-forest that they're here now, apparently, trying to 'revitalize' on for a more natural level. Apparently, w. the purpose from improving that to again from favoring the more natural conditions for the actual natively appearing forest ground plants. Since, typically, by around the times from that 1950s created forestries, only too often contained trees planted for the thin, straight rows (to the 'geometrical' lines from been planted.) Such cases the Spruces on those said forestries then effectively seem from not only poor to grow, but also often then block most amounts the necessary sunlight, or, in combined also turn the soils/ground-floor too acific for many those ground plants. ; ...But I merely photographed this from to some memories of my early walks in the childhood and for the reminder to learn that one can also taste Wood sorels leaves. (Slight bitter by taste. The plant being completely harmless, though not meant of eaten in large quantities. 'Supposin it has ranges for most Northern Europes.)

Maple-branches (Acer Platanoides)

; Not the less lovely by looks is the season when maples go for bloom. Here late May usually, this year – I noticed – w. an unusual warm heated Spring-period, it was now then maybe couple weeks earlier to that timing. ; Thoreau, actually, advices from watching the Maple- branches and often having followed an advice. (Hence this picture. But just from mentioned, due becasue I suppose from had earlier presented quite a many examples of Maple-flowers to some our posts.)

Field Scabious (Knautia arvensis)

Probable that I've presented earlier few pic(s) from this old traditional, natural plant. However, that 'perennial herb' appeared at my little dry meadow, all of a sudden – And maybe now by this season, afterwards, I can expect a few more of the growths, if the conditioons favoring. (Or not, don't know as yet. But I mention this merely of reason that I've seen it for some good omen, after having discovered that, few years past.) ; Namely it just one from the old-time plants that now for the more in disappearance, relic of the more 'traditionelt' agriculturalist recent past and 'customs'. The natural plant definitely one amongst my favorites. (The local Nature database remarks fx that this plant also did arrive for the Fennoscandia early on when 'slash'n'burn style agriculture' was formerly maintained. And ' was people who originally brought it to Finland from Russian Steppe.' ; Attracts 'bumblebees, honeybees, beetles...and many other insects' ; Ie, pretty much similarly than what usual of noted from several other plants at present to their 'slow but steady' declines. (However, if you have a free field/area, take some time to build a meadow, or take a whole lot from the tennis-yards and change those for some – such as the method acc. to 'Lady Rothschild'.) ; Decided to leave any pics from this for a bit later too, placed some on an earlier posts...And maybe there'll grow some more from these now.

(...And finally, then we have a place to these few gardenings of mine, from because of this late unexceptionally warm Summery-seasons.)

The Bee

...An 'early bee' - Appeared some morning at my gardens, about late May, suppose. I think for not presented the pic, or noted the smaller species to any earlier post – hence the photo here. ; (Actually, now supposin' that despite the warm season bees seem from rare of any appearances. Likeliest them are sufferin' some declines from the latest Summers lot of rains, by July/August. Not so great concern or a worry,
by now, but...makes you think.)

Greenery plants

; ...This of Clovers [Trifolium incarnatum] in the pic, by any particulars, early on it's flowerescence. ; Acquired also a bag of the seeds from those to uses – ao – from returning the fertilization for the soil on a bench from my greenhouse. - Although, I then later also 'weeded' some parts from these off and added also Basils on the same bench (Those tend grow most well here only at greenhouse.) ; Also used some already, prior the blooming from the plants, not waited until the whole lots from it grown for to returning the 'strenghts' on soils. ; ...And, must admit, it too seems from flowering nicely. For the Bees, I read (acc. that Beresford-Kroger, btw) it's the most favored plants due from their contained nectar. (Only the Lime can compete, it says...) Well, who knows, but the seedbag also had the Buckwheat and phacelias [P. tanacetifolia]. After the plants grown, the stems, leaves and everything else are at Autumn then from cropped and mixed for ground soil (at late from Autumn.) ...Guess that's one from the usual organic methods that'd gotten to more popular by these days – I actually ordered mine along w. the other seeds I did sow this year.

Winter Savory (Satureja montana)

...Of the herbs, also sowed some over-wintering Savories this year. ...The selection mostly because I noticed it gotten to flowering by this early, late June. ; Acc. Wikip.; '...makes an attractive border plant for any culinary herb garden.' - And that's exactly the way I was plannin' to use it. (But reason one or other, my sowed planted at that place not from so near well took off, as yet.) ; Anyway the herb also has longer histories from before/'...evidence it was cultivated by the ancient Romans and greeks 2000 y ago.' (The Romans, who not had the black pepper, also seem said from had used that w. quite the same manner, actually.) ; Merely made these sowings, since I'd noted it perhaps saves the trouble to have that for perennial than to sow Summer Savories, each year. ; Also them seem to note that the S.montana appears to be of the more mild by taste. ...However, growing some to my stronger soils (on greenhouse) it turned from actually to very strong by it's taste. Some sowed 'outdoors' seemed from taste bit less 'bitter'. (The latter 'method' is actually recommended, but at here latitudes, seems their overwintering ain't too exact guaranteed, either. – And hence by that the reason planted some on a greenhouse.) It's flowers on pics  actually look nicer than those on 'regular' (annual) Saturejas, the whole plant appearing bit more of a 'shrub-like', by an early look. (Flowers seems resemble, lot, those by the Oregano. Or those from other species that belong for lamiaceae. Perhaps adding some pics of this too, when those grown larger...)

Echinacea paradoxa

; ...The original purpose was from make some step-by-step, detailed practical, 'task-list' growing on some these N.American traditional perennials I acquired. (Of some breeds from.) So, I also grew plenty few Monardas, (M.punctata), such as was mentioned on earlier posting. ; ...But this heated season brought me so much extra trouble and well-to-care on my cultivations (the food plants, the perennials, the Household-plants - and some trees, even) that I had not any good time for smght like. ; So, I'm now only planting them prior the soil gets too dry during the more warm Months. Generally most perennials need more time of growth than any seasonal flowers, and as I tend favor the 'bit more difficult' species to grow, I've also suffered some set-backs on those, by occasional. ; ...Like said (earlier) I've not much of a guarantee how these particular perennials should last here on the winter-conditions. ...But at least my comparable, more regular Echinaceaes and Monardas seem well do. Supposin' I'll have to cover these w. bit more w. fx the twigs, leafs, etc, for the overwintering. (In particular planted the Exchinacea beside stones to an additional warmth from soil condition.) ; Well, we'll see...


...Namely, intention was to plant these on some garden-bench I made by the method earlier described (a layer of hays, some newsprint-paper, hays, bit of a sand, 'rubble, newsprint-paper, hays, ...etc.) Built partly of earlier planted/relocated flowers, this self-made garden-bench the experiment at least turned for the most complete success: The Arnicas and Acquilegias - at beside photo - already bloomed on early June (the pics), and, the regular Cone Flowers plus my last season adverted (local) attractions, the Greater Knapweeds soon will. ; ...Anyway, I won't 'advert this invention for the 'lazy-minded', (or, for physically weak) – Building that last Summer actually exhausted me more plentysome than anything on this recent season/heated period. (The secrets for, also, for that perennials do so well on it, appears that the whole from it built over a stomp of a lately cut garden-tree, it warms the soil well.) ; But also from because the whole lot made by this natural method (maximum one to two sacks any bought soils). Actually I wouldn't even needed add any extra fertilizers to it, this Summer...Although I used some bone meal on most from mentioned perennial. Hence their large growths (Plus of this heat, of course).

; Actually, on this built flower-bench (beside) even tried for 'imitate' the idea from the S.American 'Milpa'And one can see the Squash's leafs at the below on pic. (...Hopefully those will produce some harvest, it's still early of Summer but I'm not too sure if the ground's is enough to these many, and to this large plants.) ; Matter a fact, it been enjoyable enough building this even if those plants wouldn't make much any harvestables to. ...Namely, I'm also pretty satisfied for the idea that I've even sown an' cultivated each and every one from these flowers on the 'bench' of the seed, by my own. (Though, some among, I at first relocated of elsewhere growths.) ; A recommendable effort, in case having some resembling place for flowers. Besides it was good physical exercise too... :)


Of the gardenings, I then even collected my garden pots of the Basil in the same pic. (Took some pic from my other herb on pots too, but did not find that for these places...) - So these from the Basil should suffice - 'cause I think I mentioned, tried grow those in the one turf-bag brought from the shops – but it turned out burdensome. ; On the greenhouse them grow most effectively here (as elsewhere, possibly), all Basil basically needs is the warmth. ...And the well lot of the fertilizers, at these latitudes (Such as elsewhere when on subtemperate regions, not possibly when grown to more tropical regions, never checked about.) ; In the pots, I've noted it best here to be grown on metal-containers. Much the same as from tomatoes – Guess'll I've mentioned them from often grown together, in the same soils.

; ...Nothing else, suppose, by my these cold (temperate) regions perhaps makes one so apparently aware and 'bewarned' about these climatic aspects than collecting the rain-waters. So I actually now mostly having maintained from collecting some to be used for my gardening tasks. Luckily, here regions it also appears well usable and usually the garden starts from flourish only after rains. ; ...And feels it also notable, ao, that due because of having relative many plants grown which favor/are from the more warm climatic conditions by origin, actually the minor heats we'd recent had, helped me on my gardening tasks greatly. (So far. Yet, given the level about drying caused, only of this recent from, one feels there's merely some reasons to look this for some forewarning. So nowadays lookin' of quite more often on the skies...)

...But that now for the most from my gardenings and plants, during this season,
or of that for main part from this post. Supposing, there'll be some time or a places for bit rest from my tasks on after these Summery-cultivations – The other plants/species then perhaps around from when having perhaps bit less warmed period or weeks during the July.
Of course, you don't necessary have to feel the same importance about these - I'm writing of these, actually, since the lot from is the more usual for any my

doings or inspirations during this season, mostly, recent years. ; But for now, from a bit like that 'Bird on the Wire', guess'll then fly off on to other tasks, while these still remains from not any too lenghty a story. ; ...Maybe that about knowing of the plants and the many species amongst, is a bit like that from the ladders – You only use those when you happen need some. But the more one learns from them,  more for particulars, the more generally one tends seem learn of their overall characteristics. Or about. (; G.U.J.)

After that I cravenly slept under a groundsheet in my backyard.” - on Being a Beast (p. 117) by Charles Foster).
Pics;  From Vampirella (mag 23/1973) , 'The blood queen of the Bayou Parish!', by Gonzalez-Englehart. ; from Malet's L'autre laideur, L'autre folie (2006) [...Little modified, numbers added for the pic]. [All used without any granted copyrights, or other specifics, etc...] ; (+ The rest photos by us. Ask for permission, if need any from more specifically, etc...)

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