![]() | ||
Merlin (sees for both directions...Guess we'd lot to thank the makers of that great comics-serie.) |
[pron.: trik/stær] , n. 1.
a deceiver; cheat; fraud […] 3.
a supernatural figure in various guises and typically engaging in
various activities, important in the folklore and mythology of many
primitive peoples and usually considered as a culture hero.'
(Unabridged Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1994 ed.)
Devil is in the details.”
common saying/idiom.)
; ...I guess (I'm at first obliged to say), that I had findings from this decided already prior actual realization of it (...meaning realization of this test, of course). But, dear reader, doesn't necessary at all downplay the value of these results about my finding(s). For if thinkin' these days of ours, lifes-on-the-fast-lane, and all the continuosly surfacin' new researches and 'quasi'-researches (I see not so much a difference btw those...) targeted for to fuel the (seemingly) endless markets from these sugarine-filled 'snacks' and protein-bars, the conclusions are as pitiless as they are obvious: Seems like all these calorine-calculated studies and lab-made researches about the products health value were done w. same manner as this...the results decided before the tests even were made? (Think about it, doesn't mean only food products, you often read all kinds of things 'discovered' about the medicine-industries as well, fx.).
(...That above said w. my highest respect towards all those institutions
devoted on/for the health, medicine and the common good welfare, of course.)
; The bad alternative (the 1st week) : Protein-bars (...and the 'shake' or by whatever name we should describe that smoothie-stuff.)
…Anyway, for this test I selected a bunch from these (sometimes,
lately) lot marketed (so called) protein-bars, plus the
smooth drink. As the adverted claim is that them would make as good
help for your recovery of the physical stresses after exercise, I planned a weekly
scheduel with some jogging and biking, and decided to find out whether the claim
would be true or false. I readily agree that a week or two
week-period is all too short time for any reliable finding – but
that had to suffice for this test. (Besides, it commonly said that
all too often all too short periods of tests are more of norm that
exception on fx medical industry, etc. Besides, otherways I'd had to
have eaten these 'boosters' for some additional weeks...and I didn't
see any reason for that suffering.)
; To some comparison, on the second week I had the 'alternative diet'. It consisted mostly the
fruits, and the orange-juice (for some alternative to that 'protein smoothie'), and, from some walnuts (But actually...I left the
walnuts untouched until the end of my second week from test, simply
because didn't feel for any need to eat those post any of my exerces.) ; During these test weeks I (mostly) ate otherways regularly, breakfast and couple meals a day (usually veggies, but also meat, fish). Also, I calculated the price of the fruits (incl. the walnuts) so that it didn't exceed the price of the bars eaten on former week.
My scheduel of the exercise and physical movement during both of the
weeks was as following:
day: 30 km biking
10 km jogging
Day rest
5 km jogging
10 km jogging
Day rest
The only noticeable difference in between the first week (w.
protein-bars) and the 2nd (w. fruits-oriented
diet) was that on the second week I ran the 10 km routes at the
different order (...meaning that the latter route on first week I ran
at the second earlier, on the day after the biking-day.) Otherways, I
jogged and biked almost exactly similar distances, and almost for
similar tracks and paths. In short, there was not any meaningful
differences between the exercises during my first and second week.
Concerning the other aspect/circumstances meaningful at this, it can
be noted that the weather was probably a bit warmer during the
1st week, all in all. Yet, while it was slightly colder
towards the end of second week (raining), there also was sunnier days.
Soforth, all things being equal I can say there was not any
meaningful difference that'd had any effect for the result(s).
….The results ? Well, to put the plain truth for some words - and as was
expected (like I said on begins of this) - I didn't find any benefit of eating those protein-bar
'snacks for some recovery. In comparison for the fruit-filled recoveries, I only felt that the "protein"-alternatives made stomach feel weighty and
almost like having had it filled w. bunch of stones. (...The only
exception possibly being the 'smooth-drink' - that didn't feel so
much of a burden for stomach. I ate that after the 2nd
day jogging, and for the alternative week had this bowl (in the pic below)
filled w. some banana- and kiwi-slices. Also, on that particular case the the
fruits alternative obviously was not only better and more relaxing, but also lot more tastier choice.) Besides, the fruits felt on every manner more tasty and
enjoyable food for consumed after the physical exercise (I even had
my jawbones tired from chewing the protein-bars.).
...So, I discovered that there certainly wasn't any need to some
'extra-proteins' for the recovery (I didn't feel particularly
tiresome on begins from either weeks. On the latter part from both of
the weeks I was tired - possibly my scheduel should've had some
additional resting days in btw the jogging days. Or, perhaps the
distances should've been slight shorter, maybe only for 6-8 km per
- For some final judgements, or as results, I must say that (obviously) the only reason for advert people that
protein-filled junk (...as I think of it), is (very apparently) not their
better health, but to 'teach' people for select certain kind of
dietary choices. ;
Basically, those protein-bars seem consist not only from the
soya(-protein, sometimes other protein-sources, apparently),
but from the additional sugarines – just like the regular
snack-bars (...or quite, seems it's often made of the fructoses, though), and from some
other sweeteners/flavourers (...fx, cacao, sucrose from various sources - like fx cocoa, or likely smtgh else possibly varying btw any particular examples)
- So: Designed not for any need of better recovery, but to make you fatter,
to tempt the consumers sweet-tooth, and (apparently) to adjust
them consuming even more of the protein-rich foods (I-O-W: the
As I have nowadays kept my vegetable-rich (and less of meats) diet for
some time now, it is of course possible that fx my stomach becoming
'heavy' of those protein-bars might have merely resulted from my own
diet. Anyhow, doesn't falsify the results of this test. I didn't feel
any better recovered at the second week (...w. fruits eaten
afterwards), but I certainly felt at least as well recovered, and,
also felt happier. (I've actually felt so ever since I
considerably reduced the eating of meats, the greatest benefit
from the vegetable diet – It also makes you feel mentally
(so called) protein-bars ? Clearly, not for your better
health, but to guide you towards certain kinds of behaviours. ... I-O-W; Once you get used to regularly eating snacks filled w.
lot proteins (and fat and sugarines), you'll likely eat more of that
on the other meals too. If I then only think for all that meats
consumption, generally still on the rise globally (...I suppose,) and I
only feel sorry for all the 'common consumers' cheated w. these newly
popularized products. (; G-U-J.)
; ... And the good alternative (the 2nd week): Fruits (...plus some veggies too - there's sweet pepper along pears, peaches and kiwi, ao.)
(As noticeable, here's not much said from the usual diet I kept
during the exercise weeks, but I ate quite similar meals during both
weeks – fx meat during maybe 2-3 of the days. However, it's
also worth mentioning that the proteins (et sim.) make only some part
at the good necessary diets (vitamins, et sim, are quite as important). ...But to address that part of the problem (/the various other problems that'll emerge from increased consumption of these kind of 'snacks'), would've
made it all far too lenghty a story, and I only had time to write
few pages worth.
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