The Frogs Have More Fun...


"All the names I know from nurse:
Gardener's garters, Shepherd's purse,
Bachelor's buttons, Lady's smock,
And the Lady Hollyhock.

Fairy places, Fairy things,
Fairy woods where the wild bee wings,
Tiny trees for tiny dames.
- These must all be Fairy names !"

(from Child's Garden of Verses
by R.L. Stevenson)

"Anyone can write a short-story.
A bad one, I mean."

(R.L. Stevenson)

"Science without conscience is the Soul's perdition."
- Francois Rabelais, Pantagruel
- Acc to/above is citated from: Medical Apartheid. The dark history of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present, by Harriet A. Washington (Doubleday ; 2006 ; p. 1.)

"In the high society of the first half of the century, marriage, despite it's bestowal status upon the wife, was the most absurdity. Marriage, conferring instanteous rank or money, ... lost most of its prestige and moment right after the wedding. ...By the end of the century, spurred by Rousseau's moralistic Nouvelle Hèloíse, a contrary cult, that of virtue, arose. After 1770 conjugal and maternal love became not merely admissible, but, for some, moral imperatives. ...

...Rousseau, who sought for himself the crown of morality in ostensibly defending marriage, presents in his Nouvelle Hèloíse the most enticing and extended defense of illicit love ever penned. The root of the problem is that as the century progressed sensibility became confused with morality: passionate feeling, if expressed in a highly civilized mode with grace and nuance, makes us forgive the Rousseau of The Confessions, for example, his pettiness, his jealousies, his betrayals. This moral-amoral byplay, present already in the novels of Richardson, was to be more intense as the century unfolded."
Madelyn Gutwirth : Madame De Staèl, Novelist. The emergence of the Artist as Woman (10,15.)

"...As the social contract seems tame in comparison with war, so fucking and sucking come to seem merely nice, and therefore unexciting. ... To be 'nice', as to be civilized, means being alienated from this savage experience - which is entirely staged. [...] The rituals of domination and enslavement being more and more practiced, the art that is more and more devoted to rendering their themes, are perhaps only a logical extension of an affluent society's tendency to turn every part of people's lives into a taste, a choice; to invite them to regard their very lives as a (life) style." - Susan Sontag , on 'Fascinating Fascism' (-74; p 103;104-5 at Under the sign of Saturn)
; "Anyone who cannot give an account to oneself of the past three thousand years remains in darkness, without experience, living from day to day." (Goethe) - as cited by Sontag (on same compile; p. 137.)

"It is widely accepted that we are now living in the 'Anthropocene', a new geological epoch in which the Earth's ecosystems and climate are being fundamentally altered by the activities of humans. I loathe the term, but I can't deny that it's appropriate."
; (Goulson), Silent Earth : Averting the Insect Apocalypse (2021; p 47.)
"It is sometimes said that humanity is at war with nature, but the word 'war' implies a two-way conflict. Our chemical onslaught on nature is more akin to genocide. It is small wonder that our wildlife is in decline."
; (Goulson, 2021 ; 118.)
"If we believe absurdities, we shall commit atrocities." (Voltaire)
- Citated from; (Joy, Melanie), Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs and Wear Cows : An Introduction to Carnism(2010; p. 95.)

"In the presence of the monster, you have eyes and ears for nothing else."
; (Flora Tristan) : London Journal of Flora Tristan: the Aristocracy and the Working Class of England ; 1842-edit. (tr: 1982. ; p. 71.)

"Every minority invokes justice, and justice is liberty.
A party can be judged of only by the doctrine which
it professes when it is the strongest."
Mdme de Staêl
(on) 'Consideration sur le Révolution de la Francaise' [1818]


Mulskinner Hi-Tech Review ; pt XI

“Mais où sont les neiges d´antan?”
: Technoid Wrap-Up : I/2011

...I guess them float here, at the MSW (those snows, or the last years consumer electronics wonders), over-prized and -advertised as usual. Like has been the custom, here's an occasional coverage of the latest techies, etc. ; or, the good news and the bad. Bad news is, like said, that due his majesty's tactics here we're not able make much of an up-to-date analysis from any of this. But – the good news – said already before, is that we won't much let that be an obstacle and soforth our briefings here go purely on assuming the (current) state-of-things. A views and glimpses for some developments and changes there were on tech forefronts on during the few past years, (or maybe, about that time).

Due the said aspects, much at this briefing consist of the overall remarks (and any singular progs and devices, if covered, are only by short reference.) Some background for our observations can be achieved from sentences; “The goods are plentiful, but happiness is in very short supply.” (Words loaned from an article in passing viewed, likely it having appeared already some years since by now, although we naturally can't be in knowing of how far back the years...). The referred text also stated those (rather astonishing figures) about 750 / 15 Bn ratio (ratio, or comparison between the military investments/development help. In percentages, about a 1.5 per cent ratio, or about one/fifty-ratio)...Maybe that also gives some parallel to our estimates from overall growth of the global consumer electronics market. Apparently, far more endless abyss with no bottom for the money been poured in the world exist, than just the consumer market. However, the relativity of amounts also works another way around, and this reminds me somehow also from the heading of a report (which may have appeared here on MSW world, several years or maybe well over a decade ago, so not comparable an aspect, obviously) – and if I remember that correctly – it contained some figure about planned or actual cuts for the development help sums in times of an economic recession, numbers (at headline of that report) presented as some comparisons for the GNP-figure. (The planned 'cut' was some procentual decimals, numericals following the additional zeros after the comma. But an important sum anyway.) Only makes us think on this instance how relatively comparative all kinds of figures and numbers appear and how much  (or little) them actually telling from the actual reality and aspects in the world, even if  the figures usually also are a source for a lot of argument and discussion...

A belief in unlimited growth” However, at the moment we find the continuously repeated newsings and told stories here more usually referring to (fx) the threats from economical lowdown, equally often newsed is the stuff about the risk economics, stock level fluctuations and the worried insecureness of the consumer markets. Leads us then also little observe that electronics sales market, or mainly how that seems presented on the adverts and shops. And obviously we saw there no any halt, decline or even an occasional drop, quite the contrary. (...If one wishes to think about these things more deeply or from some alternative view-points/of the additional interest, we can loan a few more sentences from this text, mainly discussing the energy issues, meaning namely these words; “Entropy law teaches us that tools – including computers and windmills – do not create resources; tools burn resources. “ Article not exactly refers for the consumerist electronics market...but, go on and read the whole text of it, if wish, I think it provides quite interesting and thoughts-raising views. Even that one still a little has the impression from that the entropy, after all, maybe appears slightly obscure a term – at least less straight-forward understandable than some more usually presented concepts (like those from limits of the material resources or  that  which is usually defined as exponential growth). ...All the same, some socio-culturally important statement can also be achieved from words; 'One piece of advice you won't find less stuff.'

But to get on the with the actual topics on this, technologies and devices – and since anyone (at least some old fog like me), spends most of ones available spare time on viewing the TV (mostly sports, documentaries and weather forecasts), the television appears obvious selection to our observations at this. Perhaps not quite yet the change having taken place in a manner as was predicted at our visions from expectable combination of the TV and net (outlined only on just an overall level) – but probably there was some developments for that direction, as the newer TV-screens seem advertised with a possibility for the net use, and the 3D TVs also may have brought another recently blooming sale market. To be honest – I can't invent any good reason for to watch flicks or series on 3D at home. Even that I find that at least worth the experience (for change) on theater...but at home with the glasses on and maybe with some extravagant sound systems erected to create equally fine (if loud) audiovisual worlds, or smth similar for that what is seeked on theaters. Not at this world...Actually, it also makes me unpleasantly reminded from some 70/80s youth scifi-novel where there was peoples watching a so called Holovision, (or, the Wholevision, maybe was that...?), kind of an actual 3D-experience where the picture and moving images were reflected as three-dimensional images at the middle of living rooms. The plot also contained some stuff about emotional stealth and, in the same futuristic manner as a lot past scifi-novels, there  was some turns (at the plot) of the totalitarian societies. However, as a regular watcher of movies (and like was mentioned a casual, but obedient telly-watcher), I find myself in no position to judge too much anyone from investing on such expensive entertainment constructions instead of the number other stuff that was available.
...However, maybe it's also supposable/very probable that on the markets where money was the main value, money apparently was spent for some new generations of those entertainment heavens and luxuries, no question about that. For some conclusive views, TV's with the latest equipments seem also offer the HDMI-connections (naturally, on these days), USB-ports for some additional connections and devices, thinner and lighter panels, and larger screens (obviously), ranging from about 32' for the 52's (and maybe over that nowadays)...At the time wireless connections and net-downloads probably were also developing at least on similar steps permitting a lot far faster speeds and data interchange (fx on basis of this brief  newsing/IBM press release, maybe only advertising some forth-coming stuffs, however, we've not much viewed from anything of that and how it actually might in reality have turned out and about - but likely the ever-faster internet was making it's arrivals efficiently).

And maybe we can also assume that possibly some economically savy and progressive customers in the meantime might have instead invested for some lately surfaced versions/devices (of comps., or alternatively gaming devices and/or some self-adjustable entertainment boxes. And also to probably some economically sound LCDs) – Feasting happily with similar features of the watching experiences, flicks and Hdef-videos, virtual worlds and visits at the borders of the human sense, enjoying as well some limitless amounts of a communication, etc, etc. Much of the hobbyists and nerds of the time then probably found some uses for the last years wonders and of some out-dated generations of products, maybe took also the available spare parts and hacks to construct some combinations for some similar machineries. 

'Die Grunere evolution' /(or;) Towards the greener electronics (like the name of the Greenpeace-survey referred at below, (to us) said to represent the latest combination and info of this subject, read that also, if you like). Probably that information gathered from recent advances of the greener electronics can, for the closing of this, be presented in form of some additional cites/sentences; In brief seems it say there been some growing optimism of the emergence of greenery on technologies (and of the companies, as natural following we can always hope for...), fx it's said that [Since the last report] “...industry has shown considerable progress in delivery of greener products...”, and, that there was some real progress at least on 'elimination of toxics, recycling practices and minimizing the energy consumption' (of devices). (The tech world) seems also described “...capable, innovative and solutions based industry...”, and there was some grounds that of the targeted goals (like those from better recyclement of the plastics, improvements on [products] life-cycle management, or reducing the energies spent on during the production of each product) would be achieved, maybe even sooner. And they're also saying that visibility of the [greener products] “...on respective websites of manufacturers was improving for all categories except for TV...”. Therefore, naturally the consumers – if wish to do so – at least had the chances for to vote with their feet and head for some greener alternatives (maybe even comparatively priced). And, also; “More products than ever before [available] PVC- and BFR-free.” ; “As we face the greatest environmental crisis of our time – the climate change – electronics industry must be at the forefront of finding solutions necessary to lower our individual taxation (? - strange terms somehow...-W.G.) on the planet as well as it's own. It is in these areas that the electronics industry has shown the least progress.”

...So, generally report also seems state that some optimism of the greener electronics was  felt all the way. As that greenery of the markets also sometimes naturally seems been joined with greenery on advertisements, we can't avoid mentioning (on this) that past days advert from some PC-magazines, which showed a frog and HD-disk/flash drive(?) apparently in the middle of growing grasses at some very greenish, very pristine looking landscapes. (Advert by Samsung, but could probably also well represent any other company.). Noticeable just from the effort of intermarrying two things which actually don't have anything in common (the frog and the hard disk...only the frog being a substance that actually creates some, ie resources). Like was noticed in the beginning of burn resources and not really create them. ...But maybe it's then also worth reminding that probably (If I interpreted the message on that correctly) advertisement was from some low energy-consuming and efficient technologies for the data-storages, or of some similar stuffs.
(...And maybe this great optimism of ours now also gives us a chance to some notions from  those still lately a lot advertised netbooks that've (probably) until this momentum evolved for some actual practical products, with a (maybe)...100s GB disks, and some other advanced features; Mentioned just for our own guidances, and I haven't even checked anything more detailed informations; but the Greenery report also seems rank as the top three maccines  on environmentally rankings the following some; Acer TM8172, Asus 1015PED; Samsung NP-230.) 

Finally, a few more words of that new transparence, often mentioned in related to these ongoing 'cyberworldly' revolutions. Our former predictions from this maybe were little too determinist (perhaps typically, a manner more prevailing in the past futuristic visions from the era and characteristics of the computerized age and information societies). In particular as those foreseeing visions mostly used such terms as the surveillance, the watching eye, super-intendence, and the restrictions for the (netizens) privacy, ao. Like now already for sometime has been seen, that new transparency on our-times clearly develops and seems develop also opposite impulses (to those oppressive some). Most compactly stated, seems expectable that both the citizens and the administrators in this modern networked world still increasingly find themselves at newly appeared (transparency) situation - basically it's of course the same old one circling around any hierarchical and organized society – but some where the actual untruths and unpleasant realities, unavoidably also become visible, more clearly and sooner (than before). Also, as logical result, that newly developed situation makes path for  some where the aforementioned (both citizens, and officials more especially) are compelled to adapt for this ongoing change, or to denying that any such situation exists. Either way, the information revolutions already has taken place (and the asked choices are also ethical ones). ...But, while in the beginning of this brand new, beautiful and glamorous decade, we're only ending these contemplations for that memorable verse (selected also for heading of this); “Mais où sont les neiges d´antan?”

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