; ...Considering the prospectable X-mas times, the on-coming scheduled consumerist obligations, gifts, wastes and all those things in life - It perhaps best we now poste this years' closing chapter on Unca Don, well on time, before those hastes of an annual holiday-season. Don't forget from to devote a few thoiughts on something else too than just the presents this year. (...I only say that, since I rarely bother myself. But it's the children's celebration, after all. These days at least. And...well, never mind that.)

..., but did you know that Donald actually,
on his bit obscure pasts,
did go w. this enchanting lady...
; Sounds quite unbelievable, of course,
she's even
completely red,
from the finger-nails for the tiptoe,
but so it is said...
(Of course of Donald, you could
expect from almost anything...)
; So, the beside lady with a whip doesn't


Well, to be honest, I think this must be some fakery.
(Even if these, apparently Martian, creatures would be considered from to having any interest on Donald's variety from women,
I think, you can clearly recognize from that that it been combined from a separate sources...)
Obviously it not any authentic picture.
(Even if so, that ballad sung is propably quite unheard
by these Martian creatures, whom lack any tunable frequency, similar or comparable to human ear...)

; ...Then again,
What comes for Donald's past acquaintances you can never tell. Here's the
unquestionable proof,
- Getting married
with some (very exotic-looking) alien lady
(...at some obscure, unidentified place,
of course...)

equipped with theater-binoculars
and everything ? ...Well (I guess there's a bit counterfeit on this too, possibly, but only little)
...and you don't need from make any too very far out guess - it's the Donald
(who else, how he actually does all those
things, I just wonder, on our societies/times
from the democracy and firmly established citizen-/civil rights...)
; ...Let's see what their
watching (And I must say this did really surprise me, even I feel quite flabbergasted ...
; ...Like they say,
you can't dispute what's been confirmed
(...doesn't that sound like a very trustable slogan for words, don't you think...any good votes-catcher would sell his/hers soul from such a marketable phrase...)
; I guess we now can close our series about Donald's
(his bit quieted and eventful past.)
It couldn't be more lucidly proven...
Donald's a real metamorphozean !
(Our informant) on about various aspects about
this and the outer space (it's habitable parts),
Sola, wishes us from mention that any of this
wasn't provided by her doing... ; Of the pictorial
sources we wish to thank that Great Ziegfeld,
and the Truffaut's (Les Trez' Pianizste) ; btw, they say
Donald for a great fan of the Truffaut's - I never understood
much about that Truffaut's great cinematic realism, but
guess it's not necessary, at least on these circumstances...)
[; W-G.]
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