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Egg - 'The product' by the Hen. |
This 2nd sequel of promised cooking recipes was originally supposed contain mainly X-mas recipes, especially some made of the eggs. However, seems that our preceding part left us with a bunch of unused recipes, also some of my very favorites, so here's now selections from around the world (mostly from the Europe, we present here some N.European, Greek, Spanish offerings, and – for an 'X-mas alternative' – here's some selection from the Indian kitchen too.
But, before the recipes (and for a some 'substitute' to our formerly advertised, but rarely represented picks/series from animals generally seen as beneficial kind), here's few words about Hen - Hen appears one among oldest human domesticated animals (that not excluding it's other good features and novelty characteristics...);
“...it would not be easy to find out, probably never will even succeed for precisely figuring how, or where was the Hen at first domesticated for human use.
What appears known with an uttermost certainty is that Hen originates from SE Asia. The 'forefather' to the Worlds most popularly kept species of bird probably was Gallus gallus (ie the Bankiva-fowl, or Junglefowl, seems it...). However, Hen might have been created from several separate breeds. In the human domesticated form, some breeds of the chickens were been kept already around 3500-2000 B.C. Along this long-lasting companionship with the humans, outer look of the hen has changed significantly. Resulting from the purposeful, selective breeding and also natural inherent genetic features, there's nowadays great number of the different breeds, varying from the shape, proportions and coloration. They are also very popularly domesticated animals. At many countries around most parts of the World Hen is as well important source in the diets, and even on the least developed villages and cities of the world people often raise hens. Them are maintained both for the uses of their eggs and the meat.
The ancient Greeks already were familiar of hen around 500 B.C., and the Roman are also known from having further created more precise methods for the hens breeding. They fx invented an especially fattened (and sterilized) rooster offered at feasts and celebration meals. Nowadays there's as well species grown just for their decorative feathers and separate breeds from those maintained for their eggs and for meats (production). Some species are even kept as pets. [...]“(Editions Rencontre – transl. of sentences for this by us; W-G.)
...Even that this cite appears orginate from quite old source-materials it's noticeable that Hen/Chicken belongs among most widespread domesticated animals in the world. The eggs (of hen) also comprise very unique form of product in the human uses of animal food. By origin that's of course a 'product' been developed by nature, hatching typical for birds (many reptiles also produce their offspring in form of some 'leather-covered' eggs, but generally practice of hatching is most universally associated with birds). Also, being apparently rather unique in the birds (?) is that the embryo (in the egg) is protected by a hard shell.
And – finally to notice – in their human 'fine-tuned' uses of that hatched product (by the hen), (cooked) eggs make fx a practical travelers foods. Perhaps them ain't quite as easy to carry as fx the dried meats, but certainly that appears at least as nutrient alternative. Also has the benefit that one doesn't have to carry any extra weight in form of packages, etc,. (However, contrary to some modern views speaking on behalf of their very healthyness, I'm not too convinced from that. Eggs are yet rather 'heavy food', so I think it's better to eat them only once in a while, not at each breakfast, fx)
And – finally to notice – in their human 'fine-tuned' uses of that hatched product (by the hen), (cooked) eggs make fx a practical travelers foods. Perhaps them ain't quite as easy to carry as fx the dried meats, but certainly that appears at least as nutrient alternative. Also has the benefit that one doesn't have to carry any extra weight in form of packages, etc,. (However, contrary to some modern views speaking on behalf of their very healthyness, I'm not too convinced from that. Eggs are yet rather 'heavy food', so I think it's better to eat them only once in a while, not at each breakfast, fx)
But for the RECIPES...this time our few short offerings contain:
Ingredients; 2 tbs olive oil; 1 tsp white vinegar; 1 garlic glove(peeled and well crushed); 250 g natural yoghurt; Half the cucumber (peeled, on small slices/grated); ½ tsp / 1 ½ tbs fresh, crushed mint)
Preparation: Easy made addition for various meals. All the ingredients are just mixed with yoghurt in the bowl, lastly pour along the herb.
'Royal' Turnip Soup
Ingredients; 2 onions; 300 g turnip (about 3-4 medium / large); 1 grated carrot (-add if wish); 60 g butter; 2 tsp sugar (fruit-, natural-, or smthg similar...); 1 l chicken-broth; 1 dl cream; ...And spices: (fx) Parshley, Salt, Black pepper; Garam masala
Preparation: In spite of the naming, nothing particularly royal at this soup (Unless the name is meant refer for adding of cream, however that can also be just replaced with some milk.) First fry the (sliced) onions shortly with butter on the kettle. Add turnips (sliced for squares), sugar and bake that about some 10 min. Next add broth, let bake for some half an hour (at least) and lastly mix for that the cream (It's first blended on separate bowl, until thickens a bit..). Spices.
The turnip used to be important root on kitchens before there were potato. In the soup it also gains better flavour than use elsewhere, I think. Carrot is not necessity on this, but t makes the taste little more luxurious. Recommended offering with this is some rice, or, fx the left-overs from the morning porridges.
“Spanish Omelet”
(Based on Tortilla de Patatas)
(Based on Tortilla de Patatas)
Ingredients; 2 eggs; 2 potatoes; 1 onion (chopped); salt, oil for the frying; various other additions in the filling – ham pieces, pepper, mushrooms, olives, fish (like fx mackerel, sardines, scrimps etc)
Preparation: To make some exception from our mostly vegetable-oriented offerings, here's an easy omelet. (Could prepare many offerings from the eggs, but here's now mostly some other stuffs...). I think the most tasty and simpliest of omelets is the Spanish version. Originally the 'Tortilla de patatas' is (likely) prepared just by frying the potatoes and onion chop slightly on oil, and mixing eggs separately, then add them for the pan (briefly after turn it over and bake from other side, too). ...But my version contains number of other available ingredients to use (using all of the above mentioned in the same omelet appears not sensible, of course...) You can also pour some grated cheese over ready-fried some. However, like was noted from the eggs before, omelet perhaps ain't among healthiest of foods (this one in particular...). But it makes very adequate meal.
And last...but not least:
Halva (Gajarka Halva)
Ingredients; 1 l milk; 1.5 kg carrots (peeled and grated); 60 g butter (the original recipe probably uses ghee...); 1-1½ dl sugar; 1 tsp syrup ; (1-2 tbs butter to add within syrup and sugar...); 2 tbs raisins; cardamon, 1 tbs almond nuts
Preparation: Indian halva is one among best desserts made from carrot (perhaps it's also possible use something else as the main ingredient?). However, this is a time-taking recipe; First you need to grated the carrots ready. Bake them shortly on butter and pour milk on the pan (using a thick kitchen pan is recommended, since the main idea is to bake this together slowly).
Mix occasionally, until milk and carrots have precipitated. Next add sugar, syrup, raisins and a few tbs of butter. The main important part...is to cook it for little thickened 'sauce' very slowly (will take about an hour). You can use separate frying pan, but all the liquid should be baked away. Finally (after slow baking), the ready-made halva is orange from colour and looks somewhat like porridge. After still briefly heating that for to separate fat, place on the (dessert-) plates and decorate (with almond slices, original recipe also mentions adding small silver paper pieces on that...but as this was prepared for an alternative on the x-mas servings you can use your own imagination with that). Delicious.
Mix occasionally, until milk and carrots have precipitated. Next add sugar, syrup, raisins and a few tbs of butter. The main important part...is to cook it for little thickened 'sauce' very slowly (will take about an hour). You can use separate frying pan, but all the liquid should be baked away. Finally (after slow baking), the ready-made halva is orange from colour and looks somewhat like porridge. After still briefly heating that for to separate fat, place on the (dessert-) plates and decorate (with almond slices, original recipe also mentions adding small silver paper pieces on that...but as this was prepared for an alternative on the x-mas servings you can use your own imagination with that). Delicious.
And for the time being...here's this little funny X-mas/New Year's 'joke' (figuratively speaking...:)
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