The Frogs Have More Fun...


"All the names I know from nurse:
Gardener's garters, Shepherd's purse,
Bachelor's buttons, Lady's smock,
And the Lady Hollyhock.

Fairy places, Fairy things,
Fairy woods where the wild bee wings,
Tiny trees for tiny dames.
- These must all be Fairy names !"

(from Child's Garden of Verses
by R.L. Stevenson)

"Anyone can write a short-story.
A bad one, I mean."

(R.L. Stevenson)

"Science without conscience is the Soul's perdition."
- Francois Rabelais, Pantagruel
- Acc to/above is citated from: Medical Apartheid. The dark history of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present, by Harriet A. Washington (Doubleday ; 2006 ; p. 1.)

"In the high society of the first half of the century, marriage, despite it's bestowal status upon the wife, was the most absurdity. Marriage, conferring instanteous rank or money, ... lost most of its prestige and moment right after the wedding. ...By the end of the century, spurred by Rousseau's moralistic Nouvelle Hèloíse, a contrary cult, that of virtue, arose. After 1770 conjugal and maternal love became not merely admissible, but, for some, moral imperatives. ...

...Rousseau, who sought for himself the crown of morality in ostensibly defending marriage, presents in his Nouvelle Hèloíse the most enticing and extended defense of illicit love ever penned. The root of the problem is that as the century progressed sensibility became confused with morality: passionate feeling, if expressed in a highly civilized mode with grace and nuance, makes us forgive the Rousseau of The Confessions, for example, his pettiness, his jealousies, his betrayals. This moral-amoral byplay, present already in the novels of Richardson, was to be more intense as the century unfolded."
Madelyn Gutwirth : Madame De Staèl, Novelist. The emergence of the Artist as Woman (10,15.)

"...As the social contract seems tame in comparison with war, so fucking and sucking come to seem merely nice, and therefore unexciting. ... To be 'nice', as to be civilized, means being alienated from this savage experience - which is entirely staged. [...] The rituals of domination and enslavement being more and more practiced, the art that is more and more devoted to rendering their themes, are perhaps only a logical extension of an affluent society's tendency to turn every part of people's lives into a taste, a choice; to invite them to regard their very lives as a (life) style." - Susan Sontag , on 'Fascinating Fascism' (-74; p 103;104-5 at Under the sign of Saturn)
; "Anyone who cannot give an account to oneself of the past three thousand years remains in darkness, without experience, living from day to day." (Goethe) - as cited by Sontag (on same compile; p. 137.)

"It is widely accepted that we are now living in the 'Anthropocene', a new geological epoch in which the Earth's ecosystems and climate are being fundamentally altered by the activities of humans. I loathe the term, but I can't deny that it's appropriate."
; (Goulson), Silent Earth : Averting the Insect Apocalypse (2021; p 47.)
"It is sometimes said that humanity is at war with nature, but the word 'war' implies a two-way conflict. Our chemical onslaught on nature is more akin to genocide. It is small wonder that our wildlife is in decline."
; (Goulson, 2021 ; 118.)
"If we believe absurdities, we shall commit atrocities." (Voltaire)
- Citated from; (Joy, Melanie), Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs and Wear Cows : An Introduction to Carnism(2010; p. 95.)

"In the presence of the monster, you have eyes and ears for nothing else."
; (Flora Tristan) : London Journal of Flora Tristan: the Aristocracy and the Working Class of England ; 1842-edit. (tr: 1982. ; p. 71.)

"Every minority invokes justice, and justice is liberty.
A party can be judged of only by the doctrine which
it professes when it is the strongest."
Mdme de Staêl
(on) 'Consideration sur le Révolution de la Francaise' [1818]


The froglet's story, Or; 'dragons wrath'

; Or: Runnin back the breathin' ground...

He walked through the grass without following any well-worn footpath.” (from) 'Iktomi and the Coyote', a lakota story 'rendered'/translated by Gertrude Bonnin/Zitkala-Sa.
...I was fascinated with the notion that long ago humans and animals used to freely converse. As I got older, I realized the clouds and winds and rivers also have their ways of communication; I became interested in what these entities had to say. My imagination became engaged in discovering what can be known without words.
Stories themselves have spirit and being, and they have a way of communicating on different levels. The story itself communicates with us regardless of what language it is told in. Of course stories are always funnier and more vivid when they are in their original language by a good storyteller. But what I love about stories is they can survive and continue in some form or another resembling themselves regardless of how good or bad the storyteller is, no matter what language they are told or written in. This is because the human brain favors stories or the narrative form as a primary means of organizing and relating human experience. Stories contain large amounts of valuable information even when the storyteller forgets or invents new details.” ; The Turquoise Ledge (by Leslie Marmon Silko)

Happens that I seem of tend to keep Silko's books on my desk of some time from until having the time/pursuit of reading those. The Turquoise Ledge (2011), I read sometime early Months from last Summer, but that actually 'rested' from unexplored on my desk for some Months time before that, at least. Don't know why, perhaps I had some hesitations of the book, and that then was left lay aside.

But the books of course quite rewarding reading. (In contrast for what on the preceded said, ie to some difference on that former practice, Almanac of the Dead (1991) I then now more recent read, quite directly after from had borrowed book.)
; ...Thought from somewhat what could've appeared well in place from quote to begins of this chapter – But felt it nothing else from very well would've fitted for. ; So, it goes like this.

...In the book there, amongst lot else it contains, is told from that uranium-mine, established on the Laguna pueblo land, soon from after begins from the Cold War, due because; 'U.S. atomic bomb production needed more uranium.' (...Won't go for those health compromising and endangering histories from any more detaily, anyone can of course read about that oneself. But view also the few parts quoted on below the following paragraph.)

; Such as from what becomes easy imaginable also (,or at least) transmits the impression about how totalizing might've been the global 'zeal' for the atomic energies during those times, at the 'dawn' from our present modernity, that 'postwar-era' (In the book is also remarked of how during those years '...prospectors descended on the Southwest with their Geiger counters over one shoulder like a purse.' ; Actually some aspects I also read mentioned at the book by Edward Abbey, Desert solitaire. (p 1968). At the earlier post(s). ; But no less incomprehensible to any present 'awareness' is of course also how totalizing the lack of care about all the possible side-effects, indeed, and how total the neglect of the peoples healths by that mining industry. (Not to mention on this in precise from that first bomb explosion and its radioactive fallout. But view those few quotes on little below.)
In fact it (the nuclears, bombs and -plants) always been/was the history from 'energies' not generated but robbed, violations towards anything to an Earth's original “system” (The ecology, and the natural systems, life-supporting.)

...But, in the book it then said, fx, also the following; 'U.S. Federal Government by way of the Department of the Interior/Bureau of Indian Affairs forced the Laguna Pueblo people to allow Anaconda to blast open the Earth near Paguate for an open-pit uranium mine. The tribe tried to resist but the Cold War politics fed the frenzy for uranium for atomic bombs.' ...Then is mentioned of Carole Gallagher's book American Ground Zero (which seems said provide a map from locations that got dusted with radioactive fallout during the U.S. Nuclear tests in Nevada), and also fx that, '...All (lower) forty-eight states have locations where radioactive fallout from these tests was detected more than once, although Nevada, Utah, Colorado, northern Arizona and New Mexico got the heaviest contamination.' ; ...Concerning that mine also fx; 'The Anaconda Company was not required to dispose of the radioactive tailings or store them safely to prevent contamination of the air or groundwater. ...A few years ago the tailings were finally buried beneath the piles of clean dirt, and now the weeds grow there profusely.'
Also; “Far more egregious abuses of the people by the U.S. Government during those years came to light during the Carter administration and in the 1990s when U.S. Energy Secretary Hazel O'Leary declassified millions of pages of 'Top Secret' documents. ...Handicapped in boarding schools were secretly fed plutonium in their oatmeal, and poor black men in Alabama were secretly injected 'to see what would happen.' The aftermath of Hiroshima and Nagasaki had already showed us what would happen, these documented secret experiments of the 1950s and 1960s are more evidence that anything may be done by U.S.Government agents as long as the two words 'national security' are invoked.
...uranium was big business in the early 1950s; the Cold War and the U.S. Atomic production needed more uranium. For a few years prospectors descended on the Southwest with their Geiger counters over one shoulder like a purse. As a child I remember my father calling me over to look at a box full of rocks uranium prospector had in his jeep. ...” (; p. 69, 70-1.)
(The reason that I cite this much being that I think it easier to me from relate these aspect to the overall picture, or the general history. Not that much familiar on the said incidents from, formerly only from via few reads about the science histories relating to this.) But I think of had read some sources too that actually had but a reference on an existence about that mine on pueblo-land, fx.

; One then has, also, some remainders about the other places where somewhat similar incidents were seen taken place at begins that “nuclear-era” – The period launched by the US, of engineering those renown first bombs (Btw, oftenmost on some of the later histories told from, typical to, Nagasaki appears left out of a mention.) Also not much after was that also accompanied by several other nations, 'superpowers' of the time. (Or 'advanced powers' during an atomic-power worshiping 1950s.) Some of the most renown, but also still relative easily from forgotten incident, were the atomic bomb tests at that Bikini-atoll, Pacific, by the French. Of where the inhabitants/local peoples were then removed for safer distance only lot later within the media-covered Greenpeace-operation, by the 1980s. Or, from the nearby atolls, suppose. (Thank god, or from thank heavens, the overground testing was then globally banned sometime later...1990s? But indeed seems it never wasn't from the (indigenous) peoples sake – or of the potential estimable health threats to any peoples in overall - but due because that then had become unnecessary at the production from bombs.)

...Concerning some things in relating, or what I also recall of had somewhat earlier read from these histories (and now quite some time ago), I think can to this provide only briefer explanates – Even only of reason that I've not much wrote/otherways observed these aspects to my posts. (Despite of our occasional repeated sarcastic disclaimers cons the said industries and horrifications.) 
The most usual reason most people choose not to think about (those things) is of the most disturbing and 'unbalancing' hopelessness anything from nuclear past and 'present' seems still hold. It's actually even more horrific due because, I think, that seems for also often of tend represented to a sort of views on smght 'gone wrong, at the time'. ; I mean, reading from, it began to be felt of a bit like that, from those histories of the nuclear armaments production and the random mistakes which took place during the decades. Like told to some 'old good' tales, about. (Leaves one then also easily on without any very practical historical view to the whole lot else from.) ; Especially so, 'cause it's also a topic w. lot from caused human sufferances and neglect about – Such as was above on described, of what quoted from that Silko. ...And of elsewhere the histories that readable at.

But of the above reason, and given these conditions of ours here, I've mostly thought that not much an aspect we could gather anything from, except, perhaps something like this scattered notes now wrote. And there's books and papers about anyway.
; Yet, inspite that, that above referred also made me, a bit, wonder of whether the declassifying of those said documents finally then must've had an effect on the US nuclear-energies building program from been halted, at that time. (On the 1970s, and 1990s such as was mentioned)

...Also, then later read of that from the US/West European-based uranium companies fx to had maintained the similar – or even more endangering, devastating – mining systems and practices on Africa. (Some w. the aims for to fuel the subsequent production of the bombs.) And, I think the mines were operating until well late too, the recent times. (As I recall of had read from that also, fx of that book by Markham, published, about, ...2010?) ...Ao, there's lot on these histories too, from the elsewhere places, and probably what is not for near similarly of a general renown even to these days. ; Mostly something that one not usually comes by, or is from informed via the so called regular media. (...I don't know if it then for a quite that a great a 'blessing' that from presently, w. the webs and nets that peoples of usual remark to cons their obvious many benefits on that. If one needs to know, an 'information highway' the most easiest way for check about, these days. ; Also, of course, perhaps, the social networks and alike by nowadays are more readily usable and practical to find out about from these things too. ...But then there naturally always also arises the questions from about what we should think for the reliable, or what would appear for the trustable in the sources out forth.) 

 ; Pic (beside right, below), Australian Carpet Python (/Bredl's python, apparently.) 
- Of the pic I scanned from of book from reptiles and lizards. Don't recall the name from it [Halliday-Adler, 2004,...'suppose that it was.], to this instance; Anyway always thought the species of having most decorative colorations from. So by then thought of adding the pic on that post on then series from the endangered animal species (But those chapters were posted without pics, mostly. ...Since from because I thought that from all means more appropriate, cons that 'series'. You have the Nature's film and documentary - ao the tv-channels specifically broadcasting some, non-stop - all w. the more impressive looking species, some even exeeding anything imaginable, from the animal species from featured at...)
So, of that reason I'm also from bit more cautious on most what I happen to read from these aspect. Hence the reason here not very much of remarked on anything. (Won't explain the reasons from any more particular, but read the followin' paragraph, to have some idea from.) ; Consequently from, I only relate to a few chapters I read of that Wikipedia - And like said, my these reads were only plenty several years ago, for now. Perhaps there's the more complete data nowadays. Perhaps many from those incidents I read about, from their details are now better known to this day. 
But what then also becomes to the most notable – from reading that - is that a plenty lot actually did go, wrong. ; (Maybe most from listed 'examples' might've situated on the 1950s, or prior the 1970s, don't recall any timings of too specific anymore. ...See, on these days I also not anymore bother for this instance of to check too strick on and about, or from sort sorting out less relevant and most important on this mentioning. ; Reasons to me not from much diggin' the secrets from this history's 'forgotten' caveat-box appear pretty clear from due this before remarked secretivity and fear that always surrounds the topic. – Here we obviously wouldn't have much a possibility to tell what might've taken place. Not even if we'd gathered all the informations available, (ie the 'non-classified', supposedly available to be checked and made for the most calcutable estimates from.)

; Pic (on the right):  A moth (Some that rested on my garden flowers on evening, at some from former Summers, some years from now. ; Don't know what the name of it - But then brought me to check from any guidance of my book about butterfles and moths. (...Turned out the species that most seemed resembling that was from (some) it's naming a 'Gamma-moth'. - Don't think that for of the correct identification./ Or actually that species, so don't pay too much attention on that...)   

; But to some military accidents the list happened feature fx following 'case example' about some mistake where (about like the words, it said): ' amount, boxful plutonium burned in the car's glove-box.' ; And, certainly for the more horrifying even, there mention of case where the nuclear blast (not tuned, of course) of accidentally fell to some very deep pit/hole on the grounds (,for never of being rediscovered.) Think it also mentioned the military then, for the case of security, then had the place surrounded to some prevention from tress-passers, or preventin' that, to the 'safe distances' only. (; But of course one has then the idea that hopefully warning signs were on place from that peculiar case-example to/from what could had happened. At least seems it give to these views a better practical understanding that the so called national security and militia, indeed, for not ever very well mix together.) ; ...Guess, I then also by recent noted of had viewed, by the recent sometime, of telly, some adventurist typical action-packed thriller that made the use for somewhat lot to a resembling plot-line for it's main idea – And maybe that was a 1980s film, btw. ...So to these limits of the sources, and from then of considered what estimable of such a story...I don't actually think we'd here any too good chances of make a say from it's reliability, actually.) - But I actually devoted some time and thought on from whether or not to mention this at all. However; there were also so many other similar/resemblant little 'case examples'. Several of the similar kinds, for the near catastrophes. ['though, not on the 'national grounds' - I think it had mention on many that had happened at the international sea areas, outside any nuclear weapons possessings country's own territorial sea-water areas. ; And in short, crimes against not just the global sea safety, but also against the global ecology. One might fx think that from concerning the nowadays lot talked about ecological threats to the polar zone areas. (Which are said for the most vulnerable w. the warming advancing. From concerning that those areas where any human impact so far has been limited, ecologically pristine areas, few parts of the world where ecology still 'strives', or until recent has, almost from on its original state.)] ; But these just for some reasons to, of why say this much, at the following.

District NO 10.” ; ...Actually all from that felt for an adequate horrific, to make me lose my any nerve. (Which only appears to anyone the most reasonable reaction on this.) Even without any flicks and movies from w. that, nowadays to often standard, common story-plot.

; However 'loosing nerve', oftenmost, is also not of the near same as the loosin a sense from realism. So of noticing that kind of plots about the nuclear annihilations-threat seem from gotten to so 'regularized' a form on these days movies, and on other uses for the entertaintive medias, it also seems from gained on to sort from an idea to 'enlightening' the large masses about the madness of it all. – Obviously the masses whose minds are, apparently, then viewed from so receptive and voluntary on all that kind entertaintive handling from it. ; But I remark – cons about all that said stuff made on the same basic plot from; the terrorists, militarists, madmen – I recall no 'case example' of a flick about mad-woman, btw – The usual favored thematics to those seem also of the most often served a same basic idea, that about an unchanged belief for the progresses and the technological advances. (Setbacks may happen, seen taken place, and maybe the world becomes in danger for some time – But nothing seems prevent the idea about from that a such unavoidable technological day-dreams still have to be seen of to take place as the main 'gimmick' there for the fictional story-plots.) Doesn't that sound of quite...artificial?
; Let us leave that to that level, on these modern movies bad plots. ...Though I would've said it more for the precise – Unless it seems that we've already spend much time beyond my any intention on these topic.

Yet, still little said; Of what comes for these ever repeated variations made on to treat 'entertaintively' that uncircumnavigable issue at the humanity's 'path' - I'd far more rather see the ideas on the movies to more focused on the begins of this problema - Than from always built around it's potential to that devastating end. Would be less endangering. (Sorry to say, but these days I have little faith on my co-citizens capability from estimate what's real – and whats not. How's that then fromafter the fewsome decades of the technological advances and capitalistic capitalizing world economy, can't say.)
(; ...Dawkins on some his book, Ancestor's Tale I suppose it was, a bit speculates on the possibility from a nuclear catastrophe and notices, about like, that an unexpected mistake to result on a complete disaster remains low – But given the time and years, from counted of the emergence by this present age from the 'nuclear era' (,which was 1945-), a probability on his calculations increases by somewhat the most worrysome rate. ; ...A plain bold atheist, such as he seems be, I don't think he'd be the first of mystifying this aspect. ; Einstein perhaps appeared the likely scientists to know from about what the likehood for random mistakes could happen, of cons this topic discussed. Ask him.)

And from the history of a devasting incomprehensible, to any common sense, one easily gets the idea of how got created the 'nuclear illusion'. ; But in fact it's lot less discussed or contemplated about from the truth on that weaponry and it's non-militarist uses and techs. The truth simply that all sorts devastation could've already happened. And did happen, like we all know. ; Supposedly its too early say from any of that, that - probably - '...from the worst part over, we're on the winning side .'
; And the more modern technologies are not a safeguard to anything. You might just as well give the keys for the wine-cellar to drunkard who 'fairly promises'. Such as Lydia Maria Child so well did that formulate from. (...'though, on another instance.)

; Pic (on the right): Chinese Lantern - Or from more precisely, it's delicate shaped 'pods' that contain the seeds.They're quite lasting on room temperatures even. (...Sometimes of kept on outside at the garden, during winter Months the leafs-surrounding crumbles away, but the 'pod' still looks very nicely fractured on what remains for until the snows have melted away. Or, about until the freezin cold Months from ended.)

(; ...Once I also happened to read about of an incident where the energy production companies had, on some random misadventure dug from too deep, or in miscalculation at a place too close for volcanic activitet – Or something, again can't say to this or recall this to too much in detail – and the result was, of unexpected, that an earth was seen started pumping above grounds, to a many weeks time, or so, some liquid dirts. Large areas polluted whose basic cleaning then cost many millions, or more. Asia it was, some country, place. I wonder if the people living on area(s) ever received the actual compensation from spoilage. Or, suppose, but the pow that the devastating major harms were caused anyways. 'Guess we don't need to speculate if that ever gave any influence for reducing those companies effort to grasp any possible resources where them cheapest, only to some the technical fixation and improvement of equipment.) ; Not to say that any under-sea waters search or operations for the oil reserves to be exhausted wouldn't had a potential from similar direct risks too. (Or, some to the more destructive from.)

...By the way, once also read it noted that global warming of sometimes seemed from remarked of had showed an increased rate, on following to the World War-years. Ie times when the large amounts explosives had been used, and that apparent had added to the warming. (The first world war followed by the 1920s warm summers that the war-stricken peoples greeted w. the joyful relievance, etc. And the Gulf wars/Iraq wars having been followed on the 1990s and 2000s, of subsequently then from a bit more warm-up to a direct soon seen results of. ; ...Seemed that 2nd World War then was said of to 'break the rule', make some exception, since at least here in the North the followed decades were colder, winters to bitter more icy and snowy. To a possible reasons of, it was (shortly) speculated of whether the atom bombs on the late war years were the possible reason for resulted cold decades/the opposite 'trend'. ; While that not any proof from that the said explosions caused that, it useful add that what at least seems from easily provable and from apparent obvious – by plain - that any wars and military subservient 'experiments' for add up for a more enfastened warming. (In fact the longer climatic trends from estimated, seems it, maybe have of proven of different from that assumed 'minor nuclear winter'-effect. But that just with the obvious notice that an actual nuclear winter only would mean the end of the humanity.) The larger the conflict the bigger the climatic harm, seems it also: Given the modern level of advanced armaments and the human-engineered weapons technology – a singular limited conflict, of days, weeks, months time - probably ads quite as much on the 'thermometer' than some of those devastating mass-bombings on the earlier wars did. (The 1st World War usually renown not just of the gas masks and weapons but from the massive amount heavy shells shot during it's time.) That not so from reasons that the 'scale' on those would necessary be comparable - But of because the warming, by this time, has already lot advanced. – During the past some hundred years time that has passed since from First World War-times. (Notice, I write these too w. big alphabet. It's a common custom on English.) ; ...Of course it's then probably quite easy for show to 'some proofs' some calculations about how eco-savy are these modern 'model aeroplanes' and other advanced technologies built of the uses to similar mass murder. But as we all know generals rather usual tend lie about 'surgical strike' strategies and the 'tactical target bombs', quite as painlessly than about anything rel. for the former described nuclear histories. ; That even more actuelt today, indeed, since any conflict from enlenghtening, even little – and all conflicts of necessarily always do – warms up the planetary climate. (...Guess I say no more on - Think about that also cars, refrigerators, comps, also have the same effect - Something that your government scientists probably of quite painlessly agree to.)

And of being only honest; Of personally, can't invent any practical effective solution for the world's problem from the armaments except a complete dissolution from all the modern states and of the regional countries. Some kind of a planetary 'coalition', or union. But not anything like that there by now would seems for the close sight.
...Thenagain, of to return for this book I was on the early part discussing (After this, apparently, not at all unnecessary lenghty discussion on the armaments, etc.) Most on the book of course is from the variety other things. (The aforecited of that uranium-mine and other relevant histories from, cover only the pages between 69-75.)

; Beside pic; Detail/drawing on cover of Silko's other book, (novel, Almanac of the Dead.)

; Otherways it a personal memoir, combines within the amerindian ways of thought, histories, present and past, and the myths – If one then prefers use the 'standard' westerner conceptions for. (Guess that not quite much fits as the term. Yet, 'guess I couldn't define or express that w. any better word, of not being an amerindian myself.)

But the topics, for example, consisting amongst from; the rains, the desert (environment, plus Silko's walks on, etc.), and, not the least, snakes. And other things of interesting, but mostly for what I suppose not so well generally familiar on; From fx due because living at these distant cold corners of the world, and not on the arid heated 'desert land'. It's a sort of journey too, one could imagine. Has some plenty words on desert plant too. And on other sorts of the life and history that one without living, probably to some time, in the sort places can't have any comparably proper good idea from. At least I don't feel too simple anything of that enbriefed to this paragraphs limits.
Yet, what concerns the land often concerns the plants and vegetations. Mary Austin actually writes on the begins from her Land of the Journey's Ending (on 'Author's preface' to that 1924-book), and here the former posts mentioned, that 'Anybody can write a fact about a country, but nobody can write truth who does not take into account the sounds and swings of its native nomenclature.' ; Of the reason that my surroundings not for any direct similarity to those places, I don't too much think any of the environment that easy of me from describing to this. The silence and ubiquituosity of the Natures are some elements of desert, I imagine. But estimate of those things by yourself. The animals, vegetation has the important part from many chapters on it, too.

; ...Silko also fx writes one place of the heats at the Tucson-region by mid-Summer Months. And it sounds indeed quite unlike the 'temperate zone' standard heats, that we'd here from only by occasional experiencing. ; Also, this from a considerably watery region, even from any global comparisons of. Which also seems to me, I sometimes think, makes people (,maybe) by their casual looks to surrounding environment of occasional (almost) for think for that global 'climatic' problem wouldn't actually appear from affecting. ('Though, just noted on the recent few walks some aspects notably traceable to those climatic imbalances, or for the present irregularities on 'weathers', that having increased most obviously – But let us leave that for later some other chapter.) ; And maybe the peoples general failure not from recognize this issue for real – here as much as some places else - might someways also traceable just on that watery 'surplus' we still from have, sort of. ; In fact, in the original past this even was a lot more flooded a country, and, despite the more modern geologic changes; The landsrise and the human impacts, of many part it still remains for. ...And what that also then makes me from often think about, it's actually that water by the original natural characteristics to the real essence of these lands by my stay.

However relevant for added on preceded said, but seems it also of common noted about the certain resemblance at 'mythologies' of this country to the native american some - Some from the creation myths/stories of the origins at this Fennoscandian region and those from the indian explanations on begins of the 'world'. (Not with the most or with only some amongst, probably, though.) ; However about that in the more particular, the specialists from world mythologies seem also traced lots similarities on myths, around the world, from different continents at. – But I don't think that all to that view of so convincin'. Whatever the truth, there's obviously lot in common fx on the origin myths at many parts of the world. Some of the most numerous kinds appear centered/tell a story from the flood(s). (...Actually wish I'd paid bit more attentions on those topic at sometime before.)

...Yet, Silko also writes on that about clouds. Also from watching those at the skies – smght, I also suppose, most us too rarely, maybe, tend devote some time for. ; ...I actually became quite acquainted to the clouds of some summers ago, when laying on my backyard, having a 'lazy moment' and observing those imaginative, little floating pillows at the skies. Actually, there was lots else from to see too; birds, their fine movement there. Amongst. At the time I had a little idea about the sky-folks, or other american indian beliefs that seem relate for such aspects – But the more I've read about anything like, the more lively much on that now seems from become.

In fact, actually, which was about some Months (or, only weeks...? Can't recall for this moment) fromafter I had read that Turquoise Ledge; ...I was then watching coincidentally the sky, by the berth, when I noticed that clouds were 'sailing' on relative low height. Weather was (probably) after the some rainier day, but the sky mostly clear, and clouds indeed seemed from, relative unusually to here, sail very low. Soon after I recognized those to make from quite the various shapes and forms (Some that I imagined.). Also there was their continuous, quite quick moving byside the nearby isles. 'Sailing low', and I was of course very fascinated, it felt to the most beautiful from watch those. Appeared even so thrilling that when I pointed my eyes for some particular cloud them seemed to moving more rapid, almost from.
Supposably, of course, maybe many people were watching or seeing those same clouds, by that said time. And, one might of course feel lot more blessed if remembering to glancing, once in a while, for the skies.

The modern science by sometimes also seems from imagine about some effective methods to capturing the energies that are released on the storms and lightning. [Not for any serious idea for. Smght sort from in close resemblance to the fallacious misconceptions and the resources unlimited exhaustment worshiping 'science"-theoretism, meant to hide away the real problem, or solutions to, of the clear sight. ...Something that also seems from have a close rememblance to the disastrous-sounding ideas under the label from 'climate engineering'.]  (; From the practical, realistic inventions, without any such 'hype', in the cities we often have the lightning conductors to protect humans from the 'rage' of the skies.) ; Practically sounds it very foolish, of course. As the scientific 'rationale' to an idea, maybe even just as foolish as anything on those above described armament histories. What would then happen for the weathers? Would there be even heavier storms? ; But obviously there's also lot from unknown at the storm clouds and on weathers formation. (And anyway, even given only this far seen level of the climate change, it not too unlike the future from reveal even more enfastened changes. Given rate the warming one can already feel assured about that.)

Anyway, some from amerindian beliefs cons the relatedness of the all Natures at least nowadays appear from somewhat more understandable to me than it was before. ; Meaning by that fx the interconnectedness of humanity and it's many surroundings, incl. also trees and the plant. (For example, Paula Gunn Allen, fx, one place writings collected on that Sacred Hoop, remarks: “When I was small my mother often told me...'Life is a circle , and everything has its place on it.' she would say. That's how I met the sacred hoop, ...integral part of my life, though I didn't know to call it that name, the early 1970s when I read John G. Reinhardt's rendering of the life story of Oglala Lakota Holy Man Black Elk in Black Elk Speaks.” - on begins of the 'Introduction'. Black Elk Speaks is a famous, probably the most renown written narrative of the plains indians history at the late 1800s and his prophetic visions it describing. Published about on the 1930s, Black Elk's visions having the central role on it.)

; Then, feels that too, that I don't anymore these days find the spirits – or whatever the word one should use – of near so obscure or distant that a present prevalent 'europanized' worlds-explanation does that make. I mean if you take all the faults on that materialistic explanation. And even with some (lot) of the my inborn reservances. Despite of the certain amount of the healthy suspectance – Seems to be there must exist something that one can by occasional feel of a distant sensing, 'all around'. At least, of logically thinking sounds for the more reasoned than any plain materialistic view on such things.
; That meant perhaps mainly said from, (me to) believe from there a certain continuity on most all from it. (Yet, let the chapter now be closed to these remark . Seems it...couldn't said a thing on that for differently, besides. Not that such would've been my any purpose. Purpose only was to tell the truth about.) [; W-G.]
 ; Signed by Doktor Docto-Power

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